The Unfortunate Secret Story of Us

by Commander Rainstorm

In which there is a Pleasant Surprise


"Go, go, GO!", Twilight shouted, running away the second she finished her sentence.

A huge midnight dragon swooped down from above, spewing flames all the while.
I guess it wasn't exactly smart for the eight girls to come rampaging into a random cave, especially considering where they were. It was nightfall, and the peaceful twinkle of the stars could trick you into forgetting where you were. That just proved how dangerous the Dragon Lands were; even Luna's light made you think twice. Currently, they were hiding out in a small cave, the dragon outside.

"We're never going to outrun this guy!" Rainbow Dash called.

"I hate ta say it Sugarcube, but she's got a point." Applejack agreed.

"Then what do we do?" Twilight replied hopelessly.

"Ooohhhhh..... Can't you use your super-duper magical powers to fly the mean dragon away?" Pinkie Pie asked, bouncing past Rarity.

"Dear, she's still only a unicorn. She can't use her- ahh.... "super-duper magical powers" with out dropping dead afterwards." Rarity pointed out.

"Though she's got her jewel! Twilight can surely lift the dragon with her jewel!" Rainstorm said, gesturing towards the pink-purple jewel in Twilight's new crown.

"Hey! Pinkie Pie, your a genius!" Solarflare said, high-fiving her.

"Heh..... I get that a lot." She replied, giggling.

Twilight took a deep breath. "Alright..... Here goes nothing!"