//------------------------------// // Alliance // Story: Swooty Bell Adventures Part 4: A Swoot Hope // by Protopony350 //------------------------------// Discord returned to his "Crazy Chaotic Castle" that was a mountain and began to celebrate his total destruction of the city of The Big Pony Apple. "Ohohoho that was much more fun than I could have EVER imagined" Said a giddy Discord "You see? It's just as I said. Your power is unstoppable! Together we can take over the entire planet! AND THEN THE CRYSTALLLLLLLLLLS!" Said Twix Bar “What was that last part?” Asked Discord “I said and then we can kill Swooty for good!” Nice save Twixy “Oh ok” Discord wasn’t the smartest of Spirits of Chaos Marcopolypse was getting really sick of seeing this idiot being manipulated, so she decided to speak up “TWIX BAR, DID YOU THINK YOU COULD DECEIVE US? I KNOW YOUR TRUE-” And as she was talking Discord covered her mouth “I think SOMEONE needs a nap” he said to her Marcopolypse left the room, disgusted by her “father”. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- “WHY ARE WE IN SPEED BUGGY THIS IS AN AWFUL IDEA!” Protested Twilight Purple “A city almost fell on us! I think we can at least hear her out for saving us from that" Replied Swooty "I would have welcomed being crushed by a city" said Spine and they're all pretty much ignoring him at this point "As you all know, I am not really a Speed Buggy, but a powerful shape shifting Queen that led a vast army of Ghastly Ghoulies!" Began to explain Queen Changeshape and the world got all wavy as we went into a flashback. I had led my army into the heart of Horse Town U.S.A, but I was surprised to find it already under attack! Well, I was NOT about to be one upped by some Robots, so we invaded the invasion. It was going pretty well for a while.....and then DeathDozer showed up. This monstrous robot crushed my army, and nearly killed me. I was able to escape, but most of my army was lost. I made it to the edge of town when I saw it. A HUGE bulky metal behemoth. He had full control of the Robots. He showed absolutely NO mercy, slaughtering ponies by the hundreds. His name was The Allsparkler of Robots, and he appears unstoppable OK FLASHBACK OVER "That doesn't explain why you saved us" Said Twilight Purple "I am defeated. I live off of the power of friendship, and I am growing weaker by the minute. If we have any hope of defeating this monster, we must join forces" She explained "But we still have to deal with Discord!" Said Swooty "What is a Discord?" Changeshape missed everything while doing battle with Robots! "He is a big meany but not as meany as Mr.McMeany! He destroyed an entire city and wants to kill everyone" Also Swooty is still unaware that McMeany is dead "Alright. You help me defeat the robots, and I'll help you defeat Discord" Changeshape said "This is going to be a huge battle! I wish Twix Bar was here" Said Swooty "SCREW THIS I'M NOT JOINING HER I'M OUT" Twilight Purple jumped out of Speed Buggy ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Swooty Wooties decided to head over to the remains of Horse Town U.S.A. "INTRUDER ALERT" oh no a group of Robots! Spine was taking a depressing nap, so it was up to Swooty and Queen Changeshape! Swooty leaped from Speed Buggy, and Speed Buggy turned back into her normal form. They both went for the same Robot. Swooty did a spinning super kick, and the Queen somersaulted and stabbed it horn first. They both landed next to each other and the robot exploded behind them and at was totally awesome. Swooty jumped into the air and lunged at a Robot. The Queen turned into a lance and Swooty used her to stab 3 robots in a row. Man they make an awesome team! The remaining robots all transformed into tanks. Not wanting to be outdone, the Queen turned into a much bigger tank with machine guns and everything! Swooty jumped in and they destroyed all of the tanks and it was like watching 2 master artists creating a painting but with death! 2 robots remained Swooty ran at one and the Queen at the other. The robots exploded at the same time, but when the smoke cleared Swooty was gone! "SWOOTY! WHY ARE YOU NOT MAKING A COOL POSE AFTER KILLING THE ROBOT?" The Queen yelled "I'M OK! I'VE FOUND SOMETHING AMAZING! GET SPINE AND HEAD TO THE ROBOT BATTLE GROUND! I'LL CATCH UP" Replied Swooty from a hole in the ground. Queen Changeshape did as she asked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swooty had opened a huge cavern because of the robot explosion. "I don't believe this oh man!" Swooty was really surprised. Swooty stood before a huge metal door "MCMEANY" Was engraved on the door. Swooty opened the door, and she found a huge laboratory. It was old and dusty, but still intact. She found a huge vat of nano machines and a folder called "MY MASTER PLAN". Swooty opened it. "In the event of total destruction and only my brain survives, these Nano machines are to reconstruct my head!" Said the document. This was genius and in no way related to the fact that I forgot he was reduced to just a brain at the end of the first story. Swooty kept looking, and she found something that could help change the course of the war! "OH MAN I ALWAYS WANTED ONE OF THESE" Swooty said excitedly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The target was in sight. Tom and Jerry who are part robots had been walking for a really long time, but they had found the source of the most powerful Unicorn on the planet. "MUST DESTROY MOST POWERFUL UNICORN BLEEP BLOOP" They began to climb Mt.Badguy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The forest was almost empty. The camera zooms in on a group of rusty cages. "we're.......still........alive" Said Apple Dapple DUN DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN DUN DUN