//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Ancient Adjustment // by Jolttra //------------------------------// Chapter 2 There was a rush at the entrance of the caves. Eighteen ponies of different colors and creeds ran as if their lives depended on it. At the back of the group was Twilight and Pick. The workers all stopped to watch the commotion. Golden Scimitar rushed to the emissary of Celestia. “What is wrong? What has happened?” Scimitar pleaded. “Someone, something was in there,” she stammered. “It was in the tomb. It’s coming this way!” “What are you-“ At that moment, a monstrous sound erupted from the ruins. A horrifying roar the likes of which none have heard in this age. Panic struck the crowd. Fear of what was in the ruin spread like wildfire. In a flash, five Ponies in black clothes appeared at the front of the crowd. Gold Crescent moons showed on each of their chests. One of them lifted her hoof, and the crowd fell instantly silent. What felt like an eternity passed. No movement. No sound. Just waiting for the inevitable. Only one way into the ruins. Only one way out. What was taking so long? What was it doing? Why has it not come? Then, it appeared. Inky blackness was replaced with hard, tan skin. Long deliberate strides brought the beast closer. The creature became large as it neared the crowd, yet each step was soundless. As if the monster before them was not there at all. It was bigger than Twilight thought. Towering over the crowd, it’s broad shoulders and massive fore legs conveyed brutish strength. A long, narrow sword like spike stuck out two feet from the right cheek. A small, broken nub of yellow bone (at least she thinks it was bone) protruded from the left cheek. There must have been a second spike at some point. The beast's head was low, as if it was watching the ground. Steady strides became wobbled steps and then a heavy stagger. Falling onto a knee, the creature stopped. It was then Twilight noticed something she hadn’t before. On the animals left shoulder was a large, sopping red spot. What she thought was a scar was a wound. Fresh and dripping precious life. It was bleeding. Blood. She had never seen it. Well, no. That’s not true. She had bleed herself from the occasional mishap while cooking or preparing a potion. But that was only a few drops. This was fountain of blood gushing onto the ground leaving a moist trail in the sand that grew longer with each step. Twilight put her hoof to her mouth. She might be sick. The last thing anypony needed was somepony fainting. The strange, dying animal looked to the crowd. “Et…adiuva me,” the creature muttered. “Et adiuva, me.” Over and over it repeated. Et adiuva me. What does it mean? A crescent-chested Pony stepped forward. “Speak louder, monster. Or you will die where you stand.” A heavy sorrowful face lifted to match the Royal Guard. For the first time, its small darting eyes could be seen. Grey and sharp and filled with what may have been fear. “H-help, me…” was the last thing it uttered before collapsing to the ground, legs splayed out in all directions, breathing faintly and still leaking crimson. The Crescent Pony looked at the fallen monstrosity in front of her, then to the crowd, and then to her comrades. She lifted a hoof to her head and removed the mask. White fur with a blond mane was revealed to the crowd. The white Crescent guard walk towards the unconscious animal and pressed the black mask against the wound. “We have a doctor here, do we not?” the blond-maned pony said, turning to the crowd. “Bring him and his supplies. He has a patient that needs treatment.” _____________________________________________________________________________________ It took six sturdy stallions to move the massive bulk of the motionless beast to the medical tent. The doctor and his assistant worked for three hours behind the white sheets and red cross before emerging, letting the worried workers know the creature’s condition was stable. He would live. A collective sigh of relief was released. Even though not a single Pony knew who he was, or what he was for that matter, all were happy to find out he was safe. Golden Scimitar moved his way across the crowd. Twilight, Pick, and the Crescent Guards walked behind him. “We wish to see the creature,” Scimitar told the doctor outside the tent. “I can’t let you do that,” the doctor said, cleaning his glasses. “He has lost a lot of blood. He needs rest if he is going to get any better.” It is part of the dig that I am overseeing,” Scimitar stated, with slight contempt in his voice. “We must study the being as soon as possible.” “He is not an old jar or rusty sword. He is a living breathing animal and I will treat him the same as any other Pony here. He needs sleep. So he will get sleep.” “IT, is an incredible discovery and we must AND will see it now,” Scimitar shouted. He was clearly irritated with the doctor’s unwillingness to cooperate. “Why you dirty, uncaring, self-promoting SON OF A-” The doctor’s assistant pulled him away. She was afraid he would smack the Ambassador right in the face. Scimitar pushed the white woolen walls aside and exited without a word. Twilight was stunned at what she had just witnessed. “He seemed so polite when I first met him. Does he always act like this?” Pick shook his head. “He’s a politician. They got more faces than a hydra.” With that he walked in, followed by the Crescent Guards. Twilight hesitated for a moment, then followed. It was even bigger up close. Even laying on the ground, it was taller than she was. The front legs were as thick as her head and the clawed feet as wide as a serving platter. The head was huge, as big as her torso. A few small, rather blunt teeth were sticking out of thin lips. Two mega-sized nostrils were at the end of the long narrow snout, breathing heavily as it slept. That was when she saw something she had missed before. A tail. A long, thin, bony tail with a small stinger like end. How had she not seen that before? “What an amazing specimen.” Golden Scimitar gawked. “This will surely put me in Celestia’s favor.” “Celestia doesn’t know,” Pick said with a tone of bitterness. “And she doesn’t need to know until he is awake and healthy.” “She does know. I sent a message to the princess right after it left the caves. She should be here within the hour.” “When were you planning on telling us?” “The affairs of the state are none of your concern. This is my discovery and mine alone.” “Your discovery, you didn’t do anything,” Pick said, steaming with anger. “You think Celestia is going to believe anything you have to say?” “I am the authority of this dig. She will believe anything I tell her. Not the claims of some lowly worker and a messenger girl. “ “She’s the one who opened the tomb!” Pick yelled. “Then a simple messenger is better at your job. You will be lucky to see another day’s work after this.” Scimitar walked out of the tent, four of the Crescent guards following him. Pick, Twilight, and the last Crescent guard stood there. Unsure of what just transpired. The creature was still asleep on the ground. Unaware of everything around him. “He can’t get away with that.” Twilight pleaded to the Crescent guard. “Can’t you do anything?” “I am a servant of the royal family. I am to serve them, no matter what they ask. I can do nothing.” The Crescent guard moved into the corner and began watching the sleeping beast. It must be her shift. “Come on, Twilight,” Pick sighed. “Let’s get out of here.” _____________________________________________________________________________________ Twilight poked at her food. Even the savory smell of authentic Middle Eastern curry couldn’t improve her mood. Such an important discovery, what should have been the greatest moment of her entire life. Ruined by an ambitious ambassador. Spike sat next to her, scarfing down his second bowl of curry. “Aren’t you going to eat, Twilight?” Spike asked, licking his lips. “No… I don’t feel hungry right now. You can have it if you want.” Spike grabs the bowl and digs in, getting curry all over his face. He had only woken up fifteen minutes ago, and was unaware of what had happened. He didn’t even know about the creature yet. Twilight thought about telling him, but didn’t want to ruin his good mood. “How lung till Celasta gets har?” Spike asked, his mouth full. Twilight smiled. “Should be any minute now. Canterlot isn’t as far away as Ponyville.” The sun had set long ago. The night sky was filled with shining stars and a bright moon. The air was still hot and dry, but compared to how hot it was a few hours ago, this seemed cool. Most of the workers were asleep. The mess tent was almost empty. Spike dropped an empty bowl on the table “Think they’ll give me some more?” “Wipe your face first then we’ll talk.” With hungry purpose, the purple dragon wiped his face with a rag. He then jumped up off the pillow he was sitting on and headed for the curry pot. “Spike, don’t you think you’ve had enough?” “You kidding? I’m just getting started” Twilight shook her head. “I just think we-“ A roar filled the silence. “What? Not again.” A violet figure galloped to the medical tent. Her short assistant huffed after her, barely keeping pace. “Wait! What’s happening again?” In moments, the two emissaries reach a tent with a red cross on the front. Scimitar and the Crescent guards were already there, holding back a panicking crowd. “Everything is under control,” Scimitar announced to the worried workers. “The beast will be sedated and peace returned.” A loud crash came from the tent. One of the Crescent guards was sent flying out of the entrance. He rocketed threw the air and struck another guard. Both lay on the ground, unconscious. The tent entrance bulged and then tore as the monster inside forced its way outside. Standing far above the crowd scanning for a worthy foe, it charged at the nearest Crescent guard. Three remaining guards drew knives from hidden sheaths. Panicked workers ran from the scene. Six blades soared towards the massive rushing monster. *PINC* The knives deflected off tough skin like marshmallow off a stone wall. Each guard jumped in a different direction to dodge the charge. The monstrosity grabbed one of the fleeing Ponies’ back hooves and tossed him at a second guard. Two more were left motionless. The last guard circled around grabbed a pickaxe and rushed at the monster’s rear. Leaping into the air, she struck down with all her might. *Snap* Wood broke and metal bounced. A massive head turned to its assailant. With a wide swing, the sword like spike slashed at the defenseless Pony. Blood splattered as her cheek sliced open. White fur and a streak of blonde hair could be scene in the torn mask. A huge clawed foot stomped the wounded guard. Pinned down and helpless. It was going to kill her. Twilight had enough. She ran at the monster, but was stopped by Pick. “Don’t try to stop me, Pick. I have to help.” “I ain’t stopping you,” Pick told her. “I just figured you might want this.” Pick handed Twilight the Element of Magic and placed it upon her head. One gem is only a sixth of the Elements’ power, but it may be enough. Twilight called to the beast. “Hey you, you malcontent!” she shouted, unsure. The Monster turned its huge head. Its eyes were blank, all white and frozen in an enraged stare. Twilight lost some of her merit, but remembered the mare in trouble. With purposeful determination, she focused all her power into the Element. It glowed with pure magical power. The Beast stared, its anger greater than before. “You.“ It spoke, low and furious. “You killed her.” It turned to Twilight, releasing the bleeding guard and stepping ever closer. “You killed Lilium! You, FORSAKEN!” The monster charged, foam dripping from its massive maw and pure rage in its pulsing eyes. “FORSAKEN!!!” Twilight held her breath. She hoped her magic was enough. With everything she had, a flash of violet light erupted from the crown. The Beast was consumed by magical energy. The light was blinding. All was quiet.