Friendship and Swords

by twilightcap

Ch 1 A New Kind Of Harmony Pt 1

One night Twilight and her friends were in her tree.

“Everyone stacking their books neatly and efficiently?” Twilight asked.

Applejack kicks one of Twilight’s bookshelves so hard that she shakes the entire tree.

“Applejack!” yelled Twilight.

“Huh? You say somethin Twi?”Applejack asks as several books fall from the shelf and gently land on Applejack’s head in a perfectly neat stack.

“Uhhhhhhhhhh...nevermind. Rarity?” Twilight says as she turns her gaze to Rarity who is currently humming to herself as she dusts off a single book while gazes at her happily with hearts in his eyes.

“Yes Twilight?” said Rarity.

“Oh Rarity, you don’t have to clean the books. A little dust won’t-”

Rarity zips over and cover’s Twilight’s mouth with her hoof.

“Oh but I insist! No friend of mine is going have a bookshelf of dirty books, oh no no no no no.”

‘Well thats very nice Rarity, but tell me you’ve sorted more books than that.” Twilight said as she pointed her hoof towards Rarity’s tiny stack of three books.

Rarity blushes.

“Oh! W-Why of course not! This is just a...fresh stack?” she said nervously.

“Hmm...” Twilight gives Rarity a stare of suspicion.

“Okay then.” Twilight says then she happily trots off.

Pinkie Pie is currently sitting on an armchair constructed entirely out of books while read a book.

“Ah,I see.” said Pinkie, focused in her reading.
Pinkie Pie then flips to an upside down position while still reading the book in her hooves.

“That makes perfect sense! Hmm...” said Pinkie. She then slams the book shut.

“I now know why the caged bird sings.” said Pinkie.

Twilight stops in front of Pinkie Pie with an eyebrow raised.

“Pinkie, what are you doing?” Twilight asked.

“Organizing books.” says Pinkie Pie.

“Are you sure, because it kinda looks like your on break.” Said Twilight as she inspected Pinkie’s well made chair of books.

“What?!” Yelled Pinkie, then she falls out of her chair and lands flat on her face. Twilight rolls her eyes then levitates Pinkie Pie inches above the floor and rotates her then places her down on her hooves.

“I’m not on break! I just have to read books before I can sort them, and in order to read a book I need a comfortable armchair to sit in so I made one out of all the books Fluttershy keeps missing”said Pinkie.

“Heads up Fluttershy!” Applejack said as she tossed a book to Fluttershy who lets out a mousey squeak as she ducks down and covers her head. The book flies and bounces off her flank and zooms over to Twilight and wacks her in her head so hard she goes cross eyed and falls over like a tree. The book lands on Pinkie Pie’s face open

“OOH! Important Life Lessons Facts and Tips That No One Seems To Care About! Life lesson number one, everyone should know how to duck.” I guess thats true! What do you think Twilight?” Pinkie asked innocently.

“I think Fluttershy should start trying to catch more...ooh...” Twilight said woozily with her head moving like a bobble head figure.

“Oh...okay Twilight. I’ll try...” Says Fluttershy. She then takes a deep breath and sticks her chest out with a look of determination on her face.

“Hit me!” Fluttershy said confidently.

Pinkie Pie and Rarity both turn to Twilight who just shrugs her shoulders.

Applejack tosses another book to Fluttershy who stands strong then lets out a yelp and quickly turns around and lets the book bounce off her back. The book flies across the room and bounces off a wall and heads straight for Rarity who screams and ducks the book as it soars over her and slams into Twilight, knocking her over again. The books flies up in the air and lands in Fluttershy’s hooves.

Fluttershy one of her eyes then opens the other.

“I did it?” she asked, surprised.

Applejack nods happily.

“I did do it! Twilight, did you see me?” Fluttershy asked excitedly.

“ Oh I saw alright, I just wish I saw it sooner...oh boy...” Twilight said woozily.

“Ooh, wanna know the odds of something like that happening again? Two billion one hundred and one.” said Pinkie Pie, then she closes the book with a loud slam.

“...Moving on. Hey, wheres Rainbow?” asked Twilight.

While everyone searches for Rainbow Dash, Pinkie’s tail starts twitching wildly.

“Uh oh, my tail’s a twitchin.” said Pinkie Pie.

Twilight screams and dives under a large pile of books while Rarity hides under a table and Fluttershy holds a book over her head and her eyes shut tight.

Applejack is currently on a ladder near the higher part of the bookshelf.

“Somethings gonna fall! Somethings gonna fall!Woah!” Applejack says as she looses her footing and falls off the ladder and lands on a pile of books. Everyone calls out “Applejack!” full of worry as they rush over to her aid.

“Oh no.” said Fluttershy.

“Holy Guacamole! “said Pinkie.

“Oh dear!” said Rarity.

“Applejack, are you okay?!” “asked Twilight”

“Uh...well yeah actually. These here books are softer than a pile a feathers.” Applejack laughs.

“Like a pile of Pegasus feathers, maybe? asked Rainbow Dash.

Applejack makes a realistic horse sound with a confused look on her face then she reaches into the books and pulls out Rainbow’s tail.
“Found Rainbow.” said Applejack.

“Hi Rainbow Dash!” said Pinkie Pie.

“Hey Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow responds.

“Darling, just what in the world were you doing in there?” asked Rarity.

Rainbow Dash yawns.

“Ahhh...sleeping, why?” Rainbow said while she stretched..

“I thought you agreed to help sort my books?” said Twilight.

“Yeah, see the thing is...I was being sarcastic-” said Rainbow Dash.

“Wern’t y'all the one that said y’all were so bored that you’d agree to do the first thing some pony suggests?” said Applejack.

“True, but not even Pinkie Pie’s Pinkie Sense could tell me that I’d be spending the night stacking books! So not cool.” said Rainbow Dash.

Spike belches out a letter from Princess Celestia but he’s so busy gawking at Rarity that he doesn’t even notice it.

“I mean can anyone seriously say they’re having fun?” asked Rainbow.

The other ponies all turn and look at each other then turn back to Rainbow Dash.

“Thats what I thought...” said Rainbow.

“Well, do you have any better ideas?” *Twilight asked.

“No! That’s why I’m sitting around stacking books!” Rainbow yelled.

Rainbow Dash beats her wings a single time and creates a gust of wind that travels throughout the tree and blows most of the books back onto the shelves in alphabetical order.

“HOO WHEE! That some fine stacking Rainbow.” said Applejack.

“Yaaaay...I’m the best book sorter in Equestria...” said Rainbow sarcastically.

“Has anypony seen Pinkie Pie?” asked Rarity.

“Maybe she got blown away...” said Fluttershy.
“Over here!” said Pinkie Pie somewhere out of sight.

“Sounds like shes in the...bookshelf?” said Applejack.

“I’d check under P.” said Rainbow.

Applejack climbs the ladder up to the P section.

“Here she is.” Said Applejack. She then pulls out a Pinkie Pie shaped like a book and then slides sown the ladder and places her on the floor. Pinkie Pie then starts rumbling till she pops back into shape and starts stretching out her back.

“Wow! It was SO cramped in there. I don’t know how those books do it.” said Pinkie Pie while everyone is staring at her confused, but Pinkie just smiles at them.

“And with that...I think its time for bed.” Said Twilight.

The other ponies all nod their heads in agreement.

Later, Twilight and Spike wave goodbye to their friends as they head on home. Rainbow Dash leading the pack with Rarity on her left and Pinkie Pie hopping along side her right. Meanwhile Applejack is dragging Fluttershy by her tail while she has her hooves covering her eyes.

Twilight looks up at the night sky then looks around herself.

“Hmm...its a little darker than usual...What do you think Spike?” Twilight asked.

“Uh...everything looks fine to me. Don’t tell me some pony’s afraid of the dark? Spike teased.

“Very funny, now lets head inside.” Twilight says then she and Spike head back their tree and close the door.

The wind outside picks up a little. Little animals hurry into their home.

Later, inside the tree Twilight is sitting at her desk with all the lights off except a small lit candle net to her as she reads a book.

Spike is sleeping in his bed comfortably. He breathes out a tiny bit of fire each time he snores.

Twilight lets out a big yawn as she stares down at the pages of the book.

“So thats the meaning of life?...Pie? I think something is with this book. Or at least the person that wrote it.” Twilight says to herself.

Twilight turns the page and continues reading. Soon she is fast asleep still at her desk sitting with her hooves propping her head up.

Meanwhile outside, dark clouds loom over Ponyvile. The clouds grow so big that they block moonlight from shining on the entire town of Ponyvile shrouding it in darkness.

Inside Twilight’s tree, shadows creep along the walls and the floors all heading toward one target, Twilight. As the shadows close in on Twilight a section of them cringe at Spike’s fire snoring. The shadows quickly avoid Spike and reach Twilight’s chair and climb their way up it and begin consuming Twilight, turning her body darker and darker.

Later, Twilight awakens surrounded by pure darkness. Not a light or person in sight.

“Wha-Where am did I even get here?” Twilight said as she looked around for anyone or anything.

“And...where is here?”

Twilight uses her magic to make her horn shine like a light, but it reveals nothing in the darkness as if there's nothing nearby in existence. Twilight takes a few steps but its so dark that it looks like she isn’t even moving, like she’s walking on a treadmill.

“I think I’m beginning to understand Fluttershy’s fear of the dark.” Twilight said to herself in an uneasy tone.

“Nyctophobia...” whispered by an unknown voice which startles Twilight.

“ anypony here? sound like you have a um...nice vocabulary and um..” Twilight nervously said.

A low and creepy voice snickers and is echoed throughout the darkness.

“Rainbow Dash If this is a prank-” said Twilight.

Multiple voices snicker throughout the darkness louder than the previous one.

“Alright! All of you come out here!” Twilight demanded.

The snickering voices grow silent.

“I said come out here now!” yelled Twilight as she stomped her hoof a single time.

Suddenly big creepy yellow eyes appear around Twilight in a circle radius filling the darkness. The eyes stare down on her focused, never blinking.
“You’re not Rainbow...” said Twilight as her eyes grew large with fear.

Each time Twilight moves her eyes, the yellow eyes move as well making sure Twilight’s eyes always meet theirs.

“Okay, I’m ready to leave now...” said Twilight.

Twilight takes off running as fast as she can, more eyes appearing on her left and right sides as she runs. Before she can get very far she falls through the ground and falls till she lands on a giant open book.

“ was that even possible?” said Twilight as she rubbed her head in pain.

“OHHH I think you’ll find that alot of things that SEEM impossible are indeed VERY possible if the person pondering the possibility of them being possible BELIEVES that they are indeed possible THUS making the im-possible...possible!” said an unknown voice.

“Wh...What?” said Twilight as she scratched her head in confusion.

Twilight turns around and looks up at a giant version of herself with a crazy unkempt mane and a twisted look on her face. She is currently holding the book that Twilight is sitting on. The crazy Twilight stares at Twilight Sparkle with a psychotic grin on her face.

“Wha Wha Whaaaa...” said Twilight as she stared up at the twisted version of herself.

“Thats what I said! Such a crazy book! So you know what I did with it?” asked Crazy Twi with her eye twitching.

Twilight, too afraid to speak just shakes her head no.

“I...burned it!” said Crazy Twi. She then laughs manically then stops completely and stares at Twilight with her eye twitching.

“Well thats nice and all but...gottta go!” said Twilight.

Twilight leaps and tries to fly away but a second giant Crazy Twi appears in front of her with her eye twitching. Twilight then tries to fly in the opposite direction and gets blocked by a third Crazy Twi. Twilight tries to flay in a different direction again but a fourth Crazy Twi blocks her path once again.

Twilight looks around at the four giant psychotic versions of herself, all of them staring at her with nothing but darkness behind them.

“ Listen! Don’t make me do this-” said Twilight with her horn glowing ready to attack.

The crazy Twi’s all blast Twilight with their magic, shocking her and suspending her in the air.

“Twilight! Don’t you understand? We’re just like you, so if you can use magic, SO CAN WE!” said the Crazy Twi’s in unison as they continued blasting Twilight.

Twilight sees everyone of her friends flash before her as her body begins to turn to stone as dripping globs of darkness latch onto her.

“Twilight!” yells Spike’s voice.

Just then Twilight’s horn shines and the globs of darkness thats on her turn solid and shatter like glass. Twilight then spins and blasts each of the Crazy Twi’s in their faces and then flies off and vanishes into the the darkness leaving the Crazy Twi’s behind screaming out in pain.

“Spike! Spiiike!” yelled Twilight as she ran through the never ending darkness.

“Twilight!” calls out Spike.

Suddenly a bright light shines within the darkness.

“There!” said Twilight.

Twilight charges for the light running as fast as she can while endless pairs of the creepy eyes from earlier appear on her left and right sides. Twilight shuts her eyes, but keeps running.

“Twilight!” yelled Spike again.

The light grows brighter. Twilight opens her eyes and runs faster. Suddenly a huge gathering of those eerie yellow eyes appear in front of her. Twilight gathers her courage and takes a leap, spreads her wings, and flies straight through the eyes and vanishes into the light.

Back at Twilight’s tree Spike is shaking Twilight’s pale almost colorless body when her color starts coming back. Soon all of her color is back and Twilight leaps up and starts running all over the tree.

“Twilight! You’ve okay!” said Spike happily relieved.

Twilight stops and tackles Spike, hugging him tightly.

“Oh Spike! I never thought I’d see you again, or anyone else for that matter! Said Twilight.

“See now if only I could get this kind of attention from Rarity...wait a minute, what happened? I’ve been trying to wake you up for ages! You-You were all pale and-and-and...what happened?!” asked Spike.

“I don’t know...” said Twilight.

Twilight runs over to the window and looks through it then she runs outside and looks up at the dark clouds blocking out the moonlight.

“But there's one pony that may have the answer...Princess Celestia. Spike, we’re going to Canterlot.” said Twilight.

“Oh no...: groaned Spike.

-End Of Part One-