Bluebelle of the Ball, The Musical

by mr lovecolt

Intermission: Aria Di Butterscotch Carattere

Butterscotch sat in the middle of the Royal Garden and looked around. Even in the darkness, he could see pairs of eyes in the hollows of trees. He cleared his throat and looked calmly ahead. He knew that he had only one more chance to get this right, and he intended to make the most of it.

Hello little... garden critters
I have missed you all so dear.
Like you, wallaroo.
And you, toucans too.
Though last time I was here

I had acted... possessively.
No ill will was meant, you see.
The traps, nets, and such
True, were a bit much
Sorry, spider monkey.

Butterscotch lifted his hoof and showed them a pile of treats.

I brought you snacks... from the castle
I'll just set them all right here.
So what do you say?
You squirrels and jays?
Can't you... just let me near?

A tiny squirrel appeared from the branch above Butterscotch's head. The pegasus tried to contain his squeal of excitement as the rodent began to pick at the small cupcakes. He was soon joined by a tiny meadowlark and he gasped. The animals took a hesitant bite, and Butterscotch's eyes widened to the size of saucers and glistened in the moonlight as they waved over the rest of the critters. He raised his hooves to his mouth to hide the smile that beamed on his face. A pair of toucans picked off the cherries that sat on top of the cupcakes. They smiled at Butterscotch as they ate the tasty treat and flew around him. As he danced in small circles, he was joined by a flamingo, who leaned forward and bent her neck towards him to bow. Above him, a loon flew in circles to match his dancing.

Little critters... I’m so happy
That you want to be my friends.
And if ponies could
Be like you I would
Have love that never ends.

Other ponies... do not notice
But I’ll always remember
you bitterns, buzzards
loons, bears, and hummingbirds
I will keep you right here.

Butterscotch placed both of his hooves over his barrel and watched as the group of animals finished off the cupcakes. His ears twitched at the sound of hooves behind him and he watched as the animals looked at the approaching figure and then scamper off into the darkness again. He turned around and saw Elusive.

“There you are, Butterscotch.” He said. “I’ve been looking for you. Did you have better luck with the animals?”

Butterscotch turned back to the trees and saw a squirrel waving at him. “Yes, I did.”

“Well, darling, it’s time to come inside.” Elusive pressed up against Butterscotch. “We wouldn’t want you missing the rest of the party now, would we?”

“No, I suppose not.” He replied.

“Shall we?”

Elusive trotted towards the staircase that led back into the castle. Butterscotch followed close behind, but when he reached the entrance, he turned once more to the garden and waved at the animals. He sighed as the assorted wings, paws, and claws disappeared, turned back to Elusive, smiled, and continued following him into the castle.