Lost in the Dust

by makofreelancer

Money for Nothing

Morning rolled around, and the pain in my leg was what woke me. I nearly screamed as I rolled over, but kept it down to a loud grunt.

"Ice....you...okay?" Metal groaned as he rubbed an eye.

"Y-yeah..just my leg. I'll be good." I put on a tough girl smile. He bought it and stretched. Keep it up Ice. After all you are the tough one....anywho, once we were both awake, I rummaged through my saddle bags for some food.

"Ugh....all I snagged were food chips." I shoved them back in with a huff.

"It's either that or-"

"SNACK CAKES!!!!" I pulled the box, still sealed, from behind the cashier's counter.

"Sweet Celestia...." Metal whispered. I opened the box and took two out.

"Bottoms up!" I shoved the whole thing in, sighing from the sweet flavor.

"Holy fuck...." Metal's jaw dropped as soon as he bit down. I chuckled and stowed the rest.

"Well..let's get going then. Got a mare to find!" I smiled widely and Metal just sighed. We both got our gear on and stepped out, having to go slower due to my leg. As we walked, we noticed some military chariots at what's left of a checkpoint. I started searching around and found a locked ammo box.

"Meeeeeetal!" I whined for him to come over.

"What? Locked box?"

"Yes....." I backed away. Metal pulled out a bobby pin and screwdriver, getting to work. The lock clicked and he opened it.

"Huh....what kind of bullets are these?"

"Uhhhh....5.56. Assault rifle rounds." I took them just in case and then saw a tent.

"Hello." I headed over to it and started searching. Jackpot! An assault rifle, somehow still in good condition, was laying on a table. Also a decent pistol was with it. I took it as well, thinking Metal might want an actual weapon.

"Find anything?" The buck asked me, and I showed him my treasure. He eyed the pistol and I gave it up.

"Wait...how you gonna use it?" He shrugged and put it in his mouth. Oh duh! Earth pony style. After that was settled and he had some ammo, we kept walking. After about ten minutes a huge walled in settlement, with what appeared to be the remains of a large shopping center as the main hub, loomed on the horizon.

"Damn...." Metal had stopped and started staring at the behemoth. I didn't stop, wanting to explore. My stallion companion started following me soon, and we were stopped by two guard bucks with weapons strapped to each side, and camo combat barding on.

"Hold it. Whatcha doin' in Finder Territory? " The biggest buck, brown with some white in his mane, asked.

"Ummm.....Finders?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Dangit Flak, Them's stable ponies. Jus like that green mare that came through."

"Green mare? Where'd she go?" Metal had stepped up as he asked that question.

"Yeah. Came in, got some stuff an' left. Not sure where she headed though." The brown buck shrugged.

"Damnit..." The second guard noticed my annoyance.

"Sorry miss. Yer both welcome to come in, get some supplies. Gonna cost ya but not too bad." We both nodded and walked in as the gate opened. There was a large board in the center of several store fronts. I decided to check it out.

"Let's see...oh it's for jobs!"

"Could use some work. Lemme see....'secure technology' and 'clear nearby camp of bandits'. Easy enough." I nodded in agreement and took two nubs for each job.

"I say we prepare first, then head out." He nodded and we checked our gear.