Of Swords and Hearts

by vren55

2. Sheets's Arc: Little Miss Foxface kinda-sortof-maybe makes a friend, meets the Princess and teases Mr. Messy-Mane

Chapter 2: Little Miss Foxface kinda-sortof-maybe makes a friend, meets the Princess and teases Mr. Messy-Mane

By: vren55

Winding Sheets arrived at Canterlot Castle’s Gates not long after dawn.  She wasn’t sure what to wear for her introduction to her… ‘partner,’ but she did want to impress.  To that end, Sheets had put on an extensively gold-embroidered cream dress with a low neckline and laced cuffs.  The ensemble just covered her flank, but displayed and emphasized her slender legs and swan-like neck.  For accessories, she had a bright-yellow hoofbag daintily draped around her neck.

As Sheets approached the gate, she noticed Scarlet waiting off to the side, standing under a pink parasol.

“Morning, Winding Sheets.  You’re looking quite fine today,” said Scarlet, closing the parasol.  The younger mare wasn’t nearly as well-attired as Sheets, but her maroon dress decorated with ruby-red ribbon ornaments fitted her figure perfectly.  

“Thank you, Scarlet, and good morning to you.  I’m sorry for the state I was in last night,” said Sheets, her tone apologetic, which served to hide her inner embarrassment.

“Don’t be.  I’m not sure what happened, but you needed the company,” said Scarlet firmly.  Sheets let a smile through her serene facade.  The night before, Sheets had expected the worst from Stalwart and only derision from Scarlet.  She had insulted them and belittled their offers.  Yet, when she had basically returned to them humiliated, they wiped the wine out of her hair and still gave her the job.  After that, her emotions had been in such a flux that Scarlet and Stalwart had ended up accompanying Sheets to her house before departing.  Prior to that, Sheets hadn’t known it was possible for ponies to be so... kind.

“In that case, at least take this small token of thanks,” said Sheets, unlocking the clasp on her hoofbag.

“Sheets, I know this is customary, but I’m not a noblestallion or noblemare.  You don’t need to give me anything,” insisted Scarlet.

Sheets sighed melodramatically.  “I guess then I’ll have to find a new owner for this lovely set of oils and lotions.” Using her magic, Sheets dangled the muslin bag in front of Scarlet’s face.  Imprinted on the bag was the logo of The Lotus Company, maker of some of the most famed body and bath products in Equestria.  As expected, Scarlet’s jaw dropped.  To Sheets surprise though, Scarlet seemed to fight a mental battle for one second before she sighed.

“Alright, you’ve got me.  I accept your gift,” said Scarlet somewhat grudgingly, but she was obviously unable to suppress her glee.  Yet, as Scarlet reached for the bag, Sheets danced it out of her reach.

 “On one condition,” said Sheets slyly, causing Scarlet to raise an eyebrow. “You tell me everything you know about rehabilitating stallions.”  Sheets knew that Scarlet would be quite willing to answer her questions.  However, the gift would undoubtedly make the younger mare more comfortable with sharing her knowledge with Sheets and put her in a better mood.  Besides, Sheets had several sets of the same lotions already.  It helped that she had been acquainted with one of the major shareholders of the Lotus Company.

The surprise in Scarlet’s eyes caught Sheets off-guard.  The tall unicorn initially wondered if she had miscalculated.  However, Scarlet’s resulting giggle threw Sheets into further confusion.

“I accept, but let’s get walking first or else we’ll miss the meeting,” said Scarlet, taking the bag and stringing it over her neck.  Sheets nodded and the two mares made their way into the castle.

“So exactly what do you want to know about rehabilitating stallions?” asked Scarlet as they walked through the castle lanes and toward the main keep.

“Mainly, I was wondering if there were any suggested guidelines and rules.  I also want to know the expectations of my position,” said Sheets, her voice neutral. Her real reason for asking the question was to assess how much control and leeway she had within the program.

“Good question, but the answer… is simple, and, at the same time, quite complicated,” said Scarlet.  At Sheets’s bewilderment, Scarlet chuckled.  “The stallion and mare are partnered for three months.  The expectations and goals of a stallion’s partner can be summarized by the three rules.  One, you are expected to help your partner interact with ponies.  Two, you are expected to teach him how to take care of himself.  Three, you are to do your best to listen and comfort him in a non-sexual manner—”

“What!” exclaimed Sheets, making Scarlet jump slightly.  But Scarlet met Sheets’s stunned gaze with a stern glare.

“Yes.  Some of our veterans, like Stalwart, are married.  Also, if we were going to encourage you to have sex with the veterans that’d make us no better than glorified pimps,” Scarlet deadpanned.  Sheets frowned, but she could understand where Scarlet was coming from.  If the program was truly meant to rehabilitate the stallions and mares, then ordering them to have sex with the stallions meant they would be resuming their role as prostitutes, but for a different master.  Understandable and as reasonable as the rule was, Sheets internally cursed at the limitation, for it meant some of her most pleasurable tricks could not be used.

“That being said, we also have certain guidelines elaborating on these principles.  For the third rule, while you cannot have sexual contact with the stallion, you are encouraged to have as much physical contact as possible,” said Scarlet.

Sheets’s eyes practically gleamed with interest. “Would you please clarify the definition of physical contact?” 

“Most of our veterans are… jumpy.  They need to be reaccustomed to gentle, physical contact with a mare, or anypony as a matter of fact.  Holding hooves and touches on the shoulder fall within the obvious definition.  However, nuzzling, hugs, caresses, and ‘romantic’ contact is encouraged if and when both parties agree to do so.  That includes kisses,” explained Scarlet.  Sheets nodded, her lips curling into a slight smile.  In her heart though, she was grinning.

“To help your stallion reintegrate into society, you are expected to go with him to at least three outings a week.  They can be social events or dates, but an attempt to take the stallion through social situations he might find himself in is encouraged.  To facilitate the enactment of these goals, the pairs must live together.  Either the stallion is asked to live with the mare in the rehabilitation houses provided by the program, or the mare is to live at the stallion’s house.”

A crafty thought occurred to Sheets as she glanced at Scarlet.  “So a mare can technically sleep in the same bed as the stallion?” asked Sheets, smiling slyly.

Scarlet nodded, but didn’t comment on Sheets almost fox-like expression.  “Yes.  As long as no sexual contact occurs.”

“But you can’t expect everypony to follow that rule right?” said Sheets.

“Of course not.  Accidents do occur after all.  So we put a long-term contraceptive spell on each stallion that basically stops them from producing semen.  We also place a chastity spell on the mare that blocks the entry of any object into their lower orifices,” said Scarlet, a knowing look on her face.  At Scarlet’s raised eyebrow, Sheets allowed herself to pout a bit.  It seemed that the rehabilitation program’s organizers were quite thorough about making sure that their system would not be abused.  Good for them, but it wasn’t going to stop her from using… other methods.

“And Sheets, I think you’ll like this particular rule the most.  Our final overriding rule is that the mare has all authority over the stallion, unless her commands break those aforementioned rules, or are detrimental to her, or her stallion’s physical and mental health,”said Scarlet.

Sheets’s ears noticeably straightened and her eyebrows rose slightly.  Despite a heroic effort, a wide grin raised the corners of her delicate mouth.  So her control was written in stone.  Fascinating.  She would be taking advantage of that particular decree to the fullest.  Not to mention the other rules and goals she had to follow weren’t restrictive at all.  Yes, she had to listen to the stallion, but she intended to do that anyway.  Whether she chose to actually give her partner what he wanted was a different matter altogether.  Admittedly, the contraceptive spell would be annoying, but she had a hundred different other methods she could use to ‘entertain’ her stallion partner.  Perhaps this task was not going to be as difficult as she anticipated.

Nonetheless, there was one big question that nagged Sheets’s senses.  Something that, when she combined all the rules and regulations of the program, revealed one big misgiving that Sheets could not ignore.

“Why do you allow so much freedom for the mares?” asked Sheets, a hint of suspicion in her voice.

“Most mares never had the ability to dictate their own lives.  In a way, this is part of their rehabilitation.  Also, each stallion is different and we want to give the mares the flexibility to adapt and help the stallions,” explained Scarlet calmly.

Sheets was still not assured by the rationale.  It made sense, but Sheets couldn’t quite understand why she had been given that much leeway.  “You’re not afraid the mares will abuse their position?”

“And why would they?  They have nothing to gain and everything to lose if they do so.  Besides, you find that despite this rule, the stallions can be quite uncooperative.  So you don’t actually have that much control,” admitted Scarlet ruefully.

“Ah yes.  The stubbornness of the male ego,” said Sheets twirling her hoof in an exaggerated fashion.

The former courtesan giggled at Sheets’s mocking tone.  “They’re not that bad, Winding Sheets.  Do you have any other questions?”

Sheets thought for a moment, then remembered the most important question she had.  “Yes.  What is the measure of success I’m expected to achieve by the end of the three months?” Of all the answers she needed, Sheets needed this one the most.  She had to know how difficult it would be, and how much effort she needed to use in order to secure The Golden Ticket that was her final prize.

Scarlet frowned, her smile fading.  “Well, in your case… It’d be a success if you manage to get your partner to act civilly by the end of the three months.  As I stated earlier, he has been rather difficult.”

Sheets blinked, her brow slightly furrowed.  For the mark of success to be so low worried Sheets more than it comforted her.  It could mean that helping her partner would either be an easy task.  But Scarlet’s frustrated expression strongly indicated that this was likely to be an incredibly difficult one.  Exactly who was this stallion, and what were his problems that he even aggravated a skilled courtesan like Scarlet?

Sheets had no more time to consider the subject as she was broken out of it by Scarlet’s damning words.

“But before we meet your partner, we’re going to see Princess Celestia.”

Sheets froze so suddenly that Scarlet walked right past her.  Luckily, Scarlet quickly noticed the wide-eyed alarm on Sheets’s face and turned to the unicorn, a concerned expression on her face.

“Uhhh, Sheets.  You don’t have to be worried.  She greets all the program’s new mares personally—”

Sheets grabbed Scarlet’s shoulders and half-whispered, half-screamed into the younger mare’s ear, “But she probably knows by now that I slept with Prince Blueblood!  Her married nephew!

Scarlet stared at Sheets in awe. “You did it with Prince Blueblood?” said Scarlet, barely able to suppress the volume of her voice.

Sheets coughed politely, regaining her composure.  “We had an arrangement, but I… Well, the flankhole revealed it to everypony at the ball.  It’s why I need the ticket.  I’m out of favor with most of the higher nobility.”  Sheets observed Scarlet nod in understanding. The younger mare was probably recalling the wine-sodden state Sheets had been in only last night and drawing her own conclusions.

“Wow… that sounds almost as bad as…” Scarlet blushed.  “I never did mention how Celestia recruited me for the program, did I?”  Sheets shook her head, her curiosity piqued by the embarrassment in Scarlet’s face.

“She had me followed and planned to talk to me.  Only to find me in a very compromising position with Duke Charming,” said Scarlet sheepishly.

Sheets stared at Scarlet and felt a pang of pity for the mare.  To have your sovereign find you in the middle of seducing one of the noblestallions on her Royal Judicial Council would have been a rather horrifying and terribly humiliating experience.  “Oh… well that explains why Duke Charming was quietly dismissed from his position as Head Judge.”

“Yes, but it was worse than that.  She discovered me when I was very much… in the middle of the moment and in a very stressed position.”

Sheets’s eyes widened at Scarlet’s furiously blushing face.  After putting two and two together, her own cheeks began to redden.  “Get out!”

Scarlet half-giggled.  “Believe me, at that moment, every fibre of my body wished I could.  But the point is Sheets,  I don’t know her Highness that well.  Yet, on that day, when she could have destroyed me a thousand different ways... She saved me instead.”

“I don’t need saving,” Sheets dismissed.  Yet, the intense look in Scarlet’s eyes drew Sheets into meeting her gaze.  Inexplicably, Sheets suddenly found she couldn’t break eye contact, so serious was the younger mare’s stare.

“But she’ll still give you the opportunity to change yourself for the better.  So don’t worry about the fact you slept with Blueblood or the position you’ve found yourself in socially.  That’s because, frankly, it’s not much worse than the state Her Highness found me in.”

“Scarlet, you were talented, wealthy, and one of the most sought-after mares in Canterlot.  You weren’t in a bad state by any stretch of the imagination.  As for me, I’m perfectly normal and I don’t need to change anything,” said Sheets, eyes narrowed and her tone unwavering.  Even with Scarlet’s admission the night before, Sheets was actually offended that the younger mare now saw the lifestyle of a courtesan in such a  repulsive light.

Scarlet shook her head, her eyes filled with sympathy, a keen sadness and self-loathing in her expression.  “Sheets… there’s something wrong about ponies like us.  It’s why we became so good at this occupation.”

Unperturbed by Scarlet’s sorrow, Sheets snickered, shaking her head in disapproval. “Face it, Scarlet, you couldn’t handle the pressure.  Don’t pass your own failures to me.”

Scarlet’s eyes narrowed, indignation pushing her lips into a thin line.  “Of course I couldn’t handle it!  I was, for all intents and purposes, dead inside!  I knew nothing but how to pleasure stallions and lived for nothing else!”

“But that’s exactly what we live for, young Scarlet.  To pleasure stallions and take their gifts and favors as payment.  What did Stalwart Hide give you to make you choose to be his daughter over all your admirers and clients?” asked Sheets in a mocking tone.  Yet, there was a hint of curiosity to her voice that Sheets could not conceal.  What could have possibly made Scarlet abandon her fame and fortune for such a mundane, dependent existence?  

“He… gave me something I lost for a long time.  Somepony I didn’t have to masquerade in front of.  He gave me a father, and a family,” said Scarlet softly, almost as if the words were as precious as the most prized jewels in a dragon’s hoard.

Sheets almost facehoofed, but was struck with such incredulity by Scarlet’s answer that she laughed, an exaggerated, high-pitched, obviously faked laugh.  Family?  A father?  Sheets never found anything so downright hilarious.  

“And why was that so appealing to you?  I mean, we both chose this line of work and willingly tore plenty of so-called families apart through our liaisons,” said Sheets, her voice barbed with unveiled scorn.

Scarlet seemed to pale at Sheets’s disdain and accusations.  “Yes... but…”

Sheets sniggered. “Then you’re just the same as I am.  We both decided to become prostitutes for the money, the favors, and the fame.”

“I am not the same as you!” snarled Scarlet. The mare’s hackles were raised and her hooves dug into the carpeted floor.  Sheets looked Scarlet in the eye condescendingly, ignoring the anguish trapped in them.  It was time to go in for the kill and make Scarlet learn that there was nothing different between being a courtesan and being a normal mare.  Without all the excuses and moral niceties, it all came down to a matter of choice.

“Oh, Scarlet.  Let’s face it. You made your own choices.  I made mine.  But just because you chose to stop being a courtesan for ‘family,’ doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with me or you.  It’s just a simple choice.  After all, we both chose to be courtesans for the money and fame.”


Sheets stared at Scarlet, contempt banished, stunned at the utterly horrified look on the other mare’s face.  Scarlet, tears pouring from her eyes, cringed, backed away from Sheets, and quickly spun around.  The rage that once filled her had left. Her shoulders seemed to slump into the ground.

“... My father died in the war, and my mother fell ill with an incurable disease.  With nopony to turn to, I became a courtesan… because I at least wanted to make her last months her best,” said Scarlet, her voice trembling.

Sheets’s mouth was agape as the younger mare broke into quiet sobs.  Guilt, an emotion so uncommon to Sheets that it felt alien to her, made her extend a hoof to awkwardly clasp Scarlet in an embrace.  To Sheets’s relief, Scarlet didn’t lash out and hit her as she was expecting.

After a moment of simply standing in place, Scarlet spoke.  “I… never let her know what I was doing and she never suspected a thing.  That was when the hiding began.  She was the only pony who saw my true self, and not the act I put on for my clients.  When I finally lost her, there was nopony left who knew whom I really was and I… lost myself in the routine, in my job.”  Scarlet tried to wipe the tears from her eyes with her hoof, until Sheets offered her own kerchief, which the younger mare gratefully took.

“The other reason why we don’t have strict guidelines is that the effect of the stallion and the mare on each other is very unpredictable.  Stalwart… I actually hated him at first. I was jealous that he as a father survived, whilst mine didn’t, and I was furious he went to war despite the fact he had a family to protect.  I tried to hide it.  I tried to help him with similar techniques I used with other stallions.  They did help him to calm down and become more willing to talk to me.  It was then that I gradually began to see his love for his family was the reason he went to war.  It… helped me get over the hate for my own father and we grew closer. Yet, I couldn’t hide my own jealousy for what he had and the fact he represented exactly what I thought I had forever lost.”

Scarlet winced. “I should have known that he could see it too.  One day he confronted me about it.  I dithered, I tried to distract him, I actually hit him, but when I finally told him, he just listened… hugged me and offered to be my father. And now, I stand here, owing everything to him and to Her Highness’s program.”  Scarlet sniffled one last time before she composed herself and returned Sheets’s kerchief. “Sorry for burdening you with all of that.”

“Don’t be sorry, Scarlet. It was my fault for pushing you.  I am… so sorry for doing that,” said Sheets before she could stop the words from her mouth.  Scarlet’s wide, if a bit teary smile brought a slight blush to Sheets’s cheeks.  She wasn’t used to this… comforting ponies, or actually feeling sorry for what she had said.  She wasn’t sure why she felt sorry in the first place, but Sheets knew that Scarlet didn’t deserve her scorn.  Especially not after the mercy she had given her.

“Apology accepted,” said Scarlet, hiccuping slightly.  She then checked a nearby clock.  “I think we should get going.”  Sheets nodded, glad to be forgiven so quickly.  The two quickly trotted to the meeting place in silence.

Yet, Sheets couldn’t help but glance over at the younger mare beside her.  She still didn’t understand what was so wrong about being a prostitute or a courtesan and why she had to be ‘rehabilitated.’  But she could not deny that, in a way, the program had helped, maybe even saved, Scarlet.

“Are you sure she won’t incinerate me?” Sheets joked, despite the fact she really meant the question.  Her… conversation with Scarlet had quelled her fears, but now that they stood in front of the double doors to the sitting room where they would meet the Princess, Sheets couldn’t help but remember the incident between Lord Cuckold and Baroness Moecha.  The pair had been married… just not to each other.  Apparently, Celestia had found them buried in each other’s necks during the Grand Galloping Gala behind a column.  There were many rumors as to what Celestia did, but, needless to say, the pair never really appeared at court these days.  When they did, they seemed oddly attached to their respective spouses.

“Winding Sheets, you don’t have to worry,”said Scarlet. Not even revealing a hint of her anxiety, Sheets merely glanced at the younger mare and tossed her mane confidently.  
“Whatever made you think I was worrying?  Let’s meet Her Highness,” said Sheets, walking forward to press her hoof against the heavy oaken door.  Elegantly, with nary a creak, Sheets entered the room, Scarlet following her close behind.

Princess Celestia of Equestria sat in front of the crackling fireplace on a set of perfectly arranged cushions.  A stack of papers were beside her and her magic levitated another scroll, which she was reading carefully.  The alicorn’s posture was so serene that Sheets found herself once again in admiration of the Princess.  Many mares all around Equestria sought to imitate Celestia’s perfect poise and regal presence. Sheets often sought inspiration from the paragon set by her sovereign.  Privately though, Sheets knew she paled in comparison to the being in front of her, and so found herself lowering her head and settling into a delicate curtsey.

“Who is it?” asked Celestia gently.

“Greetings, Your Highness.  It is Winding Sheets, your humble servant,” said Sheets, averting her gaze while watching Celestia from under her long eyelashes.

“Ah.  I was expecting you, Winding Sheets.  Is Scarlet here with you?”

“Yes, Princess,” piped up Scarlet.

“Ah good.  Why don’t you come both come and share a pot of tea with me?” suggested the Princess.  Sheets rose quietly and walked until she faced her sovereign.  Crossing her hooves, the unicorn sat herself daintily on the cushion set aside for her.  From the steaming pot beside her, Celestia poured out two cups of tea for Scarlet and Sheets.  Scarlet blew on her cup quickly, eager to sample the brew, while Sheets did so in a more sedate fashion. Every muscle in Sheets’s body was resisting the temptation to break into dance.  She was having tea with the princess!

“Is the tea good?” asked Celestia.

“Excellent, Your Highness,” replied Sheets.

“But you haven’t even drank it yet,” said Celestia.

Sheets’s cup clacked slightly against her saucer as she realized her blunder.  It was only then did Sheets notice the all-too-innocent, yet knowledgeable light in Princess Celestia’s gaze.  They were eyes full of mischief, but they held a wisdom that would pierce any lie.

“Ah, but I am already enjoying the smell,” said Sheets, collecting herself.

“Indeed. So, Scarlet, are you feeling better?” asked Celestia, turning her attention to Scarlet. Scarlet put her cup down briefly, a frown on her face.

“Um… feeling better from what exactly, Princess?” asked Scarlet.

“You cried recently,” stated Celestia in a concerned, but somber tone.  Sheets blinked and glanced at Scarlet, wondering how the Princess knew.  It was then that Sheets noticed that Scarlet’s eyes were slightly red at their edges.  Dread tightened Sheets’s jaws and her tea cup wobbled imperceptibly.  Or was it imperceptible under Celestia’s all-seeing gaze?

“Oh!  I’m much better now, thank you.  I just recalled some bad memories,” said Scarlet.  The slight tightness in Scarlet’s voice as she spoke shot another alien pang of guilt through Sheets’s heart.

“Oh dear.  Is there anything we can do to help?” asked Celestia.  Sheets blinked.  She thought she noticed the Princess suddenly shoot her a dagger-like glare, but Celestia seemed to be more concerned with Scarlet.  Or was she?  Sheets swallowed a mouthful of her tea.  No point thinking about it now.

“Its alright, Princess.  I just need some time to…” Scarlet bit her lip and blinked rapidly.  Sheets took her kerchief out again and gave it to Scarlet, who quickly dabbed at her eyes.

“Keep it,” said Sheets.  She had a dozen of the same kerchief at home, and despite the difficult situation Sheets knew she was in, she could not fault the younger mare for being unable to keep her past experiences in check.

Scarlet nodded and accepted the patch of stitched cloth.  “Thank you.  I’ll leave you two alone now.  Call me if you need anything.”  As Scarlet passed Sheets, she whispered, “Don’t worry about it, Sheets.”

Sheets smiled and touched her hoof to the younger mare’s shoulder.  “Thank you, Scarlet.”  No matter what Celestia was going to say to her, Sheets felt… oddly grateful for Scarlet’s guidance and help.

As the doors closed, Sheets turned back to Celestia and sat herself back down in her spot. Sheets tried to drink her tea, but Celestia’s friendly smile was gone, replaced by a stony expression.

“Scarlet has mostly come to terms with her own mistakes.  Were you the one who made her cry?” asked Celestia.  There was no accusation in her question, just brute, plain certainty.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Sheets confessed.  She forced herself not to tremble, to meet Celestia’s magenta eyes.  But Sheets quavered as the cold gaze bore into her mind, her tail swishing in fear.

“You also slept with my nephew and more than half of the stallions of my court, most of them married,” stated Celestia.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” said Sheets, forcing herself to say the words without hesitation.  She couldn’t lie.  It would be a horrible idea to do so; she could see the discerning look in Celestia’s stare.  Sheets had to tell the truth and hope for the best. Her logical mind didn’t expect Celestia was going to throw her out.  She was asked to come here, after all.  But the dread in Sheets’s heart shook her body and numbed her tongue.  

“But judging from Scarlet's cordial behaviour to you, I'm guessing you did not mock Scarlet when she brought up her past?” asked Celestia, an almost curious expression on her face.

“No,” said Sheets firmly.  


“I won’t mock someone already so broken,” said Sheets slowly.

“But that’s never stopped you before, Winding Sheets.  What was so different about Scarlet Silk?” asked Celestia.  It wasn’t a unkind question, but there was a driving force behind the Princess’s query that frightened Sheets.

“Well, I owe her for helping me after last night,” Sheets deflected. Yet, Celestia appeared unconvinced by Sheets’s answer.

“Ponies in your line of work break oaths and promises the moment they utter them.  Especially those as… skilled as you are.  Why would you care about Scarlet?” asked Celestia, raising her teacup to her lips once more.

“Because Scarlet…” Sheets froze and shut her mouth quickly.  Why hadn’t she mocked Scarlet’s past?  If it were any other mare, she would have continued to laugh, giggle, mock their weaknesses, and exploit their pain.  If anything, Scarlet’s inability to enjoy the occupation she chose was a laughably useful weakness she could have used to drive the other mare to tears.

Yet, Sheets couldn’t bring herself to criticize Scarlet.  She did not know why, but she felt great sympathy and respect for the younger mare who had abandoned her occupation for such a mundane life.

“Scarlet…  Even when I hurt her, she didn’t retaliate. She continued to treat me kindly, although I have done nothing to deserve it,” said Sheets hesitantly, almost as if she doubted what she said.  “I respect that and I can see that she’s… a strong mare in her own right.”

“Is it just respect you feel for Scarlet?”

Sheets paused in thought, then shook her head. “No… I do feel sorry for the situation that was forced on her.”  Memories flashed through Sheets’s mind, ones that she did her best to forget.  Despite her best efforts, she was unable to stop herself from grimacing.  “I just don’t quite understand…”  Sheets stopped and was about to banish the thought from her mind, but Celestia spoke first.

“Don’t understand what?”

Inhaling the sweet scent of her tea, Sheets put down her cup, but her mind was in such disarray that she didn’t notice that it clacked too hard against her saucer.   “I don’t understand why is family is so  important to Scarlet.  Why did she choose to sacrifice her own freedom for her mother when it hurt herself that much?  Then, when she finally gained notoriety and wealth, why did she throw that all away to be confined as somepony’s daughter of all things?” asked Sheets.  After Scarlet’s revelation, Sheets was now thoroughly baffled.  In her experience, the bonds of family were merely a convenient excuse to coerce ponies with.

There was a knowing smile on Celestia’s kind countenance as she refilled Sheets’s cup of tea.  “Scarlet loved and wanted to be loved.  She wanted to have friends and to be a friend.  Family gave her both.”

“Love doesn’t exist and friendship doesn’t pay the bills,” said Sheets, a bit of a snort in her tone.  After all, if love really did exist, why did married stallions throw themselves at her or on her at a flick of her tail?  Why did brothers argue over whom she had glanced at? As for friendship, Sheets found it a luxury.  In the Canterlot court, where allegiances could change in the blink of an eye, friendships were bought and maintained in hard golden bits or with… favors.  Thus, friendships were pricey and Sheets always had thought them as too expensive.

Besides, if family was really supposed to provide love and friendship, then why… Sheets took in another sip of her tea, concentrating on the interplay of complex flavors to silence her recollections as well as her anger.  They weren’t worth remembering.

“Well, I believe, Winding Sheets, that friendship is magic, and love heals all wounds  It is on these tenets that this program has been built upon,” said Celestia, her voice brimming with confidence.  Sheets disagreed but nodded in assent.

“Sheets, tell me how much you know about our program’s rules and goals, and what you think of them.”

“Scarlet told me about the four rules.  They seem reasonable,” said Sheets, keeping her voice neutral.

“Ah.  But you do not agree with them?” asked Celestia, chuckling in mock admonishment.

Not even questioning how the Princess had sensed her annoyance, Sheets sighed.  “I’m not too fond of the contraception spell, but I can work with it.”

“I am quite sure you can, but I must reiterate several goals that you and your partner need to accomplish and the consequences if you abuse your position,” said Celestia, her smile fading and features growing stern.  Sheets gulped and her back stiffened, ears straining to record Celestia’s orders.

“In order for you to receive your Golden Ticket, you must ensure that your partner is able to interact normally with other stallions and mares in most social conditions by the end of the three months.  That is, we expect a noticeable sign of improvement in your partner’s behaviour, manner and self-esteem.  Failure comes with no punishment and you will receive a small gift for your troubles in stead of the Golden Ticket.”  Celestia’s eyes narrowed.  “On the other hoof, should you dare to abuse your position by using your partner to further your own gains, or purposely hurt your partner in any emotional or physical manner, know this.”  

The room’s temperature dropped for several degrees and Sheets shook as Celestia’s words struck her like hammer blows on an anvil.

“Your ‘social status’ will be the last thing you will have to worry about.  Is that understood, Lady Winding Sheets?”

Then as suddenly as it had come, the creeping cold subsided.  Celestia was smiling again and Sheets was wondering whether it had been all a dream.  The slight tremble of her lips, her only reminder of the terrifying fear she had been gripped in.

“I understand, Your Highness,” said Sheets quietly, trying her best not to whimper.

Celestia nodded.  “Good.  One last thing, Winding Sheets.”

Sheets gulped. “Yes, Your Majesty?”

Celestia leaned forward, and placed a hoof on Sheets shock-frozen shoulder.  “Open your heart, and learn the beauty of trust.  Most ponies are not as bad as you think they might be.”

Sheets almost chuckled at Celestia’s words.  However, the gentle touch of Celestia’s hoof on her shoulder and the weight to the princess’s words stilled her barbed tongue.  So, she sat quietly as Celestia returned to her seat, set her cup down on its saucer and, with a burst of her magic, extinguished the fireplace.

“It’s time to introduce you to the stallion you’ll be paired with.  I think he’ll be rather pleased to meet you.”

Sheets nodded.  She was about to rise from her seat when Celestia raised a hoof to stop her.  “But first, I need to place the chastity spell on you.”

Sheets hid her groan.  She was hoping they would forget that.

Outside of the lounge, Sheets and Celestia were rejoined by a cheery looking Scarlet.  The group made their way through the castle corridors towards the barracks of the castle.  Throughout their journey, Sheets’s curiosity for her to-be stallion partner only increased.  She had heard snippets of whom he was from Scarlet, but that was it.

“Scarlet, how much can you tell me about the stallion I will be paired with?” asked Sheets quietly.

Scarlet grinned.  “I’m afraid I’ve already told you all I can.  We prefer the stallions and mares to introduce themselves to each other.  It’s better that way, especially since you…”  Scarlet frowned.  “Well, you might want to be careful in how you breach the topic of what you actually do.”

“Hmm.  How much does he know about me?” asked Sheets, her crafty smile returning to her lips.  

“Only that he’s being paired with a pony in our line of work, but that’s it.  We don’t want to intrude on the mare’s or stallion’s privacy.  But I do encourage you to be as open as possible,” said Scarlet.

“Perhaps, perhaps not.  We shall have to see,” replied Sheets casually, an almost predatory grin on her muzzle.  Scarlet sighed in slight exasperation, but didn’t comment any further, as they had arrived.

“I must leave.  I have royal duties to attend to, but it was a pleasure to finally talk to you, Winding Sheets,” said Celestia, facing her.

To Sheets’s surprise, she could hear the sincerity in Celestia’s compliment.  “It is an honor to serve you, Your Highness.”  Sheets curtseyed politely, her eyes glued on the alicorn’s almost motherly smile. After a nod to Scarlet, Celestia then left, gracefully walking out of sight.

“Ready to meet your partner, Winding Sheets?” asked Scarlet.  She gestured to the thick, heavy oaken doors that were probably the entrance to some office.  Sheets wasn’t entirely sure as to where they were going as she rarely explored this part of the castle.  Still, she raised her head and balanced herself on her hooves.

“Of course,” said Sheets, certainty in her voice.  

Scarlet knocked on the door.  A faint ‘come in’ could be heard on the other side. Scarlet entered first into the room, Sheets close behind.

The room was a small office, apparently Stalwart Pike’s.  The pegasus was sitting behind a worn mahogany desk adorned with various maps and reports.  Behind Stalwart was a rack of ornamental spears, but the room had a generally spartan appearance.

Sheets took this all with nary a thought.  Her main focus was on the back of the stallion reclined languorously in the wooden chair across from Stalwart.  That stallion had to be her partner, but Sheets’s eyes narrowed as she examined him.

He was a unicorn, but Sheets could barely pick that out from his mane, the first thing she noticed about the stallion.  The color of the mane was a rich, dark, chocolate brown, an appealing color.  However, the pleasing color could do nothing to offset the jungle that was the stallion’s hair.  The mane was an overgrown rats nest of twisted fibres that wove together in and out and between each other in completely irregular fashion.  It was the reason Sheets had difficulty recognizing the stallion as a unicorn; his horn was almost hidden in the tangle.

In fact, the stallion was just horribly groomed all around.  His tail fared slightly better than his mane, but not much.  It was frayed at the ends and tangled beyond measure. His cream colored coat had seen better days.  His fur was ruffled the wrong way in so many places.  His hooves, placed on the arms of his chair, were unpolished and coated with ink and mud.  To top it off, an odd, bitter, almost smoky smell emanated from the stallion.  

Sheets cringed.  How could she expected to have any physical contact with that heap of dirt in front of her?  It was almost as if the stallion had just gave up trying to keep himself clean, so defeated and grungy was the figure in the chair.

“Hello Scarlet,” Stalwart greeted.

“Morning, father.  Is he being grouchy today?” asked Scarlet cheekily.

“You do know that I am sitting right here,” said the unknown stallion.  Sheets’s brow furrowed a bit.  Curious.  Under the heavy dose of sarcasm in the stallion’s reply was a cultured tone.  It was rusty, but the stallion’s proper way of speaking marked him as a well-educated noble who had actually learnt something from his tutoring.  That did not match his current appearance at all.

“I know.  Now turn around.  It’s time to meet your new partner,” said Scarlet playfully.  The stallion groaned. Sheets sensed he had just rolled his eyes in exasperation. He didn’t even bother to even try to twist his head to peek at her, something that rather annoyed Sheets.

Roll your eyes at me?  Let’s see if I can change your mind… thought Sheets.  Quickly drawing her favorite fan from her purse, Sheets raised it with her magic to her lips, just hiding her smile.  Turning herself sideways a bit, she raised her rear-left leg to flash the slightest bit of her flank from under her dress, as well as her front-right leg.  With these simple adjustments, Sheets posed herself in the most beguiling and vexatious manner possible.

She had just finished positioning herself as the stallion finally began to turn around.

 “I’ve already told you I’m not interest—”  The stallion’s voice trailed off into silence.  Under her half-lidded eyes, Sheets glimpsed the dropped jaw and wide eyes of her… partner.  Now that she could see his face, Sheets was pleasantly surprised.  While an untamed moustache poured over his upper lip, the stallion’s metal-grey eyes were quite beautiful, if currently dumbstruck and somewhat sunken in.  His face was not unlike the perfectly chiseled statues of famous ponies that adorned the statue garden at the castle, although it was spoiled by deep eyebags.

For a while, the stallion just gawked, until a stupid-looking, extremely smug grin made its way to his face.

“Well, hello there, Little Miss Foxface.”

Surprise turned into shock, then transformed into indignation.  Before Sheets could slap the stallion with her fan, she blinked.  Little Miss Foxface?  The name was surprisingly apt.  She could actually see the funny side to it.

However, two could play that game.  Tittering mischievously, Winding Sheets strutted over to her partner.

“You are too kind, Mr. Messy-Mane,” rasped Winding Sheets, smiling coyly from behind the half-barrier that was her fan.  

The stallion was caught off-guard by her riposte, but, instead of being even slightly irritated, he swooned.  “Oh, you wound me.  Please… Only your kiss can heal my terrible injuries.”

Sheets raised an eyebrow and smiled.  Slowly, she languorously arched her neck over the stallion’s forehead and puckered her lips.  Of course, she had no intention of actually kissing the stallion, but he didn’t know that.  As her lips drew closer and closer to the now widely-grinning unicorn, Sheets noticed from the corner of her eye that the stallion’s hooves were getting twitchy.

So she was completely expecting it when the stallion raised his chin to try to kiss her on the lips.  Her fan moving like lightning, Sheets snapped it shut and tapped the stallion’s mouth, pushing him back onto his seat.

“Down, boy.  You are like a farm colt wanting to roll in the hay,” whispered Sheets, winking for effect.

“I am really a handsome, sexy, unicorn lord, who is great with spells of all kinds,” said the stallion, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Oh?  You still look like a Mr. Messy Mane to me,” said Sheets with a nonchalant shrug.

The stallion’s eyes narrowed a bit.  “This Mr. Messy Mane is one of the sons of House De Rose.”

The statement would normally raise Sheets’s eyebrows, but she was too much in her element to be distracted.  Although, she was severely tempted to widen her grin.  House De Rose was one of the oldest and most powerful noble families in Canterlot.  They tended to stay out of the political arena, but when they entered, it was like releasing a lion into a pit of hounds.  It helped that they could claim lineage to Princess Platinum herself and served as one of Princess Celestia’s vassals.

“Oh?  Interesting.  Which son are you, Mr. Messy Mane?” asked Sheets flirtatiously.

“The youngest one. Lord Barding, at your service, Little Miss Foxface,” said Barding.  He attempted to be roguish by winking, but the way his eyelid pulled at his tired features only spoilt the effort.  

“Well. I am going to have an interesting time with you, Lord Barding,” rasped Sheets.  As she spoke, she leaned in just a bit closer, her tongue wetting her lips.

“I am pretty sure it will be,” Scarlet said quickly, a bit of a flush to her cheeks.  Sensing that now was not the right time to exploit her advantage, Sheets gracefully separated herself from the enthralled Barding and turned back to Scarlet.

“Well then, Scarlet, I guess we’ll be off.  Am I right to assume that I will be staying at Lord Barding’s apartments?” asked Sheets.  Barding seemed to grin almost hungrily at the question, while Scarlet raised her hoof to her chin in contemplation and nodded.

“You both have been spelled and you both know the rules.  Just remember to go for three outings a week and to report to this office every fortnight,” said Scarlet, her tone serious.

“Excellent.  In that case, Lord Barding, let us be off.  I need to do some packing,” said Sheets.

Barding nodded eagerly.  “Of course, Little Miss Fox— I mean…”  Barding blinked and coughed.  He gazed at Sheets, bewilderment briefly spreading across his face.  Stretching his chapped lips into a smile, Barding met Sheets’s eyes.  “I do not believe I ever caught your name, miss.”

Sheets giggled at Barding’s questioning look before she closed and pocketed her fan.  Opening the door with her magic, Sheets shot a sultry glance over her shoulder.

“You’re right.  You never did catch my name, Mr. Messy Mane.”   With that, Sheets sashayed out of the office, her tail swinging behind her.  

A second passed before Barding suddenly found his sea-legs and tore out of the office without even a backward glance to the stunned Scarlet and Stalwart.  After a moment, father and daughter turned to each other, the same bemused expressions on their faces.

 “Well… At least he seems interested in her,” said Stalwart.

Scarlet nodded.  “Now all we can do is hope… For the two of them.”