Silver wakes up a little later than he usually does. It was most likely because of the hard time sleeping seeing as most of the night he couldn't stop thinking of Dinky. He rises from the bed and stretches. He does his usual morning routine of going to the bathroom and heading down for breakfast. Today was a little different though. He gets to the bottom of the steps and sees his brother Equinox all dressed and looking like he is ready to dash right out of the door. He goes up to him to see what he is doing.
"Hey Equinox, what's with the fancy clothes," he says with a little bit of confusion in his voice.
Equinox chuckles a little bit as he checks his belt to make sure his pants won't fall while he is out.
"I'm going out for coffee with Dash. She called me up about an hour ago asking if I wanted to grab some coffee with her and I gladly accepted. Its nice to make some new friends around here," he says while giving Silver an eerie look.
Silver immediately knows why he gave him a look like that and the blush comes back as he starts to think about Dinky again. After a minute he quickly shakes his head and protests.
"I'm telling you, we are just friends. Nothing more," he says with a bit of anger in his voice from being annoyed.
Equinox just chuckles a bit and goes to check his hair in the small mirror in the living room. Silver gives an eerie look right back.
"So are you going to make a move on her?"
Now Equinox is blushing. He had been bested at his own game. Damn that kid.
"Maybe I will, maybe I won't. I guess we will just have to see what happens afterwards huh?"
Silver feels defeated as his trick didn't work the way he wanted it too. Equinox was too calm about it. He just sits down on the comfortable couch in the living room. Equinox grabs his phone.
"Well squirt, I'm off, see ya later," he says while waving and heading towards the door.
Silver just waves back as the door lightly closes. He sighs while staring at the blank TV in the living room. He starts to wonder where Twi was at. A few seconds after the wonder he sees Twi walking down the stairs wearing purple pajama pants with stars on them and a light purple shirt. As she walks down the stairs she yawns. It wasn't like her to sleep in this late but she doesn't do it too often, so its not a major set back for her. Twi smiles at Silver.
"Hey Silver," she says with that bright smile of hers. "Where is your brother?"
"He went out for coffee with Dash," he says while still slumped over on the couch and with a somewhat sad tone.
Twi gets a concerned look and goes to sit next to him on the couch.
"What's wrong," she says with a concerned tone.
"I am bored and I can't stop thinking about Dinky. I don't really understand why though."
Twi just smiles and puts her arm around him to pull him closer.
"Oh I understand exactly what's going on," she says with a very bright smile.
"You do," he says questioningly.
"Mhm. You are in love Silver."
This immediately shocks him. Was he really in love? Could he be in love with Dinky? No, he couldn't be in love. He barely understands the basic concept of love. He doesn't know what love is. How could he be in love? He just looks at Twilight and doesn't speak. Twilight starts talking.
"Trust me on this one Silver, I know a thing or two about love. My Sister-In-Law told me a lot about it. The feeling you get, how your heart beats at the thought of them, and the fact that you can't get them out of your head. All signs are pointing towards love," she says while keeping the smile.
He is still shocked.
"A-Are you sure about that? There is no way..."
She just nods. She goes to stretch and he keeps thinking.
"I-I need to go see her."
He stands up to go put some outdoor clothes on. Twi smiles and turns on the TV to the local news as she usually does every morning. Silver comes scurrying down the stairs and quickly runs outside and closes the door behind him. Twi smiles again and looks back at the TV.
Silver looks around a bit and sees Dinky on her front porch playing with a toy doll. He smiles and goes to walk over there. The closer he got, the slower he went as if he was starting to think this was a bad idea. He sees her beauty from this distance. His heart begins to race frantically. He keeps walking. Eventually she notices him and it snaps him out of his trance. She waves and he waves back. He reaches her porch and sits next to her.
"Hey Silver," she says with excitement in her voice.
"Hey there Dinky," he says as his heart relentlessly beats fast.
"How are you this morning," she asks with a bright smile on her face.
"I'm doing good and what about you?"
"I'm doing great."
They both sit there in silence for a minute. Silver is the first to speak.
She looks at him with her head tilted showing that she is paying attention.
"I-I have something I need to tell you," he says extremely nervously.
"And that would be," she asks with her head still slightly tilted.
He does his best to find the courage to tell her. It takes a few minutes but he finally speaks.
"When I went to bed last night... I couldn't..... stop thinking of you," he says while shaking a bit.
Dinky is a bit surprised as to what she just heard. Silver continues talking.
"When I think of you... my heart races. I get a knot in my stomach.... and I feel a warm feeling in my heart. I asked Twilight about these feelings and she told me it means that I'm in love. I'm still very confused about this feeling but I didn't know how I should tell you that..."
Dinky stares at him blankly. She grabs one of his hands and looks into his eyes.
"Honestly, I get those feelings around you too. I didn't know if I should tell you or not. Well I guess I didn't have to be the one making an awkward moment," she says chuckling a bit.
Silver is now blushing a bit as he looks Dinky. Dinky is blushing too. Silver starts to speak.
"W-Well I was wondering... i-if you would like to maybe.... g-go out," he asks extremely nervously.
She smiles and holds his other hand.
"I would love to."
Silver smiles wide. She pulls him in for a hug and they both smile. Silver is extremely happy now. He now has a girlfriend. This will be a new chapter in his life.