//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: The look Out // Story: A Dead Brotherhood // by 2Bit Dusk //------------------------------// Having the permission to roam the passage ways and chambers as she liked, Fluttershy took advantage of this right away. She studied the labored over paintings from her ancestor's and with many great assassins from the ages. Ponies in robes long out of style and with rolling beards and frilly collars, Rarity would love this place. Simple looking farmers too ornate looking elite all carried the assassin symbol. Strange that this place being in the sewer, it oozed history and memories. Memories of which Fluttershy could recall strangely and without doubt, as if she was really there. In the midst of studying these hoof-crafted paintings and sculptors she came upon a eerie portrait of a happy looking family. Upon closer inspection she recognized her parents and a little young Fluttershy looking innocent as ever. She could feel her throat close up and her mind getting lighter as she starred at her father and mother in full assassin armor holding tight on her. She put a hoof on her fathers yellow golden beard and held back tears. Her mother and father had kept her form this life and she was glad that they had. Their faces, smiling and happy rang volumes on how she cared for others around her. Always with a honest smile, never complaining. She had to steal herself from the room to gather her thoughts. And too calm her blood. Feeling her stomach rumble she wandered into the kitchen hoping to find something to eat. A large butcher knife shot threw the air and stuck in the wood just inches near her ear. With her chest heaving she slowly sank tot he floor. '' Oh sorry about that madam, please don't sneak up on a old cook '' he laughed and he picked up Fluttershy and dusted her off. His bushy beard felt like a prickly rosebush. With a toothy grin he patted down her hair and went back to his work. '' Old habits my dear, so what do you want from the amazing, talented, and beautiful Lorenzo ! '' he said starring into a leek like he was in a Shakespeare play. Fluttershy just smiled awkwardly and asked for some greens, just plain greens. '' AH ! madam please you are in the company of a master chef ! anything that you want is my command ! Spiced soups, and fiery wine, too honeyed ham ! '' again Fluttershy just asked for greens. Lorenzo sighed and withdrew from the kitchen with a sigh. Confused Fluttershy sat in a warm, fresh smelling kitchen. After about half and hour Lorenzo came out twiddling his beard and carrying a plate of steaming food. He laid it in front of Fluttershy and she nearly fainted at the various smells and spices. Fresh leek with salt and pepper sprinkled on top, with a Swirling orange/brown broth surrounding the leek ,with bits of carrots and onion circling that as well. '' Please go on my dear, I would get a pillow to fall on if I were you '' Lorenzo said obviously exaggerating his cooking abilities. Fluttershy smiled and took a sip of the exquisite delicacy. The next thing she knew Lorenzo was helping her up form the floor. '' I warned you madam, my skills are a blessing and yet they are a curse ! But please come back later and I shall prepare something a bit duller, but amazing nonetheless ! '' he took his utensils and spices and withdrew into the kitchen. Fluttershy adjusted her eye sight and decided to roam the corridors some more. Feeling tired of the red brick walls she came upon a very interesting arena. High and low stone walls with metal bars hanging from the ceilings. It looked to be some sort of training area, but for what ? A noise came from behind one of the walls. Sea came out from behind the wall, and upon seeing Fluttershy he cast his eyes down. He fixed his pose and walked towards her keeping his eyes down. '' Forgive my anger, it was misplaced '' he drew back and leaned on the wall, looking up at the painted ceiling. '' It's okay . . .I know that must of disappointed you '' she said back. He sighed, then patted the wall and was about to leave when Fluttershy asked. '' Um . . .whats all this for ? '' Fluttershy asked quizzically. He looked at her with surprise, then he laughed quietly. '' Nothing too fancy, but it's a training area for free-running '' he looked back her and saw only confusion. '' Ugh, whats that ? '' she asked. '' It's faster than trotting, and a bit flashy for others. In other words it's like trying to from A to B in the fastest possible way, give it a try '' he gestured towards the steps. Fluttershy drew back. '' Oh . . .no that's okay I could just fly over it '' she smiled weakly, trying to avoid his gesture. '' Ha ! wings are to loud !, please it's not that hard, you just have to give it a try '' Sea nudged her towards the starting ramp. '' No, please, I'm fine ! '' Her limbs turned into water but unfortunately for her Sea caught her and brought her back up. '' Come on it's not that hard, see that pole ? when your running, jump and grab it with your teeth and flip back down. It's easy as 1, 2, 3 ! '' Not seeing any way out she hesitantly gave the okay. Sea stood back, smiling and waiting for her to start. He counted to three and singled for Fluttershy to start. She slowly trotted up the ramp and jumped to catch the pole. It seemed that she was inches away from biting the pole till gravity kicked in. She plummeted to the floor in a dizzy mess. Sea picked her up and smiled awkwardly at her, as if he thought this would happen. '' Perhaps that wasn't my best idea, I think that's enough for one day '' Sea said carrying the unconscious Fluttershy into her room. He laid her out on her bed and shut the door behind him. It seemed that he would be spending the day alone, maybe that's what he needed. He decided that he needed to apologize to his master.The halls seemed emptier than normally, only soft steps filled his ears. '' Master '' Sea bent down at the sight of his master and fixed his pose again. '' Before you say anything, have you apologized to our guest ? '' the master asked. Sea bite his lip again, remembering his less than stellar reaction to her refusal. '' Yes I have sir, but it still pains me that the last blood-kin of Honor Hawk has refused to help us. ''. Sea said feeling anxious about the future. '' That is not the case my young student, for killing is only when there is no other way. Have I been forgetful in my teachings ? For she may not kill but she will help in her own way, and if we had forced her to help us we would be robbing her of her free will. And is that not breaking a tenet of our creed ? Perhaps you may learn something from her ? killing is not the answer in most cases, but it seems that you've have forgotten that ''. Sea's face contorted in anger, then softened upon thinking about his masters words. '' I have been wrong thinking with my blade and not my mind master, but what will we do about the rising cult ? I believe that they have spread their influence all the way out here, they could even have a base here in Ponyvile. '' Asked the worried Sea. '' Yes I have pondered this of many hours, but we can only take steps and not leaps at a time. What I need you to do is take a look around Fluttershy's cottage to see if her friends have escaped safely. We can not allow any innocent blood on our hooves, for that would be breaking our tenet. '' The master opened a book and dismissed Sea. '' Very well master I'll leave as soon as I am able, but what about Fluttershy ? '' he asked '' We will not hold her against her will, if she wishes to journey with you, then so be it ''. Sea nodded and trotted out of the library and into the empty hall. He gathered his gear, but left out anything sharp. Perhaps he had been too lose with his blade and focused more on killing than why he was killing. He prayed that Fluttershy would still be asleep. He hadn't felt right since meeting her in the garden, a strange lightness in his heart that he hadn't felt since he was a colt. Since his fathers death he had been cold and calculating. He had felt guilty for focusing more on himself and his assassin training than his younger brother who had distanced himself away from Sea. Fluttershy however seemed kind and caring, he wondered if this feeling in his heart would go away. He almost wished it stayed. His heart however sank as he saw his brother stonewall talking with her next to the gate. '' Why hello brother, I was just discussing the importance of how the sugar in brown leaves is dryer but more plentiful, than sugar in green leaves and the importance of each in our society today. '' Stonewall boasted threw his teeth. '' Save your breath brother, master has given me a task, let me threw. '' he stammered out trying to avoid Fluttershy's smile. '' Oh is it to my cottage ? '' he asked. Sea sighed in his mind and nodded. She seemed all to giddy to leave. Sea said she could tag along with him and she eagerly excepted. Sea could feel the rolling eyes of Stonewall. '' Now ' Gatekeeper ' we shall return with in the night '' he said as Fluttershy followed him into the swear. It was a brilliant dark purple night as stars of bright white danced above their heads. Sea untied the canoe form the dock and gestured for Fluttershy to get on. Probably reliving how she was thrown into the canoe like a sack of potatoes not even two nights ago. She hesitantly got on and they started to float downward the river, trying to keep silent. The frogs must of been enjoying their night for their songs gently whispered in their ears. The pink and yellow flowers on the bank smelled of lilacs and fresh pulp. This setting would be very romantic, if other ponies were here. '' Those ponies I killed back at your cottage, I believe that I was thinking with my blade and not with my head. It seems all I say is apologizes but yet again I am sorry. It would be best if I be less of a barbarian. '' Sea pushed the canoe forward not wanting her to hear him apologize for the hundredth time. '' Oh . . .um If that was the last thing you had to do . . .I suppose. But I'm sorry for failing at that '' free-running thing '' She said smiling a little but keeping fixed on the warm water. '' * chuckles * No need, Iv'e met the floor of that course many times. In fact I was put into a full body cast the first time I attempted free-running. I had tried to jump of my schoolhouse and into a tree . . .lets just say my dad didn't let me run with him. '' This fortunately made Fluttershy laughed a tad. Satisfied with his joke he gathered enough bravery to look at her face. Her pink hair flowed in the light breeze and her eyes shined like bright amethysts, FOCUS ! he stole himself from her face and starred at the flowing water. Soon in not so awkward silence they came upon Fluttershy's lonely cabin. The place looked abounded and looming, nothing like it had once been. They touched of of the canoe and onto the soft soil of the back. Sea gestured Fluttershy to get behind him, and the two softly carried themselves through the shadows. Everything seemed to quiet and secure if a bit hollow looking. Sea gestured Fluttershy to hang back and let him scout the rest. The bushes were wiled and choppy, sending jagged shadows across Sea's face. The door of her cottage laid open with the hinges broken and bent, thanks to his handy-work. He tapped the door and his fell on the cold floor. The rancid smell of the cottage filled Sea's lungs and he had to cover his mouth with a scarf. As he made his way threw the deserted cottage, every creek of the floor sent shivers down his spine. A small white rabbit hopped by his hoof and rubbed on his coat. He was about to kick it away still a dash of air flew over his head. He slide behind a table and waited for any other sign of noise. Something fast shot out from behind the wall and tackled Sea to the ground. He bit down hard the ponies hoof and he heard a scream. He threw the pony off of him and the pony was thrown out of the cottage. Sea quickly fixed his thoughts and drew his hidden blade. He ran outside and saw Fluttershy looking around in the air looking confused. Sea fell in in the grass as a sicking crack erupted threw his ear drums. Something dragged him threw the grass and had thrown him in the river. He tore the lily pads off his hood and looked around for his attacker. A blinding ray of light was shot threw the air and was headed towards Sea. He ripped a smoke bomb form his belt and threw it the air. The white dust had blinded the attacker but the pony had tossed him on the bridge. The pony was holding him down trying to silence Sea. He slide out from under the pony and drew back towards Fluttershy. The smoke cleared and a crazed eyed stranger appeared. '' Rainbow dash ? '' asked Fluttershy. And it seemed that Sea's attacker had been Fluttershy's friend. Sea slide his eager dagger with in his robes and stood back as the two conversed in frantic tones. '' Wha, what are you doing here dash ? where are the others ? '' Fluttershy asked astounded that her friend was here. '' I don't know, I only woke up about ten minutes ago. And then Mr. Creepy Hood came trotting threw and I thought he was your garden thief '' explained Dash. '' I do not look like a creep '' proclaimed Sea. '' Dude you got glowing yellow eyes and your wearing a hood, I'm surprised that your not trying to read from an ancient book. Anyway after that smoke bomb went off a weird stallion in a gold hood came through, he was holding some sort of orb. I tried to fight him but he threw me in the garden. After that I felt really tired and I couldn't move, but I don't know where the others are. Oh and thanks for putting dust in my lungs creep '' Dash said patting down her frizzy mane. '' Wait their was a stallion in a golden hood ? and you felt tired after he used the orb ? '' Asked Sea. '' That's what I just said, right ? '' she said. '' Come with us, you'll be safe at out sanctuary '' Sea turned to get on the canoe. '' Is this guy safe Fluttershy ? I mean he was carrying a dagger the size of a rabbit. '' asked Dash. '' Yeah he's okay just don't get too close . . .Wait ! stay here I'll be right back. Sea and Fluttershy floated down the river with about fifth-teen different animals, all cramped in a small canoe with Rainbow Dash laughing overhead.