What Came Before

by Lynwood


Celestia looked up toward the sky, her mouth gaping open. The sun, her sun was gone. In its place, and the rest of the sky's, was a massive construct in the air. It was higher than any pegasus had traveled; it was partially hidden behind enormous, wispy clouds. The thing itself practically glowed; countless lights and markings adorned its sides. It was moving, too, but very, very slowly.

As Celestia watched the object, a multitude of small doors and hatches opened on it, and many small dots flew out of them. One dot was a tad larger than the others. It grew as it flew towards her, transforming into a large hunk of metal, about the size of the Apple barn.it sported four appendages, each with a pod on the end. The appendages were mounted on the corners of the sleek boxy looking machine, and the pods on the end of them spat white flames.

As the strange craft neared the ground, the white jets of flame grew, slowing it down. Celstia pondered their origin. Was it magic? Trickery? Maybe even... technology? No, that couldn't be right. Multiple pony geographers had stated that technology can only progress so far without magic. The craft disappeared behind the pillar of smoke rising toward the sky.

The other small dots neared the ground, and spread around the Apple farm. They were small, about the size of Spike the dragon, and had small propellers on their four corners. The flying machines began to spray a grey foam around the farm, on and around the spots that were of fire. The foam extinguished the fires, and the machines that had sprayed it moved off to help put out the larger flames.

There was a loud thud, and Celestia's head spun around to face the source of the noise. The craft had landed on four legs that had sprouted from the machine. It hissed and small jets of gas sprayed from the sides of the machine. It sat silent for a moment before opening. A crack appeared on the side of the craft facing Celestia. The side split through the middle, opening into two halves. One rose, one fell. Again, a force stopped the lower half. From hitting the ground, gently lowering the wall, which transformed also, appeared to function as stairs leading to the opening in the back of the craft. The top half rose gently.

Two figures emerged from the opening. They were completely covered in pieces of grey-green metal, and stood on their hind legs. In their forelegs they held strange, thin, intricate-looking black boxes. On their head, where their faces would be (Celestia hoped) was instead a black piece of what looked like glass. They walked forward and stood on either side of the opening. When they walked, Celestia saw their legs were bending the wrong way. Two more creatures walked out of the opening, one was covered with metal as well, but was colored blue-black. The other was completely white save for a green symbol on its chest and had less metal on its body, revealing a sort of cloth or hide underneath. The pieces of glass on the second pair of creatures' heads were clear, and showed a sort of furless skin face. The one dressed in blue-black had a darker brown for a coloring, with a chiseled jaw. It was male, by pony standards. The other creature had a slightly thinner frame, a more curvy build, and what appeared to be a lump upon its upper chest, but it was hard to tell underneath the slightly baggy cloth and multiple pieces of metal. Celestia deduced that it was female. It had slightly paler skin and carried a large kind of tapering cylinder on its shoulder.

The creature in white walked a short way from the spaceship and set the cylinder on the ground. On its own, it stood up on a tripod of telescoping legs that had unfolded from the main body of the device, and grew a large spire about twice as tall as celesta was. IT lit up, and colorful, blinking lights appeared on it. Some of the lights were shaped similarly to Equestrian letters, but much less stylized. The female creature knelt down and began tapping the cylinder, changing the light and letter patterns.

Celesta heard soft thumps coming towards her, and turned to face the source. It was the blue-covered creature. She was able to make out its face details better now that it was closer to her. It had a small snout, and a separate mouth a short ways below it. It had small, beady eyes which had blue irises, and had some short curly black hair on its lip. The sides and top of its head were covered by the metal it wore.

The creature looked the solar princess right in the eyes and grinned, waving its forehoof. Celestia now saw that it had five small appendages sticking out of the end of its arm, reminding her of Spike's useful talons. The creature opened its mouth.

"Hello! I, Sargent William K. Adams, on behalf of the Human Race, hereby make first contact between Humanity and the life-forms that call themselves the Ponies, officially recognized as an evolved and intelligent ASpecies generation 03." The creature lowered its strange looking appendage. "There. Now that's over, we can meet like real people." His smile widened. "Hi. I'm Will. I'm a human, and we've all been dying to meet you."

Celestia was speechless.