Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Going to the bar... in the morning

*Facehoof* I screwed up last chapter. It some how didn't save correctly and I posted a half done chapter. So, you all just missed a lot of info.

Okay, I'll just start this off where it cut off on the last chapter. So... yeah, sorry about that.

Chapter 114

"Chilling?" He said, confused.

Twilight giggled, "Just say yes dad, because, knowing Lance, you're going to have fun."

He smiled, "Okay, I'll do it."

I pumped my hoof into the air, "Great!" I then looked at her mother, "And, if you want, we can go to the spa."

She giggled, "Spa? You mean a spa day?"

I nodded, "Yep! I've been wanting to go there. I can bring one of my friends along. I know you'll like her."

Twilight smirked, "Don't tell me you want to bring her along."

I nodded with a smile, "Sure do! She'll make everything more interesting." I then looked at her mother, "So, what do you say?"

She rubbed her chin, "Hmmm, I don't know. Can this wait till tomorrow?"

I gave a quick nod, "Sure can." I then looked at her father, "You know what that means Mr. Sparkle? That means we can have our guys day out today."

He chuckled, "We forgot to tell you our names, didn't we?"

"Oh, that's right. Well, let me be first to introduce myself. I am Twilight Velvet."

I snickered slightly, "Okay, but I'm going to call you Velvet, since it'll feel weird calling you Twilight."

She giggled, "Fair enough."

Her father smiled, "My name is Night Light."

[Night Light... BWAHAHAHA!]

I chuckled, "Nice name." Don't laugh Lance, don't laugh!

[So, whats the plan?]
{Give me a minute.}

I looked at the clock to see that it was still kinda early, "So, Night Light, you feel up to dealing with me for the rest of the day?"

He looked at Twilight, who was smiling happily, then back to me, "I guess. How bad could you be?"

I chuckled, "Oh, you don't have to worry about me. Just a few other ponies." Mainly Greg.

He nodded and looked at the other two, "Should I be worried?"

"Not at all honey." Velvet said with a chuckle.

"Maybe a little, dad." Twilight said with a smile.

I smirked, "Come on Night Light, we're going to Ponyville!"

Ponyville, forty minutes later

"You know, when I envisioned us having a guys day out, I though it would be a little more exciting." I said as I hung off a bench backwards, staring at a random puddle a few feet away.

Night Light was sitting next to me, also very bored, "I think you should have planned this all out a little better."

I gave a small shrug, which almost caused me to fall off the bench, "I know..."

[Bored... so bored.]
<Wanna play a game?>
[Like what?]
<Hmmmm, aha! Hide and Seek?>
[... Oh sure, let's play Hid and Seek in a fucking empty void!]
<... Sorry.>
[... *Sigh* It's fine.]
<Wait... idea! Come on Break, we've got some work to do!>
[Like what?]
<Remodeling! Woohoo!>
[Really? Fine. Lance, we'll get back to ya soon.]
{Ummm, okay?}

I rolled over till I was sitting on my stomach and sighed, "We can play something, like a sport or something."

Night Light chuckled, "I'm young Lance, but not that young."

I laughed a little, "Yeah, sorry about that. We could..."

"Yo! Lance, amigo!" Greg said as he trotted towards us.

Greg? Really? How does he keep sneaking up on me?

I think Pinkie's rubbing off on him... that is not good... for all of us that is!

"Hey..." I said, still bored.

Greg stopped in front of us and looked at Night Light, "Who's he?"

I sat up and stretched, "Him? He's Twilight's dad."

Greg smirked, "He is?" He held out his hoof, "Nice to meet you..."

"Night Light." He answered as he shook Greg's hoof.

Greg looked at me, "Hey Lance, wanna do something fun?"

"Nope." I responded, "Anything with you is not going to end well."

He smirked, "How about you Night Light?"

Night Light shrugged, "Well, I guess..."

"Great!" Greg yelled out as his horn glowed, "We're going to get a drink!"

My eyes widened, "Wait! Don't you..."


"... Dare teleport... us."

Greg laughed, "To late."

I looked around and saw a single building. It had 'The Watering Hole' written on a sign out front. It was right next to the Everfree forest.

"They have bars here?" I asked in confusion.

Greg nodded and began to happily trot towards the door, "Yep! This is the best place to get drunk off your ass!"

Really, they have bars here? Who would have thought that a place like this actually has a bar?

I looked at Night Light, "So?"

He shrugged, "You did want to show me a good time, and we haven't done anything. So, I guess this place will be interesting."

I nodded in agreement, "Yeah, do you drink?"

He shook his head, "No, I'm not a drinker. What about you?"

I chuckled, "Nah, I don't drink. Well, I will, but I don't enjoy it."

"You pussies coming or not?!" Greg yelled from the entrance.

"Yeah, just keep your panties on!" I yelled back as I began to trot forward, followed by Night Light.

Upon entering the bar, I was assaulted with a acid like smell that burned my nostrils.

After pathetically coughing at the scent, I followed Greg to the bar, which was almost full of ponies trying to get a drink, or just talking.

I slide into one of the stools and looked around. Night Light sat down on the one next to me, looking uncertain at being here.

Greg... Greg was screaming at the bartender to hurry up and get over here.

I looked over at Night Light and sighed, "Not as fun as you thought, huh?"

He shrugged, "I guess not. When I was in high school, me and my pals would always come to places like this. Well, they were cleaner back then, but it's still the same. We would always play pool or something along those lines. You know, I was a pretty good pool player back then."

I smiled and turned his way, "Really? How good were you?"

He smirked, "Let's just say I could get all the balls in the holes on the first shot."

I whistled, "Whoa, I've got to see this one day."

He laughed and rested his back against the bar, "If you two ever come visit, I'll show you. I have a pool table in the basement."

I grinned and rested my back against the bar, "You know Night? I think we'll just do that. Maybe when we have some free time and all."

"Finally! I want your strongest drink!" Greg yelled at the bartender.

I looked at Greg and raised an eyebrow, "Greg... should you really do that?"

He looked at me and smiled, "Oh yeah! I've got to do this!"

I sighed and looked back at Night Light, "As I was saying, we'll stop by one day. We'll also bring the kids."

He chuckled, "I haven't even seen my grandchildren yet."

I slide out of my stool and chuckled, "Well, I guess they're at school right now. I think. Anyways, I'm going to use the bathroom."

"Alrighty then." He said with a chuckle.

I began to trot towards the restrooms, passing several nasty looking ponies on the way.

I have a feeling I'm going to be raped.

.... Oh come on, no comment from either of you two?

.... Oh, that's right, remodeling. On my own... fun.

After a few minutes of walking, I arrived at the restrooms.

I pushed open the door, and then gagged. It smelt like old puke... and urine.

I braced myself and walked in. Yeah, this place needs to be inspected... fast!

A few of the stalls had hooves under them, but the last one was empty. So, I walked in and positioned myself so I could use it.

Once that job was done, I hit the handle, which flushed the toilet. I then opened the stalls door and walked out.

But before I could walk over to the sink, the stall door next to me swung outward and slammed into my face.

I stumbled into the wall and held my snout, which had that very uncomfortable cold feeling forming in it.

The pony who had flung the door open stepped out and looked at me, "Oh crud! Are you okay?!"

I looked up to see a ash grey pony with a brown and white mane, "Yeah, I'll live."

He held out his hoof, "I'm so sorry."

I grabbed his hoof and allowed him to help me stand, "It's fine, really."

Once I was standing, I looked at his cutie mark to see a crescent moon, "Huh, nice cutie mark. What does it mean?"

He smiled, "Glad you asked. It shows my interest in the moon. I've been studying it for years, trying to figure out all information it hides."

I chuckled, "Well, it's better than mine..." I looked down at my hoof, which he was still holding onto, "Uhh, you can let go of my hoof now."

He smiled sheepishly and let go of my hoof, "Oops, sorry about that."

I shrugged, "It's cool. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to get back to my friends."

"Can I come?" He asked, becoming nervous.

I smiled, "Sure, just follow me."

He smiled and allowed me to lead him out of the bathroom and back to my seat.

Once back, I jumped up on my stool and spun around to face Night Light, "I'm back."

The pony walked up and stood between our seats.

"Who's this?" Night Light asked, pointing down at the pony.

"He's... I don't know. What is your name?" I asked while looking at the pony.

"My name is Tovy. And yours is?" He said with a large smile.

I pointed a hoof at myself, "I'm Lance, Lance Greenfield." I then pointed at Night Light, "And he's Night Light, my father in law." I then pointed behind me at Greg, "And that dude is Greg."

Tovy nodded, "Okay, got it. Nice to meet you all."

"Nice to meet you too." Night Light said with a happy smile.

"Yo." Greg said, tapping his hoof impatiently on the bar. "Come on! Bring me my drink!"

I sighed, "Greg, give them..."

"Here you go. One Skittles." The bartender said as he pushed a large beverage towards Greg.

Greg smiled, "Fuck yeah!" He then picked it up with his magic and tilted it into his mouth.

His eyes widened as he chugged the drink. He slammed it down and let out a yell, "FUCKING EPIC!"

I laughed, "Yeah, we're going to have to drag him out of her later."

"Probably." Night Light said, rubbing his back.

*Sound of glass breaking*

"Hay! Did ya just spill my drank?" Said a voice with a thick country accent.

I turned to see Greg standing next to a stallion, broken glass between them.

Greg smirked, "I didn't bro. If I did, I would do this!" He then picked up a glass full of liquid and splashed it in his face.

The stallion jumped up and glared at Greg, "Boy, ya askin fora flank whoppin!"

Greg pulled his hoof back and slapped the stallion, "Bitch slap bitch!"

"That's it!" The stallion yelled out as he stood up on his hind legs and held his hooves up in a fighting position.

Wait... is he using a boxing style of fighting? Oh, poor Greg.

The stallion leaned down and slammed his hoof into Greg's jaw, knocking him backwards.

"FIGHT!" One stallion yelled out as he jumped up and threw his glass at another pony.

"Not good." Tovy muttered beside me.

The entire bar went crazy. Everypony was either jumping up to fight, or flee.

A bar fight? Greg just caused a bar fight?

The first stallions friend stood up and stood beside him, while the other stayed in the booth, "Good job Jack Root. That'll show..." The one talking pushed a pony down who had ran at him, "That'll show him ta mess with you."

The pony, who must be Jack Root, smiled, "Yeah, Ah don't think he'll be messin with me anymore."

*Sound of three wooden chairs breaking*

"Hahaha! That's what you think you pussies!" Greg yelled out as he began to throw chairs at the two ponies.

The one who remained in the booth was slowly wrapping something around his front hooves. Hand wraps? No, hoof wraps?

Greg ran over to us, knocking ponies out of the way, "Come on bros! You gotta help me!"

"I'm good." I said, still watching the fight.

"Same here." Tovy said.

"Yeah, I'm not much of a fighter. Plus, I don't feel up to it." Night Light said with a grin.

"Fuck you too." Greg said before turning around.

The two ponies from before ran up to him and rammed into him. They then fell to the floor and began to roll around, trading blows.

I stood and sighed, "Well, this couldn't get any worst."


My head went to the side as a pony slammed his hoof into me, "I was wrong."

I grabbed the pony by his hoof and pulled him towards me. I then slammed my head into his, causing him to collapse to the ground.

I looked up at all the ponies fighting each other. This was complete chaos.

Hey, look, training, yay...

I sighed and changed my form to my Angel form. What? I love this form, and I see the opportunity to use it. I'm going to use it.

I walked forward and slammed my hoof into a stallions face, sending him into another.

Oh yeah, this is so much fun.... yeah, I'm being sarcastic. Truly, I'm just bored now.

Tovy ran up beside me and smiled, "Can I help?"

I shrugged and opened my wings, "Sure, go crazy." I then swung my wings to the side, knocking three stallions down.

I twisted around and began to walk in a different direction. But, before I could do anything else, I saw a stallion holding a broken bottle to Night Light.

I glared and flew forward and slammed into the stallion, knocking him away. "This is getting old."

"Couldn't you just end this?" Night Light asked.

I shrugged, "Yeah, I guess... Should I?"

"Uhh, yes!"

I chuckled, "Consider it done?"

When I turned back to the room full of ponies, a smirk broke across my face. This could be a little fun.

I flew forward, slamming into a few stallions in the process. I jumped over another and slammed my over sized wings into him, knocking him unconscious. I then landed on a table and kicked a bottle at another pony, hitting him in the head.

I stepped down from the table and slammed my back legs into it, sending it into a few other ponies.

A stallion stepped in front of me and tried to hit me. I grabbed his hoof and pulled him forward. I then slammed my head into his and let him drop. I then grabbed his hind leg and flung him at another stallion.

This went on for another minute before the only ones left in the room was me, my friends, and the three stallions from before. The third one was still sitting in the booth, now rubbing his mustache, his hooves fully wrapped in the hoof wraps.

Greg was laughing like a maniac as he rubbed his bloody face on a table. How drunk is he? Well, knowing him, he's not even drunk and is doing that for the hell of it.

"Why are ya'll wantin to fight us?" Jack Root said with a grunt.

I shook my head, "No, I don't want to fight. I don't know why you think we want to fight you. I was simply playing peace keeper a minute ago."

"Well, I say you're lying, trying to get us to drop our guard." The other said.

"I agree with Rocco, ya fakin it!" Jack Root said angrily.

"I got him!" Rocco said as he stepped forward, now standing on his hind legs, his front hooves held out in front of himself.

I sighed, "Why me?" I then flew towards him and threw a punch.

He shifted to the side and grabbed my foreleg. He then put his other hoof on my head and slammed it into a table. He let me go and grabbed my hind leg. He pulled upward and slammed me onto the table. He brought his hoof up and slammed it into my gut, forcing me through the table and onto the floor.

Okay, I just screwed up that attack. He easily countered it... wow.

I stood and coughed, "Okay, you're good."

He backed up, still on guard, "Thank you."

"Now, who are you?" I asked curiously.

"We're the Boxing Trio. The best bare hoof boxing team in Equestria." He said proudly.

I nodded, impressed, "Awesome. I don't want to fight you, believe me."

He lowered his guard, "Yeah, I can tell. I easily beat ya."

"Rematch." The pony in booth said.

"What?" I asked.

He stood and smiled, "I want to face you in a real match. I got to see you in actual action."

I cockes my head, "Really?"

He laughed, "Yes, really."

"Really Sullivan? You want to have an actual match with him?" Rocco ask, confused.

Sullivan looked at his friend and smiles, "But of course. I like a challenge. "

I laughed, "I'm sorry, but I have no idea how to box."

"Learn then." He said simply.

"I could... why do you really want have a match with me?"

He waved a hoof, "Two reasons. One, you look like you'll be a fun challange. Two, it's been a while since I've had a actual bout." He leaned forward, "What do you say?"

I rubbed my chin, "Uhhh, sure. When and where?"

He smiled, "Great! Today at noon, the gym in Canterlot. We'll be there all day."

"Okay, I'll be there... this is just a friendly fight, right?"

Jack Root nodded, "Yep, just for fun."

Sullivan waved his friends towards the doors, "We'll see you soon?"

"You will." I said with a smile.

After they left, I trotted back to my friends. Greg was passed on the floor... 

Night Light chuckled, "Well, we did want a more interesting day, right?"

I chuckled, "We did, and now you all get to watch me get my flank kicked."

Night Light and Tovy laughed, causing me to smile.

This little event should be interesting. I just hope I don't end up knocked out on the mat.