//------------------------------// // Meeting People // Story: Back in Time // by DisUsernameScreamsKhaos //------------------------------// "So, what do we do to find the leader of this world?" asked Dusk. "Well the last time I was here, I found out that the largest part of the world is led by a being known to these creatures as God." replied Clex. "So, other than God, who do we bring back?" asked Dusk. "Well, the machine only fits five, so we can only bring back three humans." replied Clex. "Okay then, we might also need a person who has complete control over our lives." said Clex. "That means we get our author right?" asked Dusk. "Well, I guess so..." said Clex, but in his mind he was thinking "What the heck does that even mean?" They both decided to look for these two people before finding the third. First of all, they had to find God. They had no idea who God was, since, there was no God in Equestria. They decided to ask someone where to find God. They asked a person, who weirdly looks a lot like Lyra from home, where they could find God. "Oh, you need to go to church if you want to find God." said Lyra. "Uhm... what and where is church?" asked Dusk. Lyra held back a laugh and ended up giggling. Nobody in the world didn't know where church is. Everybody knew where church is. And here she was, standing in front of a boy who had no idea what church was. "I could take you there if you want. I was on my way there anyway." said Lyra. "Thank you, uhm..." said Dusk. "My name's Lyra, Lyra Heartstrings." said Lyra. "Thank you Lyra." said Dusk. Lyra led Dusk and Clex to the church. Along the way, Clex talked to Dusk. "Dusk, if a human looks like a pony from home, they have the same name. For some reason though, we don't have human counterparts." said Clex. "Oh... okay." replied Dusk. "Not all humans have pony counterparts either." said Clex. "We're here." said Lyra. They stopped in front of a large building with a cross on top. "So... where do we find God?" asked Dusk. "You just have to go inside and pray." replied Lyra. Dusk was about to ask how to pray but he was stopped by Clex. "No more questions Dusk. Let's just go inside." said Clex. The three humans walked inside the church. Lyra began he prayers, Dusk mimicked Lyra, and Clex asked random people if they were God. Clex was met with random results. He got slapped, spat on, and kicked. Eventually, he met someone special. When Clex asked him if he was God, the man replied by saying: "In a certain way, yes, I could be called God." said the man. "Great, may I know your name?" asked Clex. "I am Morgan Freeman." said Morgan. "Well, Morgan, we need your help. Please meet me again here." said Clex, handing Morgan a place and time. "Uhm... okay." replied Morgan. After that, Clex walked to Dusk and Lyra, who decided to join them in their search for people. The three humans went of in search for a person Dusk referred to as "My Author." After a while, they were led to a dusty old house. "Why are we here Dusk?" asked Lyra. "Clex asked around and we were led here. Are you sure this is the right place Clex?" said Dusk. "Yes, I'm positive." replied Clex. Clex knocked on the door. A young boy, around the same age as he three of them, opened the door. "What is it?" asked the boy. He looked at the people on his doorstep and noticed something familiar about one of them. "Hello there, this is Clex Alleto, this is Lyra Heartstrings, and I'm-" "Dusk Chaser." finished the boy. "Uhm... Dusk, how does he know your name?" asked Clex. "Well, he is my father." replied Dusk. Clex and Lyra were shocked. "Hehehe, I guess you could put it like that. My name is Louie, I created Dusk." said the boy. "I don't believe this. Are you saying everything that's been happening was all in your imagination?" asked Clex. "Pretty much, yeah." said Louie. "Prove it." said Clex. "Okay then." said Louie. He led them to his room where he was writing a story called "Back in Time." "Okay, so, how are you gonna prove it?" asked Clex. "Like this." said Louie. He typed in a sentence saying "Clex suddenly turned into his pony counterpart and got slapped by Lyra." Suddenly, Clex turned into his pony form and a shocked Lyra slapped the pony. "How'd you do that?" asked Clex. "The same way I'm doing this." said Louie, who returned Clex to normal. "Now, if it's alright with you, We should get back to your goal. We already wasted a paragraph just for messing with you. Now, let's get the last person you need before heading home." They all went on their way to an alley where Morgan was waiting for them. "Ahh, well then, who is the third person you decided to bring along?" asked Morgan. "Well, I decided to bring none other than Lyra over here." replied Dusk. Lyra was shocked to hear this. "W-why me?" asked Lyra. "First of all, you were the reason we found the rest of the group. Secondly, Clex kinda developed a crush on you." said Dusk, interruppted by Clex. "I do not have a crush on Lyra!" said Clex. "And lastly, Louie couldn't think of anyone else to include in the story." said Dusk. With that, the five humans went into the teleporter. "You won't get away with this Discord!" said Celestia. "Really? All your allies were drained of all magic by Tirek! Do you really think you can beat me even if you don't even have the strength to stand up?" asked Discord mockingly. "Dusk, along with his reinforcements will stop you!" said Luna. "He's nowhere near here you fool!" said Discord. Discord slapped Luna smack in her face. Just then, the teleporter arrived and Dusk, Clex, Lyra, Morgan, and Louie stepped out. "Get ready for the fight of your life Discord." said Clex. Dusk saw Luna rubbing a red slap mark on her cheek and got mad. "Now it's personal Discord." said Dusk. "You can't beat God, uhm... whatever you are." said Morgan. Weirdly, the teleporter didn't turn the three humans into ponies. "I can't believe it... I'm surrounded by talking ponies! Oh yeah, you can't beat us!" said Lyra. "You're about to lose Discord." said Louie. The final fight was going to start.