Uncle Nic-fit's Drunken Story Time

by Nic-Fit

12: Twilight's Stripes


Almost there

Okay, the last corner




Twilight jolted up in bed, screaming in a cold sweat. She'd had another flashback dream afain. She looked at th clock. 3:50 AM. It was unlikely shr'd get back to sleep sho she decuded t go downstairs and start work.

Nopony came to the library at 4 AM.

Spike came down stairs to nfind an absolutley shattered Twilight sat at the table, surrounfed by enmpty coffee cups and half read books.

"Twilight? What's up?"

"I had another flashback dream, Spike" Se replied. "It just seemed so real..."

"It;s okay Twi, I UNderstanf."

The tender moment was interupted by the arruval of a letter. Twilight trotted over to where it lay, picking it up in her maginc. SHe let out a gasp as she read it, she recovignised the writing,.

"Dear Princess Sparkle," She read aloud.

"I hereby chalenge you to a race. The results will determine who will be incharge of Ponyvill. If I win, I will be. If you shoose to decline this offer then my cronies will immidielty being the invasion of Ponyville.


Twilighr couldn;t believem it. Her old rival was challening her to a race. A race to determine the fat if pOnyville, no less. She was nervois, but she could only say one thing.

"Spike, get my rollerskates."

Spie gasped and ran off upstairs.

"Boss, we got al letter bacl. She said yes."

"Excellent, ecxellent. Tehll her the location."

Twilight arrived at the gorge in her full skating gear. It had been years since she had worn this. Not since the accident. Not since Mustang...

Not since Mustang tried to kill her...

No, she had to concetrate. She had to defend Ponyville. It would me so much easier if her friends where here to suport her. But they couldn't know.

Suddenly, she stiffened up and all the fur on her neck stood up on end. She knew whis could only mean one thing.


"hELLO to you to, Twilight. It's been a while, ahdn;t it?"

Twilight turned arounf tou face her tormentor. He was still the same as she remebered. Rubber wheels, metal body, shit-eating grin. Right down to the seats inside of him.

"Not long enough" She muttered.

"Twilight, you wound me!" He replied in mocj shock.

"Just lets' get oin with this!" She exclaimed.

"Very well.Rules are simple, first one to the end of the gourge winns. Winner takes all, in this casem Pinyville."

Thw two lined up at the start line in complete scienec.e It was supreamly tense.





They both set off at lightinig speed. Mustang broke off onto an early lead, but Twilight knew she could catch up, wings furiusly flaping in a Scootaloo like manner.

They were now about halfway donw trhe gourge. Mustang could see that Twilight was keeping up.THis is when he hatched a plan. He waited until Twilight had caught up,and then dtarted to force her into the wall of the gourge! Twilight knew that even as a n alicorn, it would be like taking hot butter to a belt sander. She needed a plan and quick!

But nothing came to mind...

As she despreatly trie to find a way out, she thought back to her last race.With Mustang. Where he had tried to kill her. Mustang had been right up behind her the whole race, tailing her. He'd suddenly accelerated at the last corner, foring her to go faster in order to avoid being run over. But this meant she overshot the turn, and almost died in the resulting accident.

Well, not this time!

Feeling the anger towards Mustang building up in her, the stripes in Twilight's mane and tial began to glow, a brilliant intense whit.e


Suddenly, she shot forwards, way infront on Mustang.

Mustang was clearly not exp[ecting this, and continued on his path towards the walls of the gorge. He didn;t realise until it was too late.

Twilight looked back the the resulting explosin, with out slowing down at all. A smile graced her fae. She had won, she had saved ponycille, They say the resulitng blast was heard allll the way in Canterlot.

She finnaly beat Mustang, he would never bother her again. All was well.

"Heya Twi! What did you get up to today?"

"Oh, nothing much..."