//------------------------------// // Chapter 22: The Royal Gallery // Story: The Seventh Element // by PaisleyPerson //------------------------------// Chapter 22 The Royal Gallery It had been almost a month since the dragon migration. Spike came back from the experience unscathed, but with a new appreciation for the simple Ponyville ways. He and Torchwood were bonding like never before at their shared but newly discovered ancestry. Spike was rather cross with Garble, but though I understood why, I kept defending Garble. In my eyes, he was still a good kid. He felt powerless with the adults, and rightfully so, but with the other teenagers, he had total control. I’d only made things worse by forcing his mother to admit that she had to leave soon. From what I understood, he was still in denial about that fact. The trip was meant to be a happy reunion, but it only reminded me of how I had to keep lying. That reminder caused me to begin straying from the group once more. Every time I looked at any of them, I only saw the heartache I would cause when they found out. They would find out. All liars were discovered eventually. I was hoping to heal the wounds at the group picnic Fluttershy invited me to, even though Torchwood wanted me to come back to Midnight Armor with him. He’d been making frequent visits in an attempt to get me to go along with him, but I refused. I didn’t need any more reminders as to why I could never be completely honest. “It’s just gorgeous out!” Rarity declared. Everypony else was quiet, so I didn’t feel odd staying silent. The only sounds were the chirping birds, the soft rustling of leaves in the wind, and the slurping of drinks. I looked over at Applejack to pinpoint this source. Then, the rushed pitter patter of feet could be heard. It was Spike, and he was obviously out of breath. “Twi... light! ...I... have... Lemme just...” he panted. Taking a moment to catch up with himself, a loud belch came out instead of words. A letter appeared from the green flames. Twilight eagerly picked it up. “Dear Twilight, I am sure you are as excited as I am about the upcoming wedding in Canterlot. Wedding?” She looked up at us as though we had the answer. “I will be presiding over the ceremony, but would very much like you and your friends to help with the preparations for this wonderful occasion. Fluttershy, I would like you and your songbird choir to provide the music.” “Oh my goodness! What an honor!” “Pinkie Pie, I can think of nopony more qualified than you to host the reception.” “Hip, hip, hooray!” She did a cartwheel over the picnic blanket, landing one hoof in the cake but somehow not crushing it. “Applejack, you will be in charge of the catering for the reception.” “Well, color me pleased as punch!” “Acrylic, I would request that you paint the bride and groom’s portrait to be placed in the royal gallery.” I almost choked on my sandwich. “Say what now?” “Rainbow Dash, “the blue pegasus yawned at her name, “I would very much appreciate it if you could perform a sonic rainboom as the bride and groom complete their "I do"'s. “YES!” “Rarity, you will be responsible for designing the dresses for the bride and her bridesmaids.” “Princess Celestia wants me to...” she babbled something indecipherable “...wedding dress? For a Canterlot wedding... I, ah, ooh, oooh!” She fainted in a happy heap. “And as for you, Twilight, you will be playing the most important role of all: Making sure that everything goes as planned. See you all very soon. Yours, Princess Celestia. But... I don't understand. Who's getting married?” “Oh, wait! Uh, I was probably supposed to give you this one first.” He sheepishly offered a second scroll. “Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and...” she looked more shocked than she’d ever been. “My brother?!” “Your brother's getting married? Congratulations, Twilight! That's great news!” AJ moved toward her. “Yeah, great news,” she sarcastically grumbled. “That I just got from a wedding invitation! Not from my brother, but from a piece of paper! Thanks a lot, Shining Armor. I mean, really, he couldn't tell me personally?” She picked up a sandwich and began flapping it like a mouth. “Hey, Twilight, just thought you should know I'm making a really big decision that changes everything. Oh, never mind, you'll hear about it when you get the invitation. Ugh! Princess Mi Amore Cadenza? Who in the hoof is that?!” “Um, Twilight? Are you okay?” Fluttershy whispered. “Sorry, it's just that Shining Armor and I have always been so close. He's my B.B.B.F.F!” I looked at the others, wondering if I was supposed to understand that. “Big Brother Best Friend Forever?” she clarified. “Ohhh!” we all hummed. “Before I came here and learned the importance of friendship, Shining Armor was the only pony I ever really accepted as a friend.” Music started playing in my head. Here we go again!” Twilight started off in a solo. “When I was just a filly, I found it rather silly “To see how many other ponies I could meet. “I had my books to read; didn't know that I would ever need “Other ponies to make my life complete. “But there was one colt that I cared for “I knew he would be there for me. “My big brother, best friend forever! “Like two peas in a pod, we did everything together; ‘He taught me how to fly a kite. “We never had a single fight. “We shared our hopes, we shared our dreams. “I miss him more than I realized “It seems...” At her gloomy expression, the rest of us tried joining in to cheer her up. “Your big brother, best friend forever! “Like two peas in a pod, you did everything together.” “And though he's oh so far away “I hoped that he would stay “My big brother best friend “Forever. “Forever...” Applejack again tried her hoof at consolation. “As one of your P.F.F.'s...” Our expressions went blank. What was with all the acronyms? “Pony Friends Forever,” Applejack corrected herself. “Ohhh!” “I wanna tell you that I think your brother sounds like a real good guy.” “He is pretty special. I mean, they don't let just anypony be captain of the Royal Guard.” “So let me get this straight,” Rarity squealed. “We're helping out with the wedding of not only a princess, but a captain of the Royal Guard?” “I guess we are.” “Ooh, ooh, oooh!” Twilight just managed to slide a pillow under her head before she fainted, a joyful smile plastered on her face. “I’ve got to go tell Torchwood!” I realized, jumping up. “I’m sure Shining Armor wouldn’t mind us bringing another guest along. Why don’t you invite him?” “Really?” My eyes shone. “Of course!” “Thanks, Twi!” I gave her a quick hug before dashing off for his cottage. Strangely enough, he wasn’t home. I didn’t recall him telling me that he’d be gone, and promptly asked around town. Finally, Mr. Cake thought he remembered him saying that he was going to visit his parents. Grimacing, I headed for the Everfree border, but was saved when his silhouette appeared gliding overhead. “How was your visit?” I called over the loud whooshing of wings. “Not so great,” he sighed, looking heavy-hearted. “What’s wrong?” “It’s Mom. She’s come down with something. Normally I wouldn’t be too worried, but Dad thinks it’s pretty bad.” “Torchwood... I’m so sorry!” I moved in for a consoling hug, which he readily accepted. “I’m going to stay with them for a while, just to make sure she’s okay.” “Do you want me to come?” His eyes lit up. “Would you?” “Of course I will. Just let me tell Twilight I won’t be able to make the wedding after all.” “What wedding?” he stopped me. I turned back around. “Her brother is getting married this weekend. I was asked to paint their wedding picture for the royal gallery, but I’m sure they can find somepony else.” “Acrylic, I can’t ask you to give that up. It’s such an honor!” “Your parents are more important than fame and fortune, Torch.” “I still think you should go,” he argued. “Mom isn’t deathly ill. She’ll still be there after this weekend. You can meet up with us then. They’ll understand.” “Torchwood-” “No ‘buts.’ You need to be there for your friends. It’s a big day; you should be there to support them. I can stay with Mom until then.” “Are you sure?” “Mother wouldn’t have it any other way,” he nuzzled me. I sighed, looking away as I bit my lip. “Okay.” * * * Canterlot was growing ever nearer in the distance. I watched out the window, letting the breeze ruffle my hair; my beloved beret had been safely set to the side. I squinted as something bright pink twinkled in my eyes. What was that? All of Canterlot was surrounded in some kind of pink film. A feeling of dread balled up in the pit of my stomach as we neared it. I slowly stumbled back, trying to avoid the wall as it finally started coming at me through the train. It passed through everypony else just fine, so I shouldn’t have had reason to worry. But for some reason, I just got this feeling that I wouldn’t be let off so easily. It was just an inch away. I wanted to run, but I was petrified in the middle of the aisle. The pink bubble began passing through me, but it only got past my nose before pain tore through my chest and seemed to rip me apart. I felt like I’d slammed into a brick wall as it flung me back. I hit the wall in a crumpled heap, but the force field finally washed over me with a few residual pricks of pain. I slowly lifted my head, ears ringing and body trembling from pain. Everypony was staring at me. Time seemed to stop for a moment, and I was sure I’d be found out. Then they all jumped on me. “What happened?” “Are you okay?” “Fine,” I squeaked, trying to find my balance after being yanked back to my hooves. “Do you have any idea what that was, Twilight?” “No, but I’ll bet Shining Armor will know.” The train screeched to a halt. “We're here, we're here!” Pinkie squealed, jumping out like nothing had happened. “Whoa, what's with all the guards?” Rainbow wondered aloud, supporting me on one side as I stumbled out. Applejack had my other side. “I'm sure they're just taking the necessary precautions. Royal weddings do bring out the strangest ponies,” Rarity assured. As if on cue, Pinkie let out a loud sneeze that almost sounded like a kazoo. Confetti spewed from her nose as well. “Now, let's get going! We've got work to do! Except for you, Acrylic. I think you should be checked out by the nurses here.” “No, no,” I hastily declined. “I’ll be fine. It was just a quirky spell, is all.” “Speaking of which, I’ll go find Shining Armor and find out just what that was,” Twilight declared. “And to congratulate,” Applejack reminded. “Yeah. Congratulate. And then give him a piece of my mind.” She trotted dutifully off. “Excuse me, sir, but could you be so kind as to direct us to the courtyard? We’re here to help with the wedding, and I believe Princess Celestia wanted a word,” Rarity flitted her eyelashes at one of the guards. “Certainly, Miss. Follow me.” Rarity fell into step behind the gray-coated guard, the rest of us falling into a train after them. Rainbow, Applejack and I brought up the rear. One of the white guards noticed my two “crutches” with a start. “Miss, please, allow me to bring you to the infirmary,” he offered. “I’m fine,” I growled, nudging my supports away and limping indignantly off by myself. This was Canterlot. Ponyville checkups were one thing, but I wasn’t going to risk any Doctors finding out about my thestral side. I had no doubt that was what nearly crushed me on the train. The steps ascending to the courtyards proved slightly troublesome to my already sore limbs, but the knots were finally working themselves out. As Rarity predicted, both Princesses were waiting for us at the pavilion. “Welcome, my little ponies! I’m so glad to see that you could all join us for this momentous occasion.” “Why, your highnesses, we wouldn’t miss it for the world! Isn’t that right, girls?” While they nodded vigorously, I gave a half hearted dip of my head. Part of it was because of my headache, but I still felt guilty coming here while Torchwood stayed behind with his sick parents. “I would have thought that you would bring that stallion with you, Acrylic. Torchwood, I believe his name was. The invitation extended to him as well, of course.” “I did invite him, Princess. His mother is ill, and he had to go home to help his father take care of her.” “I’m so sorry to hear that! I’m sure we could find somepony willing to fill in for you, if you don’t feel up to this assignment.” “It’s fine, Princess. I was going to stay behind, but he wanted me to pull through with this. I’m doing it for him.” “As you wish. Now, on to your assignments-” “Um, Princess Celestia, your highness? Can I ask you somethin’?” Applejack stuttered. “But of course, my dear Applejack. What is it?” “What exactly is that sparkly pink bubble do-hickey around the gates?” “That is a protective shielding to keep out any ponies that would cause harm to us. A threat has been made against Canterlot. The Captain of our royal guard has been charged with the responsibility to maintain it,” Luna answered “But that doesn’t make sense,” AJ muttered. “Acrylic doesn’t mean any harm to Canterlot, and that spell just ‘bout crushed her.” The Princesses both turned to me, and my stomach knotted. “But that makes no sense,” Luna protested. “I don’t know why Shining armor’s spell attacked you, Acrylic. I’m sorry. Are you alright?” “Fine.” “Guards, would you take this young mare to the royal infirmary?” Luna requested. “No! I’m fine,” I insisted, ducking away from the grasp of the two summoned pegasi. “It was just a quirk. I’m alright. And besides, I need to get a jump on this painting. It’ll take hours for the oils to dry between layers. The sooner I start, the better.” “I believe your health is more important than the painting,” Celestia concurred with her sister. “After our doctors give you a clean bill of health, you will be permitted to begin working. I’ll have all the supplies you will need sent to the gardens for when you are ready. Guards,” she nodded to them again, and the two advanced once more. I shoved their hooves away. “I’m quite capable of walking on my own,” I snapped, angrily sulking away. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the Princesses exchange worried glances. I hissed at myself. I had to keep my temper in check. The anxiety the event was causing made it difficult for me to keep it under wraps. The doctors poked and prodded, and one of the unicorn surgeons even used a couple of spells in his diagnosis. I held my breath, praying that one of the spells wouldn’t trigger a wing spring. One of the nurses happened to mention that Shining Armor had been experiencing migraines ever since he set up the shielding, and the doctor decided that the headaches were causing flukes in the spell. In the end, I was given a mild painkiller and led out to the gardens. The station set up for me included all the finest paints, the best quality brushes, a pre-primed canvas, and all the reference pictures I could hope for. Even so, reference pictures could only do so much. I really needed to take a good look at the bride and groom first-hoof. I was sure they’d be along soon to check up on progress, so I set out a few light guidelines in graphite pencil so I could have something to show for. I’d never been to the royal gallery, so I didn’t know what a royal portrait was supposed to look like. So, I just jotted down the first thing that came to mind. The bride was on the right, neck curled as she touched noses with her groom on the left. It was an unusual angle; while they bent close to each other, they still faced the viewer. The arch of their necks formed a natural heart shape, which gave a sense of good old fashioned cliché to the image. I began brushing Celestial Gold into the background, their light colored coats barely outlined in Midnight Blue- the Canterlot colors. The Midnight Blue added a stunning contrast, but I let it fade out around where Shining Armor’s similarly colored mane would be. Then I could block Princess Mi Amore Cadenza’s form in with a soft pink, and redefine the white glow of Shining Armor’s coat. I was getting to the undercoat of their manes when a stern voice sounded from behind me. “What is that?” I turned into the face of the very mare I’d just been painting. “Princess Cadenza!” I ducked into a low bow. “Please, call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza,” she huffed, striding past with extreme dignity. “Don’t tell me this is our wedding picture,” she snorted. “Uh, well... it’s just a practice canvas. I need to get my ideas down in a rough draft before doing the real thing, see.” “Well, make sure the ‘real thing’ doesn’t look anything like that. It needs to be a full body picture, not just head shots. And we should be standing hoof-in-hoof in the ballroom, not in front of golden muck.” “Of course,” I stuttered, jotting down the notes. “The pillars should be marble, and add the Canterlot symbols into the floor tiles. Sun filters in from the top right, not the left.” “I understand.” “And make sure we’re both wearing our wedding attire.” “I’ll consult with Rarity for the designs,” I assured. “Good. I want a second ‘draft’ ready before dinner tonight.” Nose turned up, she began to prance away just in time for her fiancé to arrive. “Shining Armor! I thought you were going to be busy all day,” she greeted in a sickeningly sweet voice. “I am, dear, but when I heard that somepony had been injured by my protection spell, I had to come and make sure she was alright personally. Are you Acrylic?” he looked past his wife-to-be at me. “Yes,” I nervously affirmed. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am for what happened. I’ve had to keep this up for so long, I guess it’s becoming faulty.” “You were attacked by Shining Armor’s force field?” the Princess disbelievingly asked, expression softening. “It’s fine; I’m fine. But thanks.” “I still say it’s strange. Hey, you’re the pony painting our wedding picture, aren’t you?” “Yes, sir,” I nodded. “I’m so honored that you came with your friends even after your friend’s parents fell ill.” “I did want to stay,” I admitted, “but he wouldn’t hear of it.” The Princess raised an eyebrow. “So, is this it?” Shining armor peered past me at the half-finished canvas. “Oh, no, no, no. That’s just a practice board.” “It sure doesn’t look like traditional portraits...” “Well... that’s because I’ve never been to the royal gallery to know what they look like,” I blushed, scratching my neck. “But Princess Mi Amore Cadenza was just giving me her input for the finished piece.” “I love it!” Shining Armor went on. “You do?” the Princess and I both exclaimed together. “It’s so unique! And the Canterlot colors give such a nice contrast.” “But Shining Armor,” his fiancé argued, “You said it yourself. It doesn’t look anything like a royal portrait- at least not like one that belongs in the royal gallery.” “Exactly! I don’t want our picture to look like all the others. I want ours to be special.” “Are you disagreeing with me?” “I guess I am.” “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I interrupted. The two of them turned to stare at me. I nervously cleared my throat. “If I may, I can finish both versions and leave it up to you both as to which one makes it into the gallery.” “I don’t want to put all that extra work on you,” Shining Armor started. “Please do,” Princess Cadenza countered. “Perhaps then Shining Armor will see how ridiculous... that looks next to a real portrait.” “Of course, your highness,” I sighed with a dip of my head. Once she’d sauntered off, I set my tools to the side and sent for a new canvas.