Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

The in laws

Quick note: I just read that Twilight's brother is the Captain of the Royal Guard. At first, I facepalmed because I screwed up and made Barehoof the captain, then I remember that he quit to live his life with Dana XD So, I got lucky with this one.

Yeah, just though I'd share that.

Chapter 113

I stood there with a smile as Twilight's parents stared at me in disbelief.

"You're... You're the one married to our daughter?" Her father asked in a shocked voice.

I chuckled and began to shake, sending mud everywhere, "Sure am!"

"Lance..." Twilight said silently as she slowly back tracked to the house.

I looked at her and laughed, "One minute Twi, I'm talking to your parents."

"Married... to our daughter? You?" Her mother said, also in shock.

I twisted back to them and smiled, "Yep! And I must tell you. Your daughter is amazing!"

[I don't think that came out right...]

They looked at each other and then me, "Uhh, could we please speak to our daughter alone?"

I stepped to the side and bowed slightly, "Sure, I'll be out here if ya need me."

They frowned to each other and quickly trotted past me and into the house, Twilight slowly followed behind them.

I stood there for a full five seconds before groaning. What am I suppose to do while I wait?

{... Really? We're in public, plus, I don't do that!... Anymore.}
[HAHAHA! Yeah, anymore!]
{Shut up Break...}

I looked around and began to tap my hooves against the cobblestone ground. A few ponies walked past and snickered at my appearance. Yeah, I was still sorta muddy.

I sighed and shook myself again, but the remaining mud refused to come off.

I looked up and watched the passing ponies. Then, I saw a pony I sorta knew, "Hey Legit! How ya doing?" I yelled, waving to said pony.

Legit stopped and tipped his fedora to me, "Oh you know, write this and write that. Same as always."

I chuckled, "Where ya heading?"

He laughed and continued to walk down the road, "Oh, just heading home. I have to finish writing one of my books before the dead line. See you around."

I waved him off, "See ya."

[Heh, that guy... Seems legit.]

I looked around, but saw nothing else to distrack me from my boredom.

[I know, let's eavesdrop.]
[May be interesting.]
{*Sigh* Fine.}

I trotted over to the door and pressed my ear to it, but couldn't hear anything.


Oh, right.

I trotted over to the window I had used to escape, which was still open, and looked in slightly.

Inside, Twilight's father was shaking his head, and her mother was rubbing her eyes in a annoyed fashion.

Twilight was on the couch, her eyes on the floor between her parents.

Twilight's father sighed and looked at Twilight, "I thought we taught you better than this Twilight. We always thought you would chose a suitable stallion as a husband. Not a strange and immature one."

Twilight closed her eyes tightly, "I'm..."

"How could you get pregnant by him?!" Her mother said, disappointment in her voice. "I fear for the child that was born thanks to him!"

.... What the...

Her father sighed, "Twilight, we love you, we only want whats best for you."

Twilight looked up, tears in her eyes, "But, he's..."

Her mother cut her off with a wave of her hoof, "Twilight, listen. He acts like a immature foal. And I've only known him a minute. I do not approve of this."

A tear rolled down Twilight's face, causing my inner rage to build.

Her father rubbed his chin, "Listen, I do not think he's the one for you. I think you rushed into this marriage thing with him." He then glared slightly, "When he got you pregnant, did that make you feel like you should have married him? If so, I'm going to go have a talk with that stallion."

Twilight shook her head furiously, her eyes still closed, "NO! I love him! I didn't feel like I needed to marry him! I WANTED to marry him!"

Her parents where taken back by her words slightly.

Her mother sighed, "Twilight, dear, we want you to live a good life. Not a life taking care of a stallion and a child. I suggest you divorce him as soon as possible, before he's able to force you into doing something you'll regret."

My left eye twitched slightly.

Twilight looked up angrily, "Don't say that! I would never leave Lance! I love him more than you'll ever know!"

<I don't get this, why are her parents so distressed over this?>
[Beats the fuck out of me.]

Her mother stomped her hoof, "Twilight Sparkle! Please, don't raise your voice to us! We're tying to help you!"

Her father nodded, "Don't worry Twilight, your mother and I will do our best to get you away from this stallion and..."


They all turned to look at the door, which was now hanging off its hings, and me, who was standing dead center, a pissed off look on my face.

I stepped forward, "How could you?"

Her father looked stunned, "We..."

I held up a my hoof and growled, "No, don't talk!" I then slammed my hoof down, "Listen to me! Both of you! I love Twilight, I truly do! I would never do a single thing to hurt her! I do my best everyday to keep her happy and safe! She has made my life complete and worth living! I may look like a uncaring guy, but let me tell you this, I care more about her than I do myself!"

Her mother recovered from my rant and glared, "Oh? What have you done for our daughter?!"

I growled, "I've done everything I can to keep her safe! I've broken bones, limbs, and other parts, just to make sure she's unharmed! I've stood by her side, keeping everything that could hurt her at bay. I've put my life at risk many times for her! I've died for her!"

They both recoils at the last part, "Died?!"

I jerked my head up and down angrily, "Yes! I sacrificed myself to save her! Do you have any idea how painful that was! You'd think it would have been a fast death, but no! I suffered for a full agonizing minute before I actually died! My love for her is so strong, I was given a third chance at life! If this doesn't prove my loyalty and love for Twilight, then I don't know what will!"

I hung my head and tried to calm myself.

There was silence in the house for twenty full seconds before her mother spoke up, "Twilight... is that... true?"

"Yes! He's done so much more for me!" I heard her jump off the couch and trotted towards me. She then wrapped her forelegs around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder, letting her tears fall freely.

I looked up at her parents. They were both shocked and pained.

"Twilight..." Her father said softly.

Twilight pushed her face harder into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry... if what he said is true, then I have no place to judge you two. I am truly sorry for acting like that." He said, sadness in his voice. He hung his head and rubbed his eyes.

I looked at her mother.

Her face was scrunched up, "All that really happened?"

I slowly nodded.

"And.... you truly love her?" She asked softly.

I nodded again, "Yes, with everything I have left. She and the kids are all I truly love and care about."

<Our friends?>
[They're all on a different level.]

She gulped, "Lance... I'm sorry."

I shook my head, "I'm not the one you should be saying sorry to."

She looked at Twilight, who was still hiding her face in my shoulder, "Twilight, honey. I'm sorry. I just.... I just thought you married him because you thought you had to. But now, I see you truly do love him. Can you ever forgive me?"

I leaned my head down and whispered in Twilight's ear, "Come on Twi, they're your parents. They just made a mistake."

She leaned back and whipped her face with her hoof. She then turned and looked at her parents, "I forgive you, both of you. I understand why you would be mad, but you didn't have to do all that."

Her father looked up, tears in his eyes, "We know, we're sorry honey."

Man, this is painful to watch.

Twilight trotted over to her parents and pulled them both into a hug, "It's okay. I'm sorry we didn't tell you earlier."

Her mother chuckled and returned her hug, "It's fine dear, we should have came earlier also."

Her father smiled, "We'll make this up to you honey, we promise."

I held up a hoof, "Actually, I would like to make this up to you first."

They all broke the hug and turned to me, "What? How?"

I smiled, "I'll think of something. But, I do have something in mind for your father."

Her father cocked his head, "You do? What would that be?"

I smirked, "A guys night out. Just you and me, chilling."

*Facehoof* I screwed up! This chapter was cut in half! There was at least another two hundred words! Sorry about that everyone.