
by Riddle-Me-Think

Fighting for What

I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

Outside of Canterlot and it’s shinning pink shield that blocked out any attackers, Luna stood at the ready with her amassed lunar guards in the woods. Beside them were a number of other changelings, nineteen in total, and all from Ponyville. The events leading to their being here were simple in itself.

After all the changelings had expressed their thanks to Twilight for securing some form of peace and offered up their help, the mare sent a letter straight to Celestia. The help was welcomed, and those that were willing to fight came, while the rest stayed behind and sent supplies.

Luna wasn't sure if nineteen would change the course of the battle to come, but even she saw the boon the changelings had. They were diverse, and had a large selection of weapons to use. But most of all, their ability to shape-shift.

Already the night alicorn had coordinated a plan with some of the changeling to take up the forms of those with high ranks, to hopefully fool or distract the enemy some.

But fighting the swarm was not their objective, that was left for her sister and the larger force of guard to do. No, Luna’s task was to sneak around enemy lines with her more stealth oriented ponies. The changelings helped add to this, not only because they were natural at hiding, but could point out changeling patrols.

Though she abhors the bloodshed, Luna still felt some inkling of excitement flow through her at the prospect of the coming battle. In the past, during her kind of time, wars and open battle were a honorable thing. One did not just run into battle intent on killing your foe, but fight them into submission, showing who was the better fighter. Those that fought to the end were sometimes seen as hero’s, rising to the ultimate challenge for their kingdoms and showing the surrounding nations of their kingdoms might.

But that was before both Luna an Celestia met changelings. They way they fought were completely different to them both, who viewed both battle and war more honorably. Changelings did not see it that way however, and used deception, tricks, misdirection and cowardly tactics to win if they must.

In some odd way, Luna admired a changelings more logical approach. They were a cunning species to be sure, willing to fight to the end with tricks rather than strength. But even then most of their fighting was surrounded by striking fast and then going ballistic on their foes.

But now, a thousand years after such dark times they have changed strategy. No longer did they just attack out right, but planed. They used the shadows to sneak in, gather information, disrupted an enemy army’s organization, masquerade as those in great power—

They are truly a foe one must not underestimate. Luna’s features set into a determined frown and narrowed eyes. She let her magic idly run over her sword, Lunar Eclipse, preparing for the time it must be drawn. Mentally, the night princesses went through her vast list of spells, figuring which ones to use and when to use them.

“You seem excited.” Roma’s slightly nasally voice cut though Luna’s focus some. Turning her head to her right, Luna could see Roma make her way next to her, seemingly unafraid of the alicorn.

With a growing smile, Roma played with one of her chakrams around her neck asking, “Ready to start bashing heads in like I am?” Seeming to let her smile morph into a grin at the idea of causing harm towards the invaders.

Luna only shook her head and told, “Neigh, that is not the reason for my elation.” Before directing her attention back to Canterlot, “Battle use to be more honorable thing in my time, and I would sometime revel in the delight of fighting another of great skill.”

Taking interest in what she was saying, Roma further asked, “So you like the challenge more than the fight?” Trying to get a grasp of the concept.

“That is correct.” Luna nodded, not taking her eyes off the place she had called home for two years since her return. With the time drawing near, and with one question still unanswered, Luna looked back to Roma saying, “Might I inquire a question from thee?”

Once again with a chakram in her hooves, Roma seemed to play around with the disk knife while shrugging, “Shoot.” Not seeming to care in any way.

With slightly narrowed eyes, Luna asked, “How is it you seem so calm and unafraid of us?” Wanting to know why despite the still prevalent fear in the hearts of many, this one changeling didn't seem scared at all.

A dry laugh came from the mare when she heard the alicorn ask this, and told, “I wouldn't say I wasn't scared.” Looking to Luna with a slight smirk, “I have every right to, but I’m not ‘cuz I believe Sparkles did what she said and helped make peace with you, for us.”

“I see.” Luna said, turning back towards Canterlot with Roma. Over time, the shield in place seemed to gain more and more darker tint then before, surly a sign that the changelings were already sending in their first wave.

Turning away from the scene, Luna ruffled her wings in some impatiens at the battle to come. “How close are we to our foe’s backs?” She asked, Looking a cross her group of fifty guards an the eighteen changelings —excluding Roma who was next to her— that made up their battle group.

Seeing that idle talk was done with, Roma said, “If that scout from the Gem Clan is right, than we should be on their flanks in a hour.” Then waved a hoof to some of the more less densely pack underbrush, “And I think he’s right, Changelings still need room to fly, even if we’re good in close spaces.”

Giving a single nod, Luna raised her voice and ordered, “Prepare thy selves, for battle is upon us!” Using her eyes to look at each guard under her command. Some had seen battle a few times, but for Luna they were nothing more then little skirmishes. This would be their first real taste of how battle was truly done.

Opening her wings more to show herself fully, one would feel surprise at all the armor Luna had donned for this battle. It was all a dark blue, much like her regal she often worn. The armor itself shinned little, helping conceal her into the surrounding darkness. Like all in her command, a crescent moon adorned her chest plate, showing all who she was.

“Today, we face a foe that has not been seen for nearly a thousand years, a time were I and my sister ruled together.” Luna started, knowing she had to rally her troops, “The likes of this foe we face is unlike any that you have faced in the past. For they take on the face’s of those you trust, and can use magic most foul.” Most of her guard shifted uneasily at her words, becoming slightly uncertain.

“But you must not falter!” Luna told with a strong voice, “For even If you face a foe such as this, remember why you are my guard.” Then pointed towards Canterlot telling, “You are the pride of the lunar guard, and protect those under my night because no other would brave the darkness.”

“And yea are not alone in this endeavor, for we have a fellow friends that are willing to brave the dark with us.” And sent a slight nod towards Roma. With a slight grin, Roma dropped her disguise for the first time in years, showing the changeling underneath. Despite the shock that when through her guards eyes, Luna continued on to tell, “Yes, our allies happen to be of the same kin to our foes, but do not let it discourage you, for they wish to fight along side us.”

Stepping up, Roma then said, “And we plan to do just that, right?” Followed up by a number of cheers from the changelings of Ponyville, all of which dropped their disguises. With a smile Roma said, “See, we got your backs.”

Thanking Roma and having the mare step back, Luna once more took center stage telling, “This will be the first time in a millennium that we have gone to battle in such a manner, but I have faith you will all do your part for Equestria.”

She went on to say more, but the appearance of Chance of the Gem clan stopped her from saying more. The changeling-in-pegasus disguise landed before the aileron and told, “Celestia is ready and on the move, the wedding is now underway. The first enemy wave has been deployed, with the second preparing.”

“Good, return to mine sister and inform her we are ready to move now.” Shooing the scout back. Before he could take off though, the lunar princess added, “Make haste scout, for as you leave, we will be on the attack!”

The time is now upon us, Luna took a moment to compose herself before looking over her group. Using her magic to draw her blade, Luna raised it and told, “Remember your duty while we smite thine enemies this day, and protect which we hold dearest.” Then swung it forwards commanding, “Now let us advance, and show these invaders what the lunar guard truly can do!” Getting a roar of approval.

The changelings of the group took point, scouting out the area and watching for traps or patrols. Luna and her guard followed the marked paths, taking care to stay low and in the shadows where they could sneak by. When the first camp came into sight, Luna called for them all to halt and wait.

The princess looked over the camp, trying to find potential weak points and thinking how to attack. With a plan forming into her mind, Luna waved over one of her guard and Roma, and told, “Lieutenant Overlay, I want you to sneak over to the left flank over yonder with half the guard, and to await my comment to attack.” Pointing out a small collection of trees that would be good for cover.

Giving a salute to Luna, the stallion about faced and started to gather up half the guard, while Luna herself told Roma, “Take your team of changelings, and head for the right side of the camp.” Pointing over to a number of bushes that would act as cover, “Once the attack has started, I want your group to cut down or capture any runners.”

Grinning and giving her own lazy salute, Roma said “Ma’am yes ma’am.” And about faced to the changelings, ordering in a slightly raised voice, “Alright you sorry lot, we have some orders to do, now follow me before I start using you as my personal practice dummies!”

Looking back to the mare, Luna could only wonder, how is it that a mare of her person is a tomato vender and not a guard caption? Finding it strange that despite Roma’s very outspoken and hostel self, she chose such a peaceful living.

Mentally shaking the thought away, the night alicorn only concluded, changelings are a strange people, and focusing back onto the attack.

Luna waited for fifteen minutes for all the combatants to be in place, waiting for the right moment to attack. There was then a sound, one of shattering glass that was followed up by the drop in magical power.

The shield! Glancing over her shoulder, Luna confirmed that the shield had finally failed without Shinning Armor to tend to it. Knowing what was to happen next, Luna took action and gave the command, “ATTACK!” Bringing her sword to bare. Lunar Eclipse glowed with power from it’s owners magic, then was leveled at the camp while it released it’s spell.

Even when fighting off guards, the changeling invaders quickly began to organize themselves for a proper defense. This was soon lost to them as a lace of dark-blue magic flew over some, but impaled many before reaching its destination at the camps center. It did not end in an explosion, but a splash of power that scattered a number of changelings away.

A battle cry soon followed Luna’s initial attack, as pony and thestral guards came at two sides, forcing the invaders back. This was soon found to be a mistake, as Roma came out of hiding with her team and began to stop them in their tracks.

Raising more power into her being, Luna took flight while shouting, “Surender thyselves now, or face the wrath of those you dare to invade!” Diving down while swinging her sword in a horizontal swing. The changeling who had backed away from the attack found that they were not far enough, as another spell on the sword came into play, extending its reach.

Five fell to this, two getting deep cuts in their throats while three others suffered long gashes that put them down for the fight. Luna didn't finish there, turning around quickly and casting a new spell, being a simple blast of magic to send a enemy falling to the ground in a daze.

Hearing a hiss, Luna turned her sword around, using it’s pummel on a changeling too close for the blade to be of any use. The attacker stumbled back, stunned from the strike to the head before being surrounded by magic and tossed aside into one of it's allies.

Luna went to strike out at another foe, but was apparently beaten to it when a circular knife planted itself into the changelings skull. This was followed by a roar from Roma, who all but charged into the changeling forces, slashing and tossing her chakrams about in a frenzy.

The sight and sound of Roma’s attack did more than take down targets, but seemed to scare a number of drones. The grunts of the changeling forces seemed to shudder at the sight of all the blades hanging from Roma’s body, scraping and clanking as they did.

Roma tossed another one of her blades at a aerial attacker, finding her place next to Luna who sent a focused beam at another changeling, sending it flying.

“This has to be the best wedding I’ve ever been invited to!” Roma cheerfully told, ducking under a attack before rising back up and hooking her next ring around the attackers horn. With both hooves being used, Roma violently twisted it, quickly prying the changeling head to one side and flipping them. Just as fast, Roma finished him off with a stomp to the head, knocking him out.

Holding her sword so it face down, Luna made a pushing gesture with her weapon, sending a short wave of magic to toss a number of drones away. “We are not even in Canterlot, How is it that yea could even say such things?” Rising her sword to catch an attacking changeling commons own sword, the guard catching the blade before Lune parried the offending sword and thrust into the attackers gut.

“I’m just sayin’.” Roma shrugged a little before looking up and calling, “Incoming over head!” As a large swarm of drones came up and turned downwards towards the duo.

Looking up at what Roma was warning about, Luna sent a new spell through her battle mage sword, crafting the spell just right before pointing the blade skywards. For a moment, noting seemed to happen after the blade flashed for a second. But when it flashed the second time, a deafening boom followed, as a bolt of lightning shoot through the swarm and into the heavens above.

This effectively fried a number of drones, and disrupted the rest to try attacking from all sides instead of head on. This place both Luna and Roma on the defensive, as they both respectively flung spells and tossed knives.

“These drones are like misquotes!” Roma seemed to complain while tossing another chakram into the swarming masses, “Numerous and annoying!” Being tackled down before she got a grip on the drone and kicked it off herself.

“Agreed!” Luna nearly grunted as she lifting her hind legs to buck an unlucky drone who had not notched her when it landed behind her, “I pray my sister is fairing better than this!”

The time had finally come for her to take up arms once more and to lead her ponies once more into battle. Celestia had left Canterlot the previous day with the aid of her sisters night. The plan they had worked out would hopefully work for them all, considering what they knew.

Inside of Canterlot, Masquerade would take up her stead, playing out his best act yet to keep her little ponies from panicking and to keep the infiltrator unknowing of her absents. Professor Intrusive was set in charge of five veteran guards, who’s job was to help organize and even convince the surrounding guards of the Lue clans involvement and help.

Luna was deeper into enemy lines with the changeling from Ponyville, her task was to disorganize their numbers in the rear. This would let Celestia herself gain the upper hoof during her own attack, were her more larger forces would push the invaders back into Luna’s own group.

Before the solar princess was her small army of two-thousand guards, all of whom were tucked away in a fort until this time. Right as of this moment, they made neat lines and were ready to move on her command. In front would be her more heavily armored earthen guards, each one having more armor put on their front. Just behind them would be unicorns with long spears, followed up by another row of unicorns with spears, as well as a third line with the same weapon. Brought to bare, they made a wall of spikes, deterring foes from attacking head on.

In the center of the advancing line would be more unicorn guards, being mainly spell casters with combat experience. Their job was to fire long ranged spells, or put up small barriers to block any ranged enemy fire or magic. In the rear of all this were her pegasus guards, who would provide aerial support and rear defense.

For a few pegasi, they would not be here, but along side their fellow guard with chariots at the ready. Their task was to fly overhead while carrying an archer or two, coming in to fire a few shots then back away while another chariot came in to continue the suppressive attack.

Celestia shifted in her armor, feeling the golden metal slightly uncomfortable with how tight it felt. It had been much too long since she last wore this armor, back then she was a tad smaller and thinner then she was now. Best I don’t tell my sister this, least she teases me and my cake once again. Unable to hold back the small smile that graced her features.

“Your majesty.” A guard came up to her, bowing his head before rising it and telling, “The Gem caravan has been spotted nearby. Should I send some guards to evacuate them?”

With a relived smile, Celestia shook her head saying, “That wont be necessary commander Hill, they’re our support.” Using her magic to lift her halberd up from it’s rack. There was a strange comfort when she would take it up, almost a reminder of who she can be when the time called for it.

Watching as his princess begin making her way toward some guards unassigned to any tasks, the commander walked beside Celestia, eyeing her weapon with some intrigue. This was the first time he had ever seen his princess don both weapons and armor for battle, and it somewhat scared him how calm she seemed at the idea of it. It was sometimes easy to forget how old the alicorn was and what she had did with how young she still appeared.

He didn't have any more time to ponder this as Celestia gave her next order, “Send out a small group of scouts to the Gem’s, tell them we are ready to move to the first camp in our path.”

With a salute, he said, “By your orders ma’am.” Taking off in a light gallop to get the ponies needed, particularly pegasi.
Heaving out a large sigh, Celestia turned her attention back to her armed forces, knowing what had to be done next. She made her way up the ranks, looking over each guard that held themselves in place like statues. She wasn't fooled, she could tell they were all nervous as to why they were all summoned here and ready for battle.

She reached the front of all her guards—

No, not guards, troops. The thought seemed to almost sting at her, reminding her of all the battles she had fought in, all the lives lost because of mistakes or misjudgment. Today she was sending her subjects into a battle, one that will give only the smallest taste what war is truly like. I hope that my skills have not gotten too rusty over my time sitting in that throne.

Stamping the pummel of her weapon into the ground, Celestia looked over all those under her care, announcing with her wings spread wide, “Most of you are wondering why we are here, armed for combat when Canterlot is said to be under threat.” Spotting a few of the younger guard wanting to nod in agreement.

“The reason is that our foe has many under their control, and are no doubt sending their first attack towards our home.” Celestia told, observing her guard that ever so slightly shifted in place. “Our job is to stop the second attack from happening, before going back to Canterlot and stopping the first from winning!”

“Our enemy is unlike any you have face before, able to take on the body and voices that you have come to call friends or family.” This seemed to set the troops into unease before Celestia told, “But this will not stop us, for we know where they are, and they don't know we are coming!”

Just over the hill, Celestia could see some of her scouts returning, with a caravan of ponies following close behind with Sham Gem in the lead. “We not only have this, but our wills to protect those that cannot protect themselves and friends who are willing to come to our aid.” Then lifted Solar Wind and pointed to the Gem caravan telling, “For our friends this day have chosen to fight by our side, even if it meant facing the ones they call friends to help us.”

“The Gem clan is not who they seem to be, and are changeling, just like the foe we face today.” While she was telling her speech, Sham took this moment to come to Celestia’s side, overhearing her speech and wanting to be around for the next part.

“The Gem clan has cut their ties with their allies to aid us today, a day out foes hope to take our loved ones and use them as tools for their own ends.” Glancing over to Sham, Celestia saw he was in leather armor, with a number of straps holding what she assumed were his weapons. Giving the lazy heir a nod, the changeling did as expected and dropped his disguise before the guard.

Shock, surprise and some fear were what came form the guards, even if they did a good job of hiding it. but Celestia continued on telling, “Sham has brought five hundred of his kin to aid us in battle, and will be paired off with you all so that any spies can be hopefully routed out.”

Stepping up beside Celestia, Sham announced, “We have brought a number of supplies with us, so if you lose your weapons or are in need of armor or medical help, my caravan has it.” An used his green cat-eyes to scan the crowd and tell, “We of the Gem clan have lived side-by-side with you ponies for nearly two centuries, and have come to appreciate you all.” And your monetary riches, Sham added in thought, knowing that a number of Gems liked the ponies for that reason too.

“When we became aware of what our own people planed to do, we of the Gem clan would not stand for it, and now come before you to aid in your defense agains our own brothers and sisters.” In a way, this set the ponies at ease some, as newly undisguised changelings fell into the ranks, prepared to fight beside their new allies.

Raising her voice once more, Celestia said, “I will not promise that we will all come out unscathed.” Not wishing to hide the fact of what they were doing, “But you all stand here knowing the risk, with the knowledge that you are saving another's life in the process.” Raising her weapon once more, she said, “So stand with me this day, and protect which we have stood for. To Defend those that cannot defend themselves!” With a roar of cheers, the ponies seemed ready to go, taking what their princess said to heart.

Gaining an amused smile, Sham told, “Nice speech.” Bending his neck from side to side to loosen in up, “I set Chance off to tell Luna your ready to move, and that the wedding is under way. The first wave has already gone, with the second no doubt getting ready to move out.”

Celestia gave the first heir a questioning look as he told her all of this, wondering how he knew all of this in such a short time. Peeking an eye open to her, Sham simply told, “I left a few infiltrators around since my last visit.” Sensing a feeling of surprise go through the princess before adding, “They told me everything.”

With a disapproving look, Celestia told, “You could have told me.” Knowing she and the others could have used these infiltrators to send Sham some needed information.

“And risk their discovery?” Sham retorted, “No, it was better they were an unknown. Plausible deniability.”
Knowing she would get no where with the changeling heir, Celestia dropped the subject saying, “The camp we are attacking is just ahead, correct?” Wanting to make sure their information was correct.

Nodding to her, Sham said, “Yes, it had a garrison of at least two-thousand drones and a thousand commons to act as officers.” Looking in the direction of the first camp, “That is how the other should be made as well, so we should let some of their troops to warn the second camp to draw their numbers towards us.”

Thinking it over, Celestia had to agree, “Yes, if what you say is true then my sister would be walking into a position where she could get overwhelmed with her lower numbers.” Then turned to her amassed army and called out, “We move now, first wave take point!”
As one, all of the solar guards came to attention, beginning their march, seeming determined to make as much noise as possible. It wasn't purposeful, but Celestia knew it was good as it would draw attention to them, and away from Luna.

Taking flight, Celestia flew over her ponies, Sham quickly following with the buzzing of his insect wings. She knew her place was with the center of her troops, while Sham’s place was with the caravan where he could organize it’s supply handling. Before she would take her place though, Celestia landed near her guards that had yet to receive orders.

She didn't waste time, telling the five-hindered guards to stay with the caravan and protect it with the hundred changelings that would stay behind to work as support, rearming and healing any that came back from battle.

As for the other four-hundred changelings, they were mixing themselves into her armies ranks, acting as infiltration checkers and advisers to her own officers to changeling tactics. Celestia knew the battle would get chaotic when their changeling foes began to take on the forms of her guard when given the chance.

With her work done, Celestia remained with her troops, taking center of the nineteen-hundred armed troops that she was leading into battle. In the back following from a distance was the Gems caravan, reoutfitted for battle as they were covered in iron plates and had wooden cover with iron platting ready for deployment.

Back when Sham was telling Celestia he was going to aid support with what he had, she had not expected the heir to do this. The idea of outfitting a caravan in such a way did not seem like a strategy changeling would use, but could see the logic in it as it acted as mobile bases.

According to Sham, the Gem clan like using this idea with the more stronger clans, seeing as they themselves were limited in fighting strength. But with those caravans to carry weapons, armor, medical supplies and act as temporary havens, they were ideal for their support roles.

Rather ironic we are now using this to our advantage. Celestia thought a bit grimly, knowing that if the three clans of Malek, Willed and Veron were able to get the Gems help, this battle would be much harder. For, despite the advantage it gave, the armored caravan was not easily hidden, and didn't move quickly. This meant unless one was part of the Gem clan and knew a thing or two about moving large wagons stealthily and quickly, no other clan would use this idea.

Celestia had to shake her head at the idea of military grade changelings being outwitted by a bunch of merchants when it came to moving their armored caravans. And to think my little ponies come up unique things, these changeling come up with rather unique ideas too.

“Incoming scout from the west!” Somepony called, making a number of eyes snap into the warned direction. From the looks of it, the scout was a pegasus with a paint coat, moving with some secrecy from the forest he came from before another voice called out, “Stand-down, he’s one of ours!” From the buzz in the voice, Celestia presumed it was one of the changelings.

In a minute, the scout hovered over the pony ranks, scanning about before spotting Celestia and called, “Princess Luna is on the attack, you might want to hurry up with your part of the plan!” Before darting off towards the caravan.

Celestia wanted to curse that her sister was on the move so soon, but with the pace they were at, they should be close enough to the camp to be noticed. another two minutes into their march was she proven right.

“We have incoming from above!”

Looking up, Celestia spotted a number of black dots in the sky, all turning into green spots that were slowly growing in size. “Kamikazes, we need to scatter!” A changeling shouted, firing off a magical beam form his horn. Though it went straight and true, the falling changeling moved out of the way, continuing down on the ponies.

Adding more magic to her own horn, Celestia called, “All teams split up, unicons— counter fire!” And sent a beam of her own, while fringe another after it to the side. The first one missed, while the second skimmed by the target, seeing them spiraling in another direction. She doubted the changeling was out, but at least for now it was off course.

The solar guard followed her orders, splitting up into smaller groups while their unicorn companions fired away, making the falling changeling bombs move about erratically and forcing them to find different targets.

Not even thirty seconds into the engagement and things have turned out for the worst as the enemy changeling crashed into the ground, making craters and even blasting a few groups about. One changeling in particular pounced out of his crater, aiming to bite deeply into his victim with his bared fangs.

This was stopped when the flat side of Celestias halberd batted him aside, before it was spun around so she could use the pummel on the changeling to knock him out.

“Forward charge!” She called to the front portion wale also calling back, “Chariots, begin your strafing runs now!” Rearing up and using her wings to back away in time for another kamikaze changeling to crash where she stood.

Shaking its head for a moment, the changeling raised back out of the crater, giving off a harsh hiss. Celestia didn't show any hesitation, sweeping the hook end of her halberd to take the forelegs of the changeling from under it. She then followed this up by holding it downwards and thrusting, getting a clean kill in two motions.

Celestia didn't stop in her fighting, moving on and attacking any changelings that were trying to harass her troops. The next opponent she face was a changeling common, having iron armor for protection while coordinating his underlings in their attacks. Taking flight, Celestia came from overhead, coming down with her ax head while heating its edge. With one swift stroke, the iron armor did nothing to protect it’s wearer from the super heated ax edge and cutting him in two.

When they saw this, the drones when into a frenzy, focusing all attention on Celestia and trying to take her out. Using swift movements, Celestia brought the hook to bare once more, griping one changeling in the air and sending it to earth. The next motion was to back away from a tackle from her right, before using the pummel to stun the attacker. It was finished with a downward swing from her heated edge of her ax, decapitating the changeling.

There was a whooshing sound of fire, and made Celestia turn in time to see a changeling materialize before her, looking rightfully confused as it exited from Spike’s mailing-fire. This then changed to fear whet it saw Celestia, scrambling back a little before it was batted aside by Celestia’s halberd.

Using her wings again, Celestia quickly ascended to get out of the small swarm of drones, only to descend on them once more with the spear head of Solar Wind on her next target. Quickly pulling out and spinning the large weapon, she used its hook once more, grappling the next drones rear leg and pulling to make them stumble. With their underside exposed, Celestia once more thrust with the spear head.

For the first time in a millennium, Celestia’s own people were able to witness a side of their ruler they had not seen in a long time. Before them was not the benevolent ruler they were use to, but also a leader of great strength and perseverance, willing to fight beside her troops that risked their lives for her and their people.

This seemed to rally the ponies further, coming together into tighter groups and reforming their ranks once more. By now the camp was in sight, with a swarm of changeling coming in from another place, presumedly from the second camp. With a battle cry, the forward line advance more quickly, while their spear wielding unicorn brothers lowered their long weapons, creating a spike wall.

After she was done with some stragglers, Celestia rejoined her troops on the front lines again, knowing that the battle for Canterlot had truly begun.

When the shield had broken, all hell broke loose as ponies of all walks of life ran bout in fear and confusion. Most of the guard stationed and prepared for an attack were finding themselves at a loss on how to deal with this new threat. Those unwary of their attackers ended up caught in green resin, holding them down for latter containment.

The same thing was done for any pony the changelings caught, sticking them to any surface they could before heading off for their next prey. This however was not going smoothing as they would have liked.

In a number of areas were patches of resistance, some made up of guards while others had both guards and civilians, working hoof-in-hoof to fend off the invaders. But this still didn't seem like enough, as all it took was a few changelings to sneak in as one of their own before it broke up.

That was to say, before more changelings appeared.

“Kowabunga!” And just like that, five changeling drone found themselves being tossed about like rag dolls from one battle-hyped Bard. Standing on hind-legs, the heir-in-pony form swung his battle ax about, both batting and cutting any changeling that got close to him.

Behind him, both changelings disguised and undisguised fought along side their clan head, leading confused ponies to the safety of Lue controlled spaces.

“Dude, we should totally do this more often!” Brad shouted to his brother, bringing down the flat of his ax on some unfortunate changeling.

Rolling his eyes, but not containing his grin, Yellow Jacket made another jump and did a downwards swing with his brass-hoof gauntlet, “On the norm, I’d tell you that you’re crazy big bro.” Ducking under an attack before doing a one-two combo punch, followed by a upper cut, “But we both know that’s a old truth.”

Dropping his full weight down on a changeling on the ground to further stun it, Bard got back up while grappling his next target and head butting them before saying, “I’m crazy, YJ, I’m not the one fighting a bunch of changelings with just his hooves.” Raising his ax up to block a common that had a spear for a weapon.

“Well, when you got skills like I do, you don't need no fancy weapon!” YJ boasted, doing a leg sweep before coming back up and stomping down on the victims chest.

With a grunt of frustration and a drone sent flying, Intrusive made his way forward with five veteran solar guards by his side. Glaring at both his grandchildren, Intrusive gruffly told, “Stop acting like arrogant children and more like the adults you say you are.”
Stepping back before delivering a downward chop with his hoof to a drones head, knocking it out, “We are here to do the task set before us, not to show off.”

“Yes grandfather.” Both brothers intoned a bit dryly, both fending off their own attackers.

Giving a snort at the two stallions behavior, Intrusive continued on swiftly, easily dodging and knocking aside drones in his path. Behind him, the five guards trailed after him, trying to keep pace with the surprisingly swift elder that didn't seem to need their ‘protection’. They honestly didn't know why Celestia assigned them to him if he was as good as he was, but orders were orders.

Picking up his pace some, one of the guards took place next to Intrusive saying, “I know we are here to aid you sir, but what exactly are we doing?” Shouldering another attacker away.

“We are to go about and assist those that we can, or expose any infiltrators that try to confuse our allies.” Intrusive told, leaping over a drone that tried to tackle his legs from under him, “But I’ve recently heard that there is a large concentration of drones in this direction, and I wish to know why.”

The small group of six continued to move through the chaos inside Canterlot, Intrusive leading the way as he searched for the reason for so many drones to collect in one place. He was shortly given a answer, as a unforeseen sight met his eyes.

Before him and the guard were Twilight and her friends, along with a roughed up Cadence with a mind-controlled Shinning Armor, and one Spike trying to defend the latter. All around them were copies of them, each one trying to further confuse the eight of them into attacking one another.

Seeing no sign of this to be a trick, Intrusive gave his next set of orders telling, “Go to the Princess, that dragon and her fiancée, you are to defend them at all costs!” Not waiting for a reply, the elder jumped into the fray, already taking out a number of disguised drones with a few hits of his long pipe.

A number of changing stopped in confusion at the sight of an elderly stallion entering the fight, brefore a large number decided to attack. However unlike their pony targets, this elderly stallion proved to be a much greater threat.

With precision that came with his mastery over his practice of this hoof-to-hoof art, Intrusive used his pipe to redirect a tackling changeling, before twisting to the side and hooking another with the end of his pipe. Tugging it, the changeling feel on it’s face, while Intrusive did a back step to grab another drone and toss him onto the downed drone.

Again, Intrusive used his hooking maneuver to grip another unfortunate drone, bringing it around to block a stray magic bolt form Twilight before tossing it aside to address his next attacker. This time he did a forward bow, before returning up with a jump, sending his knee into the attackers chin, landing back down to elbow their head to the ground.

Soon enough, more and more drones spent more of their numbers on the elder, leaving less and less for the ponies to fight. Off to the side those who were able to stop fighting watched as this elder effectively bring down changeling after changeling which little more than his long pipe.

Turning to the guard next to him, the solar guard had to ask, “Why did Celestia ask us to watch over him again?” Wincing when Intrusive got ahold of two drones and smacked their head together roughly.

“Because she was worried for his safety?” One supplied, watching with both aw and fear as Intrusive hooked his pipe into one of the larger holes in a changelings horn, bringing them around to run into it’s fellow changelings— where upon they all fell into a messy heap.

With a perturbed look, Spike looked up to the guard saying, “Your kidding right?” Then gestured to Intrusive once more —who tossed another changeling ten feet away— while saying, “That old guy is hoofing them their flanks, and doesn't look winded!”

A changeling common with purple armor then came out of the swarm of drones, welding a wicked looking claymore and charging in with a battle cry. Upon seeing this, two of the five guard got ready to move in to assist, only to find it wasn't needed as Intrusive used his pipe once more to catch and divert the attack.

With a surprising turn of events, the guards watch as the elder grip the mouthpiece of his pipe and pull out a hidden knife. Using a deft movement, he plunged the small blade into a small unarmored area, and killing his foe instantly.

While the common dropped dead and Intrusive continued his dance of death, the guards could only stand on place and look on. Cadence looked on greatly impressed herself and asked, “Why did aunty Celestia ask for you to watch over him?” Wondering what sort of help the five guards would be if the elder could already do all of this.

Slowly but assuredly, the changeling numbers dwindled down enough that they all took shelter in one of the buildings. Once inside, they all began to lock the doors and block the windows so they could have a moment to talk.

The first thing to be said was a question from Cadence, who was holding Shining worriedly as she asked, “Professor, is there any way to snap Shiny out out this…spell?”

Moving a away from the temporary barricade, Intrusive walked over to the captain of the guard, using his hoof to move the stallions face this way and that.

Humming in thought he told, “Perhaps…” Still trying to see how bad the guard captains condition was, “This is some serious control I see… the only way for it to be this prevalent would be if the infiltrator we face is a mind caster…” Sounding more worried at the end.

“That’s because she is a mind caster.” Twilight’s voice surprised Intrusive a little while she continued to say, “When she got suspicious of me, I noticed some things about her, and figured out the infiltrator was Mask’s mother, the current queen.”

The elder gave out a defeated sigh at those words, siting down slowly and breathing out, “Then there is little I can do.” Bringing up his washed off pipe to smoke some of his herbs once more and relax while he could, “Queen Chrysalis is a master when it comes to bending the mind, the only way to undo her spell on captain Armor would be to either force her to, or use a stronger spell.” Lighting his pipe and let a minty smelling smoke rise.

All in the room looked at a loss when the elder said this, knowing that confronting the queen would be difficult to do, and none knew what spell would even work.

Tears began to come to Cadence’s eyes as she looked into the stallion she was to marry. His own stare was blank, seeming to not have the same spark of life it once had before all this happened.

I’m sorry Shinny, Cadence wanted to sob out as she hugged her beloved. With a sudden thought, Cadence closed her eyes tightly and prayed while beginning to focus her magic thinking, please, please let this work!

Chrysalis stood stunned, unable to move from her spot as she looked at her son who was bowing before her with upmost humility. She never thought she would ever see the day her son would lower himself to another like he was now, and to ask for an invasion from his people to be stopped.

She wanted to be angry, angry that he would dare even suggest stopping this invasion. But instead she was sad, she was in pain, for now she knew her son was on the other side. Her son was all but saying he was allied with the ponies.

With bared teeth, and voice laced with denial, Chrysalis told loudly, “I can’t!” Feeling a stab at her heart when she saw her son’s disapproving eyes, “Our people are starving my son, if I stop the attack now, we will not last for much longer!”

“But we can avoid that!” Masquerade shouted back, “The ponies can accept us, we can do this without having to resort to force!”
The queen shook her head, baring her fangs and nearly snarling, “It won’t work, it will fail in the end!” Gesturing to the crowd that had yet to move away from the drama unfolding before them and told, “Look at them all son, feel their fear and hate for us, you know as well as I do that we will be nothing more than parasites in their eyes!”

Coming out of his bow, Mask shot back, “If we give them reason to fear and hate us, then they will!” Stomping his hoof before saying more softly, “Mother, I have a working relationship with a wonderful mare named Twilight Sparkle. I have the closest thing I have to friends, who are ponies.”

Gaining a pleading tone, he nearly begged, “Please mother, please stop this from going on any further, I don't want to take drastic measures.”

Chrysalis wanted to, she wanted to stop so her son wouldn't have to suffer. But she had a responsibility to her family. To her clan— to all five clans, three of which were still under her new leadership. With another stabbing pain to her heart, Chrysalis put on her best scowling face and told, “I can not do that son.” Readying her magic, “Five-thousand drones, still unhatched— along with hundreds of unborn commons are in need of the love these ponies have.”

Masquerade lit his own magic, using it to not only grip one of his swords, but also ready a spell soon needed. All the while, his mother went on telling, “Those are the children that need this my son, along with every mother, father, elder, brother and sister— It’s either this invasion, or out starvation!”

Breathing in and letting it out slowly, Masquerade knew he had no choice left and readied for battle, “I’m sorry mother.” Releasing the charged up spell and vanishing from sight.

Surprise after surprise seemed to come in spades for her day, as the queen of changelings back up a step and flared her wings open. She was at loss when her son just vanished form sight like he did, not apparently in the area that she looked about. Even with this, she didn't become queen without a reason. Extending her sense out, Chrysalis began to search not for emotions, but the lack of them. Quickly enough, she could a blank spot in her senses, and moving behind her.

With her own deft movement, she turned around and let off a wide spell, hitting a now shimmering figure as the illusion Mask used was disrupted. He didn’t let that stop him though, twisting and landing to line up his sheath with his mother.

With the lightest touch of his magic, the sheath activated and launched out his sword Barb, catching the Queen once more off guard at the projectile that hit her chest. Masquerade did not let up, quickly running up and catching the blade in his magic and begin his attack.

Chrysalis backed away from the multi-toothed sword, as it swung close to where her mane, tail and wings were, trying to catch those area and use them as leverage. Lighting her jagged horn with magic, she sent a gout of changeling fire at her son, forcing him to evade about as she gave herself some breathing room.

Masquerade then changed tactics, putting away Barb and pulling out Lace, sending some disruption magic into the first hole where it lit up with focused aqua colored magic up its length. With quick work, he weaved a spell into the spell-slinger and swung it, sending a bolt of disruptive magic.

Seeing this, the queen moved aside, knowing the true extent the spell would do on her body and magic if it hit. It also put her in a deadlock with her son, as her changeling fire was stopped with carful shots of Masquerades disrupter shots. Knowing she had to change tactic, she thought quickly and left her body change form.

Stopping his attack for a moment, Masquerade felt his eye widen a moment before taking to the air as a jet of fire rushed under him. I forgot she could do that, how could I forget mother could do that! He lamented as he once more dodged a jet of fire from his now dragon mother.

Knowing magic would do him no good on a dragons scales, the master infiltrator put away Lace, using his wings to dart about the room quickly and evade the attacks. He still wasn't out of tricks though, and began to weave a new spell, trying to keep focused during the inter time.

By now the ponies got a clue to leave when Chrysalis took the form of a green dragon with serpentine neck, sending jets of fire all over the room as she tried to bring down her son. This gave the two room to move about and continue their fight, not needing to worry about causing any unneeded casualties.

Finally getting his spell done, Masquerade let it discharge and cover the room, making the light dime and green smog to rise from the ground. The infiltrator dived into this smog, hiding himself form the queen who was left to look about the illusion with some frustration.

Chrysalis knew she couldn't do anything in this form, so once again changed into her changeling one and readying herself. She didn't attempt to try and dispell the illusion, knowing that would leave her venerable to attack. So instead, she waited for her son to make the first move.

After waiting for nearly a full minute did Hask strike, wielding both Saber and Angle in his magic as he went for the duel-wilding approach. Moving quickly herself Chrysalis stayed right out of range of her son’s attacks, using her own magic to ready a large charge. Once she built the charge high enough, she let it go and disrupted the illusion she was in.

She then had to move once more, finding out almost too late that the Mask she was fighting was a well crafted fake, as the real one came down from overhead to tear her wings up and deny her ability for flight. After missing again, Mask swung his blade Ensnare up— but it was stopped when Chrysalis caught it and forced it out oh his magical grip.

Now armed with a weapon, the queen went on the offensive, using her own skill of the sword on her son, who danced out of the way of her attack. Even when he drew out his next sword to be used, Chrysalis was quick to stop him, using the hook in Ensnare to grip and toss the sword out of Masquerades reach before attacking again.

Snarling, Masquerade lined up his sheath again and launched another sword, while griping another from the other sheath. His mother dodged the first, then blocked the next, pushing it away to start a flurry of strikes. Even when he was evading and blocking, Masquerade found himself backing up more an more, losing ground to his more experienced mother.

With a brighter glow of her magic, Chrysalis used a new spell, right as Mask was unable to move away from a block and struck his head. Reeling back, Mask felt his world start shifting and moving on it’s own, his sense of balance making it hard to stand in place.
He knew what happened, his mother used some spell that mind casters gain, and did something to his mind. He quickly had to use more focus to fight back, trying to fight off both the spell and his mother.

With her son effected by her magic, Chrysalis used deft and precise attacks on the stumbling second heir, disarming his current sword, while also knocking the next away.

It wasn't long before she had gained the upper hoof on Masquerade, disarming his anti-magical blade, Disarray, and taking it up in her magical grasp. With a fast shoulder to her son, Masquerade fell onto his back in a daze, looking up at the ceiling while he fought the effects of the spell he was under.

Both Masquerade and Chrysalis were breathing hard, both tiered from the fighting they had done for an unknown amount of time. Pointing Ensnare at her son, Chrysalis told, “You lost son.” Putting it’s tip to his chin to make sure he knew how close it was, “Yield and come back home with me.”

Looking up with a slightly shifting sight of his mother, Masquerade sighed internally and told, “You know I can’t do that.”

With a deep scowl, the queen raised Disarray over her sons head saying, “If you refuse, you know I have to brand you as a rouge, and rouge infiltrators can not live.”

“I won’t betray them mother.” Mask told with determination, “I wont betray especially her.” Then jumped slightly when Disarray imbedded itself next to his head, missing by inches.

Chrysalis then readied Ensnare in the same position over his head, letting tears flow freely from her eyes as she told, “Last warning son, come back to me or face the death penalty for betraying us!”

She didn't want this to happen, not on this day that was to be perfect for her and her people. Chrysalis didn't want to be standing over her fourth son like this, holding one of his own weapons over his head and ending his life. The inner turmoil she was suffering was making the sword shake, as she looked down at her son’s own pained face.

Just on the edges of his eyes, she could see the small droplets of tears trying to brak lose from the changeling heirs eyes, even now putting up one of his masks to hide how he truly felt.

Tightly closing his eyes to let those tears run down either side of his face, Masquerade did one last act of defiance and changed into his pony form, Voice quivering as he said, “I’m sorry mother.” Letting his tears finally flow freely.

With her own tears dropping form her eyes, she softly told “I know…” Raising the shaking sword high up with her voice quivering, “I know, my little shadow.” And looked down one last time at her son, her little boy that still stayed strong even which death so close.

I can’t do it, the realization dawned on her mind, I can’t do it! Feeling like she was trying to fight her own motherly instincts to plunge the blade down and into her son. I CAN’T DO IT!

As if by some saving grace, a explosion of love was felt throughout Canterlot, making the queen stop her actions in confusion. Masquerade also looked confused when he felt the wave of love just come from no where.

This was all forgotten when a sphere of pink magic rushed at them both from the wide open arching windows, love radiating form the magic. It was figured out little too late that there was too much love in the magic to take in as it slammed into the two, making one scream at being flung, while the other only saw pink before blacking out.