//------------------------------// // Cheerilee // Story: Where Did They Start? // by Lyre4Lyra //------------------------------// Chapter 2 - Cheerilee         As Cheerilee trudged home from school, she held the report card low in her mouth in hopes her parents wouldn’t see. Ooh, I really wish I hadn’t forgotten my bag this morning. Cheerilee thought as she began to near the broken down manore she called home. She got to the front door and went inside. Much to her relief, she didn’t see her parents, so she quickly booked it up the stairs to her room to hide the report card. When she got to her room, she planned on hiding this skeleton in the closet until her parents joined it. She didn’t realize that that would be sooner than she planned.         She opened her dresser drawer and hid the report card under a set of leg warmers that she wore on occasion. She had homework to finish from the day prior that she hadn’t turned in yet. All of her work was in her bag, which was in the closet at the moment. She opened her closet and went to grab her bag, but with no light, it was a little difficult. Instead of grabbing her bag, she instead grabbed something she didn’t recognize. It was round on the end and rough. She pulled it out to see what it was. She wished that she hadn’t.         cheerilee pulled out the hoof of her mother, which by this point was encrusted with blood and some other body fluid that she couldn’t recognize at the time. Cheerilee didn’t have much time to react as she was whipped around to face the supposed killer. She was staring directly in the face of her … self? That’s right, she was looking in a mirror. No one was there. No one touched her. The guilt that she was going to lie to her parents about her grades being the last way she remembers them forced her to face herself about it. This realization that life is not a right, but a gift that can be taken away just as quickly as it’s given to you helped her see that she should take her education seriously, like her parents said. She had this thought placed in her head so long, she began to study teaching & teachers and eventually became one. Cheerilee received her Cutie Mark during a student-teacher training period at 12 years old. Cheerilee graduated top of her class at the age of 18 with an amature teaching degree for foals. she loved the foals so much, she didn’t wish to further her career in teaching much more than a professional degree in teaching for foals. She visits her parents’ graves every month on the 16’th, the date of their death. The killer was never caught.