//------------------------------// // Until they slip away // Story: You don't know how much you love them // by BewhoUr //------------------------------// ---------- It was a sunny day, the clouds shone with their glorious shine that only clouds can muster, and the whole world was glowing with a lifted sense of accomplishment and ambition. The sky was the most gorgeous shade of blue, the birds sung happily. Rainbow dash wouldn't have had it any other way. She new how much her honored pony of the day loved that sky, longed for it day after day. Dash didn't understand why this day had come, how it could have come this soon, how unfair it was, or how much... emotion she felt. But it was real, not just some stupid nightmare. There she was, real as she ever was, the world around her perfectly materialized. She pinched herself again, hoping, hoping, hoping... she pinched herself so hard she drew blood, pained drips of scarlet. For now here she sat, in the rickety wooden chair, at the funeral of the three fillies known as the cutie mark crusaders. And it was all her fault... she hadn't payed attention when those crows came... dang, what she would have done to change the past and make sure those crows had never came to the fair town of Ponyville. She always remembered her dad telling her the story of the crows. One crow for... she didn't really remember the rest of the chant, except the last part. "And six crows will surely mean death!" her father had told her, wrapping his wing around her. And she had told him that he was so superstitious and they had had a good laugh about it. But that last verse stuck in her mind. Because death was.. such a threatening thought. Something not easily forgotten once remembered. She never really believed her dad though. And that was why she hadn't really cared when six black crows showed up in Ponyville one morning, flapping their blackberry wings and cawing loudly and quite rudely at the weather ponies. Dash had simply said, "Leave them alone. Its not like they'll cause any harm." She had shrugged it off and forgotten about it. She forgot, that is, until Cheerilee came to her with some terrible news. During an accident in which Scootaloo was riding her scooter near horseshoe peak, a nice, rocky hill with an outlook on the beach, dragging her two club-mates behind her in a wagon, that her scooter spun out of control and left the three fillies crashing down the hill. Their injuries were fatal, they died in the same hospital room 30 minutes after the vehicle picked them up. Dash, Applejack, and Rarity didn't even get a chance... to say goodbye... to their little sisters so dearly beloved. A voice broke Dash out of her flashback. "Ah.. ah can't believe they're gone. It just ain't fair! She never got to grow up, become a true part of the farm, get her cutie mark for Celestia's sake!" Applejack pounded her hoof angrily on the chair in front of her, which, (luckily,) was unoccupied. Rarity hugged her friend. "We'll all miss them darling..." Rarity said, beginning to cry. Applejack coldly shoved her friend off. "I don't want dang comfort Rarity! Ah want my little sister back!" Through their argument, Dash simply sat, lost. She couldn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it! She heard the voices wring back out next to her. "Applejack! You know very well that we all need comfort right now!" "It just ain't fair! I just want to scream and kick someone!" one of the fillies in the front row, dangerously close to the seat in front of Applejack, shivered a little and shrunk down in her chair. Big mac nudged Applejack from the seat next to her. "I believe you already let some violence loose at home yesterday when we found out," The farm-pony said, his eyes cold with anger. Applejack sighed, remembering the breakout of last night. When Cheerilee had come to the door with the news, Applejack had only slammed the door in her face, Shrinking down onto the floor in a huddle and beginning to sob and pray to the heavens. Big mac had come in, hearing his sisters worrying noises. Applejack had looked up. "Shes gone mac. GONE. SHES GONE. HER NOW... haven't we been put through enough?" Applejack had stood up and kicked the table, watching in satisfaction as the legs broke and splintered across the floor. She had to let some tension loose. She hadn't fully realized that applebloom was gone, and she was confused. Muddled. Ruefully angry. Applebloom was gone. Big mac had wheeled back in surprise and asked, "Who?" and Applejack had screamed and thrown herself into her brothers hooves. "Our little sister big mac." At this, Big mac bowed his head and turned his face to the heavens, as in prayer. Applejack looked up at him. "Please Big mac. Please do something..." She whispered hoarsely. And Big mac had looked at her. "At least shes with ma and pa now..." he had whispered. Applejack had jerked her head up. "Don't you DARE talk about that day! Ah've been put through enough already!" She had screamed, picking up a chair in her mouth and throwing it a Big mac. After her short rage was over, Mac and Applejack had simply huddled and cried together, knowing not what to do. Now Applejack took off her hat and sighed, looking at big mac. "Ah'm sorry big bro." Big mac only nodded in reply. They had barely time to finish their 'conversation' before the funeral organizer stepped onto the stage. "Would anyone like to say a few words?" Before they were aware of what was happening, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, And Applejack all had their hooves up. Applejack sighed and looked at Rarity. "Sugarcube... you can go first." Rarity nodded in thanks and daintily trotted onto stage, tears collecting in her blue eyes. She took the microphone and sighed. "Well... dears, were do I begin? My lovely little Belle will be missed so, so very much. She was my... my everything. She made me laugh, cry... she wanted to be like me so much. She looked up to me, and I took her for granted. She always fought to help me, even when I didn't want help, and I will always be grateful for that. I only wish... that I could have spent a little more time with her... but now its too late. Sweetie, if you can hear me, you are missed and loved so much, you will never know it. You will forever be my little sister." Applause rang out through the small crowd of ponies, and Rarity walked from stage in the highest of dignity, trying not to crack like she knew she wanted to. The second Rarity stepped down from stage, Applejack walked up. "Now, I ain't got no degree in literature, but I do know a little about love. And I know how much I loved my little sister Applebloom. I often got annoyed with her for not doing the chores quite right, or for fussin' over gettin' that dang cutie mark, but now ah wish I supported her. She was such a good filly, she always did what she was told, she worked so hard.. and she didn't deserve this!" Applejack stomped off the stage, biting back tears. Rainbow dash looked around. It was her turn. She flew up to the stage. "I can't help but feel that this was my fault. I should have been there for her. I should have saved her... I could have in many ways. But I didn't. I was too busy dosing on a cloud somewhere! I knew how highly Scootaloo thought of me... she was such an awesome kid, really. I loved that kid. And now shes just... tearing me apart. Dangit Scoot, I never got to say this, but I loved you. I loved you with all my heart." The tears blurred her vision as she walked off stage and huddled close to her friends, wishing for their sisters beloved to rest in peace.