No Sibling Left Behind

by NightGlider Shimmer


Soarin paced outside the delivery room with his two children Wind breeze and River who both look so much alike that you could mistake them if they where the same color. Wind breeze had his hand under his chin looking bored, but River was bouncing up and down in excitement of getting her new little sister.

"How are you so existed River? It just a baby!" Wind breeze said annoyed by his twin sister. River stopped Jumping and looked down at her brother.

"How could you not be we get a little sister" River said glaring at her brother a glare.

"Well i never asked for a stupid little sister" Wind breeze Said crossing his arms and looking away.

"What ever, well i love the fact that I'm getting a little sister" River said crossing her arms and putting twords her brother.

"Would you two stop fighting" Soarin yelled.

"Sorry daddy, I'm just existed that I'm getting a baby sister" River said clapping her hands slightly and smiling.

"Um excuse me, but you can come in know" A nurse said looking at Soarin and the children. The three walked in the room and the first thing thy saw was Rainbow dash panting an sweating and holding a little bundle that was the baby. Rainbow looked up seeing her husband and her two children her daughter looking very existed and smiling widely, and her son crossing his arms and looking away.

"Hay kids come here and meat your new sister" Rainbow said in weak voice, River made no hesitation but Wind breeze stood for a second and then sighed and walked over. The baby had navy hair but what looked like cyan music notes in her hair and her skin was pink with cyan hands her eyes a green color.

"She looks weird" Wind breeze said.

"Wow you look at a new born baby an that's the first thing you say" River said slapping her brothers head.

"Be quiet you two or you will have to wait out side" Soarin said.

"Wind breeze give your new little sister a chance... pleas" Rainbow said whispering.

"Fine" Wind said closing his eyes and pouting.

"well what should we name?" Rainbow asked.

"Well she looks like an angel so angel" River said.

"Well that's a start Her hair looks she has music notes in it so how about Angel song" Soarin said.

"Well what do you think Wind?" Rainbow asked looking over at her son.

"I don't care name her whatever you want" Wind said.

"UUUUURRRRRRRRRRGGGGG you know you could at lest pretend your interested in your little sister?" Rainbow said in a yell whisper.

"No" Wind said.

"Well Angel song it is then" Soarin said frowning twords his son.

Time warp of 4 months

Okay you two time to get up go to school" Rainbow said shaking Rivers blanket and yanking Wind's off.

"UUUUUURRRRRRRRGGGGG mom just ten more minutes pleas" Wind said.

"That's what your father said this morning before her got smacked in the head, get up" Rainbow said yanking his blanket of of him again.

"I'm up mother and ready to start the day" River said in a cheerful voice and putting her hand behind her back.

"AHH oh my god River, sweetie, i swear sometimes your like you aunt pinkie pie and twilight mixed" Rainbow said, she loved all three of her children very dearly and was still learning to take care of them she has learned most of the things though through the six years of parenting, Rainbows thoughts where interrupted by the sound of a baby crying.

"I have to go cheek on your sister get your brother out of bed" Rainbow said walking out of the room.

"Come on Wind get up" River said pulling her brother out of bed.

"URG just let me sleep" Wind said.

"Fine be late for school" River said, but turned around with a devious smile on her face. River went twords the bathroom and garbed the cup and filled it up with cold water and walked out to the hallway only to be stopped by her mother.

"River what are you doing?" Rainbow asked in a whisper.

"Shh I'm gonna pore cold water over Winds head so he will get up and be awake" River said giggling.

"Okay" Rainbow said putting a smile on her face and walking down the stares.

"So wind are you sure you don't want to get up?" River asked her brother i a devious tone.

"I'm sure River now leave me alone" Wind said putting his face on the pillow.

"Okay you asked for it" River said poring the icy cold water all over her brother making him jump and shiver and he looked at his sister who was smiling at him.

"what was that for?" Wind asked mad at his sister and ready to chase her down the hallway.

"Your awake aren't you" River said laughing.

"That's it" Wind said running out of bed to chase River but she moved fast enough to get out of the room. The two kids ran down the stares, River screaming for her father, and Wind calling his mother.

"AAAHHHHH daddy help me" River said hiding behind her father but began to run again once she saw her brother.

"MOM River pored cold water all over me" Wind called.

"All right you two enough i am sick and tiered of you two fighting all the time and look what you accomplished here, River by poring water all over your brother he chased you down the stares and he dragged water with him, water that i have to clean up, Wind by chasing your sister you have frightened her and made her scream and waking up the baby, now apologies to each other right now" Rainbow yelled as she separated the two from each other.

"But mom you said i could pore water on him" River said in annoyance.

"I thought you would have given him a warning first, now apologies to your brother" Rainbow said in frustration.

"Sorry for poring cold water on you Wind" River said putting her arms behind her back and frowning.

"Its okay and sorry i chased you down the stares" Wind said moving his eyes away.

"Its okay" River said smiling and hugged her brother.

"Good, now you to sit down and eat breakfast" Rainbow said. The two sat down at the table and looked at each other.

"To be fare you started it" Wind said making his sister scrunch her nose.

"No i didn't" River said ad then the chain reaction of arguing started again. Rainbow dash groaned letting her head hit the counter and looked up at Soarin who was making breakfast.

"Tell me again why i went through with the pregnancy in high school" Rainbow said looking like she was going to lose her mind.

"Hah oh hun its not that bad when they aren't arguing its actually nice" Soarin said.

"Yeah and if they aren't arguing then the baby will just start crying, witch i have to tend to my self cus you wont get off you lazy butt and help" Rainbow said starting the argument.

"Hay i help just as much as you care for all of them" Soarin said putting his coffee down and looking at his wife and his eyes filling with anger.

"Well could you show it pleas cus quit frankly you still don't know how to change a diaper" Rainbow said tonting her husband.

"I do to" Soarin said sounding so childish.

"You know what you sound like them when you do that" Rainbow said pointing at her children who had apparently stopped arguing to watch their parents.

"Oh i sound childish, you know you just insulted your own children right" Soarin said garbing Rainbow shoulders and his eyes turning from their emerald green to a blood red.

"Soarin what are you doing hay that hurts" Rainbow said her eyes looking even more enraged then they where before.

"You just nag, nag, nag all the time don't you, that's all you do is NAG, NAG, NAG" Soarin said making his voice sound ridiculous.

"Well at lest i know how to handle a situation"

"At least i know how to cook properly"

"At least I'm not a lovie dovey softy push over"

"At least i don't nag my children about what they do"


UUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRGGGG" Soarin yelled out in frustration but what he did he regretted it immediately, he had slapped Rainbow across the face and she fell and hit her head on the counter.

"MOMMY" The twins yelled rushing over to their mother. Soarins eyes where filled with tears and flowing down his face.

"Rainbow, I-I-I I'm sorry, I didn't know what i was doing" Soarin said holding his wife's head in his arms as she came to.

"Urrgg what happened all i remember was us fighting and then you hitting me" Rainbow said pushing her self away from Soarin in fear.

"Daddy was being mean to you mommy he said mean things to you" River said defending her mother. Soarin went to get the first ad kit.

"Hear sweetie move your hand" Soarin said gently holding on to Rainbows hand. Rainbow hesitated to let Soarin touch her but let him help. The first thing Soarin noticed was the blood on Rainbows hand and on her head.

"Oh god, uhh River go call 911" Soarin said holding his wife in his arms.

"Okay" River went over to the phone and diled 911.

"911 what is your emergence" The woman at the other end said.

"Uh yeah my daddy just hit my mommy by accident and she hit her head on the counter and she is bleeding badly" River said tears rolling down her eyes.

"All right sweetie just hold on i will send some paramedics to help you okay and iv got your address so don't worry, okay" the woman said.

"Okay" River said and she waited for the police woman to hang up and when she did River put the phone back.

"The paramedics are on their way" River said to her father who was crying and hugging his wife.

"Okay, good" Soarin said wiping the tears away.

About ten minutes pasted and the paramedics got there along with Rainbows parents, and once they loaded Rainbow on the truck Soarin and the kids got on, and River garbed Angel song from the kitchen before they left and she was crying so it was up to River to stop her baby sister from crying.

"Angel song pleas stop crying, its okay mommy will be okay... right daddy" River asked her father who just looked at Rainbow and sighed.

"River listen to me you and your brother and sister are going to stay with your grandparents for awhile okay, and don't argue with me, that already turned out bad" Soarin said looking down at Rainbow.

"Okay daddy" River said giving her father a hug. "I love you daddy"

"I love you too... princess"