The New Canterlot Kingdom and Horsicane Bay

by JasmineRebeckah

Mile High Falls

This ride is from Kentucky Kingdom/ Hurricane Bay / Mile High Falls

"What's next?" Twilight asked.
"Hmm... We did Lightning Run and Fear Fall, we are so not doing Banshee-" Rainbow Shimmer gavae Rainbow Dash a look.
"Aww!" Rainbow Dash whined.
"Maybe this?" Rainbow Shimmer pointed to an attraction in Horsicaine Bay labeled MILE HIGH FALLS.
"YES!" Rainbow Dash screamed. "Race you!"

They all took off running, with Rainbow Dash in the lead and Rainbow Shimmer second. Rainbow Dash easily won because she's good at everything. End of story.
"I win!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.
"Great job!" Rainbow Shimmer smiled. "Now let's set our stuff under this bench and ride!"
We all cut through the ropes and easily went first. There were a few other people in line, but Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rainbow Shimmer got the front row seat. Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie sat in the very back.

As our boat climbed up, up, up, I stared at the nearby roller coaster: the Thunder Run, and I saw a loop from Banshee. It scared me. I cringed.
"We're almost at the top!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Rainbow Shimmer sat on the left.

At the top, we turned around slowly. I stared down at a pause. And then....


Rainbow Shimmer seamed, hands in the air as a giant wave came overtop of us. This ride was fun, I decided, not scary!

As we slowly headed back to the loading platform, Rainbow Shimmer was soaking wet. Oh well! We got out and ran up the stairs to the bridge, waiting for the next wave to come and drench us some more. When it did, my hair was thickly coated with water.

We walked down and off the bridge and sat on a bench, and Rainbow Shimmer pulled out the map from when we stashed out stuff under the bench.