She burned. That fact was the only thing she was sure of. The dizziness and headache would have been more than enough to make concentration difficult, but the heat! Oh Celestia, the heat! She felt as though she would catch fire at any moment.
The room was dark, balcony doors closed and thick curtains blocking out every bit of light which might otherwise have come through the windows. Only the tiniest sliver of light slipped beneath the bedroom door to keep it from true darkness. She tried desperately to focus on something other than the relentless burning, but it was a lost cause from the start. The sensation was so far beyond anything she had ever experienced and it only grew worse as the day continued.
It is day, isn't it? Yes, it must be day... Now, why must it be day?
She opened her eyes to look for some clues, but the darkness would have provided none even if her vision wasn't so unreliable at the time. So, why must it be day? The burning pain seemed to suddenly increase, and she writhed madly in her bed searching for some hidden oasis of cold to ward it off. Somehow she knew that the burning was tied to the day. She burned, therefore it was day.
These thoughts didn't flow logically. They couldn't even be considered full thoughts really, just random fragments flailing wildly for purchase in the chaos which currently ruled her mind. It had been days-
There's that word again...
-days since she could fight to keep even a semblance of her usual schedule, but the heat! Why the heat? It was maddening! The days were lost to her when the heat had become too much to ignore. Walking, eating, and sleeping...these were impossible tasks to perform given the torment that had taken hold. And then there were the hallucinations... Take this one for example: Princess Luna, standing in her room. Why would Luna ever be in her room?
It'd be nice if she were here.
She turned her painfully light-sensitive eyes away from the brilliant aura which surrounded the blurry princess and weakly tried to dig into the covers to get away from the greater burning which accompanied the light. Tears of pain soaked into the bedding and a buzzing filled her ears.
Heat! Too much heat! I'm going to burn up!
She turned her face back toward the image when she thought she heard her name, but all was dark again, the hallucination vanished. A ghost of a wish that Luna hadn't left darted through her mind, but was quickly lost.
Oh, there she is again...
The light-bathed princess was approaching her bed, and she winced expecting the burning to increase once again - though how it could get any hotter she had no clue. Relief washed over her as the heat didn't grow, it even seemed to lessen. Or perhaps she was just growing used to it.
There it was again. Was it Spike looking in on her? That didn't feel right though, hadn't she told him to do something? She couldn't focus enough to remember.
It felt like her bed was shifting, or was she the one shifting? Maybe it was both. And there was the glowing Luna again. Definitely a hallucination, she thought while taking in the sight of her fellow princess glowing from within. She was completely oblivious to the fact that her thoughts were forming more easily as Luna settled against her and draped a wing lightly over her - all she knew was that the heat was fading in the cool, soft light washing over her. It didn't matter that it wasn't real, just so long as that torturous heat was held at bay.
My own glowing Luna!
She giggled into the larger alicorn's side and mumbled in her delirium, "Glowing Luna, Luna moona. My own glowing, little Luna. Luna, moona, widdle Woona..." It quickly became too difficult even to move her lips in the lassitude taking over. She snuggled deeper into the wonderful hallucination as the heat rapidly vanished in the soft glow and let sleep, glorious sleep, finally sweep her away.