Seventh Element

by Stormwhite

The Backup Plan

G stared intensely at his alter ego. So this is what became of me the man thought to himself. G reached up across his chest to his left shoulder he pulled of his cloak to reveal an outfit underneath. G had on a black short sleeved jacket zipped up holes had been ripped in his jacket to let his wings loose. He had fingerless leather gloves and baggy pants held up by a studded belt. His hair ranged fell down to his back. This guy is the epitome of emo punk Twilight thought to herself.

Without a moments notice G charged at fusion using one hand to grab his face and throw him into a mountain not too far off. Twilight was astonished this guy maybe faster than rainbow dash. G was in fact faster, but he also made his body lighter so he could fly faster. So it wasn’t a fair comparison. Fusion flew out from the indent in the mountain he made, leaving a trail of dust behind him. Looking around for G he started to panic. “Looking for someone?” G asked as he spun himself and landed his heal on Fusions skull. G kicked downwards sending Fusion flying towards the ground. With a loud crashing sound Fusion hit the floor. He then stumbled to his feet this was ridiculous. How could G be so strong?

Fusion flew up fast and interlocked fingers with Fusion. “I’ll crush you!” he shouted “Just try it!” G said in response. They then both intensified the gravity around them to around fifty times the normal amount. Both their gravity forces collided and caused an explosion. This sent both men flying towards the ground at a rapid rate. With a loud thud G hit the floor he had hurt himself, but Fusion had been hurt just as well. “G!” Luna called out to him to which he simply lifted his thumb to show he was alright. “This guy is tougher then I thought.” G said out of breath “We will have to use the elements to beat him.” “Well then you want to talk to twilight here about that.” Celestia pointed to her faithful student who just nodded nervously. G gave Celestia a confused look, and then she explained her connection from the elements had been severed. “So Twilight and her friends are the new bearer of the elements of harmony.”

G looked from Celestia to Twilight “Well then Twilight will you help me?” “Um well you see I would love to, but Fusion kind of incapacitated my friends.” G looked around and saw the seven people who lay unconscious. “Don’t worry about it I’ll just use my element with yours and we will beat him.” G replied to Twilight smiling. “Yeah I guess that could work… wait what element?” Twilight said rather confused. “You don’t mean you have finally learned to use it? Do you?” Luna said as her usual inquiring self. “One thousand years is a long time to think and in that time I found the answers I was looking for.” G raised his right hand it had a gold bracelet with five colors on it. “Those Colors they are the same as the other five elements.” Twilight said rather curiously. “Indeed, and by combining the elements of Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity and Loyalty you get the Seventh element.” G responded to the curious young girl.

“Are you four done talking I thought we had a fight going on here?” Fusion hissed at the remaining targets. G looked over at Fusion, and was quite shocked by what he saw. Fusion had a Black mist coming off of him. From his hands, feet, chest, shoulders and knees. “Does that mean he is getting weaker?” Twilight asked her voice filled with hope. “No on the contrary he has become more powerful. Picture us as yin yang before I changed he was the black dot in the middle of the yin. When I changed I became the white dot in the middle of the yang.

Now we are separated and he is all yang as I am all yin. He is born of hatred and anger, and the more he feels the emotions the stronger he will become.” G knew his predicament all too well. “But wouldn’t that mean the same for you? The more Kindness and Love you feel will the more powerful you will become...” Twilight said with High hopes. “Correct, however we are locked in battle, his anger is growing by the second because he can’t kill us. It would be hard to generate kindness or love in a fight, but don’t worry Twilight. He may be stronger then I am, but I’m not fighting with my strength so don’t worry.” “Not fighting with his strength what on earth does that mean?” Twilight asked G with a wondering air.

Fusion then charged at G leaving a trail of black mist behind him. Making his fist dense he struck G in the stomach G then proceeded to cough up a little blood. Reacting quickly G made his fist dense and hit Fusion’s Jaw lifting him off his feet and sending him flying backwards. “Twilight I will need some time to activate my element. Prepare yours and wait for my signal ok? ” Twilight nodded and was then handed her Tiara thingy by princess Celestia. G then got a running start before flying off at Fusion. Who was still releasing a black mist. G looked for Fusion, but to no avail “looking for someone?” G’s eyes grew wide. He stopped dead in his tracks and did a one eighty roundhouse kick in mid air. Only to have it blocked by Fusion’s arm. Fusion then used his other free arm to punch G in the face sending him flying downwards and crashing in the field. Luna then clasped her hands over her mouth in panic. “Don’t worry sister, its G he won’t go down that easily.”

How right Celestia was G was not going to go down like that. G sprang upwards flying fast and then grasping Fusion. From far away it looked like G was Hugging the evil creature. “What the hell are you doing?” Fusion asked rather angrily. “Taking you down!” G screamed as he then stared to fly downwards he meant that phrase very literally. As he was hurtling downwards G created a gravity beam ranging from the floor to the heavens. In this beam which was ten feet in diameter the gravity was intensified a hundred fold. G and Fusion started to drop fast. “You crazy son of a bitch you’ll kill us both!” Fusion yelled at G “Good then you’ll be gone for good and the others can live in peace.” They feel so fast that before they hit the ground they cracked the sound barrier. Then when they hit the ground they caused a massive crater. One hundred feet in diameter it almost reached Twilight, and the others.

Twilight and the two princesses watched in awe as G slammed Fusion into the ground. The creator started out small, but then expanded at a rapid rate. It was truly astonishing Twilight’s ears were ringing from the loud cracking sound she had hear, but she eventually came to. “G!”Luna cried out “what!?”G called back. Much to the surprise of Luna, twilight and Celestia, G walked with a limp, his body was bruised all over, and his jacket was completely ripped off revealing his abdomen and chest. He his pants had also been ripped, but that was less notable then a completely missing Jacket. Luna ran over and slapped G across the face. Twilight’s Jaw nearly hit the floor and Celestia giggled. “Don’t you ever scare me Like that again!” Luna scolded her old friend. G couldn’t help but laugh “Sorry, I promise I will try not to scare you in the future.” Luna then hugged her friend.

“No! I won’t let it end like this!” Fusion roared. He stood up and wondered over near the heartwarming scene. “Did you really think I didn’t have a backup plan?” Fusion yelled at his four enemies. G then turned From Luna to Fusion “It’s over, you lost just accept defeat.” G yelled at the man. “No! Now it’s time for the grand finale!” The black mist was still emitting off of Fusion. “This mist isn’t my overwhelming power! It is my gravity force. I’m using my entire body to bring in Hays comet!”

This shocked the four heroes had he really been able to pull in a comet? Was he truly this powerful? The area then became tinted red “Shit” slipped Gs tongue. As he and his friend looked up they saw the comment which was now a meteor. “It’s you who lost! I will destroy all of equestria, and build a new kingdom from its ashes!” At this point Fusion had officially gone off the deep end. “No we have come so far to lose now.” Twilight sad somberly “Even if I and Luna combined out powers it’s still coming at us with a velocity we cannot stop.”

G Looked up at the meteor for a solid minute before turning to Twilight. “Hey kid you wanted to know what I meant when I said I’m not fighting with my strength?” Twilight turned to him and answered “Yea that didn’t make much sense to me how are you not fighting with your strength when it’s you who’s fighting?” “Well Twilight, when you fight for someone other than yourself you fight as one combining your strengths with that whom you’re fighting for.” Twilight understood when she uses the elements of harmony she combines the strengths of her, and her friends. Her friends give her strength to fight with. So that means someone was giving G strength to fight with metaphorically of course.

The meteor began to close in fast. “Now what shall you do! Your hopes and dreams will soon be crushed by my meteor!” Fusion continued to rant. The four remaining heroes looked up at the sky, and realized this maybe the end Fusion may have won. G looked down and closed his eyes they say your life flashes before your eyes, but this was not entirely true for G. The first thing he saw was Luna answering her door. Then just a mesh of memories came, like when Luna raised the moon, or when G told her about his cutie mark. When he had dinner at the castle one night, and when he left to join her on her voyage to Equestria. Now it’s all coming to an end…

“No” G said as he opened his eyes. “I won’t let it end like this.” His three companions looked at him with odd faces. “Sorry G, but there isn’t much we can do” Luna said and Celestia nodded in agreement. “No much we can do, but there’s something I can do.” “I-I don’t understand what are you planning?” Luna said with worry in her voice. “Luna forgive me.” Was all G said before he ran up and kissed her. Taking Luna by surprise she hadn’t the slightest clue of how to react so she just melted in his arms and kissed him back.

For the umpteenth time Twilight’s jaw dropped I guess that’s how she knew G the young girl thought. Celestia put her hand over her mouth, and smiled it was so cute. Fusion made a gagging noise as he was disgusted. After about a minute G pulled away and looked at Luna intensely “Sorry” was the last thing he said before he turned and jumped into the air. Flying at mach speed towards the meteor Luna gasped as she knew what he was about to do. Twilight and Celestia had a look of shock as he flew towards the meteor. Fusions eyes nearly pooped out of his head as he saw G fly. Right now, right here, this is where it ends. Were G’s final thoughts before making himself as dense as possible, and collided with the meteor.