by A_guy_from_Earth

How to Create a Big Mess and Successfully Put the Blame on the Other

“Spiiiike!” – Twilight’s voice rang in the library hall.
“Yes?” – little dragon threw away his comics and jumped out of bed.
“Where did you put Paleshade’s “Illusion Spells”?”
“This? Hmm… Look in textbook section.”
“You put such book in textbook section?”
“Well, I made a mistake! It can happen to everypony!”

Alicorn went to the necessary section when suddenly something with a thud hit the door, and in a moment it swung open, having almost flew off its hinges. Fluttershy broke into the library. She looked like she just learned that the end of the world will happen in few minutes.

“Twilight, Twilight! Spike!” – she exclaimed.
“Fluttershy, what is it?” – librarians got themselves into a tizzy, - “What happened?”
“Look!” – yellow pegasus took scribbled list from her bag. Twilight took it with her magic and began to grasp the meaning of written by gnarled pawwriting words.
“Just a letter?” – she surprised.
“Read more!”

Twilight read whole letter and turned pale.

“What is it?” – aksed Spike.
“He will arrive today…” – alicorn muttered.
“Who is “he”?”
“Discord!” – Fluttershy shuddered.
“And he will arrive in a couple of hours or even faster!” – Twilight exclaimed.

Spike’s face warped. Discord, today, in All Fool’s Day, in Ponyville? It will be a doomsday! Though in miniature and rather ridiculous. But still it’s incredible problem: to imagine what would happen here is hard, frightening and almost impossible. It’s necessary to skedaddle out of town – suggestion to go to Everfree forest and kick sleeping hydra’s butt sounds much more prudent than suggestion to hide and wait until the end somewhere in the town.

“I told him to refrain, I begged him, but he didn’t listen!” – whined Fluttershy, - “He even didn’t want to listen!”
“We have nothing to do!” – Twilight said, - “But as long as we have time, we should warn other ponies!”

Fluttershy nodded, and ponies rushed to the town hall. Spike followed them, trying to keep up. Spirit of Chaos could be rehabilitated, but make him to quit joking – it’s of an impossibility. The day when Discord would agree to quit pranking would be the very day when Twilight would say “Go to Tartarus!” to her studies, Pinkie Pie would go to Trottingham University to uphold thesis on cosmogony, Rainbow Dash would openly admit that she is cute and start ask others to do it, Applejack would say to ponyvillers that they can’t even imagine what muck does she use to cultivate her famous apples, Rarity would put on sandals over socks, Fluttershy would arrange gladiatorial combat among her wards, Luna and Celestia would shave off their manes and tails, and remelt their crowns in the flame of the first wild dragon which they’ll meet. But since this won’t happen, prospects are mirthless.

So even more alarmed, they ran to the town hall. Twilight almost crushed the doors, when she broke in.

“What’s going on?” – exclaimed Ivory Scroll, - “Princess Twilight?”
“Missis mayor, we are in great trouble!” – alicorn said panting, - “Immediately call all ponies! An emergensy is brewing!”
“Monstres broke out from Everfree forest?”

Mayor nervously gulped. Worse than monster attack… She shook her head and ordered her assistant to run to the top floor and ring the bell. He nodded and rushed there.

Warning ring spread around the town. Waves of worrying and bothering started to sweep over Ponyville: what trouble has happened now? Quitting ther works and business, ponies left their houses and rushed to town hall.

Soon whole square before the building was filled. Citizens whirred and demanded explanations.

“Quiet! Qiuet!” – Ivory Scroll asked.
“Why you rang?”
“We were attacked?”
“What excatly happened?”
“It was a joke?” – voices came from the crowd.
“Now you all learn the reasons.” – said mayor and gave place near microphone to Twilight, - “Please!”

Alicorn bowed and addressed to gathered:

“Citizens of Ponyville! It wasn’t a joke! You were called because really big trouble will happen soon!”
“So what is it?”
“Discord will arrive here within minutes!”
“Discord, here?”
“Yes!” – shouted Twilight, - “That’s why we called you – to warn.”
“But he was rehabilitated!” – said few ponies.
“Yes, he was. But it doesn’t mean that he stopped to do his pranks. On the contrary – using reputation of rehabilitad one, he would joke even more!”
“He’s on our side now, but he kept his old habits. So, while we have time, go to your homes, and try not to appear on the streets, or hide.
“Hurry! Maybe only minutes are le…”

She didn’t finish, when bright flash flared up behind her. Soon light dispersed, and before dazed ponyvillers Spirit of Chaos appeared. With huge valise, covered with travel stickers like night sky with stars on a clear night.

“Hello, Ponyville!” – he exclaimed and then, having put off his sunglasses, spread in smile, - “You all gathered to greet me? Oh, it’s so lovely!”
“Actually, Fluttershy, Spike and I called everypony to inform about your visit.” – said Twilight.
“Thanks anyway!”
“It’s a bit different things.”
“What do you mean?”
“Listen, Discord, we know why you came here. So we say: we have enough our own jokes.”
“Come on…” – spirit wilted, - “Seriously, why you are acting like this? Am I not allowed to deliver joy to my friends?” – he grabbed his valise and opened it. And from its depth, like from super-big caliber party cannon, burst salvo of confetti, serpentine and sweets. Wave of tinsel covered whole square. All ponies appeared to be strewn.
“You are allowed to deliver joy.” – alicorn answered, whiskig confetti off her mane, - “But all sorts of antics won’t be tolerated!”

Spirit frowned. Then he turned to yellow pegasus:

“Fluttershy, well, maybe you will not allow such a mockery of me?”
“Sorry, but… sometimes you are really overzealous.”
“But Fluttershy!”
“I’m sorry! But it’s true!”

Discord howled:

“Aw come on, folks!”
“I you won’t put everything and everyone upside down, then we won’t have anything against you.” – said Twilight.
“Yes!” – exclaimed Fluttershy, - “If you will really entertain other ponies, then you can stay as long as you like!”
“Seriously?” – Discord surprised a bit.
“Do you really think so?”
“Yes.” – Bearers answerd and looked at the crowd. Few weak consents came from it.
“Oh thanks, thanks!” – exclaimed Discord and hugged Spike and all ponies that were on the porch of town hall.
“You are welcome…” – Fluttershy muffedly squeaked.
“But only if you will abide by the rules.” – spelled Twilight.

Spirit released the ponies.

“So, are you ready to comply with the requirement?” – asked alicorn.
“I swear!” – Discord raised his paw, and at this very moment in one house near the town edge boiler’s valve blew off, and boiler itself, having broken through the ceilings and roof, started like a rocked and flew away to wild blue, having left steam trace. No one was injured.

Taken aback ponies for several seconds watched this steam rocket, then angrily looked at Discord.

“It was an accident!” – exclaimed the spirit.

Few ponies rasied their eyebrows.

“I swear!”
“Really?” – asked Twilight.
“Upon my word of market trader!”
“Okay… You can be free.”

Discord bowed, smiled and left the porch.

Twilight bended to Spike and Fluttershy.

“Keep an eye on him.” – she said.
“We will.” – answered pegasus and dragon and left the town hall.

The question was sovled, so square began to empty – ponies returned to their business. Discord began to look for ponies who wanted to have some fun. Fluttershy and Spike meanwhile agreed: she will join the spirit and accompany him, and he will be sided impartial watcher. They nodded to each other and went in different directions.

Discord got very happy wheh he learned that Fluttershy would be with him – he got first constant spectator and, if it would be necessary, assiatant. Spike in turn hided and began to watch.

At first spirit’s jokes were really good and kind: take a donut from mane of unsuspecting passer, tickle a mare to make her – for her own surprise – sneeze out bouquet of flowers and then gave it to her, make foals laugh, having put on ridiculous costume with magic and so forth. But erelong he started to return to his usual tricks. Only after ten minutes hats of citizens started to flew away, hoofwatches – crawl away like caterpillars, coconut palms – grew up instead of ordunary flowers in pots. Especially Discord liked to fluff ponies up: one simple snap – and svelte mare became shaggy ball.

Fluttershy made him comments, tried to persuade, whished on him, but did something really effective kind pony wasn’t able. Spike looked at this and loured – if it goes on, the agreement will go kaput, and Discord will start to riot.

It’s necessary to prevent this carousing. But what can ordinary little dragon, even armed with wonderful device, do to almighty spirit? Only thought about it made Spike to shudder, but then something flashed in his memory. It’s possible to push on everyone, if you know the weak spots. And Chaos Spirit, in spite of all powers, has lack of perseverance. If Discord won’t succeed in something, he will pass to something completely different. If so, then all what he has to do is to draw few spirit’s jokes against himself.

But it’s one thing to say, and absolutely another – to implement. To interfere spirit’s prank is as safe as to fix a transformer, having absolutely forgotten about sources of protection, and being complete chump. But he has to do it. So Spike sighed, gulped and started to wait for opportune moment.

He got it in twenty minutes. Hiding behind a chimney, litttle dragon noticed that spirit had already chosen his next potential victim – one mare with very beautiful and very long mane. Similar trick he had already done: with single move took off stunned pony’s chevelure like a wig. And now, having such perfect candidate, he will do it for sure. Spike concentrated, and when spirit grabbed pony’s strands, used difficult, but amazing trick what he recently mastered – transformation of objects at distance.

He needed to use almost all his energy and energy of shift-suit, but it was worth it: it was just necessary to see Discord’s dumbfounded face when he instead of getting another wig made Rapunzel from already long-maned pony. Stunned spirit and ponies for several seconds stood without any words and moves, trying to understand what have just happened. Discord appeared to be the first one that came to own senses:

“Oops…” – he spelled.

Then other ponies did the same, spirit quickly fixed everything, and incident was closed. Fluttershy rebuked Discord one more time, but now in notably stern tone. Spirit sighed, spelled: “I understood…” and humbly tromped follow the Bearer.

But, of course, one fail won’t stop Discord. It would be necessary to interfere some more times. But he shouldn’t do it with the next tricks – to create the illusion of randomness, and because he has to replenish his energy resources.

Soon after it happened the thing that spirit himself didn’t even expect: teenager colt approached him and asked to… make a photo. Discord was surprised – and such things didn’t happen to him for very long time – so decided to do this ask immediately. Teenager gave Fluttershy his camera and stood near the spirit. Pegasus was already about to push the button, when Discord stopped her: Spirit of Chaos at ordinary picture? No way! Photo must match the reputation and status! So spirit with his magic created cool sunglasses for himself and teenager, then created big lit firecracker behind himself, and right in the moment of explosion pushed the button. Picture was awesome – just like a scene from cool action movie. But half of the street appeared to be shrouded in smoke.

Little dragon used this circumstance and added soot in the cloud.

Discord, having given the picture to teenager, gladly smiled, but when he received non-verbal reproach from Fluttershy, said “Oops!” and with a wave of his paw dispersed the smoke. The sight what opened to everyone made spirit to drop his jaw second time for today: walls, windows, doors, pot, flowers in them, bushes, streetlights, passers – everything and everyone became incredibly dark. As ponies say, even in the depth of Canterlot catacombs will be lighter. Fluttershy frowned really severely. Discord, seeing this expression and understanding that it means no good, shuddered and gibbered:

“I’m sorry! I’ll fix everything now!”

And fixed. But he remained depressed and puzzled, and started to resent. Spike grinned: the process was started. Few more fails, and job will be done.

Now Discord was in no hurry to create new pranks. He walked near yellow pegasus, was gloomy and muttered from time to time: why his jokes began to fail now? Everything was perfect only few hours before, and there was no preconditions. Having taken a thought, he slowed down. He himself can’t be the reason – he feels perfectly and looked his bet, although he is eleven thousand years old. No, it can’t be. And he will prove it!

Discord started to look around for new victim. And he noticed Trixie, who was returning from the hospital after clearing the matters with her sick-list. Spirit rubbed his paws and unleashed all his magic to unsuspecting pony, wanting to fluff her up.

Because of Spike Trixie got occupational injury, so he had to help her. He made tremendous effort to redirect the magic flow. But shift-suit powers differed greatly from spirit’s. So little dragon couldn’t protect Trixie – charge hit her, and she became spherical. But he was able to reflect some magic, and it returned to the master. As result Discord also increased in volume, but because of elongated shape of the body he began to look like puffed up cat’s tail.

Tic hit spirit’s both shoulders and all his eyelids. How? HOW??? He was in stupor for a half of minute. Then he roused, shook his head, took – relatively – normal look and bended over Trixie:

“How did you do it?” – he exclaimed.

But he got no answer – Trixie was still stunned.

Tic spread on some other parts of body. Not believing that he, greatest prank master in the history, began to fail, he started to looked around feverishly. After few turns his glance stopped on another potted flower. Well, simple transformation would never fail, he surely will do it! Spirit focused and unleashed another powerful magic charge. Spike beat him for a split second, having put all his forces for changing.

When the pot began to shudder, Discord gladly smiled: finally! Now instead of simple geranium an abaca will appear in it. But when the pot cracked… Contents of it shot out upwards and downwards. Loud crackling and rustle spread around the town. In face of shocked spirit and citizens huge tree appeared. Only fifteen seconds – and over Ponyville, just like Pharos over ancient Alexandria, eighty-meter eucalyptus towered.

Discord almosrt fell down. She was shocked so deeply that Fluttershy only with help of other five ponies was able to bring him to life. When they did it, spirit, having lurched, sat down and was silent for a couple of minutes. Then he coughed and said:

“I think I’ll quit for today. It seems that I’m unwell.”

Then he stood up and returned to the town hall. He took his valise, created a hat with his magic and, having removed it a little as a farewell, disappeared in flash. Twilight, Fluttershy and few other ponies that appeared to be near, were very spurprised for a long time: they have never seen Discord being like this.

And after ti Spike returned. For question where he have been all that time, he answered that he hided and, as he needed to remain unnoticeable and watch Discord at the same time, was busy as a bee. Twilight got suprised, but Fluttershy told her about agreement what she entered into with Spike.

After Discord’s departure life in town returned to normal. It was possible to say that the threat has passed.

But attitude which sprirt brought to Ponyville remained – citizens have never before joked so much to each other at All Fool’s Day.

“Well, do you have some progress?” – asked captain.
“Well, we somehow managed to reduce the zone to one hundered and seventy square kilometers, and hyperscan now fails every forty two minutes.” – navigator said.
“It’s already something!”
“But although hyperscan fails became stable, the device breathes its last!”
“Mahmoud, excuse us, but we can’t continue like this!” – sighed socspec.
“Zhao almost run out of swearwords.” – pilot added.
“Really? If so, then situation really is very bad…”
“We need to take a break. And give some rest to our equipment.” – socspec said, - “Or else we all will fail.”
“Well… Okay. I declare three-hour break. After it we’ll fix the hyperscan – and then continue the monitoring. Agree?”
“And tell Zhao about it. Make him happy at least once today!”

The crew answered: “Sure!” Captain nodded to them and returned to his cabin. Slowly, but they began to succeed. Keeping such pace, they will solve this problem in a week. The things aren’t so bad after all…