//------------------------------// // Chapter III // Story: Master of Shadows // by Peace Bolt //------------------------------// The race was under way as both ponies flew and ran as fast as they could. Rainbow was up in front as Shadow trailed behind. After a bit Rainbow speed up and didn't look back. Shadow took it as she know she would win by a landslide but then started to use the Shadow walk and jumped in to Rainbow's shadow and shoot off like well like Rainbow Dash. All Dash saw was a thin shadow of something striking up to the castle and it wasn't her she hit the gas and made it to the castle. "What keep you a bad head wind? I thought as much you could out fly my grandfather but not me." Said Shadow at the door of the castle. "I would like my amulet back now please." He held out his hoof. "There's no way you could have beaten me here. You was like way back there and now your here... Are you pulling a fast one on me buddy?" She held the amulet and didn't want to let it go until he told her the truth. "I know you was way back there and this is just a magic trick." "Really? I don't think so. But it is true I did pull a fast one. I was faster and I would like my amulet back, please." Said Shadow as he took a step torres Rainbow. "Or do I have to take it from you?" Dash was taken back by what he said, and took off the amulet. "Here, I hate losing. At lest I'm not a poor sport about it." Shadow took his amulet, as the two stared each other down. They didn't move one hair, it was if they was talking without saying a word. Dash finally cracked a smile and so did Shadow. Dash held out her hoof, Shadow then bumped it with his. Looking at the two it seemed as if two old friends was have a good time catching up with one another. "So, you have to tell me how you did that. I didn't even see you run passed me. How the hay did you do it?" She said as she poked him with a hoof. "I used a family technique called the Shadow Walk. Its use to move over the ground as a shadow and not be seen by any pony. My great great great grandfather was the first to use it and was passed down." He smiled as he looked on at the thin mare. "But I think you could use it without magic. You were so fast! It was the only thing I could do to even have a chance of beat you here. What do you say, want to learn it?" "Heck ya. If it will let me go faster I'm in." The two sat there and talked about how to did the Shadow Walk as they did another pony soon joined them. It was the shyest piggies Shadow Blade had ever laid his eye on. She hid behind Dash and didn't say to much to him but did talk to Dash. He could hear her very clearly but he didn't want to scare the poor thing off. He sat there letting Dash talk for her and smiled as warmly as he could to let her know he would not harm her. As they talk Dash told them that she would go get Twilight and for Fluttershy to say with him. He nodded and so did Fluttershy but sheepishly. Shadow look the mare in front of him up and down and seen to just enjoy the fact that she was just watching the animals around them go on about their day. "Do you have any seeds we could give to the birds?" He asked gently. Fluttershy jumped and hid under her hair and nodded slowly as she pulled her saddle bags off and showed him some of the bird seen she had with her. "Would you mind if I feed the birds? We don't have to talk, just feed the birds is that ok?" He was wanting to just see how shy she was with him around her. "That will be ok." She finally said. He smile at how cute the tiny voice was. "Good." Fluttershy was shaken that he heard her, he was looking at her and being so nice there was no way he could have been a meanly or hurt anypony. She slowly warmed up to him and seen him as Rainbow did a friend and one that wouldn't tease her of being so shy around him. They sat there feeding the birds and she was starting to talk with him and he keep the same tone with her. A warm and gentle voice, as time passed Dash with Twilight behind her showed up and when they all walked in-side to talk. Twilight sent the other two to tell the others that he was found and that they could stop looking for him. That they would get together tomorrow and talk about what to do. The two leaved, leaving Twilight and Shadow alone. "So let me see. I'm not in my time and it seems as if I was pulled in to the future. Did you summon me here for some thing?" Shadow ask bluntly. "I summoned you? How did I do that?" She asked walking in to the library. "Well that I don't know how, but my grandfather did tell me that. Though I don't know how it works myself." He looked around the room to see old books all over the place. "I'm guessing its always like this?" "Sometimes when I can't find what I'm looking for or I need to do some research on." Twilight said. She then picked up the peace of paper that summoned him and looked it over. "So this is a summoning spell... This looks more like bring to live spell now but it also looks like a teleport spell." "Can I see that?" "Sure." Twilight floated the piece of paper to Shadow. He took it in his magic and tried to read it, as he read the spell to himself there was some part of the spell that was hard to read and was to hard to make out. It seemed to be a spell to bring him for his time to any time the spell was cast to serve the one whom laid eyes on the paper not the one who cast it. The part of the spell that look like it was to send him home was the part that was missing. 'There must be another part or a page for this spell this isn't the full spell. ' Shadow thought to himself. After a bit he put the spell on the table and looked over at Twilight. "So, was you the first to see this or did somepony show you this and if so who was it?" Shadow asked. "Also this is not a bring to live spell." Twilight thought back to when she first seen the spell and cast it. "Well I wasn't the the first to see it but I did cast the spell. The first pony to see this was Sweetie Bell. What does that matter?" Shadow start to laugh as he remembered the little filly he pulled out of the lake. "So, that little one is my master it seems. This spell is one that whom so ever laid eyes on it first is the master of the one that is summon from it. So that's why I was draw to the lake." He about fall over in a laughing fit. "Why is that so funny?" Twilight asked. "Because if Lady Bell is hurt I would die on the spot." Shadow said calming down for the laughter. "What? So what you're saying is your link to Sweetie Bell until we send you back and if anything happens to her you'll die!?" Twilight looked at the colt as he stood up and walked around her. "With knowing this I'll have to leave and head to my Master's. Would you mind taking me there? If I have to explain myself it would help if I had you and that spell with me. I'm going to let you know this before you answer. I'm being nice right now, but if I didn't think I would be able to trust you I would have just toke you with me with this sword and would have not asked." Shadow narrowed his eyes as he said the last bit darkly. Twilight was scared and to say it like that was an understatement. She could feel her leg under her all most give out and wide eyed. A feather could have knocked her over. She took a breath and tried to calm down. But before she could say anything Shadow spoke up in a kinder voice. "But, I can see I don't have to act like that around you. Your heart has no darkness in it and it has the brightest of light. So with that said lets see if maybe we can talk Lady Bell to make you my master. What do you say Lady Twilight?" Shadow bowed with his sword out to her. Twilight didn't know how to think of this one second he was like a bloodthirsty killer the nexted he was like a hole other pony. Twilight looked him over and started to think back to some of the books she read about the old ways and how ponies acted back then. She saw that his sword had a charm hanging off of it. The only ponies she remember ever having something like that was ninjas in olden times and that they would only take down other ponies that had a dark heart. But not just a little darkness but the type of darkness you could see in killers and evil evil ponies. She was at ease at this. He would not harm anypony that wasn't like that. "Okay, but only if you think its the right call and it helps you get home ok. I don't want you to do anything without my ok first got it?" "As you wish Mem Lady." ~~ Later at the Boutique Rarity was scolding Sweetie for not having somepony there with her and her friends as they was at the lake rowing the boat around in the lake. But she could stay mad for long. She was only mad at herself for almost losing her sister. Rarity did let her off easy and Sweetie know it, as Rarity told Sweetie what she was going to have to clean the waiting room and show room there was a knock at the door. "One min darling." Rarity yelled as kindly as she could to the door. "Sweetie you can go a head and start cleaning and after that we'll talk about what you'll be doing next ok." Rarity said as she trotted over to the door. "Twilight Darling!" Rarity said as she opened the door. " And whom is this striking colt your with. Is this the one that saved my little sister and also the one you wanted us to find?" Rarity looked Shadow up and down then smiled. "He does look nice." "Rarity this is Shadow Blade and yes he is. Is Sweetie Bell here?" Twilight said as she and Shadow walked in. "Sweetie Bell, we have guests here that would like to see you." Rarity called over her shoulder and then landing her eyes back on the colt. "So, Shadow Blade dear. Tell me what can I do to repay you for saving my sister? Anything at all just let me know." Sweetie came trotting back with a bucket and some old rags to clean. She then seen Shadow with Twilight. "Mister Shadow!" She ran over to him and hugged his leg. "I'm glad you came over. Rarity this is him. His the one that saved me." Sweetie's smiled as wide as she could. "So what can we do for you, Mister Shadow?" "Lady Bell you don't have to call me mister, but we do need to talk to you and your sister about this." Shadow pulled the paper from his side. "Do you remember seeing this spell?" "Is that the paper form the library early today and why are you calling me Lady Bell?" Sweetie tilted her head. Twilight stepped in and told the two about what was going on and what had happened earlier. After finishing she looked over at Sweetie and then to Rarity. Sweetie was wide eyed and almost to the point of cheering and jumping about the room. Rarity's look was that of disbelief and shock. "So Twilight.... What your telling me is, that my sister is, his m-m-master and that he is not from this time....." "Ya, are you okay Rarity?" "Rarity can we keep him please Rarity? Think of it if I'm his master then that means your his master too. Because we're sister." Sweetie said as she bounced around her sister. "She is right on that point Lady Rarity." Said the sword caring colt. "Shadow. I thought we was going to ask them to make me you master." Twilight whispered to the colt. "I did but look at Lady Bell. I couldn't stand to break her little heart. She reminds me of the little ones back in my time. I hope my clan is ok.." Shadow whispered back with a bit of sadness in the statement. "Okay then. If this is what you want." Rarity was thinking about all of what was said. She would like to have the colt stay close to Sweetie and keep her safe, but she did feel uneasy about his sword. "Tell me, that sword of your's will you never use unless appleutly neenessey?" "You have my word that this sword will not leave my side unless its the only way to keep you and Lady Bell save." With that said he pulled the sword with the sheath out. He then pulled a ribbon from the floor and tide it to the sword to it's sheath. "With this the pack is made." Rarity fixed the ribbon a bit better, well fixed it to how is liked it anyways. "Good. Is this good with you Twilight? I know you would like to keep him so you can--" Rarity was cut off by Sweetie. "Don't worry he can come with me when I go to see Twilight for 'Twilight Time'." Sweetie said as she hugged Rarity. "That will work for me. I do want to do some reading on where I seen his cham from. I know I seen it some where before." Twilight pointed to the cham on the sword. "This? Its the Shadow Clan leader cham to keep us save in anything we do. Its older then I am." Shadow focused on the cham. "I can let you hold on to it but you have to give it back. It's one of the last things I have from my grandfather." He removed it and flooded it over to Twilight. Twilight took it with her magic and nodded. "I will not send you back without this. I understand how you feel about this." Twilight turned and trotted out of the little shop and flew back to her home leaving Shadow with the two sister. "Lady Rarity?" Shadow asked. "Yes, dear Shadow." "Can I ask you for some new clothes to fit in to this time... It seems that this look will not work." Shadow looked a bit nervous asking this of her. "You want a new onsible? I would be more than happy to make you one my dear." Rarity almost jumped out of her mind at this. She wanted to get his measurements anyways and now he's asking her to make him something. "Well first you'll have to take that robe off so I can get your measurements." Shadow froze at the request. "Lady Rarity, would you mind if I ask that Lady Bell not be in the room..." "Of cores not. Sweetie would you go and start the cleaning in the other room please." Rarity didn't like this but, he could just be shy. "Okay sis, hey can we have that special dish tonight?" Sweetie asked, she know some ponies didn't like taking off there close if they ware them all the time. She started trotting to the room she was to clean. "Ok, just because he's here. Shadow your good now." Rarity turned to get her glasses, note pad, and measuring tape. Shadow slowly undressed himself. He finished and looked at himself in the mirror. Rarity came back with her tools of her trade. "Okay, Shall we be.........Oh my Celestia!!!!" Rarity looked upon the colt. She couldn't believe what she was looking at.