//------------------------------// // Eyes Everywhere // Story: SHIFT // by A_guy_from_Earth //------------------------------// Spike was slowly sweeping the floor in library, when someone knocked on the door. Twilight again steeped in the researching process – perhaps, she didn’t hear anything at all, – so there were no other variants: little dragon put the broom into a corner and approached the entrance. He already prepared to meet the reader, but when he opened the door, there was no one. Except cardboard box, just like the ones what are using for shoes packing. Spike looked. No one around. So, having shrugged, he took the box and closed the door. Walking down the ilbrary hall, little dragon once more inspected the “parcel”: just a carboard, not even painted, and without any inscriptions, but there is something in it, and it weights a little. Spike carefully shook the box. Only very weak and muffled sound came from inside. If so, then this something is packed tightly. Puzzled, little dragon scrathed his head. “What could it be?” – he thought, and in a moment his curiosity got the better of him: there were no words about the addressee, so he also can look inside. Spike opened slightly the cap and… A pair of toy hooves shoot out from it, grabbed dragon’s head and then springs, to which toys were attached, pulled their victim inside, towars a portion of paste and tar mix. Spike’s face firmly stuck in the mash. Alarmed, he tried to tear the trap box off, but, having confused, couldn’t do it. He panicked and started to run around the hall, lowing, waving his paws and ruining everything on his way. Consequences of this were noise, rumble and disgruntled owl hooting. They drew Twilight away. She quit her work and ran to the source of ruckus. Having seen what became the reason, she immediately rushed to help her assiatant. She with her magic grabbed the ill-fated box and tore it off from Spike’s head. Freed little dragon deeply inhaled and fell down. Having respired, he thanked Twilight. Alicorn was about to say that it wasn’t necessary and ask what happened, when she and her assiatant heard laughter. For a moment, they froze in surprise. But then they came to their senses and listened. Laughter came from the street, but its source was near the library. Pony and dragon ran to the balcone and, having looked down, gasped. They saw the source, or, to be precise, sources: Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash split their sides laughing. “What’s going on here?” – Twilight surprised. “It was you?” – Spike surprised. “Yeah.” – spelled Pinkie, having forced herself to stop not without efforts. “Our best one for this month!” – Rainbow added, - “It’s a pity that we only heard its consequences…” “Prank??? I almost suffocated there!” – dragon shouted. “Sorry, but…” – Pinkie said, still giggling, - “This was a really cool prank!” “Absolutely not funny!” “If you are the pranked one.” – Rainbow said. “Enough!” – Twilight shouted, - “Because of that your joke there is a mess in the library!” “But it was Spike who made it!” – objected Pinkie. “If you didn’t prank him , he wouldn’t do it.” “Okay, we are sorry…” – sighed pranksters and lowered their heads. Twilight looked at her assistant. “So be it, I’ll forgive you.” – little dragon answered. “Well,” – said glad alicorn, - “if this problem is solved, then, in that case, will you, girls, do me a fovor and clean up?” “Excus us, but we have to go.” – jokers said in unison and scooted. Dumbfounded Twilight about three seconds stared at the place where recently Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were. When she came to her senses, she looked forward, but could see only weak rainbow and pink traces in the air. Spike, who lookead at them too, sighed and addressed to frowned and angry alicorn: “Forget it, Twi. They are incorrigible.” “You are right.” – she said, having shaken her head, - “Let’s clean this mess…” Together they quickly put all brought down things and took away all broken. Box-trap they threw out of sight. Though it was just a joke, it spoiled librarians’ mood. They were a little upset till the end of the day. Remaining in such state, they went to beds. Twilight, in spite of this, fell asleep quickly. But Spike couldn’t went to the realm of Morpheus: he helped Rainbow only yesterday, and today she did this! Yes, she didn’t know it, but he didn’t expect something like this from her. And Pinkie together with her… Recalling today’s events, little dragon became angry and boiled over. And gradually thoughts about retribution satred to come to him. At first this impuls scared him, but soon he, having taken a thought, agreed that he should gave worthy answer. But how? Spike understood that he won’t be able to prank Pinkie and Rainbow – they are masters, and he needs years to reach their level. Ponies will quickly find everything out. The most terrible thing what he would be able to do in this field is a little nastiness. It’s not serious. He needed another way. Dragon thought tensely. He checked all ideas and variants what came to him, but every one had its own defects. But when he reduced the list in eight times, he found the necessary thing: push on ponies, affect their psyche. He regularly and successfully managed to beg Twilight, and other princesses too – only sometimes, but still… So now he had to find how to do it right. About thirty minutes Spike pored over the insidious plan. Eventually he developed general scheme and even several its details. It was perfect. Gladly grinning, with thoughts about fearful vengeance, Spike fell asleep. The next day he started to implement his plan. Using the fact that he was given only few tasks, Spike quickly finished them and went outside to find Pinkie and Rainbow. It wasn’t difficult. Then little dragon waited till the moment when they met and began to watch them. Having enhanced the hearing ability, he found that they were going to visit “The Sugarcube Corner”, have a snack there and spent there about an hour. Excellent. While they would be there, it’s possible to do something really great and impressive. But before it it’s necessary to play the prelude. Spike returned to the library and, having taken few bits, rushed to market. He chose the way on which he will meet jokers for sure. The meeting happened near the entrance to the market. Merrily chatting ponies, having seen that victim of their yesterday prank are approaching, faltered. They felt uncomfortable. “Rainbow, Pinkie? – said dragon when he came closer. “S-Spike?” – pegasus mumbled, - “Eh… W-we didn’t expect that we would see you here…” “I just came to buy some vegies. And what about you?” “Us? W-we… Um…” “Forgive us, Spike!” – Pinkie couldn’t stand, - “We’re sorry, very-very sorry!” “Please!” – Rainbow Dash begged. “Come on, girls!” – said dragon, - “I’ve already said that I forgive you.” “Really?” – ponies surprised. “Yeah! Especially that this prank was really good.” “Do you really think so?” “Devise the thing that grabs your head and then pull it towards piece of tar? This prank is worthy of Discord himself! But it’s rather unpleasant.” “Thanks, and we’re sorry.” “It’s not necessary. Moreover, everything will be judged in itself…” “What?” “Oh, absolutely nothing.” – answered Spike with a smile of salesman that recently successfully sold own soul to Devil, - “It was nice to meet you!” “We too!” Having nodded to friends, little dragon disappeared among the stalls. And ponies, having grinned, went about their business. Having bought all necessary food, Spike left the market and hided in the nearest dead end. When he made sure that no one watches him, he gave mental command to start the creation of dublicates and their transformation. Nanites feverishly worked for five minutes. It costed little dragon a lot of efforts, he almost fainted during the process. But soon the job was done, and six ponies, similar to each other like two drops of water – key characters of the upcoming action – stood before him. Spike, having thought: “Nughtmare Moon would be proud…” looked at them and said: “You know what to do.” Satllions nodded and gradually, waiting for three-four minutes for the turn, began to disperse one by one. They used different ways to remain unnoticeable. In twenty minutes they took their posotions. And gald Spike wandered home. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie spent about an hour in “The Sugarcube Corner”, eating cupcakes and muffins and chatting about own grandiose plans for tomorrow. Then Mr. and Mrs. Cake ran out of stocks – new party only recently had been put into the oven – so friends, having thanked bakers for delicious snack, went outside. Ponies scurried around, voices and noise was everywhere, flavors of vegetable and fruit stalls mixed with smells of woodworking and metalworking workshops. Ponyville was full of life. Pinkie and Dash, looking at this, smiled. And they couldn’t but rejoice: incident was closed, they were forgiven, there’s a great holiday tomorrow, and in general today is a wonderful day! And if you refreshed your inner pony, you’re always glad. In high spirits, they trotted along the streets, keeping talking. Soon they approached one bakery. To it a small queue was already formed. The last one in it was old stallion, quiet short earth pony. He noticed two cheerful mares, turned his head and looked at them. Rainbow with Pinkie saw it. And began to shiver: glance of old pony wasn’t empty, it was devastating. And it was very, very angry. Friends felt uneasy: who is he? Why he loooks at them like this? What they did to him? The began to cover with cold sweat. “L-let’s go away from here.” – Rainbow whispered. “Agree.” – Pinkie nodded. Ponies quickened their pace. Old stallion watched them go, and then turned away and continued to stand in the queue as if nothing had happened. Friends, having made sure that no one watched them, relieved. “Phew!” – exclaimed pegasus, - “Did you see how he looked at us?” “Yeah! He gave such piercing glance! Like he looked right into our souls! It was terrifying!” – answered pink pony. “Don’t say… Still creeps.” “Me too. I had seen many ponies, but such glance I n-n-nev-v-ver… s-s-saa…” “Pinkie, what the matter?” As answer she only pointed at open-air cafe. Rainbow Dash turned, and her heart sank – under awning there was the same old stallion! And he gave them that piercing glance again! Friend’s legs began to shake. Having barely found the strength, they turned and quickly walked away. “Why and how it could happen?” – pegasus exclaimed. “I dunno. Maybe they are twins?” – supposed Pinkie. “Twins? Then why both of them looked at us like this?” “Just because they are twins!” “What?” “Well, they might conspire.” “Wonderful! Pinkie, you more than anyone know how to encourage!” “You’re always welcome!” Having run back far enough, ponies stopped to take a breath. But only they respired and decided to continue their walk… Doors of the nearest shop opened, and third the same stallion came out. And he immediately looked at the friends. They were almost paralyzed. Scared, they for several seconds looked at the old pony, then screamed and ran away. They rushed headlong, hardly managing not to hit anything or anyone. They were, probably, in half a mile away from the third creepy old pony when fourth “twin” appeared right before them from around the corned. Pinkie and Rainbow braked sharply and almost fainted right there. Having howled because of terror and despair, they only turned, when fifth one appared from another backstreet. Ponies, having got coat colous more similar to Rarity’s than their original, now absolutely alarmed and shuddering, began to look around for way of salvation. These creepers were at crossorads, other streeds led to dead ends. Trembling, they looked up. And their hearts almost stopped: on small hotel balcony sat sixth one. Having noticed ponies, he turned to them. Three pairs of evil eyes now stared at them. Pinkie and Rainbow looked at old ponies and shouted: “WHY?!” – and then earth pony graber her pegasus friend, and she flew up, having left pale rainbow trace. When they came to their senses, they found themselves on the edge of the park. How they got there, they didn’t remember. Still shivering and recovering, they – only because it could help them to calm down – began to look for logical explanations of this event. And at that time both of them remembered words of one their good pal what they heard today: “Everything will be judged in itself…” And they thought that it was punishment from higher powers for prank on poor little dragon. So they ran to the library. Spike meanwhile finished to cook diiner for himself, Twilight, Owlowiscious and Peewee and went outside to take a break. He only closed the door, when he appeared to be burried under pink and rainbow ponies, which immediately began to repent: “Please, forgive us, Spike, please! We did not want to offend you, honestly! We’re sorry” “Please! We beseech!” “I have already forgiven you!” – dragon surprised. “We again ask for forgiveness!!!” “Okay, okay, girls. I forgive you one more time.” “Really?” “Really.” “Thanks!!!” – ponies exclaimed and hugged Spike. “Not… necessary…” – spelled little dragon in muffled voice. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie after this asked for forgiveness few more times. It took Spike a lot of time to persuade them that they shouldn’t act like this and that they are really forgiven. Then ponies thanked him again and left. Spike waved them and saw them off Well, he didn’t expect such reaction. But the aim is reached, and it’s the main thing now. Spike gladly smiled and went to the center of the town. There, in one back alley, he waited when all dublicates appearer, and executed the reverse transformations. Ponies became copies of little dragon again, and then reunited with the “parent”. Having come to own senses, Spike returned home. “You got the results?” – captain asked. “Yes.” – navigator answered. “Choose, cap’n: bad one or crappy one.” – pilot added. “If this is the choice… Bring the last one.” “Well, our worst fears were confirmed.” – navigator sighed, - “Someone put shift-siut on.” “Really? Maybe…” “Sorry, cap’n.” – mechanic lowered his head, - “ I checked it six times. Signature shows that device is activated.” “Crap! Crap!” “Alas, but yes.” “Okay, and what about other one?” “We learned why the signal is suppressed almost all the time.” – pilot said. “The reason is that host almost all the time is near one akira.” – navigator continued, - “And force field of this akira bloks the signals.” “Dammit, nice!” – captain exclaimed. “But the interesting is that akira’s power hasn’t changed for all the time of observations.” – added pilot. “It’s stable? This akira doesn’t know about energy source near him or her?” “It’s possible, but I don’ think that it’s true.” – socspec said, - “More likely that this akira just doesn’t care about it.” “Maybe you’re right. Considering these powers… Bunch of nanites is nothing for such being.” “Yeah.” “Okay, now we know it. And what about location?” “We made only first steps.” – pilot said, - “Core of akira’s influence area is blurred, and it’s very hard to find any signature in it.” “And how big is it?” “Four hundered square kilometers.” “Jeez… If so, we can’t even think about the landing.” “Yeah.” – socspec said, - “We’ll spend a week for detail scanning at least!” “Well, gentlemen, we’re screwed.” “It’s not the word…” “We have no choice. We have to exploit all powers of hyperscan untill the area got reduced at least in twenty times. Only after this we can think about next steps.” “Yes, sir.” Captain sighed. It was a real nightmare. If the suit is already put on… They have to find it as soon as possible, before too many locals learn about it. Or else consequences will be irreparable.