Hell Hath No Fury.... A Darksiders/MLP Crossover

by Deemo

One Nephilim Two Armies

This is the story so far..........The Red Rider bound by none, An Alliance forged by one goal, Slay the Red Demon.............

War gathered up his strength before leaping into the air his body became consumed in the blood red energy, the orb began to convulse slowly like a beating heart, intrigued the two forces stood around the orb as its convulsions began to speed up a big mistake like an egg ready to hatch bursting forth from the orb came the monster that lives within the Rider's soul, The Red Demon

Falling to the ground the demon slammed his blade into the earth a powerful shock-wave sent them sprawling, the demon let forth a mighty roar before brandishing his blade ready to fight, ready to kill. The amassed forces quivered with fear some chose to run others just soiled themselves paralyzed in fear at the beast that they have awoken. some stupidly brave surged towards the the fiery demon only for them to be cleaved into a mass of burning flesh and bone what seemed like laughter spouted from the demons' maw as it cleaved burned and crushed the bugs and ponies that dared strike him.

The allianced forces had erupted into chaos, guards and changelings alike fleeing the battlefield seeking shelter from the wrath of the Red Demon one unfortunate guard was plucked from his hiding spot before being burned alive in the demon's grasp, not even Chrysalis could stomach the blood and gore that littered the battlefield as more and more joined the ranks of the fallen their mutilated corpses littered the town, the smell of decay and burning flesh made nausea a common sight among the ponies.

"What is that..... thing?" Chrysalis breathed as she watched the fiery mass continue to butcher her children helpless to stop it

"By Faust" Luna hissed "Save us all"


Celestia rushed out onto the balcony before leaping off the rails, her majestic white wings beat through the air as she flew towards Ponyville gazing off into the distance she saw it, gargantuan and aflame the she watched her little ponies valiantly try and fend off the beast only to fall dead in the dirt, their eyes staring lifelessly into the sky. Celestia turned away unable to bare the death and destruction that has struck today.

She watched helplessly as bodies were dragged away from the carnage some in stretchers others wrapped in pure white fabrics she circled the town once more before landing on at a nearby patch of land. there the congregated dead and injured lay waiting for their burial rights or for their treatment,, turning her gaze toward the Red Demon she sighed mournfully.


Death stood on a large grass plain two crossroads lay before him but what caught his attention was a giant golem, fashioned from stone and magic, The Guardian a construct built by the Makers as a weapon to fight 'The Corruption' it too had succumbed to its influential powers. The Rider Death stood before the beast scythes drawn

"He is beyond my help Horseman, do your worst" Eidard called grimly

Death held out his hand, his steed Despair rose from a portal of green fire it whinnied readily as his master jumped onto his saddle charging towards the Guardian. In response the golem lifted his arm a gigantic hammer held in its stony grasp before swinging downward like a blacksmith striking his anvil.

"I hope your having a better time than me brother" he muttered whipping out Redemption he fired at demonic growths that had appeared on the golem's hammer wielding arm, scattering its pieces along the vast plain. seizing the opportunity he sprinted towards the collapsed construct of stone before leaping into the air swinging his twin scythes forward.

"Hold on brother I'm on my way"


"More, MORE, MORE MOOOOOOORE" War's mind shrieked as he reveled in the gore that flew around him with a simple swing of his blade, but he knew that this violence had to end sooner or later his recklessness would be his downfall if he continued a difficult situation as War had never felt so alive, free to slaughter as he pleased.

But something raged against his rebellious side, chastising him to cease the battle and leave there was no purpose to this fight but to deal heavy casualties to both sides they were no threat to the Balance and yet here he was, War enjoyed bloodshed but what was violence without purpose? The most 'honorable' of the Four Horseman nothing more than a mindless berzerker sheddding innocent blood, it sickened him this slaughter had to end, Now.

Feeling the rage ebb away from the Rider he let himself float to the ground the Red Demon vanishing into slivers of red and black energy, his form irradiated the hatred and raged that had built up over the years, but the years of discipline has also restrained him sealing the urge to let it out for the world to see.

"This isn't like me at all" he grumbled flexing his fingers feeling small pulses of light fade into nothingness turning feeling a presence he turned to see Celestia and Luna and a chained Chrysalis approaching him.

"Finished your little tantrum I see" Chrysalis sneered hatefully "Tell me, why did you stop? You could have wiped out this whole town and more, and yet you stopped"

"War, you have killed so many innocent lives today, did you not think this would go unpunished?" Luna called

"There will always be casualties in war no matter how small, you of all your kin should know that" he replied venomously

"That still doesn't explain why you went on a bloodthirsty rampage in which lives could have been spared" Celestia countered

"I knew the risk of killing your kindred both pony and.... whatever you bug things are" he trailed off "I lost control, I let the taste of freedom get the better of me, years upon years of servitude can make the thought of freedom all the more sweeter. However this is not the first time I have slain innocent lives in my lifetime nor will it be the last"

"And what now? are you willing to shoulder the weight of your crimes?" Celestia asked sagely

Her answer was silence, War's gaze was towards the dirt obviously deep in thought. This continued for a couple more minutes before the Red Rider gave his answer.

"Do your worst princess, I doubt you will come up with a fitting punishment to match the crimes I've committed both past and present" War murmured

Celestia smirked mockingly "Don't worry War, I'm sure I can find an arrangement befitting of your nature"