Seventh Element

by Stormwhite


It was a most joyous day for young Luna as she had learned her abc’s. She must have sung it three dozen times to her sister. Celestia was walking her little sister home from school and listening to her talk about her day. Passing By them were two boys friends at the time. One was a little nerdy and chubby the other was a little timid and a tad bit optimistic. From across the street the timid boy saw young Luna. He was captivated by her she was really pretty he thought to himself. Even if it was only for an instant as she passed him by ten feet away. In another moment the children passed each other and the young boy’s thoughts shifted back to his friend.

As years went by the boy out grew his timid young self and became rather outgoing. He grew to have charismatic air to him, and with this came a slight confidence boost. He had always observed that girl from across the block her name was Luna. Ever since that day the young man had been fixated on her. He wasn’t a stalker or anything just kept an eye on her. Though he thought she didn’t even know he existed and he was right. She was a Princess, and as such she was very busy and didn’t remember a whole lot of faces. However this didn’t stop him from trying to grab her attention. Whenever he went to their social parties he would display some interesting tricks. He tried to grasp Lunas attention to no avail.

Luna always felt she lived in the shadow of her sister. Her older sister Celestia who received her cutie mark eons before her. People could not stop talking about it for the longest time. Luna wasn’t one to seek attention, but some of it would have been nice. Whenever someone came to the castle they were never there for Luna, either her parents or Celestia. Just once she wished someone would come looking for her. Luna barley had friends they were a bunch of backstabbers, but she hung out with them because it was better than no one.

Some more time passed and Luna got her cutie mark. Luna was very excited knowing she would get to work alongside her sister. In honor of this event here family threw her a formal party as they did for Celestia. Though this was a special occasion form more reasons than one. On this day a comet flies past the world it only appears once every hundred years. So why not celebrate it?. Everybody from Hackinson was invited to their castle for celebration. Luna’s mysterious admirer saw this as a perfect opportunity to talk to her. So he went to the party and it was just as dull as always. Always so formal and classy he hated it, but it was worth it to get to see Luna. Though he found it hard to find her witch as odd since it was her party. After some time looking he found her sitting at a table with her group of friends. Seeing this the young man chickened out not wanting to bother her on her special night.

Finally the boy had enough and decided to go with the most direct approach possible. He went up to the castle doors and knocked. To his surprise Luna answered the door. He had never seen her so close up before she was rather breath taking. The boy was left speechless until Luna spoke up. She recognized him from around town as one of the cute boys. Her superficial friends had pointed him out once. They said he always kept to himself so he was very mysterious witch only added to his allure. With this thought process she figured he was there for Celestia. “I’ll go get my sister.” She said and began to walk away. “Wait” Said the boy Luna stopped and turned back to face him. She raised eyebrows if questioning his statement. “I didn’t come to see your sister I came to see you.” The boy said with a nervous voice that he mentally face palmed himself for.

Luna paused for a moment and began to blush. “Me?” she asked again questioning his motives. “Yea I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out sometime.” Luna brushed her hair behind her ear and got a good look at the boy. After a moment of awkward tension Luna nodded her head and said “sure” with a big smile on her face. This made the boy happy as well “So um when do you want to um hang out?” She asked before blinking several times. “Uh anytime is good for me” said the eager boy “How about now?” replied the equally eager Luna. “Sure” said the boy “Great let me just go get my jacket” Said Luna before she ran off to go get it. From the doorway he could hear a conversation “Bye mom I’m going out with a friend.” “Witch friend!?” replied the mother. Then Luna poked her head out of a large doorway and saw the boy quite a few feet away. “Hey Um what’s your name!?” She asked forgetting to get it before hand. “G” The by replied and then Luna repeated it to her mother before running off to join him at the door.

The two then began to walk and for awhile they were silent. Not sure what to do or say until G spoke up. “So what’s it like being a princess?” To witch Luna rolled her eyes and sighed “It’s not as fun as you might think. It can get really boring especially those god awful parties.” “I know what you mean always so dull next year you should get balloons or a Giant cake.” Luna giggled a bit “Giant cake?” she asked curious as to how that would make the party better. “Yeah nothing says party like a giant cake.” G said with a charming smile. Luna looked off into the distance and saw the cloud going down. “Duty calls?” Luna nodded at G’s words. She closed her eyes and began to concentrate. Then she opened them and they glowed as did her hands. G looked from the setting sun over to the rising moon it was phenomenal. “You sure are powerful Luna I guess that’s just part of what makes you so special.”

Luna Blushed again”S-Special? I’m not that special.” “Oh come on you just raised the moon! You can’t look at me and say that’s not special.” “Well what about you what’s your cutie mark and what can you do.” G lifted his shirt to reveal his cutie mark it was a black hole. After looking at it for a moment Luna spoke “I don’t understand” she said. A dark aura formed around G’s hand as he made a rock float and come over to him. “I control gravity” he said as he crushed the rock. “You may bring the moon up, but I keep you from floating to it.” Luna eyes grew wide as she started to float.”That’s amazing you have to do this constantly?” She asked astonished. “No ever hear of the four gems?” Luna nodded as she floated down to the ground. “Those gem’s are what keep’s our world together. The four stones have the power of the four forces of nature.” “Correct” said G.” I and three other people supply the stones power once every decade. After that we enter a sleep for a week and wake up feeling weak as a dog. After about a month or so we get back to normal though.”

“Now that’s special” said Luna “No more special then you are. For the third time tonight Luna blushed. “Yeah, but my sister is so powerful and compared to her.” Luna grew quiet “You are every bit as strong as your sister.” G said in protest. Luna smiled she was glad she decided to come with G he was nice and more importantly he was genuine. “Well I have to go now, but maybe we can do this again sometime.” “I would like that” replied the young man. So the two young adults went home both very happy with the way the night turned out.

In the years to come the two would become great friends. They shared many similar interests, and G had a way of making Luna well happy. That feeling was mutual whenever G was with Luna he instantly felt happy as well. Celestia was pleased that her little sister finally had a real friend. G was practically part of the family. Though he still feared their farther, but to be fair he was rather tall and had power over space. G always said one mishap and he would be sent straight to the moon. Things were going great and G gave Luna courage which she used gladly. With the guidance of G she was able to get rid of her false friends, and focus her time on other things. Everything was going great until one day Luna had to leave.

“What do you mean you have to leave?” Exclaimed G. “I’m sorry, but my farther has sent me to investigate a region known as equestria.” Said Luna who was sad enough as it is and G being upset added insult to injury. “Well what time do you leave then?” “First thing in the mourning” G sighed. “I’m so, so sorry” said Luna in almost tears. “Don’t be I know you hate this now, but you will come around.” “Oh yeah, and why’s that!?” She snapped at him. He smiled and said “Because I’ll be coming with you.” Luna looked at her friend in utter shock. “No I couldn’t ask you to do that for me.” Luna said in somewhat of a protest. “Good because you’re not I want to go. I have nothing much here besides y mom, but even then we are not really close.” Luna jumped and hugged her friend. She was speechless “Thank you.” She whispered into his ear “Hey what are friends for?” G answered.

It was a hard voyage, but eventually they made it to equestria. The citizens there long awaited their arrival. They quickly talked to Princess Celestia and Luna about an evil being terrorizing equestria. His name was Discord it was then the sisters realized this was a test to see how strong they had become. It’s tradition in their family to be able to wield the elements of harmony. Every generation must go through some sort of test to call forth the elements. The elements are of Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty and Magic. Once every eon the seventh element can be awakened. This element is a rare sight indeed, but once awakened is as strong as the first five elements put together. This element is awakened by the first five elements being combined into one. Witch no one has been able to do in the past five thousand years. Other then Luan’s parents that is.

The sisters found the demon known as Discord and fought him valiantly. They were ultimately able to awaken the elements of harmony and turn him to stone. In this battle G fought as Luna’s right hand man making some great sacrifices. Including throwing himself in front of Luna to block an attack. With this G was able to summon the seventh element of harmony. It was a bracelet with the colors of red, pink, blue, green, and orange. Still not knowing how exactly he did it, and
never quite figuring out how to use it. With Discord gone the citizens of equestria rejoiced, and hailed to their new leaders. However this is where things took a turn for the worst. The power was too much for a young Luna, and it started to go to her head. Years went by and Luna became even more power crazy.

Around this time G had to head east back to Hackinson. It was time to renew the gravity of the world by feeding his bower to the black stone. So he left to fulfill his duties as one of the forceful four. Luna was alone after he left, and began to feel sad. She was older than before, but her emotions haven’t changed much. She noticed something though why did people come out during the day? Yet go inside and leave at night? Could it be they appreciated her sister more? Why else would they? Was this the reason she never had a friend before G? Luna got up and looked at herself in the mirror. Then she let her imagination get the best of her. She saw a world eternally lit by the moonlight. It was then she decided she would never let the moon come down again.

Celestia confronted her sister about this witch only led to an argument. After that the two sisters engaged in a battle on of witch the world had never seen before. Celestia appeared to be winning since her magic has matured unlike Luna’s. News of this Conflict reached G on the other side of the world. Who although still weak from completing his job went to go aid Luna. When G arrived there Luna looked different morphed from her usual self into some kind of monster. No he wouldn’t lose her to hatred. G tried to call off the battle, but Luna would not have it she even accused G of being a traitor.

“Luna stop this at once can’t you see the pain you’re causing?” “Enough if you are not with me you are against me.” Luna or rather Nightmare moons voice roared. “I never expected you to side with Celestia it just proves I can only trust myself.” Those words hurt G so much Luna how low have you fallen? Princess Celestia then began to use the elements of harmony. “Enough of this fighting sister! Using the element’s I now banish you!” with that a rainbow emerged from all the elements and hit Nightmare moon. “NO!” shouted G in a panic. Nightmare was being sent flying to the moon. In one last effort G tried to use his power of gravity to bringer her back. Even going as far as to multiply the gravity two hundred times. In this moment he achieved twice his all time high. Despite his great effort the element’s proved to be too powerful.

Celestias usage of the elements to imprison her sister instead of helping her was viewed as an act of despise. This permanently severed her ability to use the elements. G was left sitting in a pile of ruble. “She’s gone” He found himself repeating this term growing louder as he continued. “SHES GONE!” his speech turned into full shouts and tears came streaming down his face. Celestia went over to try and explain, but he smacked her away. “I hate you! And I swear I will get my revenge on you! Just wait Celestia! ” As time went on G’s hatred grew eventfully transforming him into Fusion as Luna had became Nightmare moon. Years went by and Fusion tried to attack Celestia many times, but all ended in failure.

Fusion eventually went into hiding, and as a result never knew Luna had come back. Actually Fusion had completely forgotten of Luna’s existence. However Word reached Fusions ears of a young pony named Twilight she was the student of Celestial. What a great way to seek revenge. Though his plan was not executed as smoothly because many things got in his way. Including the person he started fighting for. He endured much pain , but because of her , but was finally able to crush her or so he thought.

Twilight looked horrified as she watched Luna get crushed before her eyes. “Your fate will be the same” Fusion said. “Princess Celestia he-” “Look closely Twilight” Celestia said cool as a cucumber. Twilight looked at the dust cloud closely. She began to make out a dark figure then she heard a swoosh sound as ebony black wings sprung open. There stood a man whom Twilight had never seen before. Black long hair to match his wings and he had a dark black cloak to match. He held Luna bridal style.

“You alright?” He asked her “I’m fine.” Luna replied. “Big deal one more person to kill!” Fusion blurted out. “Princess Celestia who is that man?” “That is G, twilight” So he was G still who was he and how did he Know Luna? Questions for another time. G smirked and chuckled “You come near Luna, and I will end you!” Fusion laughed hysterically. “You stop me I’d like to see you try!” Fusion shouted at the now matured G. G set Luna down on her feet “Sorry, but the reunion will have to wait.” Luna nodded and walked over next to her sister. G walked over and stared at Fusion his alter ego. “Now then lets begin!”