Equestrian battle of the bands

by Hugoo

part 2: missing pony

The following day had not been a fun one for pinkie after waking up an hour later than she would have liked she stumbled down the stairs to see that some hung over ponies still didn't have their acts together and would need to be shoed out.
She never liked that part of the morning; after all she liked to think of herself as a party pony, hell maybe even the number one party pony in all of Equestria, so why would she ever want to tell ponies to return to the real world?

Of course she had to though Mr and Mrs Cake were only gone for the weekend and pinkie really needed to clean the place up if she wanted to keep her job and friendship with the cake family.

The rest of day consisted of tedious hovering dusting and so on but by that evening pinkie had another visit from her old friend.
She was just sitting down with a cup of tea ready to relax and maybe get some sleep, but her rather vague train of thought was brought to a stop by a loud knock on the door.

Her eyes shot open like pistons. She rushed across the room to the door; she opened and lost count of how many hellos she said in her attempt to sound normal.

“Um hi.” Replied monochrome

“Oh hey Mono! Did you find Vinyl what did she say? Did she say yes? She said yes didn't she?!”

“Urm yeah i couldn't actually find her, i think i found her house but no one was in.”

“That’s strange even if vinyl wasn't at home Octavia should be?”

She wasn't really asking anypony in particular but there was a hint of a question mark in her voice.


That was the moment when pinkie noticed how long it had really been, how could mono not no Octavia, could their days as a band really have been that long ago?

“Wow! Urm Octavia is Vinyl’s fillyfriend they met at university; i can’t believe you don’t know her!”

“Vinyl has a fillyfriend?”

“Yup, maybe we should go back I know where their spare key is so I can get us in.”

They left immediately and trekked across an evening ponyville which was shaded with playful oranges and melancholy blues the ground was nothing but a black silhouette at the end of a vast sky.

After ten or so minutes both pinkie and mono arrived at vinyl and Tavi's humble abode, it was a nice place. The best way of describing it would probably be as a cottage, it looked warm, cosy, and much like a place you’d want to spend a hearth’s warming day.

Pinkie retrieved the key from under a small statue and the door was opened easily pushing light into the room and illuminating an otherwise black space, with a sunset orange.

The two friends entered the cottage cautiously. Each step cracked and echoed through the empty space until they reached the kitchen mono got the lights and pinkie spied a sheet of paper on the old mahogany table, she approached and examined it.
It read as follows…


To any friends who came in te look for us sorry I couldn’t do this in person!
Anyway stuff kinda got weird and I don’t know what to do
No I know what im doing, anyway basically tavi left me due to some thing about me not going 2 her gigs, but I think shes gonna come back she said she needs time to think things through.
I’m living with an old drinking buddy from uni in manehatten right now.
If u guys can just give the house like a weekly hover thated be cool also feel 3 to help urself to stufff from the fridge.

Both ponies were lost for words, both ponies stared down at the letter, pinkie’s hair fell flat.

Monochrome got up trotted over to the fridge opened it and grabbed a rustlers burger or two, pinkie looked up and was going to be shocked by mono’s behaviour until she offered her one and she noticed how hungry she was

Two tense microwave minutes of silence passed, and soon they sat at either end of the table with a burger monochrome was the first to speak out

“So what are we gonna do about this?”

“I don’t know, I mean. There’s no way I could be prepared for this, they seemed so, set, they were real serious about each other and stuff I, I can’t believe this is happening.”

“Yeah, well, I mean I never knew this Tavi but, still kind of a shocker.”

“Do you think we should call her?”

“I got a better idea. We should get a train up.”

“What, just unannounced?”

“It worked for you.”


“Think about it this is just what she needs! It will take her mind off Octavia and she’ll reconnect with old friends!”

“Yeah actually that’s not a bad idea; I mean I’ve wanted to re-visit manehatten for a while now!”
As she spoke pinkie’s hair puffed back up.

“Cool, oh yeah can I crash at your shop tonight?”

“It’s not mine but sure I should probably go talk to my friends first, you know tell them the deal.”

Rainbow dash had to get up and talk to her friends at a ridiculous hour that evening, pinkie had knocked on her door at 11 pm. 11 pm was Zelda time and everypony knew it so what could be so important that the fate of Hyrule had to be put on hold?

“So I suppose you’re wondering why I gathered you all here.”

From the general mumble of response it was clear rainbow wasn't the only one with better things to do.

“so years ago when I was on my gap year before I went to party pony school me and vinyl had this friend called monochrome keys and the three of us were a band together called viva la wub we did local bars and clubs but that was it anywho mono came down here after carrot tops birthday this morning and said we should do the equestrian battle of the bands so we went to find vinyl but her and Octavia had a brake up and vinyl’s of in manehatten so we’re gonna go get her, any questions?”

Even though pinkie’s sprawl of words barely stopped for a second the everypony understood.
The first question came from a now excited rainbow dash “can I come? on the tour i mean not to see Vinyl."

Pinkie was confused and didn’t expect the question, although soon everypony else joined in with the same question, she hadn’t really thought of her friends as the type of ponies to want to be groupies but it was awesome that they wanted to be
“Sure that would be awesome oh yeah and the other thing can anypony work my shift well I’m gone?”
Pinkie finished and gave the awkward (come on guys I need) smile.