by A_guy_from_Earth

Raising Intensifies

Aim was taken, swing – and pebble disappeared in the sky. Spike tried to discern any trace, but all attempst were in vain. Few seconds had passed, and suddenly he heard sound of dissecting air. It came from the east, from side of Sweet Apple Acres. Soon the pebble baceme visible. Little dragon looked closer and… Dammit, it is falling ON the farm! Spike got alarmed and rushed there. But it was too late…

Hit, crackle of cloving shingle, crunch of breaking boards and rustle of falling hay – and farmer’s barn is broken through. And now there is good-sized hole in the roof.

Applejack, who at the moment was sorting out recently bucked apples, having heard the sound of crashing, left the baskets and went to the source. Having rounded the barn and made few more steps, she sighed, looked up to see the reason of noise and said:

“What in tarnation is haa-AAAA-AA-AAAA-AAAAAAA!!!” – and, stunned by the shock, froze in unnatural pose.

Panting Spike appeared soon. He slowed down, quietly sneaked to the farm and approached the barn. And there he saw that his worst fears became real: startled Bearer of the Element of honesty was staring at big dark hole in the roof. He almost immediately became limp, but somehow found some strength to restrain the shiver. Little dragon, making the most imperceptible steps what he was able for, came closer to the pony and brought her to life.

“Wh-what?” – she muttered, having shook her head, - “Szs-Spike? What are you doing here?”
“M-me? Ehmm… I heard the crash and run to see what happened.” – lied dragon.
“You heard it too?”
“I was near.”
“I see… Ghrrrr… If Ah find who made that…” – Applejack growled, - “I’ll flog this one that cutie mark won’t be visible for a month!!!”

Spike began to cover with cold sweat. He gulped and whispered in trembling voice:

“Actually… Ehm… How to say it better… Excuse me, please, but it was me who made this hole.”
“WHAAAT???” – exclaimed pony.
“Y-yes, me.”
“Ya? No way! No! To make such big hole ya had to throw a boulder or something else that big. Ya just couldn't do it!”
“But I did it.”
“Sorry sugarcube, but ya just have no strength for it.”
“Well, to be precise, I launched that stone.”
“What do ya mean?”
“Well… I was walking near forest edge and became bored. Nothing better to do, I decided to throw a boulder to that pool.” – Spike pointed to small pone near the farm fence, - “With a catapult…”
“Wait! A catapult?”
“Yep. I found a young maple and old vine. Then fixed the vine on the treetop and with it bended the tree. After it I tied a stone and launched. And, *coughed* as it turned out, I miscalculated with everything…”

Pony, having heard all that, just sat.

“I know, it’s my fault and only my. I’m sorry, very-very sorry!” – Spike blurted, - “Pease, forgive me!”

And, in addition, before Applejack said anything, little dragon declared:

“So, therefore, I accept full responsibility for what happened here and pledge to eliminate all the caused damages.”

Taken aback a bit pony exclaimed:

“Eliminate the damages?”
“Yes.” – Spike nodded, - “If you bungled, then fix the mess.”
“Eh thank… a lot… But, perhaps, we’ll fix it ourselves.”
“Sorry, Applejack, but I have to do it. It’s my Dragon Code.”
“Ah understand that it’s very important for ya, but… Pardon me, but this rule isn’t so significant as point about saving the lives?”
“Yes, it’s so, but both rules should be executed equally strict.”
“Eh… Well, in that case ya may need help!”
“We’ll find it when we see the scale of damages.” – dragon said and approached the barn. Pony followed him.

They carefully opened the door and entered. Because of new dormer it was much more lighter there than usually, although it was rather dusty. There were crackled pieces of shingle, planks and bundles of straw – insulation – on the floor. Pony and dragon came closer and inspected the foramen. Well, hole about four or a bit more steps in diamater, quite neat. Planks, what were used to fix the shingle, just crumbled, but all support beams are intact. Damages aren’t so great as they feared.

“Well, supporting structures are safe, so…” – Spike said, - “I think I’ll be able to handle all this myself.”
“What? Handle all this yourself?” – pony exclaimed.
“Yep.” – little dragon confirmed.
“Ya know, laying the roof is the job that needs several ponies…”
“Don’t worry, Applejack! Everything will be fine. And, by the way, I have paws, and they are more functional things, after all.”
“You see…”
“I know. I won’t make the same mistakes again. I swear!”
“Are ya sure?”
“Yes, that time I overshoot… A little… But now I’ll act properly.”
“Oka… Wait, ya have no experience!”

Spike sighed:

“Applejack, I know what to do. I know how to use the tools. And if I don’t – I’ll find how very soon.”
“And where did ya learn this?” – pony surprised.
“And who do you think wielded the hammer, the pilers and the cutter when the library was turned upside down?”
“I thought that Twilight fixed everything with her magic…”
“Yes, she did the main work, but now your humble servant was responsible for all the details.”
“Okay then… So you need no help and assistance?”
“Just show where I can get the tools and stepladder.”

Pony nodded and together with dragon went to the shed, where the tools were kept. En route she came to her brother and, having briefly told him what happened, asked him to bring the stepladder. Big Mac with usual imperturbability said “eeyup” and went errand.

Applejaack and Spike soon got to the shed and started to pick necessary tools and other stuff: nails, hacksaw, nail puller, hammer, knife, rope, tape-measure and construction pencil with some paper for notes and marks. Little dragon put all this in one box, took it and rushed back to the barn. Applejack, closing the door, said that now she’ll go to tell Granny Smith about the incident, but then return. Spike said “okay” and stomped to the place of work.

He returned to the barn, but pony didn’t appear. Maybe Granny Smith asked for detailed explanations. Well, in that case no wonder that Applejack didn’t come yet. Little dragon shrugged and went inside. The stepladder was already there. Spike decided not to waste time and began the work. He expanded the ladder, put it right under the hole, climbed up and began to measure length and thickness of the planks. Having finished it, he got down. And meanwhile Applejack returned. She was tired. And she brought a lot of plank and boards of different sizes.

“She just can’t act in other way…” – Spike thought, sighed and, having thanked pony, led her to the door. When he only began to close it, Applejack quickly turned about and asked:

“Do ya sure that ya don’t need any help?”
“Yep, I am.” – Spike nodded.
“Are ya absolutely sure in it?”
“More than absolutely.”

Applejack didn’t find anything to object.

“Well, then good luck!” – she said.
“Thank you!” – Spike answered, bowed and closed the door.

“So…” – dragon thought, - “I have to replace section of five-by-four. Dismantle the damaged part, then made trim insertion… If I made myself faster and stronger in three or four times, I’ll finish it in six or even five hours!” He rubbed his paws and started.

At first it was necessary to remove all the damaged planks. He climbed up again and, “walking” on the ladder, made reference marks. After this he came down, took the hacksaw and prepared to start the cutting, when suddenly barn doors opened with thuderous slam.

“Ah forgot to ask!” – exclaimed entering Applejack, - “Do ya need… other tools…”

Her words didn’t reach the ears of addressee, and her sight stopped on the hole, which got a bit bigger – loud sound made Spike to jump so high that he just flew away like launched rocket. In few seconds came a thump, typical for cases when something big and rather dense falls on haystack, and in a mute after this dragon came back, pulling out the thatch from nose, ears and spikes.

“Other tools?” – he asked, having looked at pony.
“”Y-yeah.” – Applejack muttered.
“No thanks.”
“Are ya sure?”
“More than.”
“Okay. And forgive me, please.”
“I forgive you. But next time… enter not so unexpectedly, okay?”
“Ah will. A…”
“And I didn’t change my mind.”
“Okay.” – pony nodded and left the barn. She closed the door as gently as it was possible.

Spike rubbed his aching head, sighed and returned to work.

He got up again and started to tore off the shingle and saw off the broken boards. Thanks to shift-suit he worked quickly, but the process wasn’t so fast as he wanted: he regularly glanced on the door. Knowing Applejack and her worrying, next appearance could happen anytime. But minute passed, then two, then five, ten… No one came. “Perhaps, she’s got busy again.” – Spike thought and with some relief concentrated on the job.

Soon hole turned into ready-made opening for a window. Of course, it will be patched up, but before it Spike had to do one more thing.

Little dragon took the nail puller from the box and began to get pins out from planks. He processed the boards promptly. Heap of pieces of wood grew quickly. Dragon took another plank, picked up another nail and began to pull, when pony’s voice came from behind:


Little dragon instinctively turned and said:


And at that very moment muffled crackle spread around the barn – because Spike continued to pull and didn’t look, he pressed own paw, with which he holded the plank. His eyes filled with tears, but with incredible effort he didn’t let them fall.

“Y-yes-s?” – he whispered in trembling voice.

“Ah just…” – Applejack stumbled when she saw unnatural dragon’s face expression, - “…want to know… Do ya need any food and water?”

“N-no I d-do n-not. B-but you c-can bring a g-glass in hour or t-two…”
“Eh… Okay!” – pony nodded apologetically and went away.

Spike put the puller away, took he nail and shouted.

Toes got renewed soon, and he continued. In half of an hour all planks and boards were cleaned and broken into firewood. Just and precisely broken, Spike did it with bare paws. Now it was possible to pass to the main part. From rests of shingle dragon made simple suport construction, put some brought by Applejack boards on it and, having moved to jigsaw mode, quickly sawed them. The same fate befell the other part.

Materials were ready. Now it was possible to start the nailing. Spike took an one plank, got up and began to place it. To make the fixations reliable new planks had to be longer than sawed out parts, and had to be placed with some offset. Fixing this way needed more materials, but it will make the roof more durable. Because, as sone ponies and dragons learned today, everything can happen.

Finally the board was put to the necessary place. Little dragon reached to nails and hammer what he brought here before, but suddenly barn doors swung open, and panting Applejack rushed in and shouted:


Little dragon shuddered, jumped and dropped the board what he placed so carefully. It fell stright down in nails box. With its end.

The thing what happened next can be compared with explosion of frag in miniature. A lot of nails were thrown in the air, but they didn’t fly far away and had very, very bad killability. But, nonetheless, iron fountain dewed almost half of the barn.

Having springed back and screamed, Applejack almost at the same moment started to apologize. Spike with shivering paw tried to show her shat she shouldn’t do it, but it had no effect. So he just got down and together with pony started to pick scattered nails. Soon metal wares were in box, and workplace become clean. Spike stood up, sighed and asked:

“So what did you need?”
“Ya want water, or, maybe, some juice?”

It seemd that some steam started to come out from dragon’s ears and nose.

“J-just water.” – he strained.
“Sure? Or I can…”
“Applejack, everything is fine!”
“It seems so…” – she spelled, lookeng around, - “But, listen, I may assist you. To make the process faster, so to say.”
“Applejack, if you want to help so much then tell Twilight that I am here, to make her less worried.”
“Okay, sugarcube.”

Having apologized one more time, she left. Little dragon shook his head, took the board and one more time got up. In a minute it was placed. Spike leaned a bit back to estimate the accuracy, when pony’s voice again filled the barn:

“Do ya have other requests?”

Spike hardly managed to hold on the ladder. Taken aback, he stared at smiling pony.

“D-did y-you?..” – he just spelled.
“Oh, Twilight just was near”. – Applejack answered, putting pitcher on ground, - “Here’s your water. Something else?”
“Oh, right! May be some songs? Work with music always goes better! A-khe-khem…
Raise this barn, raise this barn!
One, two, three, four…”
“APPLEJACK!!!” – Spike screamed heart-rending, - “For all Godnesses’, Gods' and Spirits’ sake, stop! I understand that you are worrying, and I am immensely grateful to you for your care, but I’m doing fine! I have no problems here!
“Yes! I you aren’t sure – check it yourself!”

Pony approached the ladder and looked around. Tools and stuff are everywhere, but it’s usual thing for the midst of working process, near the ladder prepared boards for overlaps were, aside from them – ready shingle and firewood from broken planks. One, who doesn’t know the prehistory, would say that a specialist is working here.

Applejack realized it well. But she couldn’t cope with her anxiety.

“I see that ya are doin’ well, but I’m still worryin’.” – she spelled, - “Ah just can’t sit idly by!”
“I understand.” – Spike answered, - “But I can’t work when somepony stands behind me all the time.”
“I know, I know… But may ya changed your mind?”
“No, I can’t go on…” – little dragon shook his head and started to get down.
“What ya are goin’ to do?” – pony surprised.
“I’m going to Big Mac.” – Spike honestly answered, - “I’ll ask him to keep everypony away from the barn.”
“No! Don’t!” – pony screamed.

But now she couldn’t do anything. Dejected dragon moved to where he said. Applejack treid to stop him, coaxed him, but got no results. Eventually, Spike approached Big Mac, who at the moment was transporting water tank to the orchards, and slowly, almost without emotions told him aboul all the incidents and the ask. Big Macintosh only silently nodded from time to time. And por Applejack meanwhile trembled like an aspen leaf and tried to overcome odd want to start chew own hat.

Soon little dragon finished. Big Mac turned to sister. Applejack gulped and blurted:

“Ah understood! Ah promise that Ah won’t peek again!”

“Good.” – spelled Big Mac and continued the transportation.

Spike, having shortly apologized to Applejack, returned to the barn.

He set to work again. And it slowly began to make his mood better. With time all gloom disappeared, and he started to accelerate tempo of the process. Yes, it was rather severe act, but in other case he won’t be able to work properly. It would be better for him and for her.

Soon he fixed all overlaps. The only remained thing to do was the shingles laying… Some kung-fu, which was pretty good, and planks were ready – in two minutes he made whole heap of them. More than enough, and even something will remain. As this work was easier than previous, little dragon slowly began to ease off.

And meanwhile Applejack couldn’t find a place for herself. She promised that she would not interrupt Spike again, but she also just couldn’t let him alone. Therefore, whenever she had the chance, she came to the barn. For two hours sounds what came from inside showed that there was a flurry of activity, but then general tone began to change. And now, after three hours, during the twenty-third pass, pony heard vigorous hammering and singing that it would be nice to have mounts full of gems.

Incredibly surprised, she couldn’t overcome the want and move to see what was happening. She had to know why the process changed so greatly and, the most important, where young dragon learned that song. Because in the original it was about how nice it would be to have mug full of cider. She sneaked and opened the door. There was no one inside, and the stepladder was taken. Surprised even more, she rounded the barn and looked at the roof. There Spike was hammering the last nails. The ladder was placed closely to the wall. The hole was completely sealed. Some paint – and this patch will be absolutely unnoticeable. Pony just sat down.

“Oh, Applejack!” – Spiker exclaimed, having seen her, - “Job is almost done! Only the finishing touches remained.”
“Ah can’t belive…” – pony whispered.
“I told you!” – dragon said and hamered the last nail, - “And now, please, show me where I can get paint.”

Applejack only nodded weakly and with gesture told him to follow her. Spike got down very quickly and, having put hammer in the toolbox, ran to her.

In fifteen minites everything was finished. The barn was as good as new – there were no traces of morning crash. Having brought back the tools, little dragon breathed easily and said:

“Job is done! And, by the way, what time is it?”
“Um, six o’clock.” – Applejack answered.
“Excellent! I have enough time to prepare supper and for my rest!”

And, having said goodbye, Spike ran away. Applejack silently wathced him leaving. This little guy fixed the roof alone, all by himself – though last time he caused troubles almost off the reel – and, moreover, didn’t get tired! Unbelievable change…

Having shaken her head, pony slowly returned home. Till the night she was silent – only gave short answers if she was asked and, when it was necessary, thanked. The only thing what she said on her own was the question: “What to do in case of pattern breaking?” But she got no answer.

“Well, how are you doing?”
“Everything is so bad?”
“Yep. We got nothing.”
“What? Really nothing?”
“To be honest, cap’n?”
“Go ahead.”
“Still and boring like in the core of star. Not a bloody thing!”
“Well, shit.”
“Agree, captain.”
“But, on the other hand, it’s only the first day of monitoring. Results may appear soon.”
“We hope so.”
“Well then, keep watch!”

Wathcers nodded and turned to their holoscreens. Captain quietly sighed and left the bridge.