The Chase (The lost chapters)

by kudzuhaiku

150 A

The deck of The Scorned Mare was brightly lit by magical glass globes of light and sunstones were embedded everywhere, the different coloured gemstones looking like Hearth’s Warming Eve lights as they twinkled in the approaching dusk.

“I’m a little scared… not of what is about to happen, but of the wolves,” Thistle said as she stood on the wooden deck.

“Most of the wolves on this island died,” Bucky announced. “There’s a few left, but not many. Lyra shadow warded the cabin. They can’t shadow-wink inside. The worst they can do is come up here on the deck and scratch at the door, but the lights will burn them a bit. They will not be able to teleport away if they do come up here. Worst comes to worst, I kill them from inside the cabin if we have visitors.”

“It is good we are testing this,” Berry stated. “I mean, I trust your magic, but still, peace of mind,” she continued.

“So beautiful, I love the lights. Makes me think of winter… of Hearth’s Warming… I so want to give you a nice holiday,” Derpy said to Bucky.

“You know, I’ve done the measuring, the cabin space just for our family is larger than Derpy’s house, but not by much. That’s not counting the crew quarters. We could live here… if things in Equestria don’t pan out when we go home,” Berry said in a sad voice. “We could have a nice holiday here.”

“Going to be strange sleeping in a bed with no foals,” Derpy said.

“Going to be even weirder not having Lyra’s lyre. I hope that Bucky is right. We could have a long night if things get chilly or fearful,” Berry stated.

“I could teleport us inside, but it would be unpleasant,” Bucky said. “It would make all of you sick, but we’d be with the others. There are methods of escape.”

“I would be happy with this as my home,” Thistle said as she sat down, easing her rounded pregnant body down to the deck gingerly. “The beds are nice, it is cozy, there are all kinds of little nooks and places to curl up comfortably and read a book or watch the foals play. Bucky and Berry both put so much thought into making the cabin nice.”

“The stairs are barely one pony wide,” Derpy said.

“Well, he had to save space,” Berry replied with a chuckle.

“But Thistle has to squeeze her way down the stairs,” Derpy answered. “And she is going to get bigger. We’re all going to get bigger.”

“We’ll have to manage,” Berry stated.

“I haven’t watched a sunset in a while,” Derpy said. “I hope it is safe to stand out here just a little while longer,” she added wistfully.

Bucky shifted his weight, moving from one haunch to another. He was missing flesh from both and he could feel his bones pressing into the wood painfully. The sun would set soon. He could feel it. His vision was growing sharper. His sense of smell seemed to be stronger as well. He could smell all kinds of things on the breeze.

“Ever notice that Twilight Sparkle has five friends and the six of them are a group with shared destinies?” Berry Punch said in a berry serious tone of voice.

“I have,” Bucky replied.

“Well, there are five of us and you Bucky,” Berry said. “You and Lyra sort of knew each other in school. Derpy and I have known each other for so long. Lyra and Bon Bon came together by sheer chance. And then you, you bumped into Derpy. Somehow, we all ended up here, and now, there is Thistle. There is your whole screwed up destiny thing going on. But we’ve all come together and such wonderful and terrible things have happened. We share a tighter bond for all of our suffering and endurance.”

“Feels funny not having Bon Bon and Lyra here for this,” Derpy said.

“Well, somepony has to watch the foals, and little Harper needs to feed,” Berry replied.

“One day soon, we will all be in a position where we will have moments like this one all together, we won’t need a night watch or a day watch, and we can try to figure out how to be a somewhat normal family,” Bucky stated.

Berry Punch snorted, an equine sound of derision. “Who wants to be normal? We’re a herd, we’re already well outside of normal for most ponies. We’re a unified tribe, we have unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies, which is outside the realm of normal for most ponies.”

“And Thistle,” Derpy added.

“And one kelpie, with more on the way hopefully,” Berry said.

“I want me some kelpie foals,” Bucky announced. “And I am ready to screw Thistle senseless to get them.”

“Oooh!” gasped Thistle. She took a deep breath and squeaked.

“Thistle, you know that was meant as teasing, right?” Bucky inquired in a gentle voice.

“Yes, but I think I kinda want to be screwed senseless,” Thistle confessed in reply.

“Oh… I am glad to hear you say that,” Berry Punch whispered into Thistle’s ear. “You… I am going to make you my plaything,” she breathed seductively.

The kelpie’s breathing quickened and she heard Bucky chuckle. Her cheeks blazed with inner fire. She felt her heart beating, thudding away in her barrel. She also felt emboldened. “We’ll see about that Berry Punch… I’ll sweet talk Bucky into helping me and we’ll make you our plaything,” she threatened in a timid voice.

“Oh hey! She’s learning!” Berry crowed.

“From you,” Derpy grumbled. “She was so sweet,” she said regretfully.

“We could work together and make Bucky our plaything,” Berry suggested.

“I… I like that idea,” Thistle replied. She licked her lips fretfully. “We could screw him senseless,” she said nervously.

“If you sound nervous it isn’t scary,” Berry said helpfully. “We’ll work on it together,” she offered warmly to Thistle.

“I plan to love Thistle gently,” Derpy announced. “All this talk about screwing a pony senseless,” she muttered and then snorted.

“There are three of us now, I bet we could take the pegasus,” Berry said as she licked her teeth.

“Berry, don’t make me wrangle you in front of Thistle and spoil her night,” Derpy warned. “Saucy earth ponies need to know their place.”

“Aw nuts… and this is why you don’t mess with the alpha,” Berry grumbled.

“The sun has just hit the horizon,” Bucky announced, ignoring the playfully squabbling mares. “We should get indoors.” Bucky’s insistent suggestion silenced the playful banter and the four ponies all exchanged a glance with one another.

Bucky gently laid Thistle down in the bed and then backed away. He had carried her though the door in his magic, as he had once carried Berry and Derpy to the bed one night so long ago that it now felt like a lifetime.

Thistle looked at Bucky longingly as he backed away, giggling nervously, and she waved her hoof at him. “I hope you enjoy the show,” she whispered nervously.

“You know Thistle, I don’t have to watch if you are nervous. This is a very intimate act and it is okay to be shy,” Bucky gently replied.

“But I want you to watch… I’ve had daydreams about this for a while now,” Thistle said.

“So what is the plan?” Berry asked.

“We gently introduce her to our ways,” Derpy replied.

“But go easy on me… I… I don’t think I am ready for more than one pony at a time,” Thistle whispered timidly.

“It is only a good time if everypony is having fun,” Berry stated. “As much as I want a go at Thistle to make her squeal, I think I’ll stick to watching for tonight. It has been a long day for all of us, she’s pregnant, and we have the rest of our lives to spend shagging one another silly.”

Derpy eased herself into the bed beside Thistle and began to kiss the kelpie along her neck. Thistle responded by going limp and closing her eyes. Thistle giggled and her tail of living greenery flicked against the blanket.

Bucky backed himself into a small cushioned cubby in the wall and settled in. The room was dimly lit, and Bucky ignited the compressed peat bale sitting in the small cast iron stove that was in the rear of the room.

Berry shoved her way into the cubby with Bucky and squeezed herself in beside him. The cubby was intended for a single occupant, but the pair made it work. Berry ground her plot up against Bucky’s balls, flexed her cheeks to spread them, and then gave his scrotum a playful gentle pinch as she squeezed her cheeks together. She then farted, causing Bucky’s balls to vibrate pleasantly. “That’s my vibrating plot trick,” she whispered.

The pair watched as things begin to heat up between the pegasus and the kelpie. The couple lay belly to belly, with Derpy pulling Thistle closer to her body. She used a wing to stroke Thistle, dragging the tips of her feathers over Thistle’s ribs, which made Thistle giggle and squirm.

“Thistle, I am going to kiss you… all over… and down there,” Derpy whispered heatedly in Thistle’s ear. She slid a hind leg between Thistle’s hind legs and rubbed, feeling a faint hint of moisture. Derpy felt Thistle tense and the kelpie’s moans inflamed her desire.

“Mmmmm okay,” Thistle moaned in reply. She threw her head back as she felt lips moving down her neck in slow kisses and nibbles. The feeling of Derpy’s soft silken pelt against her own body made her feel hot and she felt her teats growing hard.

Derpy worked her way down slowly, and then lingered at Thistle’s navel, the peak of her belly. She gently stroked the large rounded stomach of the kelpie, and whispered wordlessly to the foal inside as she kissed in slow circles around Thistle’s navel. She pushed Thistle over on to her back and pulled her legs apart.

“Oh Bucky look… she’s winking,” Berry whispered excitedly as she ground her own winking flesh up against Bucky. She felt something prodding her backside and turned her head toward Bucky. “You know, if you work out your frustrations now, you’ll last longer for Thistle,” she suggested.

Bucky grabbed Berry by her hips and pulled her closer. “You haven’t been properly warmed up, are you sure?” he asked.

“Derpy and I can finish anything that you start,” Berry replied as she eagerly watched Thistle in the squirming throes of pleasure. She heard a loud wet sounding swishy noise as Thistle’s legs were spread even further apart, followed by a titter of embarrassment.

Bucky licked his lips. Thistle was a delightful lurid shade of pink. He watched her whole body tense as Derpy ran her tongue over a stiff protruding teat. He shifted his body along Berry. She was laying on her side, he crawled atop of her, and then he carefully pushed one of Berry’s hind legs up to Berry’s barrel, leaving her spread and ready to be stuffed.

“Oooh, kinky, this is a new position,” Berry purred. She watched as Derpy continued to tug and nibble on Thistle’s teats, pinching them gently between her lips, tugging on them, and stretching them out a bit with gentle pulls, letting them slowly slip free from her lips with a wet sounding pop. Berry shifted her hips and writhed beneath Bucky. She felt him shift and settle his weight and then she felt him pressing up against her already damp flesh. He was quick now, knowing full well what he was doing, Berry felt him part her, sink in slightly, and then freeze in place. She hissed, then moaned, it still stung. Bucky’s girth was considerable and she could feel her skin stretched tight around him. She clenched her plot cheeks and gave him a loving squeeze, and she could feel him easing his way inside of her.

Behind her, Derpy could hear a hiss, a moan, and then the wet slick sounds of clinging mareflesh being parted. She gave a final stretching tug on a now rock hard teat, then a final parting lick, and then she scooted her body further down. Thistle had a different scent wafting from her marehood. Derpy knew what her own smell was like, and what Berry smelled like, and Thistle was very different. Derpy wondered if it was Thistle’s diet.

Derpy gave one experimental lick and felt Thistle jump. She smacked her lips. Thistle was really salty and tasted a bit like Bucky’s kisses did after he had been eating fish. It was an odd flavour, and Derpy wasn’t sure what she thought about it. She gave another lick, starting low, and running her tongue along the entire length of Thistle’s parted cleft.

“Mmm mmmm mmmmm mmm,” moaned Thistle as she wiggled her hips and kicked her legs. Thistle could feel Derpy’s tongue teasing over the folds of her flesh. She closed her eyes and tried to relax. She could feel cool air mingling with Derpy’s hot breath upon her moist flesh, and it made her whole body tingle. She could hear Berry’s soft moans and Bucky’s well timed grunts. Thistle briefly recalled the pain of her first time, and then pushed it out of her mind. This was so much better and she didn’t want to waste time thinking about the past.

Derpy gave a careful lip nibble to Thistle’s winking button. It was tiny and bright pink, and it had a part running down the middle of it that made it look somewhat heart shaped. She felt the kelpie go stiff as a board and a soft cry of need escaped Thistle’s lips.

Berry lifted her head and bit down on her bottom lip as she felt Bucky spear her and go balls deep for the first time. He had been making little gentle thrusts so far, going in only half way to work her up into a frenzy, and now she could feel his balls pressed up against her plot cheek as he remained buried deep inside of her holding himself in place. She felt Bucky’s warm fetlock sliding down between her legs, and then she felt pressure on her little berry. He was mashing her between his fetlock and his cock. She felt him ease out and then thrust back in, squeezing her clit as he did so. She squirmed and Bucky pushed her hind leg up closer against her barrel, making it easier for him to reach between her legs and plunge even deeper.

Derpy could hear Berry mewling with each squelch. Unable to resist, Derpy penetrated Thistle with her tongue, going deep inside of Thistle’s searingly hot folds. Thistle gushed a bit in response and then made pleading cries.

“I feel too hot…” Thistle gasped.

“You need release,” Derpy whispered from between Thistle’s legs, her breath blowing over Thistle’s flesh. She rose and stepped over Thistle, and then lowered herself down, pressing her own mareflesh over Thistle’s, straddling her scissor legged. She ground her filly bits against Thistle’s and grunted as she watched Thistle squirm beneath her. She braced her front hooves on each side of Thistle’s barrel and bore down on the kelpie’s slick folds and Derpy could feel flaps of her own flesh slipping in and out of Thistle’s slick silken snatch.

Bucky watched as Derpy and Thistle ground against one another and his thrusting grew frantic. Berry was bleating now as he rammed himself in deep. Taking her while she was on her side was a good idea, he could shift his weight down upon her cutie mark, push her leg against her barrel, and make Berry feel extremely tight around his thrusting cock. He squeezed her nubbin between his fetlock and his cock, and he could feel his ring banging against the flesh behind her clitoris, which created pressure from all sides. Berry had came quickly and Bucky took mental notes to perfect his technique.

Thistle could hear Berry bleating and something about the sound excited her. She could hear Bucky’s grunting. She could hear Derpy’s heaving breathing as the pegasus continued to grind against her. Something was happening, and Thistle had no idea what it was. Her muscles twitched, spasmed, and tightened. She could feel her pucker clenching as she felt dribbles of moisture trickling down around it. She could feel the folds of her filly bits catching and tugging on Derpy’s sopping folds as they continued to rub together. Each breath felt like fire entering her lungs. She felt her little hypersensitive nubbin slip into Derpy’s searing hot slit and something broke as she felt Derpy clench around her and suck her even further in. There was an almost crushing amount of pressure, and it felt as though Derpy’s marehood was suckling on the little hard knob of flesh, trying to draw it even further in as though the hot snatch hungered and sought to devour Thistle’s fleshy button for a snack.

Thistle threw back her head and shrieked as her whole body convulsed.

Thistle’s shriek sent Bucky over the edge and he blew his load, jamming himself in as deep as possible into Berry, making her let out a bleating yell as he rammed his plow into the little stone in her garden furrow. Bucky knew that Berry got off on the sensation of hot seed being spilled inside of her, and he grabbed her around her middle to ram home a few more times as his final efforts, hoping to work out a few more squirts. Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth and her eyes were rolled back into her head as Bucky continued to screw her silly, his frantic actions triggering another orgasm for himself.

Derpy, who had not yet orgasmed, could hear the sounds of ponies cumming all around her as she continued to grind away on Thistle, knowing that it wouldn’t be much longer. Thistle had covered her face with her forehooves to hide the silly faces that she was making. Derpy could hear Berry’s bleating and the heaving breathless gasps that Bucky made after he blew his load. She knew that there was a creamy mess to be found inside of Berry. The thought proved to be too much and Derpy fell over the edge. She cried out, panting and groaning, and crushed her cooch against Thistle’s in one final frenzied effort. Her wings flapped and fluttered, threatening to go stiff from overheating. She had a second less intense climax a moment later, and then she collapsed gently atop Thistle, careful to not put too much weight on Thistle’s belly. She slid off and lay beside Thistle, pulling the kelpie close.

“I love your cute little silly faces, don’t hide them,” Derpy whispered.

To be continued…