Adventures in Equestria

by finalforce12

An Abandoned World


Emma looked surpised, while I had walked around the burnt land. Emma followed along as I saw everything I had remembered from the beautiful place I called home, aka Oregon, was gone. Stores are shut down, houses are on fire and falling apart, and lots of people are dead. I had seen a....very familiar hous- it was Emma's!

"......Please tell me Lina and my pets are ok.....please, Elize...

Emma muttered with tears streaming down her face. Lina is Emma's sweet little sister, and can be a bit dangerous if...WHY AM I EVEN TELLING PEOPLE THIS?! I ran to my apartment, and opened the door. The place was empty.
It looked like it had been forgotten, and abandoned... I walked into the kitchen, no food. Walked into my bathroom, barely anything. When I stepped into my parent's bedroom, I broke down, crying hard.

" why them.......why not me......"

I wailed and wailed, then I heard familiar whining and squeaking. Drying my eyes, I saw 3 cages, a bed frame, and a little skinny girl...

"Sis? Is that you? I stayed with the pets, but the cops had killed mommy and daddy... I'm sorry..."

Kiara, my adopted little sister spoke sweetly, but weakly and softly.
I had checked on the 2 dog cages and small travel case while Kiara was still crying. Least to say, my jaw was on the floor by now. "S...sis? What in God's name happened?!" I saw my 3 pets: the puppies; Marley and Bella, and my guinea pig; Caramel.

"We were starving for at least 3 months....No food, only water and sleep..."

Kiara seemed to keep her voice low and her hopes high. I am not gonna fall to my knees, begging for food in this demon hole of an abandoned world.


Emma's voice was heard across the county, and I bet she found Lina... I saw her running, trying to find me, as I opened my door and called out to her.

"Where in the name of everlasting buck have you been?!"

"Finding my sister, smart-alack..."

"And so you ditch me?!"

"Ah... quit bein' a whiney baby. Now, have you found Diesel, Coco, and Lina?"

"Yeah, say, you can drive an ATV, right?"

"Yeah... and I can use magic in other dimensions! So I can expand a normal ATV for 2 little kids, 3 dogs, a cat and a guinea pig, plus you and me!"

"That equals 9 capacity! Err, sorry.... Anyways, I found an okay ATV outside! We can use that!"

"Sounds like a plan!"

Me, Emma and Kiara made our way outside, where Lina, Coco and Diesel waited. I used my magic to not only fix up the sort of busted ATV, but expand it to fit at least 12 people, including pets of all sorts, but it won't take up the maximum capacity.

"Wowza, sis! You know your magic stuff!"

"Elize....I am amazed, man! You are good!"

"It's just talent..."

Emma and I loaded everyone and everything onto the ATV, and I was ready to ride. Once everyone was on, and all our stuff was loaded, I had started the engine and was driving.

"Hey Elize? Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Are you excited for our elementary school reunion dance?"

"Oh...yeah...that..... Well, I dunno... Maybe?"

I saw a food store up ahead and parked. Walking in, I realized it was abandoned. I took all of the good food and brought it to the ATV. I made Kiara's favorite lunch and gave her some peaches and strawberry Sprite, while Emma made Lina's favorite little lunch meal. Me and Emma fed the pets and went back to driving, looking for a place to stay.

Don't forget to try to make a vampire antidote when building the new home...

It was already 4:00 pm, and still no luck. Finally, after 4 hours of searching, I found a perfect spot for a house, with a huge backyard and a really nice tree for a treehouse! All of us got out and I started to make a 2 story house with a basement, making sure that the home had fences and doors. After about 30 minutes, me and Emma unloaded the ATV while Kiara and Lina ran into the backyard, playing with the puppies. I had made 5 rooms with bathrooms, a nice kitchen, a huge underroom in my room, fancy stairs, and a cool playroom for Lina and Kiara. I had finished painting my room and helping Kiara with painting her's, while furnishing the rooms too. Lying down, I wondered about Ellie...and how she became this way. Only our time will tell...