
by ChemIisan


Hey everypony, It's ChemIisan with my usual warning to the readers. Well, not my usual warning. This comic is going to be pretty clean for the most part. I'm aiming for EqD when I finish, and I know how hard it is to smuggle gore through the gate. So actually, this isn't a warning at all. It's more like a message. A message with a little request attached at the bottom. I like art. In fact, I like it a lot. This book is designed to later be accompanied with soft pictures of scenes, and perhaps a song or two. I'd love to see some guest art from you if you want to support my story. Think Winnie the Pooh, but with ponies. Oh, right! I have a story to present! I give to you...


Movement in the trees. Crows caw once and fly away. A resounding thud is heard, and some trees shiver with excitement. A squirrel sniffs the cold air and retreats into its burrow. Winter is here, and snow will soon fall. The sky is overcast, and the air rigid with anticipation. The forest senses that something big is coming, and even the wolves act nervous. A single flake falls, only to be crushed by a large boot. The metal swings though the breeze carelessly, and the wood parts for the massive tool. The tree makes a sound. There is someone in the forest tonight.