The Wonderbolts Flying Academy

by Pot8osoup

Chapter 3

Professor Discord was a very peculiar creature. He had the head of a pony, and a body made up of all sorts of parts, such as an eagle claw, a lion paw, a fang, a goat leg, and two mismatched red and yellow eyes. Most students screamed when they first saw him.

His classroom was complete chaos. The students sat peacefully at their desks, but it looked as if it had decorated by a raging madman. The walls were all different colours, books were strewn all over the floor, desks were at odd angles and Professor Discord's desk was floating.

His mismatched eyes gleamed as he looked over the class. "Let's get a seat before they're all taken." Derpy urged. Most students had already arrived, so they were forced to take front row seats.

"Ah, everyone is here." Professor Discord grinned. "Before we begin, who has their own history books?" A few students raised their hooves. "Bring them to me." He snapped, his playful look replaced by an angry one. "The school sent letters out to tell you not to bring your own books. They must be supplied by the school.

"Why?" Somepony asked.

"Surely it's good to read different books and read different views on Equestria's history?" Another pony said. Professor Discord suddenly seemed nervous.

"Yes, well, the schools books were a... Oh, what's the word... collaboration? Anyway, they were written by more than one pony, and every author wrote their personal thoughts on it as well. We don't need other books."


"Stop asking questions! Just, oh I don't know, read the first chapter or something. Do whatever you want, maybe they'll fire me and I'll finally get a job in a café."

"Why do you want to work in a café? They don't pay you as well there."

"Just shut the buck up!" He snapped, irritated. Then he grinned. "And as a punishment, you all have to do work!" Then he paused, and muttered, "How do I teach them?" He then spoke to them. "Okay, maybe we'll all introduce ourselves instead. I'll go first. My name is Discord, and I'm teaching a class full of stupid Pegasi." He pointed to a green-blue Pegasus with a yellow and orange mane.

"I'm Lightning Dust, and I'm going to be a Wonderbolt soon."

The other pegasi snorted.

"Right, your turn." He pointed to the stallion next to Lightning Dust.

"I'm Eye Candy, and I think no Pegasus should be cowardly or a doormat." He looked directly at Fluttershy. "Even if their name is Shy." Fluttershy then realised that he was the colt she spoke to a breakfast. Derpy began.

"I'm Derpy Doo, and I like muffins!" She smiled broadly. Discord chuckled.

"Finally, a nice first impression. Your turn." He pointed at Fluttershy.

"I'm Fluttershy." She was barely audible.

"Didn't quite catch that." Professor Discord said.

"F-Fluttershy." She squeaked.

"She's called Fuckershy!" A colt's voice rang out around the room. Discord frowned and snapped his fingers. A bottle of syrup squirted onto Harvester's head.

"Now, Harvester, you know I appreciate a good joke, but being cruel to other students is hardly acceptable." He paused. "Besides, I don't like the use of crass words." He smiled, pleased that he had told off a student properly. He turned to the blackboard behind him, and muttered under his breath, "And I don't like you either." He turned back to Fluttershy, and let the students see what he had written;

Detention List:

"Now, what is your name? Wait, let me guess, you're Fluttershy? The one with the weak wings?"

A colt snorted. "Why is she even in the school if she can't fly?" Fluttershy turned to see Eye Candy. Discord simply sighed and write Eye Candy on his detention list.

"Right, class dismissed. Go and do whatever, I need to get sacked." The students noisily packed their school bags and talked about how lucky they were to get no homework.

"Oh, and just before you go, for homework, re-write the history book." Discord cackled. The Pegasi groaned in unison, and rushed out the classroom to start their five hundred paged homework.

But just before she went, Fluttershy stopped. "Thank you, Professor." She smiled softly at Discord.

"For what?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"For not teasing me," Fluttershy explained. "Most ponies can be so cruel if they know you're different or you have a disability." Discord snorted.

"Believe me, I learnt that firsthand." Then his expression turned serious. "Don't tell anyone. Now, get the buck out my classroom."

As she left, Fluttershy couldn't help smiling to herself.