Across The Pond

by Aurora Aura

Chapter 5: A Friendly Face

Twilight Sparkle had spent the day shopping with Miram and Ra’Zahmirr. On the whole the three hadn’t accomplished much in their shopping. Ra’Zamirr shelled out for a few books to keep Twilight entertained.

There were no official libraries in Senchal but occasionally a well established merchant might have a book or two; and if there were books to be found Twilight would be the one to find them. It took her all of an hour to pinpoint the only merchant to sell any books and set upon Ra’Zahmirr and Miram to get them.

Ra’Zahmirr had allowed her a certain limit and didn’t much care what she spent it on. He bought every book the merchant had, all three of them. Twilight had only seen two books though, the ones titled ‘Brief History of the Empire, Book 1’ and it’s sequel, ‘Brief History of the Empire, Book 2.’ Both of these books had an intricate design pressed into its faded scarlet cover. Twilight could hardly wait, these two books offered insight into the strange culture she found herself in.

Twilight wasn’t as thrilled at the aspect of the third book. It’s cover was more faded and rusty looking than the two history books. On the cover seemed to be what Twilight had come to know as a handprint, though this handprint seemed to be made of a strange artsy fire. Above the detailed design read the source of Twilight’s trepidation with this book. ‘The Art of War Magic.’ Twilight kept the book on principle but she decide she would wait to open it. For now, she would study the Empire of Tamriel.

The rest of the time spent at the market was spent with Miram dragging Twilight around to show her various stalls as she tried to explain to the lavender unicorn exactly what each stall was selling. Miram even got Twilight to try some traditional Elsweyr food at a few street vendors. Twilight only bought one other thing besides her books, a piece of some unknown black gem. it was small and the way it was cut made it look like it was involved in some sort of explosion rather than actually shaped. But Twilight didn’t care, it was an oddity and figured Rarity might like a look at the new kind of gem she had come across. Twilight silently promised herself to pick up something for her other friends if she could.

The eventful day was finally coming to a close and Ra’Zahmirr was leading the trio back towards the docks.

“Miram, go and head back to the ship. Ra’Zahmirr shall find a sleeping place for our new friend,” Ra’Zahmirr told Miram. Miram gave Ra’Zamirr a curt nod, waved goodbye to Twilight then set off.

“Am I not sleeping on the boat?” asked Twilight.

“No, purple one,” Ra’Zahmirr told her. “Many items are coming up from storage and it will be crowded enough. Besides, they will be waking early to begin work and you would be in the way at that point.”

“Oh,” Twilight said.

“Fret not, Ra’Zahmirr has already set up your sleeping arrangement for the night.” Ra’Zahmirr gave Twilight a little smile and began walking away as Twilight followed.

Ra’Zahmirr lead her to an unimpressive building and opened the door, motioning for her to enter. Twilight walked into the warm glow of the inn and was just as unimpressed as she had been at the inside as she was the outside. The main source of light was a large fire in the center of the room, bathing everything in it’s path in the warm glow that was attempting to walk out the door. A single counter at one end had another Khajiit behind it. Three stools stood in front of the counter with what Twilight assumed was another Breton on one of them. At the other end of the room was a single couch and table chair next to it.

Twilight Sparkle and Ra’Zahmirr walked up to the counter, earning looked from both of the people. Ra’Zahmirr threw a small bag of coins onto the table in front of the other Khajiit. The inn keeper opened the bag and poured its contents onto the counter and counted them out.

“I would like to purchase a single room over night for the unicorn I have brought here. The extra money in that bag is to make sure she is treated right and guarded properly,” Ra’Zahmirr said, with a glare towards the Breton.

“Does your pony have a name?” asked the inn keeper.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, sir.” Twilight told him.

The Breton has been drinking from a mug at that time and nearly choked on it.

“You can talk,” the inn keeper said in astonishment. The inn keeper took a moment to compose himself before saying, “Your coins shall be accepted, though, when would you be back for her?”

“Ra’Zahmirr shall be up with the sun tomorrow.”

The inn keeper nodded and swept the coins back into their bag and put it somewhere behind the bar. He then pointed towards the first open door on his right and said, “when you are ready you will be sleeping there.”

Twilight nodded and thanked the inn keeper before going over and curling up on the couch on the other side of the room. Ra’Zahmirr told Twilight he would be back at sunrise and left the building, leaving Twilight to her books.

Twilight was about halfway through ‘Brief History of the Empire, Book 1’ when the Breton walked over to her spot on the couch. Twilight stared cautiously as the stranger sat down on the table chair, grasped his hands together and looked at Twilight. Twilight immediately noticed three large claw marks sweeping down the right side of his face. Each scar was far enough away that Twilight could tell whatever had hurt him had to have been very large.

“Uh, hello?” Twilight said with a nervous smile.

“Hello, no need to be nervous. I just want to talk with you, it just seems so odd to see a unicorn, and who would have guessed you talk.” The man said, giving Twilight the most genuine smile she’d seen all day, save for Miram, of course.

“Well it’s just as strange for me too see a Breton,” Twilight said, returning the smile. “So what’s your name?”

“Well firstly, I’m not a Breton. I’m an imperial,” the man informed her. “And my name is Vallius.”

“Imperial? I haven’t heard of them before.”

“Well,” Vallius began. “I come from Cyrodiil, which is just north of Elsweyr. Me personally, I’m a legionnaire.”

“Wait,” Twilight interrupted before Vallius could continue. The legion of the Empire?”

“You haven’t heard of imperials but know of the Empire?” Vallius asked. “Now I’m confused.”

“I don’t much about it yet,” Twilight admitted. “It was mentioned in passing in this book I’m reading.” Twilight said, showing him the book.

“Yeah that book is more of a tribute to the leaders of the Empire than anything else,” Vallius said with a knowing nod. “One thing it probably doesn’t mention that you might find interesting is that this Empire was founded in the second era.”

“Second era?” Twilight asked as she tilted her head to the left. “How long ago was that, I think we use a different year system.”

“Well we are in the fourth era now, in the year one hundred and seventy. So it’s been a few years,” Vallius said with a chuckle. “You definitely picked an interesting time to come to our land Twilight Sparkle, we hardly just got a new Emperor, Titus Mede the Second. The Thalmor’s influence in the Summerset Isles are at an all time high, and no doubt Valenwood and Elsweyr are on their list.”

“Okay,” Twilight said, shaking her head. “I understood maybe half of what you said. Who are the Thalmor? And I assume Valenwood is a place since you grouped it with Elsweyr.”

“It’s not really that important. Tomorrow I’ll be gone and one my back to the capital.”

Twilight just stared. She had always prided herself in her extensive knowledge but it was becoming painfully obvious she didn't know anything about this place.

“So tell me,” Vallius started as he took a sip from his mug. “How is it you find yourself in Tamriel?”

Twilight told him of her morning, about wanting to travel to far off places in significantly less time, and about how she wanted to go home but didn't even know the direction in which home was. She had just gotten to the part where she had fallen into the sea rather than onto the stone flooring of the Canterlot castle when Vallius interrupted her.

“I have heard rumors of mages using magic to create doors that took them to rooms without proper entrances in the arcane university,” Vallius said, looking lost in his words. “But to do so without a plate to increase magika, and so far. You must be one of the most powerful spell casters in your homeland."

Twilight blushed at the compliment and simply said “Well my special talent is magic.”

“No kidding,” was Vallius’ only response.

The two talked for a little while but it was much longer before Vallius had to say goodnight and walked over to his room. Twilight stayed up a little while longer to read more of her book but eventually followed Vallius’ actions and went to her room for the night.

Twilight slept easy that night, thankful for the helpful and friendly people she had met so far. Her last thought that day was the question of why everyone seemed so protective.