//------------------------------// // When Twilight Had A Strange Crossover Dream // Story: When Twilight Sparkle Had A Strange Crossover Dream // by Arkybrony //------------------------------// Luna's moon had been up for hours, and Twilight Sparkle was still up reading. Spike had gone to bed hours ago so she had to turn off the lights. She couldn't take it anymore. She didn't even have thee strength and energy to walk to her bed, so she just fell asleep on an open book. Twilight Sparkle found herself in an endless darkness. Not a footprint to be seen anywhere. She looked around and suddenly saw Celestia right up in her face. "Celestia? What are you doing here? Aren't you dead?" "Physically I am, but my spirit is right here. My spirit is immortal, not my body. Though I cannot raise the sun, I can still show up invisibly in the world. Or in your dreams like Luna can." "Woah. Heavy. So I'm in a dream?" "Yes you are. And I'm about to show you the universe." "WHAT!?!?" "I was going to a while back, but then I died, so I waited for the fact of my death to settle in your heart. So here I am. Are you ready?" "Why are you showing me the universe?" "Just something all princesses must know. What I am about to show you will probably blow your mind like cray cray bazanga balls." "What?" "I have no idea. But anyway, what I am about to show you is real, but is too dangerous to reveal to anypony else, so this information will be locked in your heart. You will still remember it, but you will not be able to tell anypony else." "Um, ok." "Are you ready?" "As ready as I'll get..." "Let's go!" Celestia grabbed Twilight's hoof and flew at what seemed like a million miles an hour. In an instant they were in the home of a strange creature. He stood on two legs instead of four, had rather fluffy, long hair, and wore a bright and colorful shirt.' "This, Twilight, is a human. They are the main creatures of the universe other than us ponies." "Yeah I know about them. I was one at one point, remember." "Oh yeah, that mirror thing. Forgot about that." The man walked their way. "HIDE!" Twilight said "No need to hide, they can't hear or see us. And they can walk right through us. To them it's like we're not even here." "Neat." The fluffy haired man in the colorful shirt went to the fridge and grabbed a sandwich, a cheese sandwich specifically. He proceeded to eat it at the table. The man decided to grab a fork and pretend it was a microphone, singing "You know I'm fat! I'm fat! You know it! You know!" Twilight and Celestia laughed. "Alright," Celestia said, "let's go." They arrived in a very bright and colorful world. "Where are we?" Twilight asked. "This is a land called Ooo. Most of the people are made up of candy or other inanimate objects. It is very rare to see a human here, but there is one famous one named Finn. Look, there he is! "That's a weird hat." "Yeah it really is. Now it's time for your first test." "Test?" "Yup. You will take the form of a chocolate mint and ask to join him on his next adventure." "What?!?!" "Don't worry, I'll be right there next to you. You'll be able to see and hear me, but he won't." "But what if I die?" "Don't worry, it's just a dream. Well, for you it is. For them this is their everyday reality, but that's beside the point. If you die, you'll go straight to the next world I want to show you." "Ok...." "Shaboosky!" Celestia said as Twilight was turned into a living, breathing mint. "What?" "You're in their world now." "Um, ok." Finn approached Twilight the mint. "Hey little mint girl! How are you doing today?" "Perfectly fine! I've actually been sent here by Princess Celestia to go on a mission with you." "Princess Celestia? Must be from the Light Kingdom or something." "Well YOU'RE IN LUCK!" Jake chimed in, "We're going to go rescue some soft people from an evil ne'er-do-well." "Um, cool!" "Well, let's go!" The group traveled to the dungeon where the ne'er-do-well was holding the soft people captive. "Alright, mint girl, you take the left, I'll take the right, Jake will take the middle." "Alright!" Twilight took her position. F&J attacked with swords and punches. Twilight tried to use her magic, but it didn't work. "CELESTIA WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING!?!?" "You're a mint in this world," Celestia said, "not a unicorn." The ne'er-do-well stabbed Twilight Sparkle. "Aw cranberry sauce," Finn said, "Jake, the mint girl just died." "That's not cool." Jake said. Twilight found herself in a strange place of nothingness. Everything was white. "Boo!" Celestia said, spooking Twilight. "Don't do that!" "Sorry," Celestia said, "but anyway, you're gonna be a human now. You'll wake up inside of what will look like a satanic pentagram, but don't freak out, you're not being used as a sacrifice to Satan, that's later." "WHAT!?!?!?" "I'm just yanking yer' chain. So you're going to go and fight in a war called the "Ishvalan War of Extermination". You'll use what they call "alchemy", but it's the same as magic. Now go kill some Ishvalans!" "I don't want to kill anybody!" "Suck it up, being dead's not that bad. And I know." "Um, ok... How do I get there?" "Look over there." Celestia pointed and Twilight looked in that direction. "There's a couple of giant gates over there and a guy sitting there. He'll go on a rant calling himself "God", "All", "One", "Truth", et cetera et cetera. Just ignore him and walk through the gate behind him. Some hands will pull you in and you'll show up in a circle behind a tree that I drew myself. Once you're there, run over to the war and kill everyone with red eyes. Your name will be Major Jason Montgomery, so that's what they're gonna call you by." "Jason Montgomery, got it. Now how do I use this 'alchestry'? "Alchemy is how it's said, don't screw that up. To use it, draw a symmetrical circle with symmetrical symbols inside, doesn't really matter what. Put your hands on the circle and just do it the way you use magic through your horn, except through your hands." "Got it!" Twilight walked over to the gateways, and as Celestia said, the figure with many names started ranting about who he is, and she ignored it. She woke up in the semi-satanic circle, got up, and went to the battlefield. Twilight used her alchemy without a problem and, with much guilt, killed many Ishvalans. In an act of stupidity, she decided to get too close to a group of Ishvalans. Suddenly, a great flame appeared from behind her, killing all the Ishvalans and nearly killing her. But she did wet her pants. Embarrassed, she fled the battlefield to the forest where she first appeared. Celestia was there. "What in the name of Celestia was that!?" Twilight screamed "If you're gonna say something like that, say 'what in the name of Ishvala' or 'in the name of Lito', or just not say it at all. Those are common religious beliefs here, bt-dubs." "Ok, but what was it?" "Did I not tell you about Colonel Mustang?" "NO!" "Whoops. That was alchemy from the Flame Alchemist, Roy Mustang. He does that. Hey, Twilight." "Yeah?" "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU NOW!" Celestia pulled out a gun and shot Twilight Sparkle. She appeared this time in blackness. Celestia was there. "WHY THE-" Pinkie Pie appeared out of nowhere, blew an airhorn, and left (censoring Twiliey) "DID YOU JUST SHOOT ME!?!?!?" "To move you on to the next world. And you get to choose this one. Would you rather go to a place where the cities are surrounded by multiple walls, or stuck in a video game where if you die in the game, you die in real life" "Well, walls are pretty protective, and I don't want this dream video game to ACTUALLY kill me, so I'll go with the walls." "It's your loss!" "Wait wha-" Twilight said as she was zapped into the walled world. She appeared as a human again. She looked up and saw a skinless giant. It picked her up. "GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! CELESTIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The giant broke her back as she screamed in pain. It took her and swallowed her hole. She screamed in horrible pain until she drowned in its stomach acid. She appeared into the blackness again with Celestia. "WHAT WAS THAT!? I THOUGHT THE WALLS WOULD PROTECT ME!" Twilight said "So did everyone else in Shiganshina, but, as you can probably tell, they didn't." "What WAS that thing? Was it another kind of human?" "Nope. They call 'em Titans. But don't get 'em confused with the Titans from Tennessee." "Where?" "Nevermind that. So, do you wanna know where you're going next?" "PLEASE tell me it's Ponyville." "Nope. You're going to the dark abyss known as..... 4CHAN!" "Is that some sort of four-headed cheetah world or something?" "Nope. It's pretty much a bulletin board." "A bulletin board is a dark abyss?" "Except it's on the Internet!" "The Inter-what?" "It takes a while to explain, so, I'll zap the explanation into you" Celestia zapped magic from her horn at Twilight's brain. "AN INTERNET BULLETIN BOARD!?!?!? GAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" "What you are about to see is real. This information is so shocking and disturbing that this will be the only thing I wipe away from your brain when you wake up." "Uh oh...." Celestia and Twilight suddenly appeared in the realm of 4chan. They walked through the endless hallway of posts about politics, Justin Bieber, memes, etc. Suddenly they appeared at the end of the hallway. "These posts were written by actual humans," Celestia said, "read them out loud." "Um ok... Anonymous says 'Lol, Weird Al was the perfect Cheese Sandwich!" "Keep going." "Um, alright. Brony4Evahz says 'My fav episode will always be Too Many Pinkie Pies', OtakuBronyGuy says 'What? Dude, no episode is better tahn Pinkie Pride'. He misspelled 'than'." "Do you notice anything about these posts?" "Well, they both had 'brony' in their username, and they both mentioned Pinkie Pie. What does this mean?" "Twilight, these are Bronies. Human males, typically about ages 15 and up, who watch everything we do, buy merchandise made of us, write songs about us, even write FANFICTION about us." "W-w-w-w-w-WHAT?" "I can take you to the realm of FimFiction if you want, that's where the fanfiction is. But I warn you, there's freaky stuff in there. People make you ponies die all the time in their stories. I read one yesterday when Applejack died. It was named Forget Truth or something like that." "Um, no, don't take me there. I don't want to be scarred even more. Do we have to go anywhere else? I want to forget about these creepy 'bronies' as soon as possible." "We'll be done soon, but first, you must meet our creator." "I thought you were pretty much the goddess of Equestria." "But I didn't create Equestria, a human named Lauren Faust did. And we're going to see her now." "Ok. Is he creepy?" "It's a she. Lauren is a female name." "What about Jason? I meant to ask you that earlier when I was a person named Jason." "No, that's male. You were a guy." Twilight dropped her jaw in shock. "Meet your creator" has always been a phrase used to indicate death. When you die, you meet your creator. Somepony might say "I'm gonna send you to meet your creator" right before they kill somepony else. It may be found in a suicide note or a song about death, but every time, death is indicated. Only the atheist ponies don't take it seriously, since to them there is no Creator. No God, Goddess, or Higher Power. The only things that comes close are Celestia and Luna, but Celestia died, so she is not a goddess. Twilight wasn't really atheist since she always believed in Celestia to be some sort of higher power to an extent that she didn't know. But now her thoughts of Celestia being the highest power in Equestria have been totally changed, since she is about to see the afterlife without death. She is about to meet her creator, Lauren Faust. Celestia guided Twilight through an endless hallway of portals to other universes. Twilight looked through these portals and saw some good things and some bad things. In one world, humans lived alongside humanoid birds and raccoons, in another, there was a weird Illuminati style triangle that lived and talked to little kids. She saw the worlds she had been to. She witnessed more Titans eating humans, more Ishvalans being slaughtered, more candy people fighting colorful monsters, more creepy single dudes obsessing over her and her friends via the dark abyss known as 4chan. They reached the end of the hallway. "Twilight," Celestia said, "this door leads to the creator's hallway. This portal leads us to where the creators of the worlds you entered are." "So, they're gods and goddesses?" "In a way, yes, but they work with an entire team of animators, writers, composers, directors, and producers to make their worlds reality. All the creators are in the same world, just different places." "Is their world just another world created by another creator that lives in a world of creators. And is their creator's world just another created world? Is it an endless cycle?" "I do not know. The most common belief of our creator's world is called Christianity, it states that they have one God who created everything in 6 days. They believe His son is Jesus Christ and that He has a Holy Spirit, but they are all one Trinity. There are many other beliefs in our creator's world though. Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Shintoism, and others. But that doesn't affect us ponies." "Do the gods of Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, and the others all live in the same world which was created by someone higher than them?" "Some people believe that, but it's not common. Each individual religion thinks that only they are right. Then there's Religious Pluralism, which is what you just mentioned. Then there are details within religions that differ between certain people within that religion. Transubstantiation, Epigenesis, parapsychology, transcendenta-" Twilight cut her off "How do you know so much about our creator's world's religions?" "I spend a lot of time up here. I can go wherever I want in all those realms since I'm dead. Only Lauren can see me in my pony form, so it's like I'm not even there." "Um, ok. Can we meet her now?" "Yeah. Let's go. Look for her name above the portal door. There's a lot of different realms and creators out there." They went through the creator's hallway. Twilight passed by the doors of the creators of the realms she went to. She saw Pendleton Ward eating a donut, Hiromu Awakawa watching TV, Hajime Isayama sleeping, Christopher Poole trolling websites that weren't 4chan, and finally, Lauren Faust drawing ponies. "You ready?" Celestia asked "Let's go." Celestia and Twilight walked into the door They appeared at Lauren's desk. "This," Celestia said, "is your creator, Lauren Faust." "It's an honor to meet you, Lauren." Twilight said. Lauren began to speak, "It's an honor to me-" Suddenly, Twilight was awoken by Pinkie Pie blowing a horn. She was back in Ponyville in her library. Celestia and Lauren weren't there. "WAAAAAAKEEEEEEEE UUUUUUPPPPP!!!!!!!" Pinkie screamed "What?" "I SAID WAAAAAKE UP!" "Oh. Yeah. I just had this strange dream, I remember it vividly but I can't talk about it. I feel like I'll die if I do. And I also feel like I learned something extremely disturbing, but I forgot what it was." "It's probably a good thing then." "Yeah I guess it was. Because I think. I think. It was really, really, really, REALLY disturbing." "Like as disturbing as creepy single adult males watching our every move, buying merchandise of us, and writing fanfiction of us?" "While that its disturbing, that's just ridiculous. That would never happen." Little did she know....