The six headed HYDRA

by Malcolm Merlyn

Prologue: Part 3

[USA, Gravelpits]
Medic took another drink of his beer as he looked over at his office and place of work once again. A doctor drinking... somewhat ironic, wouldn't anyone agree?

He had been... somewhat depressed for the following weeks. Potential breakthroughs that were made from his research? Went up in smoke. Literally. Blood samples of a meta-human? Gone. Samples of various plants and animals with medicinal value? Also gone. Big book that was the basis of his research? Burned and useless. And all those potential breakthroughs he could of made? Any value, knowledge and science he had collected? Gone.

He hadn't been this frustrated since trying to build the medi-gun. Getting up, and throwing away the empty bottle, the German decided now was not time to act like Demoman on a bad day. Right now, he could potentially salvage things in the ruins of his labratory... or maybe even make another advancement in medicine WITHOUT things like witch blood, magical plants or rare animals. Opportunity awaited the proactive.

This really couldn't have been more literal when he walked into his lab, and found Engineer with the large gem he had kept in a box upon the fridge.

"Engie? Vat are you doing?"

"Hey Doc! Remember when we teleported the bread and it got some strange mold?" Engineer said. "That mold which turned us into one helluva big monster?"

"Yes... BE CAREFUL VITH ZAT." Medic practically screamed as he made his way over. "Vat are you trying to do anyvays?"

"Imma teleport it!" Engineer said as the machine began to whirl it was ready. "I've been teleporting things like water, other types of food, and building materials! It's just so good we got this big diamond here to try out!"

Wait a second... exactly what would happen if you put a teleporter inside another teleporter? Would it...

Medic didn't exactly want to find out.

"Vait... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Medic screamed in slow motion as he jumped for the crystal right before Engineer dropped it into the teleporter. Medic however... still landed on the teleporter. With the crystal. He disappeared after that.

"Doc?!" Engineer asked in disbelief for a moment. But at that same moment, his PDA began to beep and both ends of the teleporter exploded into scrap metal. "DOC!!!"

"Ehh.... Vhere am I?" Medic asked himself as he rubbed his head for a moment. He could of sworn he just saw what could be described as the streets of an old fashioned town, but that scene faded away in almost as much as time as it took for him to realize it was there. In his hands was the large glowing rock. He took a look around to realize he was in a room of sorts that could be described as a dining room, only thing it was, it was pretty much empty except for the table, and what he could assume was a device of sorts upon said table. But that really was not the important detail. What was the important thing was the dark blue alicorn standing at one side, and the tall one-eyed man who had several bags with him at the other who both looked at him with mixtures of surprise.

"Medic?" Slade asked with disbelief. "How did you get here?"

"Ehhh... vat... vere am I... Herr Vilson?" Medic asked with equal surprise as he looked back from the crystal to Luna and Slade. "How... vat?"

"Strange..." Luna said as she eyed him suspiciously. "I was supposed to meet with you afterwards... how did you get here? And besides... that crystal is only supposed to send you to Equestria..."

"Eh... eh... I don't know!" Medic said quickly. "Vait... did you say meet vith me?"

"Yes... I was supposed to. Equestria once again needs your help Doctor." Luna said. "Though... it's a good thing that both of you are here now that we can quicken things up."

"But wait... he doesn't even have any of his ge....gear?" Slade asked as his eyebrows both made odd shapes at the fact that Medic just pulled a Medi-gun right out of his pockets. Ummm... what?

"Good fing I alvays keep a few spares!" Medic chuckled happily. "But... I am ready. Ja."

The fact that he implied he had more on with him raised quite a few expressions of surprise from Slade and Luna. That aside however, it only made Luna's job easier.

"Very well than." The Princess of the night said as she took a look at Medic. "Before we get started, is there anything you would anything you expect to receive at the end of this?"

You can expect Medic's joy to find out he could just have easily replaced all his lost work... by defeating one of the world's most powerful terrorist organizations...

Without further ado however, Luna's horn lit up and they all disappeared in a flash. When they were done, the trio found themselves standing within Canterlot throne room which currently, since it was about 3:00 AM local time, was mostly deserted.

"So... where's sunbutt?" Slade asked as he laid down his bags. Being in a two-piece suit really wasn't ideal for getting into fights unless you happened to be a certain Frenchman.

"Not here as of now. There are the guestrooms which I recommend you all to stay down in."

Before Slade had even as much as a chance to state about 50 million reasons why staying in a castle full of magical ponies was a "NO WAY" for him, Luna was already done explaining.

Raynor wasn't here. That ship he had? It got sent back with him to his own world. So essentially... unless Slade REALLY wanted to spend the night in a tree like he did on this island one time for about two years, he was going to have to handle a bunch of rainbow colored ponies...

Lian Yu doesn't seem so bad right about now... Slade grumbled within his mind as he set his bags down on a table within the large room made just for a being of his relative size. To be fair, it was pretty comfortable... too comfortable. The bed? Felt like he was going to sink through it. The decorations? Reminded him of a dollhouse. Everything else? Exactly the way he HATED things.

Pushing aside the fact that he was now once again in his personal hell and thoroughly beginning to have second thoughts about this contract, the man opened the bags. The Deathstroke armor which he wore was set down upon the table as he got out of his two-piece and put on clothing that he didn't really care about before getting dressed and suited up. Even though he still hadn't a clue on who he was fighting... he decided, maybe now was a time to take a "stroll" through the woods.

No one happened to have noticed the large bipedal creature that moved amongst the rooftops as it made it's way quickly down the mountain and down to Ponyville. The Everfree forest... this would bring back many memories.

Armin... Raynor... that spaceship that they bunked down in, Steve.... and of course... that Zebra thing which he ended up knocking senseless after it's incoherent riddles and rhymes...

Rhymes and riddles... he hated those. Especially when they reminded him about someone he knew. The guy in the batsuit could probably relate.