Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Break and Dawn answer a few questions

If you want to know more about Chibi Masato, go here. This has become one of my favorite stories to read. So, check it out. It'll give you insight on Chibi.

I've been putting this off for too long. So, here we go. This isn't really a chapter, but meh.

This will hopefully answer a few of your questions. And we begin!

(I messed my back up pretty bad.... yeah.... just my luck lol, look at my blog post. So, I sped through this slightly, sorry.)

Chapter 110... sorta

[Hello everybody! Dawn and I have been wondering about a few things recently and we're finally going to find out! Isn't that right Dawn?]

<He's making me do this! He tied me to this chair! I don't care about any of this!>

[Oh Dawn, you kinder. Don't worry, he's not tied to a chair.]


[Let's just move on...]


[Hehe, you're not tied up.]

<... I give up. Just continue.>

[Good, as I was saying: We've been wondering about a few things. First off, what does Twilight do while we're off on some strange and wacky adventure?]

He then points to a huge HD flat screen TV.

[Well, we're gonna find out!]

<This isn't going to end well...>

[Probably not, but who cares? The readers? Yeah right.]

<Did you just...>

[Break the forth wall? Yes, yes I did. Now, let's get this on!]

Twilight Sparkle
(Her daily routine. This is set on a normal morning after Lance has already left the house.)

Twilight walked out of the kitchen, rubbing her neck.

"Whew, I don't know how Spike did it. Make food for five is hard." She said as she walked down the hall and into her and Lance's room.

She trotted over to the desk and levitated a parchment onto the table. She then levitated Lance's pen up, but put it back down and picked up her usual quill. She dipped it in the inkwell and began to write down her To Do list.

After she was done, she rolled it up and smiled to her self. She levitated her saddlebags up and strapped them on.

After doing a quick check of her self, she teleported to the center of Ponyville.

Once there, she smiled as she looked at the town she loved. After a few seconds of taking in the familiar sights, she set out to do the first thing on the list: Visit Rarity.

She trotted off to the boutique, saying hi to a few of the ponies she passed.

She did this every other day. She would leave her home in Canterlot and come back to Ponyville. She would then visit every one of her friends, catching up on a few things she's missed.

After a few minutes of walking, she arrived at the door. She smiled and knocked a few times.

On the other side, she could hear the sounds of things being moved around. Then came the sounds of hooves approaching the door.

Rarity pushed it open and smiled happily at Twilight, "Twilight darling, it's good to see you again. Please, come in."

Twilight smiled and walked past, "It's good to see you too Rarity." She looked around, only seeing the large mess and Spike. "Where's Peter?"

Rarity shrugged, "I don't really know. He and his friend Omnius ran off to do something."

Spike walked up and gave Twilight a hug.

Twilight returned his hug, "Hey Spike, I've missed you."

He leaned back and chuckled, "I missed you too."

Twilight smiled happily, "Are you sure you don't want to come live with me and my family?"

Spike shrugged, "I do, but I like it here. Peter is a pretty cool guy, plus, I like helping Rarity."

Twilight rubbed his head, "Well, just remember, you can come live with us at anytime. I know Lance would love to have you around."

Spike smiled back, "I may, but for now, I'll just stay here."

Rarity laughed slightly and walked over, "You ready for our mid day tea Twilight?"

Twilight looked at her and smiled, "Yep, I'll help you get it started."

Back to Break and Dawn

[Okay, the rest of that is boring.]

<But I....>

[Yep, the rest is boring. Now, I've been wondering: What happened to Zane? I mean, he was here in the beginning, but what now?]

New Mane City

Zane trotted out of the his apartment, which he had rented, and sighed. Ten months, and he still hasn't found her.

How hard should it be to find her?! She should look way different from all the other ponies! But no, he hasn't even seen her yet!

He adjusted his saddlebags and began his usual search pattern.

Which involved him walking down the street and keeping an eye out for the one pony that would stick out.

That's harder than you would think.

Back to Break and Dawn

[Who is he looking for?]

<No idea, but she must be important to him or something.>

[Meh, doesn't really matter. What I want to know is what happened to Louie.]

<Ah, Louie... where is he?>

Sweet Apple Acres

Louie jumped into the air and grabbed the apple in his teeth. He then jerked his head, causing it to break off the tree and fall.

He sat on the ground and began to eat the delicious apple.

He's been having the time of his life ever since he got here. He had no worries at all.

Apple Bloom was always playing with him and keeping him entertained.

He does wonder what the others have been up to. But, he's to relaxed to search them out and find out.

Besides, he knows they've been getting into trouble. It's kinda hard to miss all the sounds of heavy fighting they cause. But hey, no worries here.

Back to Break and Dawn

[You mean he's been living it up while we've been getting our asses kicked?!]

<Seems legit.>

[... Fuck you Dawn... Anyways, I have another thing I've been wondering about: What's happened to Malbatorus. I mean, he's a dragon, how could we miss him?]

Close to Fluttershy's cottage

Malbatorus sat on a hill, twirling a uprooted tree in his claws.

He's been in a sort of depression ever since that pony named Shadow Breeze moved in.

He doesn't like the way he helps Fluttershy tend to the animals, and how they cuddle at night.

Yes, he was jealous of Shadow, but so what?

He sighed loudly, "Life sucks... big time."

"If life truly sucks, I believe I can help you." Said a female voice behind him.

He turned and looked down to see a female unicorn, "Yeah? How could you help?"

She smiled, "Watch." Her horn began to glow brightly.

Back to Break and Dawn

[Who was that mare?]

<No idea.>

[Okay... anyways. Last thing: What has David and Rainbow Dash been up too?]

David and Rainbow Dash
Their cloud home

David sat on the couch, reading one of the books he had bought at that book store in Cloudsdale.

He was enjoying it. It was about two star crossed lovers who...

"David!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she blew through the front door and landed in front of him.

The sudden appearnce of his lover caused him to jump, "Dashie?! What's wrong?!"

She grabbed his face in her front hooves and shook him, "I just went to the doctor, you know, to find out why I've been throwing up in the mornings."

He nodded, "And? What did he say?"

She gulped and fell back on her haunches, "I don't know if you want hear this."

David walked over to her and sat down next to her. He then put his forelegs around her and held her close, her head under his chin, "Come on Dashie, you can tell me. I'm sure I can handle it."

She snuggled up to him and wrapped her forelegs around his waist. "Okay... I'm pregnant."

David's eyes widened, but only for a second. He then smiled and held her close, "That's great news!"

She tightened her embrace, "That's not all... I'm pregnant with twins."

His eyes re-widened, and this time, he passed out.

Back to Break and Dawn

<WHOA! I did not see that coming!>

[Dayum! Poor guy, got to take care of two foals!]

<... We have two kids.>

[Yeah, but they're both old enough to take care of themselves... I think.]

<Are we done here? I think we should get back to Lance. God knows what he's done while we've been gone.>

[Guess you're right. I don't want to miss Chibi meeting the other bronies.]

<Alrighty then.>

[Goodbye readers!]

<... Please leave the fourth wall alone.>

[NEVA! It shall be tampered with beyond repair!]


[Fine. And we're gone!]

Interesting... XD