//------------------------------// // CMC, minus 1 // Story: Fatty-bloom // by Bobette //------------------------------// Dear Scootaloo, Ah have an emergency. and ah REAALLYY need your help! Please come ASAP, oh and DONT tell or bring Sweetiebelle. AND... please don't enter through the door, I don't want mah family to see you! I'll explain it all later, just come quick! Your BEST friend, Applebloom. "Hmm.. How am I gonna send this...?" She looked around her room, trying to find something. "Hmm.. Oh! Mah cutie mark crusaders cape! I can stick the letter to it and throw it too her. She often goes walkin' round dis time!" Applebloom smiled deviously, as she quickly went and tied the letter to her cape with one of her bright pink bow's that she untied. She looked out her window. "Hehehe... Perfect..." She said, grinning. Outside she saw her orange friend trotting along happily. Applebloom quickly grabbed the cape with the letter tied to it, and chucked it down to her friend. "Yes!" It landed a few meters away from Scootaloo. At first she didnt even notice it, but as she trotted closer, it couldn't be missed. "Oh! Applebloom or Sweetiebelle must have lost this!" Applebloom heard Scoots say. "Hm, I better find them and re- oh, hey... What's this...?" She saw Scootaloo pull the letter out with her mouth and lay it neatly on the floor. Scootaloo saw the pink ribbon and gasped. Applebloom knew Scoot knew that was hers! Scootaloo returned to the letter, reading it quick and urgently. She saw her jaw hang open as she read. She most likely thought her friend was in great danger. And also had fallen out with Sweetie or something. "Oh no! I've gotta help Applebloom!" Exclaimed Scootaloo, looking up at Applebloom's window. Applebloom waved her hooves above her head, she wanted to get her attention, but without shouting otherwise Applejack would notice. "Huh! Applebloom! Don't worry! I'm coming! Let me just... Eer, figure something out!" Applebloom smiled. She couldn't wait until she got another heavenly sandwich! "Oh, I know! Sweetiebelle has improved her magic and can telep-" Applebloom frowned angrily. She ran her hoof along her neck, shaking her head. "Oh right. No Sweetiebelle. Sorry! Why not again?" "Just help me!" Said Applebloom, annoyed. She tried to whisper it but it came out quite loud. Oh no, now Applejack might find out! she thought. Scootaloo smiled sheepishly and blushed at her mistake. "Coming! Sorry..." She said. Ugh. Maybe I was wrong about HER helping me. Thought Applebloom, sighing. Just... Anything for that... Sandwich... She licked her lips and smiled. Soon..... Soon..... "Oh! I have an idea!" Shouted Scootaloo " I can fly up!" Scootaloo beamed. Applebloom face hoofed at the idea. Everypony knew how bad she was at flying. But what else could she do? Scootaloo started flapping her wings and they started buzzing like a insects. "Al..most.." Panted scoot as she slowly rose off the ground by an inch. this is gonna take a while, thought Applebloom, trying to think of any other way she could get up. Applebloom started looking around her room for something to use to get Scootaloo up. Suddenly a new idea entered her head. I can just get Scootaloo to ask for a sandwich! She thought, rubbing her hooves together. "Hey! Hey Scootaloo! SCOOTALOO!!" Whisper-shouted AB. But unfortunately, Scootaloo didn't notice her friend's calls over the noise of her buzzing wings. "Ugh, do I have to do everything myself?!" She mumbled. Applebloom got another piece of paper and wrote aother letter to Scootaloo. Hey num-skull. NEW plan. Pretend to be starving and 'accidently' bash against mah houses door. when somepony opens it and asks what's wrong, say you're really hungry, and have no bits, and say that you're in the mood for a real' good sandwhich. Don't accept anything BUT a sandwich! Then say you're gonna be late for somthin' and you got to go, and come outside mah window again and show me the sandwich! GO. Applebloom rolled the note up and stuck her pencil through the hole. She threw it right on Scootaloo's head, and it gently unrolled in front of her.