//------------------------------// // The showdown // Story: Seventh Element // by Stormwhite //------------------------------// “Now that they’re gone why dont you tell me why you’re here and what your name is” Said Big Mac to the mysterious man. “My name? Why don’t you just call me Fusion” said the hooded man. “As for why I’m here it’s to kill Twilight I thought I made that painfully clear” Said Fusion with a very sarcastic tone. “I know that, but why do you want her dead” Responded Big Mac. “Does it matter? Big Mac” “Nope” The man said then cracked his knuckles. “Also I know who you are Big Mac, and what you do.” “Good then I don’t have to hold back.” Fusion smirked he didn’t mind one more corpse to send to Celestia. “Now then let’s get started” Said Big Mac who took a fighting stance. Meanwhile Twilight in the others had reached the library, and began to gather their thoughts on the matter. “I just don’t get why would he won’t to kill me? I have been Nice to everyone haven’t I?” Said Twilight in dismay “I reckon it’s more than that ah mean this guy tried to kill Pinkie Pie.” Added Apple Jack “He sure did that meany he tried to hit me with that glowing hand of his, and I couldn’t even move!” Replied Pinkie Pie. “He stopped me dead in my tracks.” “Yeah that was some skilled magic he displayed Rainbow. Maybe even to skilled” “What do you mean Twilight?” Asked the curious young spike” “What if he wasn’t just a wizard, but he was an Alicorn” “Impossible there is no way that ruffian could be so majestic. Besides we didn’t see any wings!” Rarity spoke in protest “True but it’s not like it’s that hard to hide them.” The room then looked over to Fluttershy who appeared wingless. Just then spike coughed up a letter from Princess Celestia. The boy then began to read it aloud to the girls. Dear Twilight Sparkle I’m deeply frightened by your letter for I fear I know this man. He goes by the name of Fusion and he is an Alicorn like me and my sister. Fusion is stronger than anyone can fight by themselves. He has more than magic he has the power to manipulate gravity. Me and my sister may be able to stop him, but I’m bringing the elements of harmony just in case. We will be there as soon as possible so hold on until then, and stick together. Love Princess Celestia. “Well now we have to go back we can’t leave Big Mac to fight him alone.” ”Ah reckon you’re right twilight, but we need a plan.” “Yeah so let’s start and we better make it quick.” Added Rainbow Dash. Just then an explosion shook the library. “Big Mac!” Apple Jack shouted, and rushed for the door. Only to be stopped by Rarity. “If you go you will only distract him. It would be horrible for everyone you do understand don’t you darling?” Apple Jack sighed in annoyance knowing her friend was right. “Now let’s get planning” Said Twilight. From his fighting stance Big Mac Lunged at Fusion who just barely avoided the attack. Big Mac furiously kept punching at his opponent inching closer every time. Fusion kept inching backwards until his back hit a tree. Then he teleported away as a result Big Mac hit the tree causing it to break in half. About fifteen feet behind Big Mac stood Fusion who was amazed. “So the rumors are true you are the strongest earthling in all of equestria!” “Eyup” Responded Big Mac. “Well no matter I’ll just crush you and be done with it!” Fusion held out his hand which had a Black aura around it. Big Mac found himself surrounded by the same black aura. Fusion closed his hand tightly, and the aura around Big Mac closed in fast crushing everything inside its dome shaped area. “There it’s done with” Fusion said happily “Nope.” Fusion heard Big Mac say as he was punched in the gut and then in the face. This launched him a good twenty feet. “H-how did you escape?” Asked Fusion furiously. “I am not just strong, but fast and smart as well. I was able to escape your field because the gravity wasn’t strong enough to stop me. “Simple as that” “The gravity in that field was ten times normal gravity!” Said Fusion has he got to his feet. “That would have been enough to stop a regular person, but not me.” Replied Big Mac with a smirk, and that was the last straw. Fusion roared and released his ebony black wings. He then started flying at an unusually high speed towards Big Mac. Fusion got to Big Mac in a mere second and took his face in the palm of his hand. Big Mac grunted as Fusion took him off his feet. Then Fusion took Big Mac and threw him using gravity to put more force behind his throw. “Now Die!” Fusion created a giant arm using magic it was outlined with his iconic black aura. He made a fist with it , and sent it crashing down on Big Mac. “Now it’s over” Said Fusion happily. His magic arm then disappeared as he turned away from Big Mac’s limp body. That’s when he realized he was very far from ponyville had Big Mac done this on purpose. Damn it how could he be fooled so easily. Then Rainbow dash came soaring down at Fusion who like before stopped her dead in her tracks. However he was then smacked away from his position by a purple hand that held him against a rock wall. This was the same as his spell only this belonged to Twilight. “Quick get Big Mac, and Run!” Twilight called to her friends. Then Rarity and apple jack ran to get Big Mac. “I have had it!” Fusion got up shattering twilight’s spell and knocking her down. He roared as his hands dimmed with his black aura. He crushed both Rainbow dashes and Flutter shy’s wings who both proceeded to faint. He summoned two black arms that he used to grab and crush both Rarity and Applejack. He squeezed them until they passed out. Spike seeing Rarity’s limp body charged at Fusion, but was smited down to the ground and couldn’t move. Twilight looked around the field as she saw all her friends limp bodies. She froze not knowing what to do. “Now do you understand young Twilight? All your attempts at beating me are futile. So why don’t you just except your death like a good little girl.” Twilight stood up and looked at Fusion. “You’re wrong I will defeat you!” “Nonsense” Fusion lifted his hand to crush twilight, but was blown backwards by an unknown force. Twilight astonished looked behind her to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. She ran back and hugged her teacher. “Now now Twilight we need to take care of business.” Twilight nodded her head, and turned to face the pile of ruble where fusion lay. Fusion began to laugh manically “well this just keeps getting better.” Fusion then stood up and revealed that half his outfit had been blown away. His jacket was completely gone and his right sleeve on his shirt was missing. His pants had been ripped in multiple places. Twilight looked at Fusion and examined him. He had spiky black hair and had tan skin. He was rather skinny and not very muscular. “Now let’s end this I’ll kill all three of you!” Fusion roared. “Wait why don’t you look at who I brought with me?” Said Celestia. Luna stepped forward and looked at Fusion. “First to die huh?”Said Fusion who went to clench his fist, but could not. He stood their trying to clench his fist and kill Luna, but he couldn’t what was stopping him? He looked over to the three women who appeared to be doing nothing to stop him. Luna was now trapped in a gravity dome separated from her sister and twilight, but was unafraid. “I know you’re in there! Please come back.” Luna said to fusion. This confused Twilight who was in where? Was someone in Fusion? Fusion dropped to his knees and gripped his head. “Why does it hurt! Why does it hurt so much!?” Fusion groaned in pain. “Come on you became this monster because of me. I went through the same thing, but I know you’re in there.” Said Princess Luna. Twilight looked from Luna to Fusion. So Fusion is like Nightmare moon that means he is a transformed person. Fusion began to yell loader as he was in tremendous pain. Fusion looked at twilight and he now had two different colored eyes on brown like before and one navy colored eye. Whoever this person was he was struggling to get free. It was working as Fusion was beginning to split into two people. Twilight was amazed a ghost like figure kept coming in and out of Fusion. As if someone is trying to escape a shell. Luna made one last comment “I know you’re in their G!” “Enough!”Screamed Fusion as he clenched his fist crushing the area within the dome. He looked up and his eyes were both brown again and the man trying to escape seemed to have vanished. Twilight looked distraught had Princess Luna been crushed before her very eyes? Twilight couldn’t see anything because there were huge amounts of dust and debris. Fusion stood up and pointed to Twilight “Your fate will be the same.”