The Chase (The lost chapters)

by kudzuhaiku

The First Time (Sparkler Rising Star and Loch Skimmer- takes place in chapter 121)

“I haven’t had enough to drink yet to have this day make sense,” Sparkler said.

“So drink more,” Rising Star said. He lifted the jug and tilted it back, taking a long pull from the brown crockery. He wheezed and sputtered as his throat burned and he set the jug down on the table. “Oh no… here it comes… uncontrollable boner,” Rising Star grumbled.

Sparkler lifted the jug, took a long drink, and then slammed the jug down on the table. “Loch, we should do something about that,” Sparkler announced boldly.

“Oh I dunno,” Loch replied.

“I was old enough to go into battle today. Here I am getting plastered, and I intend to get shagged,” Sparkler insisted.

“This scares me,” Loch said in a low whisper.

“I was scared today too,” Sparkler said. She belched loudly and wiped her face with her foreleg.

“Look, as much as I want to, I refuse to do anything until all three of us are ready,” Rising Star said in a low whisper.

“Rising is right of course,” Sparkler said.

“Let’s go,” Loch said.

“What?” Rising Star asked.

“Both of you faced what needed to be done today, I can do no less,” Loch murmured.

“But this isn’t something that needs to be done,” Rising Star said gently.

“Yes it is… I can’t live in fear anymore… it is hurting me and it is hurting you… you are my husband and we have an obligation to keep each other happy,” Loch said in a fearful whine.

“We’ll need to find a quiet place,” Sparkler said. “Someplace out of the way. Secluded. Here in the castle. There is bound to be something somewhere.”

“My sister said there is an abandoned library in the back wing,” Loch said.

“Sounds ideal,” Rising Star said nervously.

“I’ll grab the gin jug,” Sparkler said.

“There’s no books,” Sparkler observed.

The library was dark and quiet. As Sparker had stated, the shelves were empty. The floor was dusty and there were little hoof prints that could be seen from when little curious fillies had gone exploring. The only light came from two unicorn horns.

Sparkler set down the gin jug after taking a good sized swallow. She felt brave, ready for almost anything. Out of her herd, she was the oldest, and it had always been generally accepted that she was in charge. Even Rising Star followed her lead.

Sparkler’s bravery fled the moment she felt a muzzle push past her tail, slip between her cheeks, and a tongue gave her a curious lick.

“YeeaaaaUUUUGH!” Sparkler grunted as she leapt forward. “Oh gross, it’s dirty back there. I haven’t bathed,” she cried in panic.

“Tastes salty and kinda smokey. Not bad,” Rising Star said.

“But I’ve been sweating,” Sparkler protested.

“So what?” Rising Star said. “Come here filly,” he said boldly, pulling Sparkler in close with his magic. “We need to give Loch a good show,” he whispered. He kissed Sparkler forcefully and he felt her moan into his mouth. Rising Star felt Sparkler take charge during the kiss and he let her, submitting passively to her whims, mindful that Loch was watching their every move.

Sparkler pulled away breathlessly. “Ready to mount me?” she said brazenly.

“No,” Loch said. “Berry said there must be licking… to get us slicked up so it doesn’t hurt,” she said in a timid voice.

“And Berry is right,” Rising Star said as he licked his lips. He lifted Sparkler in his magic, flipped her over, and gently placed her on the floor, belly up before him. He watched as she squirmed nervously. He leaned down his head and his snoot brushed over one of her teats, which caused Sparkler to kick one of her legs out. “Sparkler, just relax,” he urged.

Sparkler closed her eyes took a deep breath. She felt vulnerable and exposed. She spread her legs a little wider, not sure what else to do, and part of her felt that letting Rising mount her might have been easier. She wouldn’t feel so exposed, and parts of her would remain hidden. From this angle, Rising Star could see everything. Her thoughts were interrupted by the curious feeling of two ponies breathing on her. She opened her eyes and she could see Loch’s face inches from her navel.

“I was curious,” Loch whispered. She lifted her head and backed away. “You’re beautiful,” she added.

Sparkler smiled and then gasped as she felt two lips kissing her just below her breastbone. She felt another kiss, and then another, and Rising Star was working his way down slowly. “Rising… I know we shouldn’t rush things, but we need to rush things, we need to be back before dark,” Sparkler whispered.

Rising Star, thankful for Sparkler’s prompting, went right for the prize. He pushed his snoot into Sparkler’s snatch. She was a bit sweaty, but just below the surface she was rather dry. When he heard her cry out, he stopped and pulled away.

“It’s tender… I didn’t expect for it to be so sensitive,” Sparkler explained. “I’m okay, but the feeling of being parted hurt just a little.”

This time, Rising Star didn’t push his snoot down, he extended his tongue and gave a careful lick along the surface, then another lick, and with the third lick, he applied pressure and parted her again. This time Sparkler moaned and squirmed beneath him and ground her hips upwards eagerly.

"More of that,” Sparkler begged.

With Sparkler’s urging, Rising Star prodded her cleft with his tongue, exploring as he gently parted her with each lick. He found a tiny little nub just under a sheath of flesh, and he licked around it in a circle. He was rewarded with a loud moan from Sparkler. She was still felt rather dry, and her flesh clung together rather than sliding around smoothly when manipulated.

“Rising… I don’t have a filly ribbon… mine got busted when I was doing the Running of the Leaves… I was still a young filly and when I saw the blood in my tail... I freaked out… and my mother took me to the doctor… and the doctor said that this kind of thing happens all the time…” Sparkler panted out in warning.

Finding his tongue far too busy, Rising Star did not reply with words. He licked around until he found an inner opening and then plunged his long orange tongue inwards, encountering no resistance. It was salty, sort of smokey near the surface, and he supposed it was meaty as well, but he had nothing to compare it to. Sparkler giggled nervously and then thrust her hips upwards.

“That actually felt really good,” Sparkler said. “You can do more of that,” she added.

As his tongue probed Sparkler’s depths, he felt her begin to moisten. Her breathing was heavy now, and her legs twitched. He was so focused on making Sparkler happy that a sudden touch on his cheek startled him. He pulled his head back and saw Loch Skimmer. She looked frightened.

“I didn’t mean to scare you… don’t magic me,” Loch begged.

“You’re fine,” Rising Star said reassuringly.

“I want to look. At her I mean. Compare her to how I looked when I saw myself reflected in the lake water,” Loch said bashfully.

“Have a look, she’s beautiful,” Rising Star whispered. He lowered his head and shone his light on Sparkler’s now glistening folds.

The flesh was swollen and the puffiness caused Sparkler’s slit to open slightly Loch saw as she studied Sparkler’s filly bits. The flesh inside the parted folds was a deep rich purple. Unable to help herself, Loch extended her wing and drew a feather over Sparkler’s flesh. The reaction was immediate. Sparkler exploded into laughter and tried to squirm away.

“No! Loch! No!” Sparkler begged as she laughed.

Loch prodded her with a feather again, this time near the top of her parted mound, near where the nub of flesh was still hidden. Sparkler squirmed along the floor and tried to escape. Loch delighted in her newfound power to make Sparkler squeal. Feeling curious, she extended her tongue and gave a careful lick.

“That really gets me going… watching you lick her,” Rising Star said with unabashed honesty. “Bucky was right… there is nothing quite like watching two mares that you love making each other feel good.”

Loch licked again and Sparkler gasped. “Blech, this tastes kinda weird,” Loch commented. “Rising, can you give me a drink of gin?” she asked.

Rising lifted the jug of gin to Loch’s lips and then tilted it so she could drink. He watched in awe as the pegasus took down several swallows without effort. Loch pulled away and let out thunderous belch that rivaled Sparkler’s own famous frog calls.

“Keep licking,” Loch commanded. “Your pegasus wife demands more licking take place,” she said as she sat down on the stone floor.

“Please keep licking,” Sparkler pleaded.

Eager to please, Rising Star went to work. After teasing the outer edges for a while, he took a more direct approach and suckled on Sparkler’s clitoral mound. The sound of Sparkler’s mewling cries caused his cock to throb. He was beginning to feel a strong need to bury himself inside of something. He felt Sparkler trying push up against him so he applied more pressure, pressing his muzzle downwards.

Loch extended a wing to tickle Rising Star’s nose, but as she did so, her feathers brushed over Sparkler’s teat. There was a loud cry from Sparkler.

Sparkler tensed, every muscle tightening, she could feel her belly muscles clenching. The feeling of the feather being drawn over her teat had been too much and it had pushed her over the edge. She cried out as her body shuddered and shook. As the wave of pleasure broke over her, she cried out again. Rising Star’s tongue plunged deep and wiggled along the back of her now slick depths, rubbing the tender flesh in the passage behind behind her clitoris. Sparkler clenched her teeth together and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. The light on her horn flickered for several moments, becoming considerably brighter.

“I need to get off before this boner runs out of skin!” Rising Star said urgently. “I feel like I’m going to split open or something,” he whimpered.

“Spell… protection,” Sparkler murmured. Her horn flashed for a moment, and she struggled to cast the very simple spell that was meant to protect her in times like these. She cast another on Loch Skimmer.

Rising Star cast his own spell, thankful that this spell was incredibly easy. He couldn’t do anything complicated at the moment.

“Lay down on me Rising… just be gentle,” Sparkler said.

Rising Star eased himself down on top of Sparkler and fumbled around, needing to be inside of her. It was a painful urgent need. “I’m not going to last long, I’m sorry,” he said apologetically. “I wanted this to be special, but you don’t know how bad this is,” the colt explained.

“I just had the best orgasm of my life,” Sparkler said warmly. “Just get it out and you’ll last longer for Loch… make it special for her,” she whispered.

After poking around in the dim light for what felt like several painful hours, Rising Star felt something warm, wet, and inviting brush up against the tip of his cock. He prodded a bit, trying to find the inner opening. When he felt it, he eased himself in slowly, giving Sparkler time to adjust. He could feel her squirming a bit beneath him.

“Does it hurt?” Rising Star asked in a whisper.

“Not exactly,” Sparkler said after she took a deep breath. “But I can feel the stretching.”

Loch Skimmer watched with open eyed interest the love making going on before her. In her short life, she had never seen anything like it. Her mouth hung open and her breathing was shallow. She felt a damp moistness down in her own as of yet unexplored folds. She could hear the wet slick sounds of penetration, the soft pleading cries that Sparkler made, and the breathless grunts that Rising Star was making as he slowly eased himself in. There was no violence here, no anger, no dead look of resignation on Sparkler’s face. There was only love being expressed in physical form.

And Loch wanted it desperately for herself. She hoped that her fear would subside.

Rising Star eased himself in and out of Sparkler, and could feel her hips thrusting upwards to meet him. He picked up the pace, feeling an urgent need to blow his load. He held back a little though, hoping to make it last as long as he could, but he wasn’t able to hold it back much longer.

Sparkler wrapped her forelegs around Rising Star and held him close, feeling warm in the afterglow of her own orgasm. She could feel him breathing heavily against her neck. With a sudden jerk, Rising Star tensed up and thrust himself deeply into her. She felt what was almost painful pressure as he buried himself and then she felt a curious wet sensation deep inside of her. It took several moments to realise that Rising Star had gone off and left his seed inside of her. She felt his body go limp and he collapsed on top of her, panting heavily on her neck. She squeezed him and kissed his ear.

Rising Star finally summoned up enough strength to roll off of Sparkler and he lay on his back on the floor, trying to catch his breath. He felt proud of himself. He had made Sparkler go off at least once, which he felt was pretty good for his first attempt.

Sparkler rolled and rose into a sitting position. She took a long drink from the gin jug and then helped Loch Skimmer down a few swallows. Sparkler felt damp and sticky, and when she moved she could feel her breath catch in her throat as her sensitive skin tugged and pulled around her overstimulated nubbin just beneath her folds.

As Rising Star was was laying supine, something warm touched his belly. He looked up and saw Loch Skimmer smiling down at him.

“It’s kinda long and skinny,” Loch Skimmer observed as she checked out the goods on Rising Star. The opportunity was too good to resist so Loch Skimmer extended a wing and ran her feather tips along Rising Star’s shaft, starting as his balls and ending at the tip. She felt a thrill of exhilaration as Rising Star squirmed and moaned beneath her touch. Loch realised that she had power in her touch and she did it again. This time, Rising Star made a series of pleading whimpers. Her third stroke caused Rising Star’s cock to twitch.

“Loch, if you keep doing that, I am going to have to find some way of paying you back,” Rising Star muttered.

Loch tittered and stroked the wiggling appendage once again. This time, Rising Star threw his head back and cried out.

“Oh wow, he’s getting hard again,” Sparkler observed.

“I need more gin,” Loch said.

Sparkler raised the jug and both fillies took turns having a drink. The crockery was nearly empty now.

Rising Star pulled himself into a sitting position, took a deep breath, and then killed off the gin jug. He gasped, shook his head, and shuddered.

Loch Skimmer eased herself down upon the floor and rolled over onto her back. “I’m so scared,” she whispered. “I am so very afraid.”

“It will be okay Loch,” Sparkler said soothingly. Sparkler rose, took a step, and then stood over the frightened filly that was her fellow-wife. “He was so very gentle. I had a moment where it sort of hurt, but it passed. Just say something when it hurts.”

“I don’t want him on top of me… I don’t want to be pinned down,” Loch whimpered.

“Okay,” Sparkler said.

“Berry said that I could mount him,” Loch said in a fearful whisper.

“If that is what it takes to put your mind at ease, I’ll lay on the floor and we’ll try it that way,” Rising Star offered in gentle tones.

“Thank you… I think I’m ready now,” Loch said as she closed her eyes. “Now get to lickin’,” the filly said bluntly.

Sparkler lowered her head and took one exploratory lick, curious about flavour.

“SPARKLER? IS THAT YOU?” Loch shouted. Her voice echoed in the empty library.

“Yes Loch,” Sparkler replied.

“Sorry, that felt weird. It spooked me,” Loch whispered. “Well, don’t stop licking… I’m a scared pony and I need to be slicked up so I need to be licked,” the filly insisted.

Sparkler shrugged and continued licking.

Rising Star felt himself hardening even more.

“Licky slicky,” Loch said. Afterwards, she giggled.

“Hey, stop hogging the snatch,” Rising Star said. He pushed his muzzle down next to Sparkler’s and stuck his tongue out.

Loch felt the distinct tickle of two tongues lapping at her outer folds and she burst into laughter. She melted into the floor and allowed the moment to happen. She was still afraid somewhere deep inside, but it was hard to feel her fear at the moment.

Rising Star enjoyed the feeling of his tongue brushing up against Sparkler’s as he went to work on Loch’s unexplored recesses. The worry and stress from earlier in the day were now completely forgotten, and all he could think about was the slightly drunk giggling filly on the floor.

Loch rested her bad leg on her barrel and drifted away on a current of bliss. Part of her was still weirded out about the idea of Sparkler licking her. She wasn’t sure how she felt about it, but it was hard to think about at the moment. She felt herself being parted gently and then felt two tongues ease their way in, teasing just below the surface. There was a moment of pain, which made her tense, followed by a moment of panic, but it passed quickly and Loch relaxed.

“Go slowly Rising,” Sparkler said as she pulled away. “Did you feel that?”

Rising Star lifted his head. “Yeah I did,” he said.

“Hey…keep licking… I’m okay,” Loch Skimmer said to her mates.

Sparkler was the first to lower her head and explore a little deeper into Loch’s quivering mound. A moment later, her tongue was joined by Rising Star’s tongue, and she followed his head as he began to delve for a little nubbin of flesh that was hiding somewhere.

Unable to stop herself, Loch let out a shrill whinny when she felt two tongues brush over her little fleshy knob. Her ears splayed out and her hind legs kicked out straight. She felt her wings snap out to her sides.

“I dunno what just happened, but please keep doing that!” Loch begged.

Rising Star obliged the flailing pegasus. Loch’s wings fluttered along the floor and her legs were kicking with each lick. He felt Sparkler's tongue move away and work its way downward, deeper into Loch’s slit, and Sparkler’s wet cheek was pressed up against his.

Sparkler probed deeper into Loch’s now swollen folds and savoured the flavour of what she found. She called up her magic and made her own little nubbin begin to vibrate, just as she had done in the shower so many times. As she worked her way in, she encountered resistance, unable to find the inner opening. She pulled back her head.

“Loch has a filly ribbon,” Sparkler said in concern. Her spell ceased, and the pleasant thrum in her nethers ceased.

“Mmmm,” Loch moaned, feeling fear and apprehension.

“Loch, I think I can help you… I’ve been working myself to orgasm all by myself for many years. I have a very gentle touch with my magic. I think I could push down on it until it breaks,” Sparkler said in gentle tones.

“It is going to hurt, isn’t it?” Loch asked.

“Maybe,” Sparkler said, not wanting to lie to Loch, not during a moment like this. “But if we get it over with now, by the time you and Rising Star join with one another, if there is any pain, it should be over,” she suggested.

“Okay,” Loch said in a fearful whimper. “Get it over with,” she begged.

Sparkler leaned her head down and gently parted Loch with her muzzle. It didn’t take her long to find what she was looking for. She rested her chin just below the ribbon of flesh and gave it one final parting lick. She summoned her magic and began to bear down.

Loch felt pressure on her folds as she was parted and the faint tickle of Sparkler’s soft pelt on her delicate inner skin. She felt Sparkler’s warm tongue drag along her inner depths. And then she felt pressure. There was a sudden sharp stabbing pain…

Sparkler applied pressure, adding just a little more every few seconds. Suddenly there was a wet popping sound followed by the faint sound of flesh tearing. Loch Skimmer shrieked in pain and tried to crawl away, all of her good legs kicking, and even her wings trying to pull her over the floor.

“Loch, it’s okay, Loch just listen to my voice,” Rising Star said soothingly to the filly.

Loch bawled and tears trickled down the sides of her face.

Sparkler took Loch in her forelegs and pulled her close. She felt Loch cling tightly to her, and she could feel the plaster cast pressing into her withers. “Loch?’ Can you say something Loch?” Sparkler begged, seeking reassurance. “We can stop if you want to Loch. We can do this another time,” she said.

“I’m okay,” Loch sobbed. “It really hurt… just hold me,” she requested.

“It sounded thick. Some fillies have really thick ribbons… your poor filly bits… I would never want to hurt you,” Sparkler promised.

Loch sniffled. “Okay, the worst has passed. I’ve come too far to quit now. I think my fear made it worse somehow,” she said.

Sparkler nodded and gave Loch one final squeeze before letting go. She looked over Loch’s filly bits and saw a rivulet of blood. She wiped it away with her foreleg and she felt Loch shiver as she did so. “Rising Star, she’s all yours. Try to replace the pain with something she’ll want to remember,” Sparkler instructed.

Rising Star lowered his head and planted a loving kiss on Loch’s navel. The filly let out a nervous giggle and he saw her wiping away tears with her good leg. He saw more blood dribbling out, and, not knowing what else to do, licked it away. It was warm, salty, and rather coppery. He felt Loch shudder as he licked. He eased his tongue in, tasting blood and feeling her quivering inner muscles flexing as he prodded past the outer entrance.

Loch felt her pain subsiding and her fear melting away once again. “I love you Rising,” she murmured.

Rising, hearing her words, started down low with his tongue and worked his way upwards in a long slow motion, ending with the rough edge of his tongue sliding over her quivering nubbin. He heard Loch hiss and felt her shiver. He started low again, teasing the flesh as he lingered over every wrinkle and fold, and pressed his long tongue in a little deeper as he worked his way up. He tried to recall everything Bucky had told him during their long talk. With his next lick, he prodded at at Loch’s perky pegasus pucker before working his way up. The rubbery texture felt strange on his tongue, and the flavour he wasn’t too sure about, but the delighted squeal coming out of Loch made it the slightly uncomfortable experience worth it.

Sparkler watched with great interest, her magic once again buzzing on her little filly knob. She was sitting on the floor with her legs kicked out to the sides, and her eyes were half closed. She felt euphoric. A jolt of pleasure spiked through her when she heard Loch make a happy squeal and she could see Rising Star gently lapping at Loch’s stormy grey pucker.

Loch had no idea that something could feel so good. She closed her eyes and she felt as though she was floating. She could feel Rising Star’s tongue lingering over all of her secret places and loving every inch of what she kept hidden from the world.

“Go inside of me,” Loch begged.

Rising Star, hearing Loch’s request, did as she asked. He plunged his tongue down deep and waggled it inside of her. He saw her back arch and her legs kicked on either side of his head.

“More of that!” Loch demanded.

Rising Star felt a strange perverse pleasure in watching the pegasus warm up to his affections. He was throbbing now, desperately needing a release. He began thrusting in and out with his tongue and Loch made little squeals and squeaks in time with his pumping.

“Oh something is happening,” Loch squealed. “My button needs loving,” she demanded.

Rising Star smiled broadly. The pegasus had let go and was now thoroughly enjoying herself. He took her delightful little button into his lips and suckled, giving it a gentle tug with strong suction. Based on the reaction he was getting…

Loch began to whinny fiercely and her wings became useless and stiff. She felt a hot gushing sensation down below as Rising Star squeezed her most tender part between his lips and tickled it with his tongue. Her ears were on fire. She bucked and snorted as she continued to whinny and nicker. She clenched her hind legs together, trapping Rising Star in her filly folds, and she realised that she was having an orgasm.

The first wave of euphoric joy washed over her and was just beginning to wear off as the second wave hit. The second wave was almost too much to bear. She squeezed down upon Rising Star with her thighs and let out an equine scream of passion.

Rising Star let go of Loch’s button and tried to let the filly recover, fearing that his head was going to be crushed. The pressure was already almost too much to endure. He realised that Loch’s strength dwarfed his own. She was a titan with wings and he was completely at her mercy. The thought made his cock twitch with need.

Try to survive Rising Star remembered painfully. Bucky’s words rang inside of his head.

Finally, Loch let let go and Rising Star pulled his head free.

“We need to finish this,” Loch demanded.

Sparkler felt herself approaching another orgasm. “This is hawt,” she murmured, not caring if anypony heard her.

Rising Star eagerly laid down on his back and made himself as comfortable as he could on the stone floor. He had needs and the lusty pegasus seemed sure to please.

“I can’t get up,” Loch cried. Her wings were too stiff to allow her to roll over.

Rising Star lifted the filly into the air, flipped her around, and lowered her on to his belly. Loch straddled him, balancing herself with her one good leg.

“Be careful,” Rising Star warned.

“No,” Loch Skimmer growled.

“Be gentle?” Rising Star pleaded, suddenly aware that he was not rutting Loch Skimmer, she was rutting him.

“We’ll see,” Loch Skimmer grunted.

Loch bounced around on Rising Star’s belly. She could feel what she wanted, but couldn’t seem to get it in. She growled in frustration and bared her teeth.

Sparkler, seeing the struggle, used her magic to ease the tip into Loch’s eager snatch.

Loch felt herself parted and eased herself backwards. About halfway in she paused, feeling some pain but not feeling any fear. She was still sore inside from where she had been torn. She looked down at Rising Star and snarled. Her head darted downward and she kissed him, a violent needy kiss that left waxy drool all over Rising Star’s muzzle. Loch could taste her own juices and it inflamed her mind.

Sparkler came rather suddenly as she watched the change come over the pegasus. Loch was a savage feral creature now. Sparkler felt incredibly aroused as she watched Loch’s tail slash through the air. Loch’s head lifted and she thrashed it about, causing her mane to whip around. Loch was beautiful and it filled Sparkler’s heart with desire.

No longer feeling pain, Loch began to rock her hips back and forth, feeling Rising Star’s fleshy ring rubbing up against her nubbin with each pelvic thrust. Her frenzied motion soon caused her to have another explosive climax. She laughed after the wave broke, feeling free, feeling as though she was flying. She loved the unicorn beneath her and she was no longer afraid. Her manic pelvic jerking caused Rising Star’s penile ring to keep rubbing over her now swollen and throbbing nub.

Rising Star felt nearly delirious. He had no control as he was being rutted silly. He couldn’t even see straight anymore. He dug his forelegs into Loch Skimmer’s hips and held on. None of Bucky’s advice had prepared him for this. Finally, he wrestled some control from the filly and began to thrust his own hips upward, feeling a need for release. He felt Loch climax once again and she eased off, becoming a bit more passive and letting him work out his own frustrations. Rising Star let go completely and shagged the needy pegasus with everything he had, and he was pent up. Seeing her long tongue dangling from the corner of her mouth and flapping around pushed him over the edge. He thrust upwards and held her in place, releasing his load and gritting his teeth as he felt himself pumping out seed into her volcanic valley. He gave a few final pumps and then lay still.

Loch Skimmer ground her hips a few last times, grimaced, and then rolled away. She collapsed on her back beside Rising Star and let out a few final whinnies.

Sparkler eased herself down beside her herdmates and fanned her over overheated filly bits with her hoof. “I love both of you so much right now,” Sparkler whispered.

“I can’t believe I was afraid of that,” Loch Skimmer said in a loud voice.