MLDC Next Generation: Know Fear!

by Michael_Ravencroft


Across the infinite number of stars, a blue planet floats in an unknown solar system. Oddly enough, this solar system orbits, not the sun, but a blue planet at its center. Unknown to this planet, heading towards it at a speed that many of its inhabitants could barely fathom, were two shooting stars. One was fiery orange and the other a wispy violet-pink.

These two stars had been streaking through the universe, searching, seeking, and looking for something or someone specific. These two stars were now within the general vicinity of the blue planet and were about to pass it by, like they had done for many others thus far.

Suddenly the two stars stopped, hovering in the emptiness of space. They blinked rapidly until they finally shined and took off towards the planet they were just about to pass by. Their long journey had come to an end...

[Avarice detected.]

[Love detected.]