//------------------------------// // 1 // Story: Yonder Wandered Fluttershy // by Darkonshadows //------------------------------// It all started on an average day in Equestria, as every pony knows nothing about a day on the world of Equus was average. One shy pony was about to go beyond her comfort zone, so far in fact that there is no such thing as understatement in this fact. A pony with a silken pink mane, four soft fuzzy hooves, two adorable fluffy feathered wings, ocean blue eyes, three butterflies marking her flanks and the voice of a dove. This was the least likely pony to go on adventure unless she was along for the ride as a guest. Her name was Fluttershy; she was sweet, kind and adorable. If there was ever an angel born of normal flesh, this would be it in a nutshell. Said angel was about to go on a mentally scarring adventure and it all starts with a rabbit named as such. It wouldn’t be all scars though as she was about to see things that were amazing, far and beyond the scope of her small town life which was already chaotic enough for her. Angel the rabbit was a playful and rambunctious, he could be grumpy at times but he truly cared about Fluttershy and was smart enough to take care of things when she was too tired to work. His workload was about to increase exponentially and it was Angels fault that his favorite pony in existence disappeared to infinity and beyond. He wouldn’t stop crying for weeks straight but this isn’t his story. “Angel, come back!” Fluttershy chased after her pet rabbit, the reason is not really the important. She could have been chasing Angel because he was in a playful mood, he could have stolen something and Fluttershy was just getting it back for the owner, whatever the reason Fluttershy was chasing Angel. The shy pony chased her rabbit on hoof, she could have caught him sooner had she bothered to use her wings and fly after him. The following situation could have been avoided in that circumstance. As far as the narrative is concerned, this was an event that was entirely unavoidable since Fluttershy was a patient and gentle creature at heart. She wasn’t about to roughhouse with the rabbit despite him wanting it. Elsewhere a purple pony named Twilight Sparkle, the most magically gifted pony who found residence and home in Ponyville was practicing a spell. This spell was rather important given it was called a bubblehead spell, a spell used to help a pony explore underwater and handle large amounts of pressure while making sure the being under its effects has air. As you can surmise, Twilight had accidentally launched the spell out a window having missed herself in the mirror and didn’t think twice about it or if it would cause a problem, not to mention the strength of the spell would make it last for a few days at least. Twilight hardly cared about the actions or results of her spells, it took her quite a long while to turn that orange jay back into blue jay. There was also the frog she turned partially into an orange, the one which she didn’t return to normal until after Fluttershy brought it to her attention a month later. The reason why it took her so long to deal with the frog was because it was the very frog that slapped her in the face. Said frog was one that Fluttershy was moving to Froggy Bottom Bog a long while ago and she was still holding a grudge against it for hopping out of the sky bound transport and landing on her face on purpose. No guesses as to who the spell hit. “Oh my goodness, um… some pony… help? Some pony I seem to be kind of stuck.” Instead of encompassing her head, it encircled her entire body. Given the strength of the spell Fluttershy couldn’t pop the bubble and she pushed her hooves against it. She tried several times to pop the bubble, biting, poking it with a feather or slapping at it with her tail were all failures. “Hey Fluttershy, you’re looking a little trapped there.” Rainbow giggled and bumped the bubble making it go higher, being a weather mare she thought the bubble would pop as soon as it hit a cold enough atmosphere. She was sorely mistaken and would later recall the last time she saw Fluttershy floating straight up into sky. “Could you maybe… Rainbow… oh when will this bubble pop? I need to catch angel, I also really need get back to Ponyville to meet up with Rarity at the spa.” The severity of her situation was not yet known to her, until she floated by the upper atmosphere without getting cold and only then did the true panic set it as the world grew smaller and she could clearly see both the sun and moon in the sky. “Oh no, oh no, what do I do? There’s no oxygen out here… if the bubble pops…” Inhaling deeply, Fluttershy closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them to a sight that would stay with her for what she thought was the rest of her life. As short as it admittedly would be if the bubble were to pop while she was in open space, she tried to put the idea of her imminent demise out of her mind. Though there was the niggling thought of all the friends and loved ones who’d miss her when she passed on. If the bubble never popped she would die of starvation, she was glad that she had already eaten lunch and had a snack in a single solitary carrot in the saddlebags she currently wore. The sight was beautifully rendered in her eyes, she could see the universe as her bubble drifted further and further away from the planet. The stars, the sun, the blue and green world that was her home for most of her young life and now she was being taken by the universe but at least she would enjoy the view. Sighing she watched as her world drifted away and she started crying, how could it end like this? Slowly Fluttershy closed her eyes and decided to go to sleep; she’d rather go while slumbering then awake in what would be a painful manner. Her demise was guaranteed; only now it was all a waiting game and was only a matter of when she died which could be measured in minutes or hours as far as she was concerned being trapped in a seemingly endless abyss. Fluttershy hoped this was all a nightmare and that it was not really happening to her.