Dimensional Circumstance

by Winter Rush

Chapter 6: An Unexpected Surprise

The portal opened above a green, grassy field and we all fell out on top of each other. I blinked my dizzy eyes and looked around. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were stood waiting. I looked up at them in shock.
"Well done Rush!" Cried Princess Celestia. "You passed the test!"
I continued to stand there in shock, as the ponies I had saved from the other dimension gathered in a circle around me, clapping their hooves.
"W-what test?" I said, finally recovering from the shock.

"Everything you did in that other dimension was a test. We princesses ordered for you to be 'kidnapped' and brought to a different dimension where you would be tested on your skills. The cameras in the building monitored your progress and you did pretty well!" Smiled Twilight.
"What?! But what about those 'humans' or whatever they called themselves that I killed?" I spluttered in fury.
Princess Twilight laughed. "They were hundreds of billions of nanites coated with a special gel to form the shape of a bipedal creature."
"Alexei seemed real enough!"
"No, no, no, no. Alexei wasn't real! You did well killing him." Said Rainbow Dash.
"BUT HE K-K-KILLED M-M... Minuette..." I broke down into tears.
"Winter, she can be healed." Came Luna's soft voice.
"S-she c-can?" I stuttered. The tears slowed down and I looked up.

I did as she asked and watched in awe as the magic from the three princesses was focused onto Minuette and the cuts and bruises began to heal. She was lifted onto her hooves and she opened her eyes.
"Uurgh... What the hell happened?" She said groggily, holding her hoof to her head.
I sat on the grass, my mouth wide open.
"Err... Hey everypony? How's it going...?" She laughed nervously.
"So all of you were in on this?" I shouted.
Each and everypony nodded nervously.
"B-but we got you something for passing the test..." Started Lyra.
A storm of anger hung over my head.
"Come on Minuette, we're going home."

I grabbed her and stormed off, leaving the other ponies stood in the circle, mouths open in sheer shock.
Princess Celestia spoke to the other ponies. "I think Rush is just in shock. We'll just leave the present outside his house and he'll get it when he's calmed down."
The other ponies nodded.


There was a bang. He awoke. There was a noise of fire crackling. His neck was no longer facing at that strange angle and he was thankful that he couldn't feel pain. Nanites couldn't feel or transmit pain.
Alexei stood. His body had repaired itself. He stood and looked out at his ruined compound. His guards may be dead, but he certainly wasn't.
He took one last look and walked away.