Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Holy Dawn VS Breaking Dawn

Chapter 109

Jun licked his lips as Twilight walked across the room and towards the bed.

She swayed her flank side to side, lustfully.

But, before she reached the bed, she saw a piece of paper with her name on it on the desk.

She, being her curious self, forgot about Lance for a few seconds and trotted over to the desk.

"Huh, Twi? Sex?" Lance said from the bed.

She held up a hoof, "One second." She levitated the paper up to her face and unfolded it.

'Twilight, there are two of me, Lance. The real me has a cut on his face. So please don't get confused.'

Twilight furrowed her brow and looked at Lance. She looked at his face to see no cuts.

Her gaze slowly narrowed, making Lance shift uneasily.

"Where's Lance?" She said calmly as her horn sparked slightly.

The fake Lance gulped, "What? I am the real Lance. Don't you know your own husband girl?"

Twilight lowered her head, "For starters, Lance wouldn't call me 'girl'."

The impostor gulped, "Oh shit."


Faster... GO FASTER!

I pushed myself as hard as I could, flapping my wings furiously.

[Lance.... teleportation.]

I stopped with a jolt and facehoofed, "Of course!"


I appeared in the library to find it empty.

<Got it.>

My HUD came up to show that I was indeed alone in the library.

"What the fudge?" I said aloud.

[I have a feeling we've been duped.]
[Let's get back to the house.]

I sighed and focused again.


I appeared in my bedroom and.... what the hell?

Twilight had Jun tied to the wall and was repeatedly screaming out a single question, and when she didn't get a answer, she would throw a random object at him. The thing was, Jun was gagged.

I sighed and walked up behind her, "You know Twi, he can't answer you if he's gagged."

She turned and smiled, "Lance!" She then blushed, "Oops, I guess I wasn't thinking clearly."

I shrugged, and walked over to Jun, "What did he do?" I pulled the ropes, causing him to fall to the ground.

"He was trying to have sex with me." Twilight said while she glared at Jun.

He was... Oh hell no! "You were what?!"

He stood up and glared, "Fucking fine! I want to be the only fucking Lance! I want your life!"

I chuckled, "Not gonna happen, so lets just..."

"FUCK YOU! I want to be the dominate Lance! And I'll do anything to make that happen." He screamed out. He then smirked, "Your cut is gone."

It is? Damn, stupid body and its stupid way of fixing me!

Before I could say anything, he jumped on me and began to roll around.

We rolled across the room and hit the wall before we jumped apart.

He shook his head, "What the hell was that for?!"

I looked at him in shock, "Me? Why did you jump on me?!"

He also looked shocked, "What? You jumped on me!"

I shook my head, "NO! You jumped on me!"

"Which one of you is the fake Lance?!" Twilight screamed out as she held a wooden chair in front of her using her magic.

We both pointed at each other and said, "He's the fake Lance!"

Twilight looked between us and slowly advance, "Tell me!"

Idea! "Okay Twi, the real Lance can not die. So hit the one you think is the fake Lance."

*POW* *CRASH* Thud*

I fell to the ground with all remains of the chair around me. My head was throbbing like crazy.

I forced my self to stand and looked at her, "What the hell Twi?! I was the one talking! Why would I tell you that if I was the fake Lance?!"

She smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, I though it was a trick."

Jun suddenly jumped into me and began to spun us around, he then jumped back, both of us in different spots.

I quickly pointed at Jun, "He's the fake Lance! Hit him Twi!"

*POW* *Thud*

I fell to the floor again, this time taking a blow from a heavy book.

I stood and screamed, "TWILIGHT! I told you to hit him! Not me!"

She smiled awkwardly, "I thought it was another trick..."

Jun jumped forward again, but I sidestepped. And, knowing me, I tripped.

He twisted around and jumped on me and began to twist us around. Again, we parted.

This is getting old!

Jun pointed at me, "Let's try this again Twi! He's the impostor!"

Oh, he just made a mistake, Twilight was going to hit....


i flew across the room after taking a nightstand to the side, and I swear, it was going at mach two when it hit me... stupid magic!

I winced in pain from the broken bones in my body, but they began to reform to each other, very painful.

I began to stomp like a kid who didn't get what they wanted, "Twilight! You hit the wrong Lance! AGAIN!"

She sighed, "I give up. I can't get this right."

I nodded, "Yeah, I think I can handle this."

Jun smirked, "And I know how we can settle this." He instantly went into Breaking Dawn mode, "We fight it out."

I shook my head, "No, there's other ways you know."

He spat on the ground, "Nope, just fight."

I sighed, "You forced me." I instantly changed into my angel form, Holy Dawn.

He smiled and jumped forward, but I caught him in mid-air with one hoof, "Oh no, not here."


"Here." I said as I dropped him on the ground. We were now in a open field miles away from Ponyville.

He stood and laughed, "Yeah, don't want to destroy our house."

"My house. Now tell me, why are you like this? You're suppose to be me." I said as I hovered in mid-air, forelegs crossed.

He shrugged, "No idea, I just feel the need to."

He then smirked and shoot upward, catching me by surprise. He slammed his head into my gut, knocking the air out of me.

I gasped and reached down and grabbed him by the waist. I then threw him downward, were he hit the ground with a sickening thud.

I flew down and landed in front of him, "Please, we don't have to fight."

"WE DO!" He yelled out as he slammed his hind leg into my jaw. I followed the momentum of the kick and spun around. I then slammed my hoof into the side of his head.

He flew to the ground, but instantly shot up again, "Stop it!" He shot forward and slammed his fist into my snout, breaking it.

I stumbled back as the smoke from the burnt fur on my snout rose upward. I could feel the bones in my snout mending themselves, and it's even worst then getting hit! Wow, that pain!

I shook it off and ran forward. I then jumped into the air and performed a somersault. As I came down, I slammed my hind legs into his head, knocking him to the ground. I then used his head as a platform and jumped back into the air. This time, I came down on his back, knocking the air out of him and knocking him unconscious.

I stood up and dusted myself off.

[Oh yeah! We're bad!]
<You do know that we only won because he is us and is only as strong as we are, right?>
[Fuck you, I'm enjoying our little victory over here!]

I chuckled and put my hoof to his head, "To the dungeon with you." He then disappeared.

Now to send a letter to Frederic.


I reappeared in my room and chuckled. It feels like everything is happening really fast. I mean, that fight was like what, twenty seconds?

I shrugged and picked up a piece of paper and a pencil. I used my mouth to write out a message telling Frederic what to do with the fake Lance. I then quickly sent it.

That's one problem solved, now to get to...


A piece of paper appeared out of nowhere and slammed into my face.

I groaned and picked it up, and my groan turned to a cheer. It was from Graze! I quickly opened it.

'Hey Lance! I'm doing fine, studies suck as usual. How you doing? And how is Twilight being pregnant? ALSO! I'M GOING TO BE A GOD FATHER!!

P.S- Kill says, 'WWASSSSAAAAAPPPPPP!' and Joy wants to know how Dawn is going.'

<Yay! Joy!>
<Not gay, just good friends.>

I chuckled and yet again wrote out a letter.

'Howdy Graze! Yep, going cowboy over here. Anyway, doing fine, but there's so much I want to tell you. But, I don't think this paper is big enough to hold all that, so I'll wait till the next time we meet in person, or pony.

Twilight is no longer pregnant, she gave birth soon after you left. It's a colt! Buck yeah! We named him Spark, and thanks to Greg, he's already two years old. Also, I have an adopted daughter, but that's a long story. Let's just say this, if you ever come here, and meet a mare named Vinetion, don't let her use her plant magic to show you a trick. Fair warning.

A God Father? Sweet, to who?

Tell Kill that Break said, 'Bro, we got to hang sometime! We gots a new form to try on you!'. As for Dawn, he's doing great.

The brony who sorta cares,

Long letter, but meh. I rolled it up and put it on my hoof. It then disappeared in a flash of green fire... where does that even come from?

I twisted around and trotted out of the bedroom and down the hall and into the living room. Where is Twilight? *Sigh* Where did she run off to in that short time period?

<Hey Lance. As much as I love our angel form, can we please go back to normal?>

Oops, forgot I was still in that form. A flash filled the room as I turned back to normal.

I looked around and sighed. Well, time to go for a little flight!

I galloped to the door and opened it. I then ran out and... slammed into a poor pony who was just walking by Dali's house.

We tumbled to the ground, causing all his things to scatter across the ground.

I sat up and looked at the large mess I had made, then I looked at the pony I had ran into, "I am so sorry!"

The pony sat up and tried to look me in the face, but instead stared past me, "I-It's fine."

I stood up and looked the pony over. He was a maroon coated earth pony with a shaggy light brown mane and short tail. His cutie mark was a pen on a blank sheet of paper. He was wearing a white wind breaker and what looked to be metal shoes.

When he stood, I was in slight shock. He was bigger than most ponies I knew, but was also smaller than a Alicorn. He had a slender build, but didn't look all that fit. He looked like he barely ate, which is strange. The only real muscle I could see was on his legs, meaning he must travel a lot.

The OC of Arby Works.

I looked at the mess again, "I'm really sorry. I wasn't watching were I was going. Do you want my help?"

He hung his head and surveyed the mess, "No, I got it."

Suddenly, all of his things lifted up, wrapped in a soft glow, and were placed back in his saddlebag.

He's a unicorn? His horn must be hidden by his mane.

I held out my hoof, "Names Lance, Lance Greenfield."

He looked at my hoof, a blank expression on his face. He slowly raised his hoof and shook mine, "Mines Chibi Masato."

Strange name, "Brony?"

He looked at me, well, past me, "No, I'm not one of those 'bronies'."

I slowly nod, "Oh, I see. Can I do anything to make up for running into you?"

He shook his head, "No, I'm fine."

I raised a hoof, "Well, I feel guilty, so I'm going to do something nice for you."

"You don't have to..." He began.

I quickly interrupted him, "Listen, I'm a nice guy, and I just want to do something nice."

He sighed, "Okay, fine. What are you going to do?"

I smiled, "Let you meet my friends."

He shagged, "But.... I...."

Wow, how shy is this guy? "Don't worry, they're all nice..." Lie...

He looked around, "If I do this, can you do something for me?"

I nodded happily, "Sure, anything you want."

He looked at me, and I mean right at me this time, "Will you let me do a drawing of you?"

Strange... but then again, "Sure."

He somewhat smiled, "Thanks."

I waved a hoof, "No problem."

[Take him to Greg first!]
{No. We're going to go see Peter first.}
[Awww... no fun.]

I pointed in the general direction of Ponyville and smiled, "You ever been to Ponyville?"

He gave a small nod, "Yes, it's a nice little town. Why do you ask?"

I chuckled, "A few of my friends live there. We'll be going there to meet them."

He gulped slightly and nodded, "S-Sounds good to me."

I twisted, "Shall we walk or teleport?"

"Teleport, but I don't know that spell." He said shyly.

I chuckled, "I got this."