//------------------------------// // Hanging Out // Story: The Pink Roomate // by bakersong //------------------------------// I finish my notes of my last class for the day, and start walking towards the door with a smile. It has been a long time since we had a little group get together like this, even without Divey. Though that did remind me to look him up sometime and see if he does want to hang out sometime. Of course my smile was mostly because of the date later today, despite the part of me that still has doubts about this. Though I know I need to at least attempt dating again if I'm gonna get over my ex any time soon. But thinking about the date made me look at my watch, reading a little past two. Korona probably wouldn't be over until between three and four, so that left me a little time to get everything put away. It also gave me enough time to call my mom knowing she would want to know about my first day of classes. Also, I would have to tell her that I did start dating again, which I was actually looking forward to. Why would I look forward to telling my mom that I'm dating again? Simple, she has been trying to set me up on blind dates two weeks before coming here. So it will be nice to not have her breathing down my neck trying to force me into dating somepony I really don't know, or even if I did we weren't exactly friends. As I walked back to my apartment, a few people and ponies who came to the part last night stopped and talked for a minute. Though I didn't stay for more than that minute, telling them I had to prepare for something. Some of them kind of guessed exactly what it was, seeing as how they saw me and Korona head to my room. By the time I got back into my apartment, I gave a sigh of relief of not being told how awesome the part was. I look up at the clock that had been set up seeing it was now fifteen till three, so I headed to my room and put my bag and books away. I get my phone and bring up my contacts, automatically going to my mom's number hoping she wasn't too busy. "Hello honey, how was your first day?" My mom asked as soon as she answered the phone. "Pretty good, and it seems easy enough right now." I answered. "That's good to hear. So, how was the party last night?" I could hear a tone that told me I was probably going to be in trouble if I didn't tell her the truth. "The part was great, I mean I had a few drinks but I wasn't flat out drunk." I replied. "At least you thought about your classes, but did you meet anyone last night?" She asked, making me give a sigh. "Yeah, I did actually. Do you remember Korona?" I asked. "You mean that pretty Zebra that Georgie, Divey, and you hung out with?" She asked, and I could hear the hidden tone be replaced with a little more excitement. "The one you had a crush on and everything? Is that who you met? Because I had heard she had enrolled there, but I didn't think you two would meet each other, or even remember each other." "I assure you that we do remember each other, though we didn't recognize each other, or at least I didn't recognize her at first. And before you ask, I guess I still have a bit of a crush on her." I said, and I could hear my mom squeal a little. "That's so good to hear sweetie! I'm so glad you finally got back out there after the past month, and to think it's with your old high school crush to! So, did you two have fun?" I started reddening, not liking how she asked that. "Um, y-yeah we had fun. We mostly talked, mostly about current things in our life and a little about the past. I mean we're gonna catch up more later today." I answer. "That's good, I hope you have fun on that date then. Also, what fun did you exactly have with her? Did you two dance, kiss, or more fun than that?" Again, my face reddened. "Um, w-we did have our first kiss, and a goodnight kiss." I said, trying to avoid the actual question. "Well, knowing you, you probably had her wrapped in your arms snuggling up to her. I mean, you were my little snuggle bug when you were little." She said, making me groan. "Alright, fine I did snuggle up to her. I can't help it, and you know that mom," I said making her laugh. "As long as you used protection, and have some more fun. I have to get back to a meeting, but I love you." She said. "Love you too," I replied. "Oh, hold on, your dad wants to say hi as well." I get a little smile on my face, even if he was just my step father, I still consider him my actual dad. "How are you doing?" I hear him ask. "Pretty good all and all," I replied. "So your mom wasn't giving you much of a hard time then?" He asked. "Well, she kept pressing a little about what happened last night, but not much." I answer. "That's good to hear, and I'm glad it seems you're finally getting over your heartbreak." He said. "Mostly, I just have a few doubts, but I think this could be good for me." I said, giving a sigh. "Good, keep that thought. But, how's your magic doing?" He asked. "Still about the same, though I did learn a new night vision spell from a classmate." I answered. "Really? What's so different about this one?" He asked. "It will not only allow me to see in the night time, like it suggest, but it should also act like a GPS. Though from what the guy told me, it's a lot more reliable," I said. "Hmm, then when either you come visit us, or we come visit you, you can teach me that spell." He said. "Yeah, but hey dad, I think I'm gonna get off and get ready to go out." I said. "Okay, and love ya." He said. "Love you too dad," I said before hanging up, and just in time as I hear a knock at the front door. "Coming!" I get up and walk out of my room and to the front door. "Sheesh, about time. I was knocking for like five minutes now," Georgie said walking in. "Hey to you to, and sorry I was just talking to my parents." I said, watching as she went to the fridge and got out a orange soda. "I take ti that they heard about last night?" Georgie asked, giving me a look that asked if she should take cover for a little while. "Yeah, and they both seemed happy that I was back on the dating scene. Though my mom was excited to know that it was Korona, and did you know she knew about my crush?" I asked. "That's no surprise considering who your mom is, and hey I'm glad you two ended up together. Though where is Korona? I thought you two had a date today?" Georgie asked. "We do, but we decided to hold off for later so all three of us could get caught back up. She should be here anytime now really," I said, and I give her a look. "What?" Georgie asked shrugging her shoulders. "Did you have anything to do with what happened last night?" I asked. "Hey now, you know I don't swing that way, and me and you are just friends. That and I figure Korona would have done that part," Georgie said making me roll my eyes. "Georgie please, I know that you had something to do with how me and Korona kissed last night. But my question is, who did you drag in to make it happen?" I asked. "Oh, the kiss. Yeah, that was me and Twilight that did that." Georgie admits. "Wait, how did you manage to convince her to do that?" I asked, more than a little confused. "Believe or not, she seems a lot more laid back than what she used to be like." Georgie said, supporting a huge grin. "And it worked out for the best, I mean it got you a new marefriend, and some much needed action." "Speaking of getting some action, how did it go with Applejack?" I asked. "That orange pony knows her way around, so it was pretty good. So, did you snuggle up to her afterwards?" Georgie asked, making me give an annoyed sigh. "First my mom, and now you. But if you must know, yes and I can't help it, I mean if someone or something is laying next to me, I usually end up snuggling it." I replied, though I got a little grin on my face. "But knowing you, you had a lot to drink right?" "Oh no, you aren't planning on doing what I think you are." Georgie said. "I have no idea what you're talking about," I said with my eyes glowing, and then a low ringing could be heard. "Stop it, Brandon I'm warning you. You know what happened last time I had a little hangover like this, and you did this." Georgie gave me a death glare. "Yeah, but this is too funny and I'm a lot better at defending myself then what I used to be." I said, adjusting my magic and then all of a sudden her wings jutted out. "Oh come on!" Georgie said, making me drop to the ground laughing. "You little, you know this is going to last a few hours! Now how am I going to get around town without being completely humiliated?" "J-just pass it off l-like excitement..." I managed to say in between laughing. "What's going on?" Suddenly Pinkie was there and also laughing before noticing Georgie. "What happened?" "Oh, she was just thinking about Applejack," I said managing to contain myself for only a second. "Oooh, I see," Pinkie said before she started to giggle again before breaking into full on laughter. "Hmmph, this is just great. Not only do I have to deal with this from you, now I have to deal with it from your roommate? And this wasn't caused because of me thinking about Applejack, it was because he knows a spell that when casted on me when I'm suffering from a hangover my wings go stiff." Georgie huffed. "So you were thinking about Applejack then?" I asked. "No duh, considering what we were talking about before. I should really beat you to a pulp," Georgie said giving a sigh. "A-alright, now that the fun's over, Korona said she'll be in in twenty minutes. One of her classes ran late and she wants to put her stuff away before she comes over," Pinkie said wiping tears away. "Makes sense I guess," I said shrugging my shoulders. "Yeah, I can wait a little extra. Nothings really going on right now," Georgie said. "So, you two up for a game?" Pinkie asked, making me look at her. "We don't even have a t.v in the living room, how are we gonna play a game unless you mean board game?" I asked. "We so do have a t.v, it arrived like after you left. Apparently they meant to deliver it yesterday, but had a few issues with it." Pinkie said, pointing to the living room with a fully set up fifty inch flat screen. "That wasn't there when I came in," Georgie said looking as confused as I was. "Because I just set it up, now who wants to play?" Pinkie asked, holding up three controllers. "Wait, hold on. Who was this for?" I asked. "It was for you, I signed for it since you left for class already." Pinkie answered as I took a controller. "Sheesh, your mom really wants your college time to be enjoyable doesn't she?" Georgie asked, giving me a little smile. "Shut up wing girl," I said making me get a smirk as she grumbled over to the couch saying how she'll kick my butt in any video game.