//------------------------------// // The Lightning Run // Story: The New Canterlot Kingdom and Horsicane Bay // by JasmineRebeckah //------------------------------// This ride is from Kentucky Kingdom/ Hurricane Bay / Lightning Run "Come on, Twilight! Let's ride the Lightning Run!" Rainbow Shimmer grabbed. Twilight's arm and ran towards the entrance. Today was Canterlot High's special day for the rides. So the park was practically empty! "Okay, who's riding with who?" Pinkie Pie asked. "I'm going to um, sit this one out. I don't like roller coasters..." Fluttershy sat on a bench and waved. "Come on, Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash called. "It's not that bad. It's totally AWESOME! I love roller coasters!" "I'm not as brave as you..." Fluttershy shrugged. "Go have a good time." "If you're sure!" Rainbow Shimmer shrugged. "I don't want you to miss out." Fluttershy nodded, and the remaining six girls ran in through the entrance. "I'll ride with Rarity," Twilight Sparkle decided once they were under the platform where the roller coaster launched off. "Okay," Rarity nodded, patting the bun on top of her hair to prevent tangles. "Maybe Pinkie Pie and Applejack?" "Okay, that just leaves me and Rainbow Dash." Rainbow Shimmer smiled. "Want to ride up in the very front car?" "Yes! So awesome!" Rainbow Dash high fived Rainbow Shimmer. Once the girls got to the top, Lyra Heartstrings, Derpy Hooves, Bon Bon and Candy Mane were already waiting. The four girls were standing to wait for the back of the roller coaster. Rainbow Shimmer and Rainbow Dash jumped into the line at the front. "This is my very first roller coaster. I can't wait!" Rainbow Shimmer exclaimed. "It's so fun! Oh! Here it is!" Pinkie Pie squealed, jumping around. The bright blue roller coaster rolled into the loading platform. Rainbow Shimmer grinned, and climbed into the first car with Rainbow Dash. Both girls smiled and awaited departure. Once the roller coaster started going up to the highest point, Rainbow Shimmer screamed, "Woo-hoo! This is fun!" "It'll get way cooler!" Rainbow Dash replied, pointing at the top. "We're almost there." "What have I gotten myself into?!" Rainbow Shimmer shrieked, staring down at the drop. Twilight gave a whoop, and everyone was speeding down! "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!" Rainbow Shimmer screamed, holding onto the bar in front of her. Rainbow Dash had her hands up!! How?! Wondered Rainbow Shimmer. At the nearly- upside down part, Rainbow Shimmer had one arm off the bar. Finally, as the coaster was snaking around near the ground, she had both of her hands up. This was not scary, it was fun!! Roller coasters were AWESOME!!! As the girls climbed out the other side, Rainbow Shimmer screamed, "Best ride ever!!"