//------------------------------// // {Sad/Slice of Life} We all need friends // Story: Spilight Scenarios // by Thebravenorse //------------------------------// Spilight Scenarios Scenario Six: We all need friends "This worlds waters of sadness may drown us into the pits of insanity. But a friend 'ship' will keep you afloat". ~ Thebravenorse At this moment we find ourselves with Twilight, as she was trotting through the halls of Canterlot Castle. It was late at night so the only sounds around her were the owls outside and the depressing sighs she would let out every now and a then. The sad look in her eyes told it all. She was lonely. Every since becoming a princess 100 years ago she had become more and more distant from everyone. Then one day (years ago), when she finally had a break from her work, Twilight discoverer that all her friends had died of old age. All her time working and trying to become the perfect princess had made Twilight blind to the changes of the world. And everyone in it. She had no one to really call... friend anymore. A tear fell down her cheek. An even sadder part was that she had begun to see shadows of her dead friends everywhere. It started getting so bad, that Twilight separated herself from the other Princess. Was it just in her mind or were they really there... watching her. It had been so long since she had been held by her mother and father. So long since she had a day to just hang out with friends. Sure she had the other Princess, but... she still.. missed them. Her family and friends that is. She bowed her head and started to cry in the darkness. She was totally alone once again. Until... “Hey Twilight, are you alright?” Spoke a soft voice. Twilight looked up see her old assistant, Spike. About ten years ago Spike had left Canterlot, and began to travel around the world. It was really hard on Twilight, but it looks as if he has finally returned. Hopefully for good. Twilight dried her eyes and smiled weakly. “Hello Spike...” she hugged him. “Its so good to see you”. Spike hugged back and then pulled away. The drake looked into her eyes. “Twilight, whats wrong?” Twilight looked away. Only to have Spike return her gaze to him. He smiled warmly. “Twi, remember you can tell me anything...” Spike winked. “I am your friend after all”. Twilight's eyes widened. 'Friend.... friend. I have a friend...'. Twilight then smiled with a crazy look in her eye. Without warning, Twilight jumped onto Spike and pushed him to the floor. “Ahh!” yelped Spike, falling onto his back. “Friend! Friend! Spikes my Friend!” Cried Twilight, hysterically. Spike didn't know what the hell to make of this situation. Here was Twilight, one of the most logical and serious mares in the world, hugging him and cheering like a crazy child who hadn't seen his/hers family in years. I mean a hug was expected, but this... 'Celesta and Luna were right... Twilight had gone completely insane' Thought Spike, remembering what their letter had told him. Now a normal pon- dragon would push the mare off himself and call the stallions with the white straitjackets to take her away. But to Spike, this wasn't an insane mare. This was his best friend. His oldest friend. And this was a mare desperately needing a friend. And he would never make the mistake of leaving her again. Spike smiled and wrapped his arms around the alicorn. Twilight continued to cry out his name in between sobs of joy. Until she began to quiet down. So still crying, with a yawn, she spoke. “P-Please... don't l-leave me again”. Spike brushed his claw through her mane as she yawned again. “Don't you worry Twilight...” he kissed her forehead. “I'll always be your friend, and I will never leave you again”. That seemed to clam the last of her nerves. Because then she started drifting off to sleep. Noticing out of the corner of her eye, that the shadows of her friends smiled and diapered. Almost as if they just wanted to make sure that she wasn't lonely anymore, before they had finally moved on. And with that, Twilight fell asleep. Knowing that when she would awake, her friend Spike, would still be there.... {Just some music to help with the feels. Also, I wrote this story with inspiration from this song)