
by Platen Rhyme

A Birthday Flower

Today marked Lily’s ninth birthday and I wanted to give her something special. I woke up before the shine of dawn and went to the park to go flower picking. I searched for an hour to find the right one. I finally found it. A beautiful white lily. Large enough to blossom in her eyes. I knew she would love it. I stuck it behind my ear and started heading my way to the hospital.

I trotted through the automatic doors with a smile well from cheek to cheek. I couldn't wait to see the smile across her own face when I gave her the flower and wished her a happy birthday. I bumped the door open with my hoof and poked my head in. I spoke into the room with a cheery tone.

“Hello there? Is there a beautiful princess in here?”

But no pony answered. I said hello once more but again no answer. I entered the room quietly wondering if she was still asleep. But boy was I wrong. There Lily lied on the bed, an IV in her arm and smaller tubes entering her nostrils. She was breathing softly so there was still signs of life, but not very good signs. I ran to her bedside, the white lily fluttering to the floor behind me. Tears soon filled up my eyes.

“You’re going to be okay Lily, we won’t let this take you away. We’re trying our best and soon you’ll be good as new. You’ll be okay. Because princesses never die.”

I picked up the lily and rested it by her side. A tear drop hit the blanket as I backed away, wanting to give her time alone. I just wished she was conscious to know I was there. To show her that I care, that I wont let anything bad happen to her. As I closed the door I softly whispered,

“Happy birthday Lily...”