//------------------------------// // Day 3 // Story: Priceless // by TheMasterofDespair //------------------------------// Day 3 “Wake up,” said Trixie, gently shaking Diamond back and forth. With a tired groan, Diamond opened her eyes to see Trixie standing beside the couch. “Good morning, filly.” Diamond let out another moan as she stared at Trixie’s overzealous smirk. “W-what day is it?” “Today, that’s what day it is.” “Uh-huh.” “Alright, now that you’re awake, you have fifteen minutes to get ready. We have a train to catch. Okay, hop to it.” Trixie then trotted into the other room, leaving a drowsy Diamond to her thoughts. Diamond rested her head back onto the arm of the couch, hoping to catch another wink of sleep. After a couple of minutes, she finally pushed herself off the couch. She let out a deep yawn, as she took a moment stretch out her body. “Ten minutes,” called Trixie from the next room. “Ten minutes,” repeated Diamond, in a sarcastic tone. Diamond began to roam around the living room, only coming to a stop when she noticed the bookshelf on the far end of the room. She walked up to it, and began browsing through all the books. Between the books Magic for Dummies and How to Get a Stallion, was a year old address book of Manehattan. Diamond gently pulled the book of the shelf and opened it up. She wasn’t sure why, but the first name she looked up was the name Orange. “Huh, so that’s where Babs lives.” She continued to browse through the book, now jumping over to the ‘B’ section. She checked everypony named Blue, but she could not find the name she was looking for. “Seven minutes,” said Trixie. Diamond turned to the ‘A’ section of the book, searching high and low for the name Amber. It was only after her 3rd time browsing down the list that she at last saw the name Blue Amber. Diamond took a moment to glance at the address. After letting out a deep sigh, she calmly closed the book and placed it back on the shelf. She walked away from the bookshelf and back over to the couch. For a few minutes she lay down on the couch and stared up at the ceiling. “Ahem.” Diamond looked over to now see Trixie standing beside the couch once again. “Alright, come on, we have to move quickly or we are going to miss the train.” “What about breakfast?” “You can get something to eat once we get back to Ponyville.” “But I’m hungry now.” “Fine, just get something to eat and let’s go.” Diamond left the living room and went into the kitchen. To her horror the room was a complete wreck. The food-stained dishes were piling up in the sink. They looked as though they haven’t been washed in days. The table was cover with rubbish from left to right, stacked up upon each other. Beside the counters was a garbage can that was already filled to the brim and seeping onto the floor. She crept through the kitchen, across the tattered tile floors until she reached the fridge. She opened the door to find it practically empty. The only thing that was in there was half a bottle of milk that had already expired, two eggs, one of which was cracked and some fruit, but as expected they were bruised and turning brown. Diamond shut the door, while trying to keep herself from throwing up. She backed away from the fridge and turned towards the exit. As she was about to leave the kitchen, in the corner of her eye she saw a shadow creep across the floor and disappear behind the fridge. She couldn’t tell what it was. It seemed too big to be a rat, but the mere sight of it was enough to get her to run out of the kitchen. “Okay, I’m not hungry anymore.” “Alright then. Let’s go.” The two ponies left the apartment and made their way to the train station. The train station was about two miles away, but knowing that there were still others out there searching for Diamond, Trixie made sure to take the less populated roads. Trixie was leading the way, smiling happily as she hummed to herself. Following shortly behind her was Diamond, who was desolately staring at the ground as she proceeded. So many thoughts were racing though Diamond’s little head. It was only a matter of time before she would be on that train back to Ponyville. After everything that had happened to her, all she wanted now was to be home, away from the terrors she had seen. But no matter how much she craved to be home, that voice kept ringing in her head, “Tell your mother’s about your bad attitudes.” It wouldn’t stop, it wouldn’t go away. She could hear it so clearly, piercing though her skull. Lost in her thoughts, she hadn’t realized that they had already reached the train station and were now waiting at the deck for the train to arrive. Each passing second felt more and more intense. Her hooves were beating against the wooden deck, as if ready for a race. She knew that she should stay, but her hooves were already running away. She ran, yet stopped, she couldn’t go any farther. She looked back to see Trixie, who had stomped down on her tail. “Where do you think you’re going?” “I’m not going back to Ponyville.” “Yes, you are.” “No, I can’t, I have stuff to do here.” “That’s none of Trixie’s concern. Now come on.” “No!” “Filly, you will do what Trixie tells you do to.” “No I won’t.” Diamond pushed Trixie back, breaking free of her grasp. She tried once more to run, but even then she couldn’t. Trixie had once again seized Diamond’s tail, now with her teeth. Diamond used all her might to try and escape, only to be outmatched. Their struggle brought them closer and closer to the end of the stations deck, until Trixie was right on the edge. Seizing the opportunity, Diamond spun around and leapt at Trixie knocking them both off the deck, causing Diamond to take an all too familiar fall into the mud. Mere seconds following their plunge, Diamond emerged back on the deck, her hooves, coat, and mane drenched in mud. However, the mud didn’t bother her. All that was on her mind was to escape from the train station as fast as she could. Immediately after she departed, one of Trixie’s mud soaked hooves sprung on to the deck. It was then followed by another. Trixie then climbed up to her torso. Her vivid blue mane was completely tarnished by the mud, as was the rest of her body. Trixie’s eyes burned with rage, as she screamed to the heavens, “YOU ARE SO DEAD!” Hastily Diamond ran back into the city streets. Fortunately for her, the mud that coated her was also concealing her as well. However, while the mud may have kept her hidden from the ponies around her, it was also leaving a trail for Trixie to follow. Diamond quickly ducked behind a parked carriage. She looked back to see if Trixie was coming her direction. As Diamond continued to stare down the sidewalk, a poof of magic appeared behind her. Within a sparkle of light, Trixie appeared out of thin air. Trixie quietly approached Diamond, who was unaware of her presence. Trixie leaned as close as she could to Diamond and whispered into her ear, “Razzle. Dazzle.” Diamond’s eyes nearly pop out of her skull when she heard Trixie’s voice. She tried to run once more, but before she could even move, Trixie had teleported in front of her. Diamond ran back in the other direction, only to come face to face with Trixie once more. They continued to repeat this pattern over and over until Trixie finally snapped. “Stop running!” Diamond, who was now panting heavily, finally came to a stop. With nowhere to run, Trixie used her magic to encase Diamond in an aura of purple light. Diamond struggled to escape, but Trixie’s magic was too strong. Diamond was now levitating upside down, several feet off the ground. “Let me go!” “No. Trixie has had enough of your games.” “Please somepony, help!” No matter how much she fought she couldn’t weaken Trixie’s hold. The more she struggled, the more the magic seemed to deplete her strength. Trixie continued to taunt Diamond, but her fun was soon interrupted when she heard a voice from behind her. “Is there a problem here?” Trixie spun around to be confronted by a policemare, who seemed quite ambiguous as to what was going on. “H-hello officer.” Trixie was slightly sweating, as fear consumed her vibrant purple eyes. “This is not what it looks like.” The policemare continued to glare at the nervous mare, who was subconsciously laughing to herself. ** ** ** On the other side of the city, wandering the busy streets was a filly with an orange-brown coat and a light red mane. She steadily made her way pass the many ponies, her eyes constantly glancing towards everypony that came into her sights. “Diamond!” shouted Babs. She had called her name numerous times already and just like all the times before she received no answer. As she continued forward, she spotted a diner that she and her friends would occasionally hang out at. She walked inside and strolled up to the front counter. “Hey Cold Cut, you there?” said Babs. After waiting for a couple of seconds a teenage pony wearing a waiter uniform arrived at the counter. “Yo Babs. Whatcha doing here?” “I’m looking for a filly named Diamond Tiara. I was hoping you may have seen her.” “Diamond Tiara, huh.” “Yeah. She’s pinkish and has this weird purple and white mane." “So, yer hoping to snag the prize as well.” “What are you talking about? What prize?” “You’ve musta heard?” Cold Cut pointed over at the bulletin board just off to the side. “That’s all everypony is talking about now.” Babs walked over to the bulletin board and stared at the picture of Diamond. “Huh, so that’s why everypony was after her.” Babs softly chuckled to herself. “I’m surprised she’s worth so much. I kind of see her more as two maybe three bits.” ** ** ** “I can’t believe you told them you were my mother!” snapped Diamond, as she and Trixie walked out of the police station. “I have a mother and she’s not some talentless showmare like you!” Trixie did not respond she just quietly strolled forward. “You are so lucky I decided to cover for you, otherwise you would be seeing your blue butt in jail. Again Trixie did not say a word. “Not that I’m complaining after you foulnapped me and assaulted me. Having you locked up would be a blessing for Equestria. Either way, I’ve had enough of you. So see ya, loser.” Diamond began walking in the opposite direction, only for Trixie to quickly catch up with her. Finally breaking her silence she said, “Wait right there. Trixie is not leaving here without you.” Diamond spun around. She knew it would be pointless to run. "Look, Trixie tried being nice, and she tried being mean, either way doesn’t seems to work with you." “So.” “So. Trixie has a third option. Maybe we can come up with some kind of an agreement. What do you think?” Diamond thought about it for a moment. “Alright, to begin with, I don’t like anypony telling me what to do, understand.” “Nor does Trixie.” “Also, I want you to show me some respect.” “You’ll get as much respect as you give to Trixie. Anything else?” “Yes, from now on we are going to do what I say, okay?” This thought sunk deep into Trixie’s skull. While she wanted to say no, that one word snuck out of her mouth. “Okay. Trixie will allow you to do whatever it is you need to do for the next twenty four hours. Then tomorrow night you will return to Ponyville without any problems whatsoever.” Trixie stretched her hoof forward. “Do we have a deal?” Diamond stretched her hoof forward, which the two then shook hoofs, “Deal.” “Alright, so what is it that you would like to do?” “We’ll discuss it more later. As of right now, I am hungry so we’re going to get something to eat.” “Alright, we will pick something up on the way home.” “No, no, no, we are going out to eat. In fact, we are going to a nice, expensive restaurant.” Trixie burst into laughter at Diamond's request. "If Trixie could afford something like that, she wouldn't even need to waste her time with you." “Fine, if it will make you happy, I will chip in.” “You'll chip in?” Trixie eyed Diamond. “You have money? How much?” Diamond stuck up her nose and turned away. “I don't see how that's any of your business.” “If Trixie has to lug your snooty, little backside around this town, then you better believe it's Trixie's business. Now give it here.” “I'll tell you what. Take me to that restaurant, and I'll let you have every bit I have, no questions asked. How does that sound?” “Trixie is not wasting money on some stuffy, overpriced lobster trap that substitutes fancy seasonings for portion sizes.” “Oh, I think Trixie is.” “And why is that?” Diamond cleared her throat. She glared around the streets, looking for anypony in sight. Instantly, she started jumping up and down shouting. “Help! This pony is offering me candy if I follow her into this dark alley.” “Shut up, shut up!” Trixie wrapped her hooves around Diamond’s mouth. Diamond’s eyes glanced up at Trixie, as Trixie stared back down at her. “Uhh, where do you want to go?” “Have you ever heard of a place called the Haystack? I’ve always wanted to go there.” ** ** ** At the Haystack restaurant, the two ponies sat at a table right beside a large stained glass window. They had already placed their orders and were now waiting for their food to arrive. Trixie was tapping her right hoof against the table, resting her head on her other hoof. Diamond Tiara sat directly opposite to Trixie, gently kicking her hooves back and forth. Her arms were crossed on the table, with her head relaxing upon them. Hoping to kill the awkward silence that surrounded them, Diamond said. “Ooh, I saw that you’re getting wine. I’ve never had wine before.” “This is not for you, besides you’re underage.” “Can I have a sip?” “No. Trixie needs it to kill this irritating pain.” “What pain?” “Oh nothing, it’ll hopefully be gone by tomorrow. So tell Trixie a little about yourself. For starters, why did you leave home?” “I just wanted to visit Manehattan, you know.” “That’s it? You ran away just to see this ghastly city?” “It’s not that bad. There’s at least more to do here than in Ponyville" “Your parents must be worried sick about you.” “Well, duh. Why else would my father offer such a huge reward?” “Then why did you leave.” “I told you, I came here to see the city.” “That can’t be the only reason. C’mon, tell Trixie the truth.” Diamond’s eyes wondered around the room, looking at everything in sight. She glanced back towards Trixie. With only one thought racing through her head, she replied. “You know you got a big butt.” “S’cuse me.” “I’m just saying, your butt is huge. You really need to go on a diet.” “Trixie’s....Trixie’s butt is fine. “I’m just trying to be honest. You know being a showmare and all, you should really think about losing some extra...” “Trixie’s butt it fine! It’s small, elegant, and perfectly firm! Trixie was nearly growling in anger. However, her rage soon depleted, when she noticed all the ponies staring at her. She slowly sank into her chair, her face as red as a ruby. Diamond placed her hoof on her mouth, trying to keep herself from laughing. Ignoring Diamond’s pity smirks, Trixie arose from her seat. “Trixie will be right back.” “Okay, see you when you get back, dough-mare.” Trixie stopped for a moment, not turning around. Her head was fuming in anger. She let out a groan as she continued forward. She entered the restroom, immediately rinsing her hooves in cold water. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. “Oh, Trixie, what have you gotten yourself into? That filly is going to be the death of you.” She took a deep breath. “You can’t put up with this forever.” “It’s not going to be forever,” Trixie replied to her reflection. Soon she’ll be home, and that hundred thousand bits will belong to Trixie.” “She’s more of a hoofful than you had thought.” “Trixie’s fine. She can deal with her. There’s nothing she can do that can break Trixie.” After rinsing her hooves for the fifth time, she left the restroom. She returned to her table to find that their order had already arrived. “Thank Celestia. Trixie’s starving.” “Trixie! Trixie! Yer back! I thought you went....away.” “Trixie just went to the restroom. Why are you yelling?” “I missed you so much. I thought you were never coming back.” Trixie’s eyes glance over to Diamond. She stared at her for a couple of seconds before returning to her plate. It was at that moment she noticed the opened wine bottle that was more than half empty. Trixie’s eyes widened, as she glanced back over at Diamond’s overzealous smile. “You little...” “Trixie!” “What.” "H-how do you like being a show...thing?” In a sarcastic tone Trixie replied. “Utterly fantastic.” “You dance on a pole?” “Grrr, no.” Too excited to keep still, Diamond kept teetering back and forth in the chair. “Oh, oh, What about...” “No, no, whatever you’re going to say, its no.” “Kay.” For a brief moment silence fell between the two ponies. “Do you wear a saddle?” “Check please!” Trixie prayed for the waiter to arrive as fast as possible. Her plead was answered when she saw the waiter coming to their table. However, her grin quickly faded away when she saw the price for their dinner. “Okay Diamond, how many bits do you have on you?” “I don’t bits, no.” “What? You said you had money.” “Money stolen, bye-bye.” Trixie’s eyes again burned with fury. “Idiot, Trixie doesn’t have enough money to pay for all of this.” “Don’t wohrry. I get idea.” “What?” “Huh?” “What’s your idea?!” “Oookay, her it ish.” Diamond thrust her hoof forward, shouting. “We Rainbow Dash!” She remained locked in that position, as though she were a statue. Trixie stared at her in confusion. “What?” “We Rain—bow Dash!” again she thrust her hoof forward, holding her position once more. “Are you talking about that multicolored Pegasus?” “We Rainbo...” “Shut up!” Just tell Trixie what the hay are you talking about?” Diamond rolled her eyes and proceeded to pick up her fork, pretending to eat her food. “F-first we, om nom nom, then we Rwanbow Dass!” She thrust her hoof forward once more. “Wait a minute. You want us to dine and dash.” Diamond did not say a word. She just raised her hooves and made a ‘squee’ sound. “Are you crazy?” Diamond nodded her head up and down. “Trixie is not a theft.” “Then Trixie wash dish.” Trixie pondered it for a moment. The very thought of getting her beautiful hooves soaked and washing dirty dishes did not sound to appealing to her. “Okay, Trixie will do it.” “Okay......HEY EVERYPONY! We’re going to dine and... “What are you doing!?” “I’m telling everypony our plan.” “Grrrr, just shut up and follow Trixie.” “Kay.” Trixie got up from her seat. Slowly she walked towards the exit, with Diamond following shortly behind. As they were nearing the door, Trixie looked back to see that Diamond was still following her. As soon as she faced forward once more, she was confronted by one of the waiters. “Is there a problem madam?” “Uhh, noooo...yes, my daughter here got really sick. Trixie thinks the food was undercooked.” The waiter looked down at Diamond who appeared as though she was going to throw up. “My apologies Miss, we are terribly sorry for what has happen. Just remain right here, I shall speak with the chef.” “No problem.” Once the waiter had left their view, Trixie quickly scurried out the door. Diamond proceeded closely behind, only stopping when she was partially outside. She turned around and started waving to everypony in sight. “Bye everypony. I had a wonderful time.” “Get over here!” shouted Trixie, as she yanked Diamond out the door by her mane. ** ** ** After a long run across the dark city streets, the two ponies had at last made it to the front door of Trixie’s apartment. From the outside of the building, all that could be heard was the distorted sound of yelling. “Will you be quiet!? I...Tri...Ahh! Trix-Trixie is trying to unlock the door!” As soon as the door swung open, Trixie stormed in, her skull about to burst in anger. Following right behind her was Diamond who was now singing at the top of her lungs. “Jungle love, it's drivin' me mad, it's makin' me crazy! Jungle love, it's drivin' me mad, it's makin' me crazy! Jungle love, it's drivin' me mad, it's makin' me crazy! Jungle love, it's drivin' me mad, it's makin' me...!” “SHUT UP! Dear Celestia, do you ever stop talking!? You are the most irritating pony Trixie has ever met! Look, from now on there will be no talking, no singing, and no breaking of the fourth wall! Does Trixie make herself clear!?” Silence now filled the air, as Diamond looked up at Trixie’s furious grin. She continued to stare at her for a few seconds, only to place her hoof on Trixie’s nose. “Boop,” said Diamond, laughing hysterically. Trixie’s face was turning red. She could barely even think straight. Hoping to brush away the urge to bring a hammer to Diamond’s skull, Trixie hastily turned around and walked into the kitchen. She trotted over to cabinet and using her magic she opened it and took out a small container filled with pills. She removed three pills and swallowed them. Afterwards she summon a bottle of water which she promptly drank. The medication took a couple of seconds to kick in, but once it did, Trixie’s anger was slowly fading away. For a moment, Trixie was at peace. But as she expected, that momentary bliss was soon disturbed by an unsettling noise coming from the other room. She glanced back into the living room to see Diamond rummaging through a trunk that was filled with Trixie’s magic props. She proceeded to throw out anything she could get her hooves on, as if she was looking for something in particular. Trixie walked over to Diamond, carefully dodging anything Diamond happen to throw in her direction. She stopped at the side of the trunk, so that she could avoid getting hit by anything. She continued to silently stare at the filly, debating whether or not to shove her all the way into the trunk and slam it shut. “What are you doing?” “Who?” asked Diamond, as she crawled from the trunk, carrying a deck of cards in her right hoof. “You.” “Meeeee?” “Yes!” “I do mahgic.” “Magic, you can’t do magic. “I mahgic d-do.” “No. You’re an Earth Pony. You don’t do magic. “Yes.” “Grrr, no!” The two ponies locked eyes on each other once more, at least until Diamond threw her hooves into the air, tossing the deck of cards, which promptly rained down around her. “You can call it fake, but this is reah mahgic! Reah mahgic!” Trixie glanced around at the mess that now engulfed her living room. Letting out a groan, she walked over to the couch. She rested her head for a moment, only until she was again bombarded by Diamond’s voice. “So, when do I get to be yer as-sis-ter-ant?” Trixie turned her head to face Diamond. “You want to be Trixie’s assistant, huh?” “Y-yah,” Alright, how about when Trixie rules Equestria as an all-powerful Alicorn. Then you can be my assistant. Also, you will have to be a Unicorn. “W-when that is?” “Hopefully very soon.” “Kay, I go check the cal-en-dar.” “Have fun. Besides you wouldn’t want to be Trixie’s assistant anyway.” “Why? Aren’t you ffffamous?” “Ahh, that was in the past. Trixie’s career has hit rock bottom, ever since that stupid Twilight showed Trixie up. Now, Trixie is forced to do these stupid little gigs at some crappy talent show.” “That’s nothing. When I get me cutie mahrk, I was going to have huge cutie-ce-cea....party. I invited everypony, even those losers that no pony liked. And how do they pay me back. They crash my party, and those flankless, blankless....JERKS! Steal my attention from me.” “Well, that sucks.” “Yah.... Well, nighty-night.” “Wait, where do you think you’re going?” “Bed, sssleep.” “Are you forgetting? You sleep on the couch.” “No. Trix couch, bed me.” “No, no, no. You don’t get the bed.” “Yes.” Trixie got up off the couch. “You don’t understand Trixie, so she’ll make herself clear. Trixie has important rules that you will abide by, and the most important—well maybe not most important—but definitely up there near the top is as following, TRIXIE DOESN’T SLEEP ON THE COUCH! Trixie stood high and mighty as her speech came to a close. She glanced over at Diamond, hoping that her words had finally sunk into her dense skull. To her utter annoyance she found Diamond completely passed out on the floor with a little drool dripping from her mouth. Trixie’s eye began to twitch. Her heart was beating heavily against her chest. She took a couple steps back, until she was up against the wall. Softly she whimpered to herself, as she cowered to the floor. After sitting still for almost ten minutes, her rapidly beating heart began to slow down. She took several deep breaths and once all her of anger had finally left her, she stood back up. She glanced back over at Diamond who was still fast asleep on the floor. Leisurely, she approached the unconscious filly. She let out a soft sigh. Using her magic, Trixie levitated Diamond into the air. She carried her into the bedroom, gently placing her onto the bed. “Good night you little...” mumbling the rest as she left the room. Diamond rested peacefully in Trixie’s bed. In her drunken daze, she unknowingly began to sing to herself. “B-B-B-B-Babs. B-B-B-B-Babs. B-B-B-B-Babs. Babs to the bone.” She soon blacked out completely. The only noise now coming from her was that of a soft moan.