Twilight and Luna's Lessons in Teaching

by dracone

Chapter 8: Storm Walker's Trip to the Other Timeline and Account of the Memory

Storm Walker's Trip to the Other Timeline and Account of the Memory

It was a few days after their arrival in Equestria, Storm Walker wasn't sure how many days it had been because of how fast paced the training at the Royal Guard training grounds seemed to be to him. The instructors were a little apprehensive of him taking part, even with the letter from the princess, but he quickly turned into a favorite with how quickly he took to the training. In a matter or hours he was already at the same level that most of the other trainees took weeks to reach, the reached the conclusion that the reason he took so well to his training was when explained that his cutie mark meant he was a guardian.
Something that surprised him was when he met Whisper Wind on his second day of training was Whisper Wind meeting him under the pretense of getting to know him, he immediately saw through her claim and said, “the Princesses ordered you to keep an eye on me under the pretense of getting to know me, not that I'm surprised seeing as I'm an outsider and you seem to be a very career oriented mare. Well, I have about as much genuine interest in you as you do in me, so let's just part ways here and you can tell the princesses your mission was compromised.” The reason he said all that was because he could tell by the way she attempted to interact with him, not just in the way she talked.
Whisper Wind was so dumbstruck, and for some reason was feeling a burning sensation in her chest that was comforting instead of overwhelming burning the more she stared at him or thought about him when she finally left his presence. She never told anypony about what she was feeling, so she just gave a report to Princess Celestia later that day and was off. The following day she continued to watch him from a distance in secret, the entire time she continually told herself it was for her mission, but she could feel there was a different reason. And she learned what that was when she encountered Princess Cadance, who was on her way to the castle, on the third day of Storm Walker's training, but that is part of another story.
Storm Walker was in the midst of morning workouts his fourth day when a messenger, who was not Whisper Wind, passed him a note telling him the Princesses wanted to see him. Unsure what this was about, but not wanting to potentially upset the rulers of Equestria, he made his way to the castle of Canterlot from the guard training grounds. When he arrived Celestia's day court was just finishing getting out. Entering Storm Walker found Princess Celestia sitting regally with her four-toned mane seeming to flutter in a magical wind that only she could feel looking over what looked like a large map that was easily half the size of her throne. Looking up from her map the ivory alicorn gave a warm smile and said in her gentle motherly voice, "you are probably wondering why you have been summoned, also why you were told that the Princesses wished and audience with you only to find me here.
"Yes your majesty,”said Storm Walker while giving a respectful bow.
"She answer will come shortly,” Celestia said in a more relaxed tone, “I would like you to speak to me a bit less formally. I would also like to ask you a question.”
“You do not need to feel you are intruding,” said Storm Walker as he settled his electric green flank down before the steps to the dais of the throne room, “I'm sure you have many questions that the twins are unable to answer.”
“Indeed that is true,” said Celestia with a warm look at him, “were you aware of your sister's other aspect of her natural magical ability?”
“I was unaware that Dream Step or Eclipse Touch had a secondary component to their magic.”
“And yet your elder sister did,” Celestia in a warm tone that was neither dismissive or condescending, “do you find that strange?”
“I do indeed find it strange, but...”
“Does the name Heart Guard mean anything to you?” Celestia interjected.
“That name is unfamiliar to me,” said Storm Walker honestly, “should it.
“It might, in time,” said Celestia, and almost as if on queue the doors to the throne room were thrown open by a pink aura to reveal both a pink alicorn and Sunshine Bottle next Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Luna, Dream Step and Eclipse Touch. The first thing that caught Storm Walker's attention, aside from the fact his sister was there, was the fact the fact that just seeing the pink alicorn made him feel safe and secure in a way he never thought truly possible.
“We heard the entire conversation,” said the pink alicorn in a sweet caring voice that felt somewhere between a loving mother and caring older sister, “I was hoping that saying that name would trigger a positive response in him. I guess he really hasn't experienced Eclipse's flashes.”
“What flashes?” said Storm Walker with genuine surprise.
“Every once and a while, at seemingly random intervals, Eclipse Touch has events where her dispelling ability tries to correct the timeline.” said Twilight with a loving smirk at the black filly.
“But due to elements the ability is unable to handle ponies near her experience what their lives should have been with timeline corrected,” said Luna while bring Dream Step into a loving embrace.
“It turns out the four of us were meant to be born within Equestria the whole time,” said Sunshine Bottle in a warm voice that almost mirrored Celestia's as she moved to sit next to the alabaster alicorn.
“None of us have the coats, manes or names we were supposed to,” said Eclipse Touch as she and Twilight moved into the room.
“Believe it or not all the mares in this room are supposed to be our real mothers,” said Dream Step as she and Luna stepped into the room and Luna shut the doors with her midnight blue magic.
“Auntie Celestia was meant to have a white unicorn named Sola, that was supposed to be Sunshine Bottle's name and life,” said the pink alicorn, “Twilight was meant to have a fuchsia filly named Unity Sparkle, that was meant to be Eclispe's life; Luna was meant to have an ebony filly named Stella, that was supposed to be Dream's life. And most importantly I was supposed to have a white colt with a pink and blue mane named Heart Guard...”
“Which your saying was supposed to be me,” Storm Walker finished.
“Yes,” said the pink alicorn.
“Who are you?” inquired Storm Walker.
“Princess Mi Amore Cadenza,” said the pink alicorn, “but I prefer to merely go by Cadance, or if you're feeling formal Princess Cadance.
Storm Walker's eyes went wide before he said, “I thought that they were joking when they said there were 4 rulers over Equestria. I thought one ruled the day, one ruled the night and Princess Twilight was a stand in.”
Eclipse Touch facehoofed before saying in a mock exasperated tone, “Forgive my brother, he's got a good heart, but his ability to follow politics is atrocious.”
“Actually his mind pieced together political matters quite well for what he was able to verify in political matters,” said Cadance with a smile, “if he had actually been given a proper education in the matters he would most likely excel.”
“He's a bit like my husband in that way.” Storm Walker just stared at Cadance like she had just said something world shattering.
“Even if your parentage was changed,” said Celestia, “the core of the personalities you would develop wasn't. You have the devotion and protective need of Shining Armor and the gentle caring heart of Princess Cadance, they were the ones you were meant to be born to.”
“You all really beli...” Eclipse Touch's horn started glowing.


Storm Walker tried to look around, but found himself unable to. He then heard Princess Cadance say, “Are you nervous my little Heart? We're just going to see your aunt and her friends.
“But it's only been a couple of months, the last time I saw my baby cousin she was only a few days old, what if she doesn't remember me?” He heard himself say with a voice that carried the caring tone Princess Cadance and along with a tone of importance.
“You worry just like your father does,” said Cadance, at this point he noticed the sensation of a train taking them along.
“And why couldn't we fly there, I'm really good flier now.” he said.
No you're not,” said Cadance in knowing voice that was void of all negative emotion, “you think you're good because you can stay aloft for more than twenty minutes and not crash into anything. It would take me seven hours to fly to Ponyville on my own, and I would feel quite tired after the experience. What do you think would happen to you? Fall asleep I midair and hope you land on a cloud between here and Ponyville? You could break a wing or a leg if you aren't careful. You still need a few more months of practice to be able to fly just a twentieth of the distance to Ponyville, so yes we're taking the train.”
He huffed and fluttered his white wings just before strands of pink and blue hair from his crystal mane fell onto his face prompting him to say, “I spent almost an hour making my mane presentable, how is it that 4 hours into a nine hour train ride it starts to fall apart on me”
“Sweety we discussed this,” after a giggle Cadance said, “your mane and tail have similar properties to those of the crystal ponies that have always lived in the Crystal Empire, and you as one of the first ponies from parentage hailing from outside the Empire while being born within it have properties that are not entirely known to exist in other ponies. Besides your little cousin has a mind that has been mostly shaped by your aunt, that means she won't care about your appearance and will most definitely remember you.”
“I did my mane and tail up so that I could look presentable on the way through Ponyville, what would the nobles of Canterlot be saying about us if they caught word I wasn't presentable on the way to meet a royal.”
“You are so much like your father it's beyond cute,” said Cadance booping his nose with her wing.
“Mooooooooooooooom,” he said, “I haven't liked that since I was two, we're fortunate we're in our own car or I would feel like I was dying of embarrassment.
“Heart Guard,” said Cadance it's been a little over seven years since you last saw your cute little cousin, far too long if you ask me since I've been seeing her every three months for the past four years.” Heart Guard just mumbled incomprehensible words as he tried to make his mane presentable. The rest of the ride passed in an awkward silence.
When the train finally stopped and they came off the train Cadance was almost tackle hugged by a little fuchsia mass saying excitedly, “Auntie Cadance is back, yay, it's good to see you, we haven't seen you in forever. I'm fun in school now, well I always have fun in school because learning just so exciting and...” the filly turned her attention Heart Guard and gave mischievous grin, at which point he noticed that she had a pare of fangs so small you could probably call them cute and some slight tufts at the tips of her ears, before pouncing on him and saying, “Hay, Heart Guard it's been longer than forever since I last saw you, do you have your...” she took a look at his flank, “nope, not yet, same for me, but I can't wait for it, I hope it's like mom's, that would be so awesomely cool.” The filly got picked up in an aura a darker shade of purple than her coat and started giggling like it was the best thing in the world.
“Sorry about that,” said a lavender alicorn catching his attention, “She's a bit exciteable today, not that I can blame her.” Twilight smirked as she set her daughter down next her and started petting the filly's mane. Storm Walker noticed that Twilight's abdomen was swollen the way an expecting mother's would be. He also noticed that a yellow pegasus with a pink mane and a filly that was nearly identical to her, a cyan rainbow maned pegasus with a filly nearly identical to her, a maroon maned pink earth pony with a filly that was also pink and had a cherry red mane (both of whom were looking a little too excited for his taste), a blond maned orange earth pony with a filly that was also orange with a multicolored mane, and violet maned white unicorn with a filly that was also white and had a two toned mane of violet and sapphire.


As the image flickered out Storm Walker just stared at Cadance for several minutes before saying, “Well, that was interesting.” He then noticed Sunshine Bottle and Celestia nuzzling each other affectionately, Luna and Dream Step clopping each other playfully, most unusually Eclipse Touch and Twilight discussing what sounded like to him advanced magical theory and how its application could affect some of the more complex spells (in truth they were discussing how make a sustained light spell for when focus is lost, mostly for the purposes of having a night light). “Did I miss something?”
“A bit,” said Cadance seeming to stand right next to him, “We've had a few of those little experiences the past couple of days, it took a three hour lecture from Twilight and Eclipse Touch to explain to everypony how being able to experience that other timeline was possible with her ability, well not really, but they wanted to do it anyway,” Cadance gave a motherly giggle, “in all honesty Eclipse's mannerisms are so close to Twilight's I can fully believe that she was supposed to be Unity Sparkle, the filly that jumped Heart Guard and me.”
“Wait,” said Storm Walker, “you experienced that too?
“We all did,” said Cadance, “Eclipse Touch told us it was those glimpses of how things should have been that were her main driving force to come here.
“She did keep motivating us to go on when Dream Step and I were doubting the endeavor of escaping Bridleton,” said Storm Walker, “I found it quite odd considering her reserved nature up to that point.”
“She always had Twilight's drive for completion,” said Cadance, “she probably felt like it was still a bit of a failure since your sister wasn't coming along.”
“I've been wondering about that,” said Storm Walker, “how did Sunshine get here?”
“Discord,” said Eclipse Touch with an air of that was all that was needed to be said coming up next him and Cadance with Twilight.
“How does a lack of structure make it possible for a pony to travel an almost incalculable distance in a period of time noticeably less than the six and a half months it took us to reach Equestria?” inquired Storm Walker.
“How much of Equestria's more recent history do you know?” inquired Eclipse Touch.
“None, as far I can tell,” said Storm Walker, “my lessons have just barely gotten into events after the official founding of Equestria.
“Discord is the name of an entity that ruled over Equestria, with rampant chaos, before Celestia and Luna sealed him away in stone for around a thousand years,” said Eclipse Touch.
“He broke free during my first year in Ponyville,” said Twilight, “that was back when I was a unicorn.
“Wait, was?” cried Storm Walker in surprise, “as in used to be?
“Yes,” said Cadance, “a few years before Twilight was born I ascended to being an alicorn from a pegaus. I was also Twilight's foalsitter before I married her brother.”
Storm Walker looked at the pink alicorn with noticeable surprise, “Luna and Celestia were both born alicorns,” said Twilight, “but any member of the three pony tribes can be potentially ascend to being an alicorn when they make a discovery that changes the entire fundamentals about how certain kinds of magic operate. Cadance made an amazing discovery about the magic of love before she achieved her alicorn status and I earned my crown when I made an important discovery about the magic of friendship. Alicorns possess the magical properties of all the other pony tribes.”
“What about the bat winged ponies?” inquired Storm Walker, “I've been training with a few.”
“Bat ponies, or thestrals as they sometimes like to be called,” said Luna, “were initially members of the pegasi tribe that were so dedicated to me they refused to be active during my sister's day, granted this was centuries before the Nightmare Moon incident. I used my magic to grant them properties more suited to the night. Their wings became featherless and leathery, their eyes and ears became more sensitive, and some even developed fangs and a taste for insects and the meat of small animals. There were initially fourteen clans, with as many Nocturnal Colonies all around Equestria, but after my departure from Equestria's power structure the clans fractured from the initial fourteen into over a hundred different clans.”
“Luna and Celestia have been in a debate as to whether or not to classify thestrals as their own tribe because of this,” said Dream Step, “recently the princesses Cadance and Twilight have been brought into this debate, it's been going on for the past 5 years with no apparent resolution in sight.
“Add to the fact that many Equestrians that seen them are apprehensive around thestrals and the desire of most of the thestral demographic to only socialize within their demographic itself and seemingly secretive nature and you have a whole mass of misunderstandings swarming Equestria's populace as a whole,” said Eclipse Touch.
“In addition most Equestrians have only heard about the appearance of thestrals, and have either regarded them as a Nightmare Night ploy or outright myth,” said Twilight, “... sounds like my friends are here, Cadance did you study that copy of the spell I sent you?
“Yes I did,” Cadance, “it'll be my first time using it.”
“It'll take some strain off of Rarity, and I think I've found a way to extend the time without exhausting anypony involved in the spell,” said Twilight.
“How long of an extension?” inquired Celestia as she and Luna moved into position.
“I think I've found a way to extend it to an hour and a half and only make us feel a little tired,” said Twilight with a sense of accomplishment, “you can thank Eclipse for that one.
“How so?” inquired the black filly.
“I tried running some calculations as to why your dispelling ability doesn't tire you out, since it is tied to your own unique magical field you should be feeling the effects, then it hit me you were using the ambient magic fields of everything around you to sustain it while your magic was the initial triggering point...”
“Which is why the duration of experience is erratic, so by at least one pony adding in the spell formula for tapping the ambient magical fields around duration can be extended and... it could potentially be applied to any spell regardless of complexity.” Stated Eclipse Touch.
Continuing Twilight said, “I didn't consider that poss...”
“Are we interuptin' somethin' important surgurecube,” came Applejack's voice.
“Not really,” said Eclipse Touch, “we were just discussing a new addition Twilight developed for magical theory.
“Wouldn't be our Twilight if that weren't the case,” said Pinkie in her usual chipper voice, “hi Stormy.
“Please don't call me that,” said Storm Walker, “I'm training with a pegaus named Stormy Skies!”
“Okie, Dokie, Loki,” said Pinkie Pie, “the party at the end of the week is going to be awesome.”
“Got that right,” said Rainbow Dash, “I'm going to be there, how could it not be awesome!”
“Let's get on with the show, shall we?” said Rarity, “I'm looking forward to what this fine stallion had going on that day.”
“Alright everypony, you know the drill,” said Twilight as she, Rarity and the other princesses performed the the spell had on Eclipse Touch on Storm Walker. There was a bright flash. Then the sphere appeared, this time it looked more refined and the ponies involved with it seemed more relaxed than the time before.


Storm Walker was walking down a lesser seen hallway, the way everypony could tell was the wood felt old and loose under the hooves like nopony had bothered to maintain it for extended periods of time. Storm Walker looked around when he came to the end of the hall, in addition to looking side to side and front to back he also took careful note of the floor and ceiling before performing a complicated series of dance moves making sure to tap certain areas of the floor and walls before a well-concealed door slid open and he trotted in. At this point Storm Walker was commenting about how he had hoped the memory would have picked up a bit further than what they were seeing.
He made his way along the mostly dark hallway before coming to a simple looking door, he tapped the door's lower left corner three times with his right back hoof then the upper right corner with his left forehoof which resulted in a gentle, yet cool sounding, feminine voice saying, “I wasn't expecting you, but its nice of you to surprise me, enter.” Storm Walker opened the door and what was there shocked everypony. She looked like a griffon with a pony's hindquarters, and was all white, except for her eyes which were a deep midnight blue, with a cutie mark in the form of a mending red statue next to a green calligraphy/painting brush on top of a mending black and brown book. “It's good to see you Storm Walker, what brings you to my prescience?”
“The twins and I are making our escape next week,” said Storm Walker solemnly, “sorry about trowing off your schedule. I'm really going to miss you Snow Feather.”
The griffon fronted mare just smiled at him, “Storm you're my best friend, there's no need for formalities. I wish I could go with you, but the moment I leave the security of the hidden passages and rooms of the manor we'll all be in trouble. What should I tell Forge Hammer? She deserves to know, she needs to get out of this place as much as any of us.”
“You're right, I'll be seeing her next, then off to do her ladyships errands.”
“Still won't acknowledge you as her legitimate child, well at least your sisters acknowledge you.”
“Yeah, I just wish Sunshine Bottle would see past her desire for acknowledgment from Great Spell and see how much her siblings acknowledge and love her.”
“She knows, and cares deeply for all three of you, it's just that she wants your parents and grandmother to acknowledge her just a fraction of the way she does. She knows about Eclipse's nightly jaunts to the library to read those old journals, Dream's nightly wanderings to the balconies to just stare at the moon and stars, and where you've been hiding those food caches for the staff's foals; she hasn't told anypony about them.”
“Yet she feels the need to tell all the wrong ponies where I've been hiding my journals, I've lost my eighth one is six months because of her blathering about it to Grand Charm.”
“She knows where you keep getting those blank books for them, and she hasn't told anypony. She's a bright mare, a bit misguided, but still bright. She's already figured out the name your family calls on is an alias and had the message passed along via proxies, she won't out that my name is a fabrication and run interference however she can so long as I keep her up to date on what's happening, which means I'm going to tell her about this plan of yours and the twins in couple of days. I hope we get a chance to see each other outside the walls of this manor someday, I would like nothing more than be in place that accepts me for who and what I am.”
Twenty minutes later outside a smithy Storm Walker was having a similar conversation with an dark blue earth pony mare a size to rival that of Big Macintosh with a mane of platinum gray and green, whom everypony learned was Forge Hammer. Her cutie mark was a metallic jade hammer striking a platinum purple anvil making golden sparks. This along with the appearance of Snow Feather. What really got them was the conversation.
“Forge, come on don't be like that, I really do want you to come with us, but you know why you can't,” said Storm Walker.
“Yeah, I know and I hate it,” said Forge Hammer in disgruntled friendly voice, “I've been an apprentice three times as long as I'm supposed to, on top of that I've got more skill in my right rear hoof than most of the metelurgic masters when it comes to crafting and know-how. But if dad's prized apprentice just disappears then we're going to have problems. He's petitioned the manor lords and guild for my becoming a journeyman, he doesn't care if I never make master and never did.”
“He just wants your talents recognized by somepony other than those around the manor,” said Storm Walker, “I delivered that message twice, the guild has no problems with you're making journeyman, but Grand Charm does and she has more say than twenty guilds when it comes to deciding just about everything. Her reasoning is a mare has no place in the forge to begin with and says your father should be ashamed of himself for taking on a filly as an apprentice in the first place.”
“Dad had no choice in the matter all the colts were already parceled out to other masters, and at the time he only had me as his child, now I have two younger sisters and they're about to be in the same predicament that forced dad to make me an apprentice in the first place. More and more fillies are being born every year in this country, I've heard the news that's circulating,” she gave out a deep sigh, “in another twenty years we'll easily have seventeen fillies to every colt born. The policies need to change.”
“The policies have been unchanged for the past 2700 years, no matter what every time somepony tries to bring change they're executed the following day before their entire community to help emphasize the point, it's perfectly fine to talk about change needing to happen, but acting on it can cause you to get killed.”
“You better get going, and good fortune to you shield butt.”
“you too hammer plot,” said Storm Walker lightheartedly.
A few minutes later Storm Walker was standing outside the dining hall listening to Great Spell berate him for incompetence for almost ten minutes, even though he was seven minutes ahead of her calling for him and had a history of being the most competent of the pegasi at the manor, before she told him he was to go and get his siblings and watch over them in the library. He wanted to nod and be on his way, but this day he felt he needed to give a rebuttal, so he did before heading out, he just stated the facts of his service over the past month and left, this brought a snicker of amusement from Rainbow Dash and Rarity at how calmly without a hint of malice or discontent he had managed to express to the unicorn mare who was now looking confused as he turned to walk away she said in her condescending elitist voice, “that's grounds for insubordination, messenger, I suggest you remember what is considered acceptable next time you speak to a superior breed.”
“Don't give me that, mother,” he said with mock anger before calmly saying, “I was just reminding you of my service history and how I was in your prescience before you even called for me, again. You have no right to play the 'superior breeding' card because you birthed me me, not matter how much you try to deny it happened. You need come up with a new statement if you want to actually ruffle my feathers,” The entire time he had his back to her, “now if you will excuse me I have an errand that you want me to complete,” with that he walked off.
“You are confined to quarters for three days starting tomorrow,” Great spell huffed and the sound of a slamming door followed her. Rainbow Dash just barely managed to suppress outbursts of laughter and congratulations to Storm Walker.
Five minutes later all four children were in the library, with the twins giving the impression they were reading and the older two staring out at the garden through the blue tinted glass of the nearest window. After a few minutes of silence Sunshine Bottle whispered, “I'm sorry I can't join you three, but I'm mother's favorite and if I disappear then you won't have as much time between her and you as you need. She sees the twins as a means to an end and that's as far as her concern for our darling baby sisters goes. She'll be frustrated, but she and grandmother won't act on anything if they are under the belief you are just going into hiding somewhere in the unclaimed lands of the nation, I'll do what I can to keep them thinking that, and tell our mutual acquaintance I'll stick to my word if they stick to theirs.”
Storm Walker whispered back, “I have been assured by the individual in question that if you keep to the agreement they will as well, also I'm once again sorry you aren't joining us for this endeavor, the twins really love you dearly and want you as far away from Great Spell's influence as possible.”
“Maybe one day,” she whispered back, “but for now I want to see what it takes for her to truly acknowledge me, not just my magical aptitude. I'm able to get out of potentially dangerous positions by playing the part of a lightheaded ditz, but the act can only be taken so far.”
“Your heart and mind have a greater power than you can fathom when they work as one,” whispered back Storm Walker, “it's an expression from an unnamed philosopher a few centuries back, that one expression and my loving siblings is what give me the strength of character to endure Great Spell, Great Seal and Grand Charm.”
“You still refuse to call them by familial terms when you aren't stating a fact or trying to subtly mock them,” said Sunshine Bottle with a ghost of a smile, “why is that again?”
“Parents put the needs of their children ahead of everything, including their desires and dreams,” said Storm Walker, “those 'noble' unicorns that call themselves our parents and grandmother have always put their ambitions and politics ahead of our needs.”
“It's true,” she said, “but I want to see if I can get acknowledged for who I am for a month or two more before I give up the ghost and play the part of the obedient little mare who wants to please mommy, that spell I've been using is incomplete and I know it. I need something to act as the foundation for understanding true happiness, unfortuneately all the pontential candidates either do their best to not interact with me or can't be found in the places I have access to. All the nobles put on fake joy shows to manipulate other ponies, everything is a game to them, and only a small hoofful of individuals can see just how twisted it is. Among those are the 4 of us and our mutual acquaintance.”
“Forge Hammer sees it quite clearly for its twisted nature as well,” whispered back Storm Walker, “she's got the kind of talent any guild would start a war over, but long standing policies and Grand Charm are blocking her advancement beyond apprentice with a crazy amount of red tape tied to heavy objects in the middle of the path.”
“I like that expression, I think I'll use a variation of it someday,” Sunshine Bottle Whispered back, “I wish you the best of luck, and I hope we can one day be a bit more candid. I really want to hug you, but if anypony other than our siblings catches us it would ruin the entire charade I've been running.”
A few minutes later the twins left for their lessons and the memory faded out.


“Okay, I just want to say how awesome you are for what you did to that stuck up unicorn,” said Rainbow Dash.
“You showed far more grace in handling the matter than her,” said Rarity in her refined voice.
“I can't believe you had that kind of conversation,” said Dream Step
“I can,” said Eclipse Touch, “she's always been brighter than she lets on.”
“That hippogriff was just beautiful,” said Luna, “what did her cutie mark mean? What is her special talent?”
Every eye turned to Storm Walker and he said, “restoration, she's always had a love for things gone by and she found she had a real knack for knowing what needed to be done to properly restore old works of art or literature. She also discovered that the organizational skills that came with it were a perfect means of managing the manor. Mixed breeds are looked down upon in Bridelton, but if anypony found out there was hippogriff there the family would lose its standing and everypony involved with the hippogriff up to the point of their discovery would be promptly executed. So she keeps hidden and makes sure things happen with intermediaries, the only ones who've had direct contact with her are me and Forge Hammer.”
“That smithin' pony that was aroun' the size uhf mah brother,” said Applejack, “I think she'd make a real good family friend, or addition to the family.”
“Forge always did talk about being useful, she would be more than happy to make your farming impliments or just help fix up your place and things. She always made quality work, anything she makes is three times as strong as it should be and lasts five times longer than it rightfully should.”
“Do you know what her cutie mark means?” inquired Twilight as she pulled Eclipse Touch into a comforting embrace.
“No,” said Storm Walker, “but she'll try and find a way to where I am, they both will. The three of us are the best of friends, we even call ourselves the Secret Trio from time time. We really didn't meet until after we had each earned our marks, the only thing we asked each other was what talent our marks represented. Mine is Protection, Snow's is Restoration, and Forge's is Creation. We used to say that if we had a hoof in the new Bridleton that those would be the three pillars we use to support the nation's identity.”
“Three principles that are part of Equestria's cultural structure,” said Celestia, “and all three of you would be worthy of the Elements of Harmony as much as the ponies that currently have a connection to them. Storm Walker you have the kind of loyalty that Rainbow Dash exemplifies, Forge Hammer has the kind of generous spirit that resonates with Rarity's own generous spirit and Snow Feather has a kindness that could be just as deep as Fluttershy's.”
“Snow is a kind soul at heart, she does what she does because she wants to make sure everypony can have some measure of comfort and security in a place where both can feel like illusions. Maybe if she had grown up in Equestria she would be showing her true gentle side to everypony, instead of a mean and gruff front to most she interacts with to ensure things get done. We all deserve to have grown up in Equestria, maybe we were all meant to, but whatever the spell that stole us from our true mothers did to us also caused them to end up as they did.”
“It's called a temporal shockwave effect,” said Eclipse Touch, “when something is done to actually alter something within the fabric of time it causes a set of waves to pulse out from the point of change causing events to unfold in a manner they weren't supposed to.”
“Mind you, it's still a working theory,” said Twilight, “but it helps explain how certain things play out differently if you alter just one thing in the timeline that has already happened.”
“some of the potential sideeffects of a temporal shockwave that we've been able to determine are” said Eclipse Touch, “ponies being born earlier than they were supposed to, ponies being born later than they were supposed to, events playing out a bit differently, ponies being born in places that they weren't initially meant to, ponies meeting other at the times they weren't supposed to, ponies never meeting who they were supposed to, and so on. According to how the timeline is meant to unfold you all are supposed to be active mothers, and a few of you are even supposed to have a new foal on the way, not to mention you're all supposed to be married.” At the part about Rainbow Dash started blushing.
“Rainbow, darling, why do you look embarrassed?” inquired Rarity, “you know you can share anything with us.
Promise you won't laugh,” said Rainbow Dash, the other mares nodded while the twins and Storm Walker gave confused looks at the cyan mare, Rainbow Dash let out a deep sigh, “When I experienced the timeline correction, as you're probably calling it, before I saw Rainboom, she's so awesomely cute, I was at the table with Soarin and he was passing me my Wonderbolts uniform. I took that to imply the two of us were married, I just barely started dating him last week.”
“We know Rainbow,” said Twilight, “and we couldn't be happier for you two. In that timeline you are married to him, when I experienced it for the first time I mentioned to Cadance that the two of you had been married a year.” Rainbow Dash's went big and wide and she started hyperventilating for a couple of minutes.
“Uh, Twi,” said Applejack as they all watched Rainbow Dash's near panic attack, “ah think ya might 'ave given her a little too much info.”
“Rainbow,” said Twilight, “slow, even deep breaths. I'm sorry I said a little too much.”
“It's not that,” said Rainbow Dash after a few minutes of slow deep breathing, “it's just that I was surprised at how long I had the knot tied with Soarin, don't get me wrong he's a wonderful guy, and maybe a little dorky behind the scenes. I've only been a Wonderbolt for a few years, he's one of their highlighters.”
“If I remember correctly you were made a highlighter for them in your first month,” said Rarity, “why would you worry about that?”
“Because before we started dating he had a reputation as a playstallion, I later found out it was a set of rumors that Spitfire decided to circulate a few years ago to try get him over his embarrassment, which is just so...” Rainbow Dash stopped herself before she could go any further, “anyway Storm, you are awesome! How good of a flier are you?”
“I don't rightfully know,” said Storm Walker, “I really haven't had all that much practice, in fact I hadn't had a proper flight exercise in years before they tested my flight aptitude at Guard Academy when I arrived.”
“How well did you do?” inquired Luna.
“The report got sent to you the moment I finished,” said Storm Walker.
Celestia called a page, a powder orange unicorn colt in a service uniform and a cutie mark that was the image of a silver tray with a sapphire teacup and emerald teapot, over and asked him to bring said document to her posthaste. After a few minutes of waiting a few minutes the page returned and passed it to Celestia, “Thank you very much,” said Celestia, “might we inquire your name? I am not entirely familiar with the younger staff around the castle.”
“Refined Greeting your highnesses,” said the page with a bow and to the princesses and their guests before making a hurried, yet dignified, rush out of the room.
“Well, that was different,” said Luna, “I think it's time we all take our leave, Storm Walker since your lessons were interrupted and you most likely be interrupting your class upon your return you will remain on the castle grounds for the remainder of the day and night. We will write a note to all ponies that need the information, this will also give you a chance to undergo some much needed interactions,” she smiled and said, “no need to hide now dear, you may enter.”
Whisper Wind entered the room from one of the high open windows she had been hiding behind the sill of and said her typical dutiful voice, “I'm truly sorry your highnesses, but I had no other orders to go on, so I thought it best to observe Storm Walker, even if he was summoned to you.”
“I trust you will keep discretion about all that you have witnessed here,” said Celestia, “your skills are very much appreciated and we would all very much like for you to keep this a secret from all others at this time.
“There is something else on your mind,” said Cadance, “I can feel it.”
“Yes your grace,” said Whisper Wind, “I feel this burning in my chest, but it's a good burn, it doesn't hurt, but it won't seem to stop and seems to keep growing whenever I so much as look at or think of him,” she gestured with one of her white tipped wings to Storm Walker, “I've never felt anything like this before.”
Luna, Celestia and Cadance smiled for a bit before Cadance said, “that is love, not passing infatuation though, this is something deeper and potentially meaningful. You are feeling your soul resonate with its mate, many have been known to go entire lifetimes without feeling that sensation.”
“But this feeling could potentially interfere with my duties, and what's scaring me is that I'm starting to think that's just fine,” said Whisper Wind, “I'm frightened of what this could mean.”
Storm Walker stared at the midnight blue mare with astonishment for moment before Celestia said, “truth be told, I told you that whole mission statement as a ruse. I have this terrible habit of playing matchmaker with ponies from time to time, mostly because I think that those ponies are either taking their work to seriously or legitimately think the two would make a cute couple.”
“She had that same habit long before our encounters with Discord,” said Luna with a smirk, “and in this case I could tell she thought it was both.”
Storm Walker wanted to shoot the alicorns and angry look, but when he saw how Whisper Wind blushed he couldn't help think it was adorable and trotted up to her saying, “maybe we should give it a shot, one date and if it doesn't work out then we're both on our way, besides it will probably get everypony off our flanks to actually do this.”
“Agreed,” said Whisper Wind in a tone that a little more informal than she intended. With that everypony started making their way to somewhere else.